High School of the Dead {RP}

Aigomiko posted on Jun 12, 2014 at 01:49AM
Fujimi Academy is on a large campus with multiple buildings in a fenced and gated area. The main building and at least two other buildings are four stories tall and connected to each other by walkways on the 2nd and 4th floors. In addition to the main building where most classes are held, there is an administration office building, a dorm building, and a number of smaller buildings. The largest of these smaller buildings appears to be a gymnasium. On top of the administration office building there is an observatory which extends above the rest of the school and contains a large telescope and a room for Astronomy students to sleep in. The interior of the school looks like a typical school in that there are hallways lined with classrooms running throughout the building and many stairways in different locations around the school.

Fujimi Academy has students in the first through third years (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) of high school, and students range in age from about 15 to 18. As with many schools in Japan, female students wear the sailor outfits and male students wear the military style gakuran. The sailor blouses are white with green collars and a black bow on the front and are paired with a green skirt. The gakuran are black and consist of a long-sleeved jacket and matching pants although some students have been shown without the jacket. While some characters wear long-sleeved white dress shirts underneath the jacket, there does not appear to be a strict dress code, as others wear a variety of shirts instead.

Campus life for the students seems at least somewhat leisurely. When not in class, students are able to engage in soccer, ping pong, and other extracurricular activities. Fujimi Academy is a boarding school, so it is implied that the students all live on campus in the dorms, but it has been stated that most students are from Tokonosu City. It can also be assumed that, since it is a boarding school, it is also a private school. This is further evidenced by the fact that some of the students who attend the school are from affluent or well-known families.

Clubs (Classes)

Baseball/Softball - These students may not be the fastest, but with a bat in hand or any other blunt object they're a force to be feared.

Soccer- These students have great stamina and a kick from them will send almost anything flying.

Basketball- These athletes can run for ages with no sign of trouble and have reflexes like a cat and can evade others easily and quickly though they aren't actually that fast.

Track and Field - These students have become versatile from their training. They can throw objects far distances while also jumping great heights and running fast for short distances then needing time to rest.

Judo- Having trained every day after school for years even before High School these students have nearly mastered the gentle fighting style of Judo. They can immobilize nearly any enemy coming there way by grabbing them any way hey see fit.

Kendo- These masters of the blade can take down any enemy even with a wooden sword if used properly that it.

Volleyball- These students have amazing eye sight and hand eye coordination along with there amazing endurance.

Swimming- Capable of swimming large distances quickly and holding their breath for long periods of time.

Kyudo (Japanese Archery)- This club's team member's accuracy cannot be matched they are capable of making nearly any shot they attempt.

Chorus- These talented artists can sing anything in any vocal field some have even learned how to through their voice and when at their highest they have been known to shatter glass.

Flower Arrangement (Doctor) - Having spent so many years around plants they have memorized the use of almost every plant found in Japan and know which medicines they were made into.

Tea Ceremony- In all of the silence while setting up and performing the ceremonies these club members have mastered their hearing and could hear the breath of a mouse from the other side of the school.

Drama Club- These performers could fool even the most hardened detective. Not to mention their stage make up could turn them into anything their hearts desierd.

Science- Some of the brightest minds Fujimi Academy has to offer. Whether it comes to chemicals, mysteries, or any electronic device in sight they are capable of making them bend to their minds.

[Character Sheet]

Year In High School: (first through third years (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors))
Club You're Involved In (Class):
Appearance: (A picture will be fine)
Fujimi Academy is on a large campus with multiple buildings in a fenced and gated area. The main buil
last edited on Jun 21, 2014 at 02:29AM

High School of the Dead 776 replies

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over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*As she looked her eyes couldn't find a 5th floor button.*

Student 2: Idiot the 5th floor is faculty run! This is the student elevator we can't get there with this!

*The doors began to be pried open slowly but surely*

Saya *Loud scream high enough to hurt the ears of anyone near*

Student 1: I... I don't want to die... I..

