My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Fading Light RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Aug 12, 2015 at 07:56PM
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages as we do. When they are born, they start out small. Then the bigger they grow, the stronger they get. They make many mistakes when they are young but eventually, they learn to distinguish right from wrong, friend from enemy, conquest from massacre. As they evolve and reach their peak, they are like a mighty stallion at the prime of his life. Powerful, determined, sharp-minded and fueled by the passion and willingness to change the world. But just like us, empires grow old eventually. They become weak, desperate and fragile. Internal illnesses sprout up like weeds in a once beautiful but abandoned garden. The smell of decay attracts the prowling enemies and they gather around to finish what time has already started...

The changelings came from nowhere 8 years ago and brought terror to all. We have managed to stop their mad Queen and foolishly believed that such a victory will mean the end of the war. But we were wrong... so horribly wrong. When we thought our world was safe, it fell apart before our very eyes.

The battle at the Isles of Romani was merely the beginning. The beginning of OUR end. We have fought valiantly till our last breaths. But we were no match for these new weapons the beasts of the abyss have created. When we truly realized what we were up against, it was already too late... One by one, the Southern Kingdoms have fallen. Zebria, Antelopia, The Plain's Nation... they were all consumed by the endless armies of the changelings.

Before we could react, the monsters were pounding on our gates. We had to learn the new ways of war quickly. We gathered the greatest minds of our kind to create weapons that could rival the changeling technology. Factories emerged from the ground one after the other within weeks. We witnessed as our leaders decided to use the new inventions of doom. But the abyssal monsters did not stop. We responded to fire with fire but the only thing that we achieved is to smolder the world to dust.

Through great courage and sacrifice, we were able to stop the changeling invasion. But the effort was too much for our country and the war ripped it into three.

The pegasi were warriors by nature and could not accept surrender. They have seceded from what was left of the Equestrian empire and formed Western Equestria. The winged soldiers continued the war with the changelings and successfully defended their territories for years...

The dwellers of the tundra; the elks, the hypogriffs, the deer and the griffons created the Northern Federation and broke off all contact with the rest of the world. The griffons, who were once great warriors, just hid in their cold, desolate mountain like cowards.

The remaining regions of the former Empire took the name of Central Equestria. Their King was able to protect the most valuable and strategically important cities, like Manehatten. But he only prolonged the agony of his nation...

Year after year, the war waged on... Every side suffered tremendous casualties but none could triumph over the other. The battle has become a stalemate. The front lines have solidified like a frozen lake. But the so-called truce did not bring too much relief... Disease, hunger, violence and riots spread like wildfires only the never sleeping factories remained constant... the pale Sun always hides behind the dense, black smoke coming from their chimneys, like if it was ashamed of the world. Well... the Sun has every right to feel that way...

So I guess the saying is true... Countries do have the same life cycles as we do. And ours is dying. When the ponies lose faith in their own country, that country is doomed to be lost in the sands of time... After all... this is the Age of the Fading Light.

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- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit, you may play as many characters as you want, within a reasonable number of course.

- Please do not implement anything that deviates drastically from the established laws of the show!

- We like to keep a fast pace and although this is not a specific rule, but try to post daily so you won't fall out of the loop.

- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)
Voiced by: (optional)

*** ***

Useful tips:

- This is the sequel of the Eye of Anubis RP. However, you don't really need to have too much knowledge of the previous RP. Only a few characters are the common link. So that shouldn't hold you back if you wish to join! :)

- This RP takes place in a time period AFTER the Medieval times of Equestria. The premise is more or less like our world was during the Great Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. Lots of new technologies, machines, factories and overall pretty bad life conditions.

- The RP takes place 8 YEARS AFTER the events of the prequel, however, there will be some flashbacks.

