Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on titan) Shingeki no Kyojin (Rp)

Aigomiko posted on Jun 08, 2014 at 09:08PM
The Walls were built more than a century ago, when humanity was brought to the edge of extinction at the hand of the Titans. In response to this looming threat, the humans made huge walls to protect their last stronghold. The walls reach about 50 meters in height and reach four or five times a human's height below the ground, and is rumored to be as strong as bedrock.
Titans are a mysterious race of humanoid giants that appeared roughly 100 years ago and rapidly exterminated humanity to the point of near extinction. Their origins, overall numbers, and how their physiology works remains a mystery.


Civilian: (All Will Start Of With This Class)
The last of the human race that have been peacefully living within the walls for the past 100 years. Some are poor while others have become very wealthy. Social standings and wealth is now left only to your lineage.

House Hold Appliances, clothing, and at most a dagger or hand gun or other primitive weapons.

Military: (Will become a choice later in the Rp)
Humanity's defense against Titans is a full-time, professional army trained to deal with Titans. The military is divided into three divisions: the Survey Corps, which explores outside human territory to hostile areas in a bid for expansion, lately receiving a new mission from the Capital to research the Titans and where they originate from; the Garrison, which patrols and maintains the Walls keeping Titans out and acting as the first to engage the Titans if the gate is destroyed; and the Military Police, the top-ranking soldiers who serve as the personal guards for the king and maintain order within the Walls.

Uniform of your designated sector and your own
"Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear"
The Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear, is a set of gear developed by humans that allows great mobility when facing the Titans in combat. The gear allows the user to fight in a 3D space as opposed to a 2D one. The gear itself takes the form of a body harness that encompasses much of the body below the neck. Although the Gear can grant a skilled user tremendous mobility, it is a demanding art that requires strength, and skill, both of which must be honed through constant practice. Some tools involved in the apparatus include:
Handgrips , Piston-shot grapple-hooks, Gas powered mechanism, and Iron Wire Propeller with Plug in Blades.

Battle Types:

Strength: Is capable of dealing deadly strikes to titans sometimes able to lacerate the limbs of smaller titans.

Speed: Capable of moving at high speeds on the ground and mid air making it difficult for titans to land a blow.

Defense: Capable of stopping a Titans swing using both blades as a shield and in the heat of battle as a last resort can stop a Titan's jaws from clenching down on them by using theirs blades and their own strength to hold the mouth open.

Acrobatics: Quick to master the 3D Maneuver gear are able to do multiple flips and quick turns to either catch up to a Titan and get in the right position to strike them down or use these excellent reflexes to get away from a foe too powerful for them to defeat.

Strategists: The smartest of their squad are capable of making brilliant attack formations can easily spot out a Titan whenever one is near and can also see the Titan's intellect.

Gas Efficient: Though average in all other aspects these fighters know how to conserve and maintain their pace. Their gas tanks seem to never go empty and they can also spot out a supply caravan miles away.

Skilled Swordsman: These soldiers have trained hard with their blades and have honed their techniques to that of a master. With their fine blade skills they never leave a scratch on their prized weapons making them last for long periods of time and are able to make more difficult strikes to specific areas of the body.

Range: What they lack in speed they make up for with availability. These soldiers are capable of sending their 3D Maneuver gear to far distances and grabbing a hold of a smaller target to propel themselves towards or from danger. While soaring it is noticeable that their acceleration during flight is faster than all other groups even SPEED!

Character Sheet:

District You Live In:
Social Class:
Battle Type:
Appearance: (A picture is acceptable except you cannot use any already made Attack On Titan Characters)

The Walls were built more than a century ago, when humanity was brought to the edge of extinction at
last edited on Jun 09, 2014 at 04:03AM

Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on titan) 1349 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: I should, let's go....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*The girls stumbled across the dark room and eventually opened the doors leading to a large shaft that went either left or right.*

Alice:..which..which way do we go?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: *she chose right*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*The girls ran through the darkness and eventually found an old styled cart lifter. They would pull a level that would lift them is it were used. It has low burning torches surrounding it.*

Alice: I wonder how high that thing goes?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: If it goes high enough, maybe we can get an advantage.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice: Are you sure we should go?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: I dunno, what do you think?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice: Well...we don't have any other way I guess?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Alright, then let's go.
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
*Bet'anya attaches her cables to the head of the titan and goes for a quick, clean kill from the distracted titan.*

Beth: So many titans. How troublesome.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As the girls went up they heard loud crashes and echoed growls the higher they got the louder and clearer it became.*

Alice: What? What's going on up there?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: It's gotta be them....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Bet'anya's Rp Post]

Maria: It'll only get worse.