Student 2: Shit move!
*She pushed Karina out of the way and punched the basement button which caused the elevator to drop chopping off the hand of one of the creatures making blood fly across the elevator until the body was gone. Now covered in blood and slightly safe the elevator was silent except for the shaking and heavy breathing of Saya.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Saya...
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Saya:.... *She'd continue shaking while small sobs every few seconds.*

Student 2: Shit..what..what now...maybe. Yeah. *She'd stand*
Don't worry guys I'll protect you guys.

Saya: Who *sobs* who are you?

Akiko: My name is Akiko Aihara you can call me Aihara. I'm an ace for the Volleyball team...though I don't see how that part is important now.

Name: Akiko Aihara
Age: 17
Year In High School: Third Year
Club You're Involved In (Class): Volleyball
Bio: TBR
Appearance: (Pic)
Saya:.... *She'd continue shaking while small sobs every few seconds.*

Student 2: Shit..what..what
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: I suppose it's good to know your allies are.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Akiko: Yeah. So where do you guys planning if we manage to escape this school?

Saya:...home... to my family.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Where..... Don't know.... I don't really have a place.....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Saya: Me too I live on Campus in the dorms.

Student 1: I... I'm gonna fly back to america...I'll never come back...just have to escape.

Akiko: Well... I'm gonna make a run for it... I'll keep running. And I'll never look back.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: I see....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Saya: Kusukawa... What...what if we become like those guys?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: We won't become like them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Saya: But how can you be sure?

Akiko: You can't be sure. Just do anything you have to to survive. Anything.

Saya: *She'd begin to sob softly*
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
*At the time of the outbreak, Yajirobo, Rei was talking to her kendo teacher about this years kendo tournaments and such. When the alarm went off, Rei could sense that something was off. If someone was entering the building, it's best to be armed. She strapped on two shinai on her tare, and one iaito with it's tsuba to the back of her keiko gi which covered her do. She stepped out into the hall to look around.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: .....
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Rei's Rp Post]

*As she looked out into the hallway on the 1st floor where clubs were held she saw pure mayhem. Students were devouring other students as well as teachers. Tearing chunks of flesh with a simple bite. Their skin was pale their eyes were gray and tilted in strange fashions and blood leaked from every orifice. They moved at a sluggish pace and when no one was in sight they either began to sway from left to right or stayed completely still She could either go left to the dormitories or right to the main building or simply attempt to hop the 10 foot iron fence.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

Akiko: We can't waste time here in time this will only get worse because more people will be caught meaning more of them shall be created. And the transformation is rather quick when you actually die so if you're bit even if you keep your consciousness you'll be dead to me. I've seen too many of my friends die from this and I won't be witness to unnecessary deaths.
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
*Rei stood in shock for only a few seconds before her training kicked in and she blocked it all out, choosing instead to run into the dorms looking for her room.*
[This is madness. Complete madness. I never thought the movies would be right.]
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Rei's Rp Post]

*As she got closer to the dorms she saw large amounts of students entering and the creatures were also there. Feeding on those unlucky enough to stray from the masses. The staircase was overrun and some students even fell off the railing slamming into the pavement either dying instantly or being heavily wounded depending on the height of their fall. Others waited for the elevators, but were soon encountered by "Them"*
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
[Fuck this shit.] *Rei dived into the nearest open room, swinging the door violently to hit whatever would be on the other side with her shinai in hand, ready to attack whatever was hiding in there.*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Rei's Rp Post]

*As she entered the open door she saw a well lit room. And someone began to whisper.*

???: This can't be happening I didn't just see that...this....this is just a bad dream.
Wait...hello..is..is someone there?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Then we won't die.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago The_Temporal said…
*I close the door behind me and put all of my weight against it. Without looking at the kid, I talk to them.*

Rei: Yajirobo, Rei. Third year. I'm not a monster, but I can't speak for everything on the other side of this door.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Rei's Rp Post]

???: Do...do you know what's going on?

*The light then came on and Rei saw the girl. She was covered in blood and had dry blood coming from her nose down to her mouth.*

This isn't real right? I didn't just have to bash in my sister's head...this is all a dream..