- The RP will be full of twists, the tables will be turned every once in a while which will mean that the fine line between antagonists and protagonist will not be as unambiguous as usual.
They say that just like ponies, countries and empires have lives too. They go through the same stages
last edited on Aug 12, 2015 at 08:03PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 3438 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 3438

over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: *perks her ears* Wow.. you're capable of feeling.. *opens their cabin's door*

* * *

Wheat: I think it was a sign.. A sign that something terrible is going to happen..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: I just hope it wasn't
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: Of course I can. I just try to hide what I feel. Anypony can bring the best side of me.. If they try.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Toy Sword: *opens the door of the cabin, making way for his parents*
Wheat: Thank you, my son! *organizes the beds that were a mess because of the attack*

* *

Meadow: Well.. I've been trying for some time with no result at all.. So I guess I should just forget about it.. *fixes Thunderstorm's bed for him*
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: I told you.. *smiles* I just hide what I feel.. That doesn't mean that your tries haven't been noticed.. It just means that your tries are being stored..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Walks in) I just hope that nothing else will occur
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: Well.. *puts down the pillow* Thank you for trying.. I appreciate it. *kisses him on the nose* And try not to be a jerk.


Wheat: It won't, because I have a strong stallion I call a husband to protect me! *hops on bed and wraps herself around the luxurious blanket*
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…

Thunderstorm: ..Sure. Don't worry about it. And Meadow.. *he hugs her* I won't leave you alone again.. *a teardrop runs down his cheek* .. if you don't leave me.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: ((Places his hoof onto hers) And I have a beautiful wife to be there for me
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(It's hard to choose between Astral and Thunderstorm, you know. It's like Edward and Jacob, or Peeta and Gale. xD)

Meadow: *smiles at him* Is that a tear I see? Hmm.. Didn't know you were capable of that either! Of course not. I will never leave you behind! ..And sorry for calling you a lab rat..

* * *

Wheat: *kisses her husband passionately* And you will always have her! *drags him on the bed with her* I wish we had some alone time to do something else in this situation.. Heh.. But for now, let's sleep!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Yeah. Damn shame too (Smiles playfully) But, your right. Good night, dear
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
(That's what I've been saying the whole time during this RP. ..But I ship Meadow and TS more after this, so sorry Astral. Jade, you're going to have a hard time deciding this... Or have you decided? *wink* *wink* But still, you're going to tell us your decision, like it or not! I feel so sorry for you right now. xD)

Thunderstorm: ..Don't even think about it. It's fine.
Jade_23 commented…
It's still hard.. But hey, can't she have both? Just kidding. xD over a year ago
FabulousChicken commented…
Nope. One of them has to be friendzoned. xD over a year ago
alinah_09 commented…
well duh, since he's your character. Anyways, i'm sorry about this too Jade. over a year ago
alinah_09 commented…
xD over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Good night, my love! *kisses his ear and lies her head on his chest*

* * *

Meadow: ..Do you have anything you'd like to apologize for?
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *sigh* I'm sorry I was a jerk.. And that I yelled at you.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: ...And?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Lies there before falling asleep)
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: And? ..Okay, fine. I'm also sorry I was very negative, that I left you alone, that I called Astral a Star Freak. ..Is that enough?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: You forgot to apologize for calling me yarn ball.. But.. *smiles at Thunderstorm* I forgive you, stormy pants.