*She'd point to HQ for some reason the Titans were going into a frenzy. The girls were too far away to see what could be causing this, but they both knew it couldn't be good.*

So should we still go?

[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice: will we fight them?
We have no way to reach their na- Wait we're inside meaning... they must be attacking from outside! We have a chance of reaching the supplies if we stay away from the windows!
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
Beth: We should probably head over there. As it is, we're worthless without HQ.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Bet'anya's Rp Post]

Maria by foot or by 3D Gear because I'm low and if I run empty around those things I'm toast...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Good idea.
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
Beth: We should head out by foot for now. Stick by buildings, keep your ears open and look out for titans. If we can at least slip in and fill our canisters, the rest would be more manageable.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Bet'anya's Rp Post]

*The duo would stealth fully approach base. They saw the bottom floor and ground was clear since all of the Titans were attacking the higher floors for some reason.*

Maria: Hey a window was smashed in, but only one window out of all of them.
Someone must have gotten in through there.

*As they spoke the titans began to break down the industrial doors.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As the duo ran through the dark corridor once the elevator stopped moving they could see nothing only hearing the echoes of roars and the crashing of walls they did their best to navigate until finally they came upon a turn where light could be seen. As they ran to the corner they saw a window with a large golden eye staring through it.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: What the....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]
Alice: sees us....what do we do that's the only hall?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Crap.... There's nowhere to run....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice: We...we have to get through there...we're so close to the supplies...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: We'll probably have to time running through....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice:...but, when would be a good time?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: We have to wait for a window of opportunity.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kan's Rp Post]
*The two would have a staring contest with the titan. It simply stared at them without blinking and eventually they heard heavy yet small footsteps coming from the hall behind them.*

Alice: The- They couldn't have gotten in right?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: That would be impossible.....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]
*As they turned around they saw a wave of 3-6 meter titans walking up the hall some grinning while the other faces couldn't be determined because of their disfigured heads.*

Alice: We....we're gonna die..
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: [Is this..... Really how it ends..... Stuck in a corner....... I'm sorry....... That I couldn't keep my promise....]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice: I... I can't die here.

*She then began running towards the corner that the Titan was staring at her was. She quickly turned and it's eye looked at her and it slowly left the hall and could be heard walking farther down the street.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: C-Could this be the......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As she stood wondering what to do she heard the titans getting closer as she turned her head she saw they were nearly right behind her.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: ..... This is it......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]
*As she stood the titans began to inch closer and closer until she could smell the stench of rotting flesh on their breath*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: ...... There's nothing left...... What else can I do......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
( Alright I'm gonna give u one more chance you can run down the empty hall Alice ran down sure it'll be dangerous and you might die there, but standing here sulking you really will die XD)

[Kana's Rp Post]

*The titans began to walk and they all stopped in from of her. Some began to drool while other's stared at her deeply*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
(True point)
Kana: Even so..... I can't stay here, I'm going to die trying. *she ran down the empty hall following Alice*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As she ran down the dark hall she noticed a large hole in the wall letting in large amounts of light and dents in the wall with missing pieces of thee wall on the floor. The hall then split into 2 directions she could either go straight left or through the hole, but she had to decide quickly, because the sounds of heavy footsteps could be heard behind her.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Gotta move fast, *She'd go down the hallway that was straight left.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As she ran she saw that this hallway seemed fine and led to a set of double doors*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Maybe, *she opened the double doors*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As the doors flew open she saw a large room inside the lights were dim and the building then began to violently shake. It looked as if there was a barricade in the center and people could be seen cowering inside. Next to the group was a large box that said flammable.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Flammable box.... Just what the hell could be in there?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]


???: You mean you guys forget to close it back when we let that girl in?

Familiar Voice: Kana! Is that you?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: *she closed the door and put the bar up* That's a familiar voice...
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*The door would then shake rapidly behind Kana*

???: Great she brought them right to us.

*From the barricade ran Alice it looked like she had gotten new gas tanks.*

Alice: Good news and bad news. Good news is this is the supply team bad news we're all stuck in this room.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: You've got to be kidding me...
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

Alice: Hey at least we're safe for now. I've been telling them that reinforcements should be here in no time and to just stay brave, but they've all given up.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Then I'm not giving up hope, when reinforcements arrive we'll get out of here.