* * *

Tsura: *opens her cabin with the four children on her back, including Willow* Alright.. We're here. Time for.. bed? Yes.. That's what Equestrian mothers say I guess. *lies her children and Wheat's all in one bed, where they four snuggle within each other for warmth.*
Willow: *perks her green ears* ...Will you tell us a story tonight, Tsura?
Tsura: It's Tsurä.. And I'm afraid I'm not good at storytelling.. Uncle Ragnar was the storyteller while I was the singer. But those are burnt memories, I'm afraid. *stands up, and covers them with a large, fluffy blanket*
Tanis: Aw.. But we can't fall asleep without one..
Tsura: Hmm.. Well.. Let's see.. What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word snake?
Tanis: Evil!
Vectra: Slimy, disgusting..
Meriva: Selfish, and ugly!
Willow: A demon!
Tsura: ..Well.. Um.. That is not how our culture works with serpents.. If one ignores all the myths and lies, true beauty can come from a snake.. Let's see.. Ah! Here's one of my favorite serpent stories... How do you start off with these fables? Ah yes.. Once upon a time, there was this stubborn gypsy mare..
Vectra: Was that you?
Tsura: No.. Anyhow.. This mare was greedy. She lied to her parents.. She stole from her own village..
Tanis: Why?
Tsura: Well, because she was jealous..
Meriva: Jealous of what?
Tsura: Jealous that she never had the love she wanted. She was jealous that her mother loved her two other sisters more than her. She was jealous that nopony ever asked for her hoof in marriage, yet hundreds of stallions asked for her sisters… And because of her jealousy, she did horrible things.. She killed her youngest sister.
Willow: *gasps*
Tsura: Yes.. Before her coronation day, the gypsy had killed her youngest sister. She wanted to become queen, not a princess...
Vectra: What happened after that?
Tsura: Well.. Her mother and father obviously found out.. They feared her greatly… So they contacted a seer immediately.. They wanted to know what was happening to their daughter. The seer told them tricky answers.. She said that if their daughter continued down this dark path, great chaos awaits their kingdom..
Vectra: What was the daughter called?
Tsura: No one knows, Vectra.. The storytellers simply invent names. My mom called her Zamora..
Tanis: Stop interrupting, Vectra! Then what happened, mommy?
Tsura: Her parents thought of banishing her from the land..
Willow: Oh no!
Tsura: But if they did, they feared Zamora would come back with an army to defeat her own parents! So they casted a spell.. A curse..
Meriva: A curse?! What was the curse?!
Tsura: Zamora’s parents turned her into a serpent..
Meriva: WHAT?!
Tsura: Yes.. They turned her into a snake and kept her in a jar for years, feeding her once a day.
Tanis: That’s terrible!
Tsura: Yes, but they had no other choice! But one fateful day, Zamora managed to escape the jar while her parents weren’t home. She escaped from the village and slithered her way to the woods. There she remained. For years. Feeding off rats and other small animals.. Alone.. She had to go through rough times. Insulted by every creature in the forest, slithering away to not be eaten, not being able to see her family.. Once in a while she’d supple her way down to the wood’s river. She’d stare at her ugly reflection. Stared at her sharp scales and forked tongue. Stared at the monster she’d become. She was devastated. Zamora tried to cry, but without the tear ducts, she’d simply bite her tongue.. Her hissing of misery, regret, and anger were so loud, it caught a hawk’s attention..
Willow: Oh no!
Tsura: The hawk flew down, but kept his distance from the snake. Zamora didn’t care a predator was standing right behind her. The hawkon simply tilted his feathery head and asked her:

“What is wrong, creature with no legs? You fill the woods with your hissing.”
“ I am wrong! I am so wrong! Eat me, please! End my misery, you hawk!”
“Saddened food tastes bad. It is like sour milk. What has angered such scary reptile like you?”
“I lost my family. I lost everything..”

Tsura: The bird and the reptile talked. Oddly, neither of them tried hunting the other one down. They spent the darkness of the night just talking. And before either of the had realized, they’d fallen in love with one another.
Tanis: Ewww!
Meriva: Awww!
Vectra: Then what happened?
Tsura: The hawk and the snake shared many things of each other.. The bird even shared one of his darkest secrets. He was once a pony too.. He was cursed, just like Zamora.
Willow: Oh my!
Tsura: Both animals had an idea. They’d return back to the village and ask to be reverted back to their original form.
Vectra: Did Zamora’s parents did it?
Tsura: Yes. Once they saw the snake return, their hearts that were once full of grief were now relieved. The snake asked for forgiveness. Zamora begged her parents to release the curse from her, and the hawk!
Willow: Then?
Tsura: And so they did. Zamora was now a pony, along with the hawk! Her personality changed.. A lot. She understood what she had done wrong. She went back to being mama’s little girl. She got married with the stallion that was once a hawk!
Meriva: Did they live happily ever after?
Tsura: ...No.. Shortly after marrying the stallion, Zamora realized his love for her was a lie.. The stallion tried to kill Zamora on their honeymoon. He only used her to get back to his pony form. And to rule the place after Zamora’s parents were dead.
Tanis: Holy cow! What did Zamora do?
Tsura: Zamora loved him too much.. She created a spell and turned the stallion back to a hawk. Since her love for him was too big, she turned herself back into a snake as well... The hawk saw no use to the snake, so he fled. Now they say whenever you see a snake wandering in the woods, it just might be Zamora looking for the one she loves. The one she gave everything up for..
Willow: That was a sad story!
Tsura: Indeed. *kisses Meriva on the cheek* But now you must go to bed! Goodnight! I’ll be back with Catapult in a while! *walks out the door, and locks it*
Willow: ...That wasn’t a happy ending!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: You're probably tired. If you want to sleep, you can use my bed. I don't think I'm getting any sleep tonight, so I might as well just stay up and guard this room.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *still in the place where most of the train got wrecked and sits on a chair,his weapons on his side as he slowly observes everything even outside the big hole the changelings made on the side of the train car. He stays quiet for a few more minutes before his pendant glows again.He quickly stands up and patrols the place but the pendant glows brightly in one particular direction, he looks out of the big hole of the train and sees two figures in the distance he knew all too well. It was the pegasus with some kind of ninja mask with her silver hair peeking out and the stallion that he and Crystal encountered but this time with his own mask, a white one,the same as the color of his fur with a smiling face on it. It disturbed him, but as the train was passing them, both of them simoultaneously looked in the direction the train was heading. Astral wordlessly followed their gaze and saw in the far distance,the capital of what was once Equestria, the heart, and black smoke was now present like any other city today* ...Canterlot. *Astral rushes to the window and searches for the ponies but they were once again gone, like they weren't there at all. After all, there was little to no place to hide in the middle of nowhere...Astral,defeated,got back to the spot he was sitting and continued to stand guard... but the two figures still lingered in his mind*
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Crystal: *yawns as she makes her way to her own bed, but before she forgot, she put her equipment right next to her night stand just in case*yawn...What do you think we'll find when we get there?

(Here's the mask Mitchell was wearing...haha, Cry masks are awesome. XD)
Astral: *still in the place where most of the train got wrecked and sits on a chair,his weapons on hi
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: Actually, Thunderstorm.. Astral offered me his bed. But nice try.. Maybe another time.. I mean, in different circumstances not like THAT.. *awkwardly laughs, then turns to Crystal* I'm betting a lot of rubble.. Landslide has been working hard to reestablish this city. *walks to the other bed nearby and lies down, making herself comfortable with the sheets.*

(I did a quick sketch of my characters, including Toy Sword! xD I did this all in one hour, so that's why its so messy. And don't ask why Wheat looks like Santa's wife because I don't know either.)
Meadow: Actually, Thunderstorm.. Astral offered me his bed. But nice try.. Maybe another time.. I mea
alinah_09 commented…
whoa...didn't know Wheat and Toy Sword were vampires. xD over a year ago
alinah_09 commented…
...also that's a lot cleaner than how I draw stuff...haha...if only you could see some random sketches I make in between classes. A reason why I make them digital rather than scanning the original on paper. xD over a year ago
Jade_23 commented…
Hey, we all doodle time to time. Oh, and their eyes are suppose to be orange, sorry about that. It made a orangish highlight that appears red. xD over a year ago
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Crystal: Yeah... *gets into her own bed and sleeps imidiately the moment she made contact with the bed*
~~~ ~~~
Astral: *sits quietly with the sounds of the train while he looks at the pendant carefully* what's this exactly...and who are those two? What do they want? *sighs then he looks out once again at the sky with some of the stars still out even with daylight approaching* …huh? What? "Things are not what they seem"?What...what do you mean...? *groans* I'm getting stressed over this, I should get some sleep...*finally get up and walks to their room* ...! Oh yeah, Meadow has my bed. *smiles* Well she did say the floor wasn't that uncomfortable...heh,anythings better than this cold...geez!
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: What? Oh, no, no no no no no. I just thought that Astral might want to get some rest.. You know what, nevermind.. Astral can have my bed.. If he decides to come tonight.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: That is very nice of you, Thunderstorm! But I said we could sleep together if he wanted, and he accepted! *leans up from the bed and kisses him on the cheek* Goodnight!
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: If that's what you want then it's fine. Just try to get some rest. Goonight!
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *knocks softly on the door sighing about his previous problems, then he cracks the door open a bit to see if everybody's asleep already*
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *walks to the door and sees Astral* Come in.. Just be quiet, please. They're sleeping.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: Okay. *walks inside and goes to Meadow's makeshift bed on the floor, he puts his weapons next to him just in case* You should get some sleep too, y'know. There's only a few more hours til we get there.

over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: Don't worry, I'm not tired.. I'm just going to stay up and guard. It would be better if somepony was up and warned the others if something happened. You just have to worry about your sleep. *sigh* (After all, I made a promise.. A promise I can never break.. And I will always keep that promise, whatever the cost..)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
The next day the ponies are interrupted in their sleep by the sudden stop of the train. The speakers in every corner of the cabin fill their tied and annoyed ears..

Ladies and Gentlecolts, we have reached our destination. It is a quarter to nine a.m, this is Canterlot 10th street station, Canterlot 10th street station. We remind our humble passengers to please leave with all luggage brought on the train. We also would like to apologize for the disturbance of the changelings earlier. We can guarantee you it will not happen again. Thank you for supporting Clydesdale's Luxurious and Exquisite Railroads! Have a safe day!

Meadow: *stretches with a yawn as she looks around the blurry room, then encounters Astral on the floor* Oh no! Now I feel bad! *sighs*


Tsura: *lifts her furry chin from Catapult's chest on the bed* Luxurious and Exquisite, huh? Kiss my flank! We almost died today! *stands up and shakes her fur then walks over to the mirror and quickly gets dressed. The mare applies her black eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, and dark purple lipstick. She then goes to wake up the kids in the other room*


Wheat: *groans while she stares at the speaker until it stops* Were you able to sleep, Longsword? I had a terrible nightmare! *rubs her temples*


Ragnar lies on the bed, half naked with his warm hooves coiled around Slingshot in bed. He doesn't even bother to perk his ears for the speaker, he simply ignores it and buries his head on the mare's neck.

Ragnar: Must we get up?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: No, I couldn't sleep at all. I was worried about you and the others
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *hears Meadow's voice and tilts his head* So, you're up, huh? Did you sleep well? *looks at Astral* Well, my bed was there if he wanted to use it. He just wanted to sleep on the floor, I guess. But since he's still asleep it shouldn't be that bad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: *nods at Thunderstorm* Well, it's time to go. So I must wake him up. *leans down to the stallion and nuzzles his cheek until he wakes up* Good morning sleepy head! It's time to get back our queen! *trots to the other side of the room and wakes up Crystal, handing her her arrows* How did you sleep, Thunderstorm?

* * *

Wheat: I was too.. I dreamt of Summer doing something terrible to us all.. *shivers, then stands up to fix her mane into a braid* At least we weren't killed by changelings as we slept!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Same here. Hopefully, we won't have to worry about them too much when we're looking for Summer
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: I.. didn't really get any sleep. I had some things to think about..
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: Like what? Think about how you told Astral to take care of me when you died?

* * *

Wheat: Do you think.. She'll remember us? In other words.. She won't kill us?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: I sure hope so
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: ..Wait, what? How? ..No. It's something else..
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: You really thought I wasn't going to find out? Hah.. And what is that something else?

* * *

Wheat: *grabs her hairbrush and combs Longsword's mane, then saves the brush in her saddlebag. She then walks up to Toy Sword to wake him up*
Toy Sword: ..Huh? Already? *groans, dragging his body off the bed*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Okay. I'm going to look for Steel Sword. (Walks out of the room)
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: ..You're a grown mare, you can take care of yourself. I asked him to be the pony I can't be.. As for what I was thinking, it's something that's not important.
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *sigh* Well, she found out...*chuckles* you really are somepony not to be messed with. *gets up and stretches his limbs* Alrighty...
Crystal: *yawns* I don't wanna get up yeeeet...*covers her ears with her pillow*
Astral: *smiles then turns to the other two* Well, were already busted so best be telling her everything.
over a year ago OmegaKing said…
einherijar, jet stream, silver star, meleficent, gloria, and a shadowy pony figure are greeted at the stop by rygar who then leads them straight to palace to speak to landslide, gloria returned to her unicorn house keeper look and meleficent took the form of a pretty pegasus with green eyes, rygar was hiding in plain sight with a guard form. "he will have no choice but to listen to what i have to say.........once i have said my piece, and get a reply we will leave.......the "general" will be waiting with his blood hawks at HQ...."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: You really can't keep a secret from her, can you? Well, Meadow, you see.. I.. I feel like I'm really going to die soon. I'm trying to hold on, but I don't know for how much longer.. So I asked Astral to be there for you and support you.. for as long as it takes. Astral told me you want friend, but.. I'm not the friend you want. You want a friend that's caring, kind, and that will be there anytime. I'm not that kind of friend, Astral is.. I just made it clear to myself that I couldn't be that friend, whatever I did..
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *leans on the frame of the door while listening quietly*
Crystal: *finally wakes up,grogily she looks around and sees that they are having a "serious talk"...she feels really out of place*

(Gtg soon, we have to shoot some more for our movie. :P)
FabulousChicken commented…
Go my child! Explore the world! xD Have fun! :3 over a year ago
Jade_23 commented…
xD What he said over a year ago
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: ..Well, that's it. *looks at Astral* Don't you have anything to say?
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Meadow: *rolls her eyes* No, no he does not Thunderstorm.. I've heard enough.. *clears her throat* Let's go..

* * *

Wheat: Alright, but be careful.. I'll go get my daughter, Tsura better have taken care of her! *walks out the dorm*
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(Back! Unfortunately our class also had to practice our dance thingy for some contest at our school so we did that right after filming... ... ... I am so not a dancer! My stamina,man! I'm surprised I didn't get any sort of Asthma attack...Im so beat... x_x)

Astral: *watches as Meadow passes by him and sighs,then he gets up again to get his stuff* C'mon, we're here...we need to get going.
Crystal: *gets up as well and gets her archery equipment then gets an apple from her bag to eat, she then follows Astral out but she turns to TS at the last second* uhh...I have no idea what's betweenyou guys and I suppose it's not my business but...hang in there, everything will come around at the right time. Well...let's go now, I guess. *goes out*
over a year ago FabulousChicken said…
Thunderstorm: *growls* ..Sure. *while walking he tilts his head at Meadow, his eyes glowing from the sunlight, then tilts his head the other way* (Everything will be just fine.. Like it has always been.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
Astral: *turns to Meadow then sighs* ...I know you're angry,no probably furious, but he'll come around...probably, if not I'll knock some sense into him. So please don't stress yourself too much...I'm getting worried about you, well,both of you I guess.

Crystal: =_=" why is everything so tense around here? *quietly slips out and looks for the others*