*She'd slowly begin to walk towards Rei*

[Rei's Rp Post]

???: Do...do you know what's going on?

*The light then came on and Rei saw the
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Kirina's Rp Post]

Akiko:...because it's that simple.
*She rolled her eyes and hit the open door button and got into a fighting stance while walking into the basement. The room was poorly lit and the sound of dripping is the only thing that could be heard.*

Saya: I ... I want to go ho-

*Akiko put her hand over Saya's mouth*

Akiko: It's dark here so if those things can see we can probably hide or run away. but if they hear us we're toast understood?

*Saya would nod while fighting tears*


*The male student began nodding his head then Akiko looked at Kirina.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Understood.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

*The group managed to make their way towards the exit when the male student tripped on something metallic and it rolled across the floor. As it's fateful fall echoed throughout the room everyone froze in fear. As they all waited they heard no other movements so with sighs of relief they were about to move on until the male student grabbed the object. He'd then whisper.*

Student 1: It's a pipe.

Akiko: That could be useful, but are you strong enough to fight?

Student 1:.... No...

Akiko: Hand it over.

*He'd hand the pipe to Akiko*

Okay let's keep moving.

*As they entered the next floor through the exit they saw that they were in the student council room. As they looked around it seemed fine until the saw a trail of blood leading to the edge of the room. As they walked closer moving tossed tables and book shelves they found the student body president Kagome Katsura. She looked injured. Their was blood everywhere and she was holding her stomach in pain.*

Kagome: You...are... are you like "Them" !?!

Akiko: No..what..waht happened to you?

Kagome: We...we were ... having a meeting..when Mrs. Takaiyama the band teacher came in..she...was covered in blood and was about to faint..so we all decided to escort her to the nurse while walking and calling the ambulance she..she dropped dead right in front of us.
*She'd then begin to hack up blood.*
b..but she didn't stay dead..she.. she began biting at us..and.. she ate poor Kirigaiya to death.., but then he rose up..and we had to deal with both of them...one by one we fell either died or fled until it was only me...they were everywhere. I ran back here but one grabbed me..it.. it bit into my stomach..and
*She'd begin to hack larger amounts of blood up while crying.*
I had to move even with the pain so..so I...bashed it's head in with my phone... I then got back here as soon as I could and began moving tables and chairs and shelves with all the strength I had left. And I simply waited...hoping this wasn't real hoping that I'd wake up in my dorm with a call from my mom and a bagel from the cafeteria...

*She'd begin sobbing*

This..just can't be real.
last edited over a year ago
[Karina's Rp Post]

*The group managed to make their way towards the exit when the male student tri
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Pres......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

Saya: We... we have to help her.

Akiko: No we have to kill her and put her out of her misery

Saya: How...how could you suggest such a thing!?!

Akiko: I Don't like this anymore than you do, but if we don't she'll turn and we'll have to deal with her then.

*The two continued to bicker and argue about this deadly decision and the male student seemed to just be staring into space it was up to Karina to decide whether this girl received treatment or would be put out of her misery.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Not if you quarantine her.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
(Can I join?)
Awesome57 commented…
(Any bases for names?) over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
(Sure Just fill out your character sheet and post a summary about what you were doing during the outbreak in the school.)

[Karina's Rp Post]

Saya: As long as she's safe.

Akiko:..You'll regret this.

*Akiko would continue to barricade the door with tables seeing as how they might be there for a while.
Saya and the still unnamed student lifted the student council president gently and brought her to a corner and moved desks around her and stacked them with bookshelves until they could no longer see her. Saya would then walk up to Karina*

Saya: You made the right choice. We can't just go around murdering the injured we have to help.

Akiko: Fool helping will get us killed! It's all about survival of the fitest and helping the weak will only slow you down!

*Saya would begin to shake slightly. It could be seen just with a glance that she was terrified of Akiko*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Tch, then why the hell did I save you? If all I was gonna hear was about downgrading the weak, I would've went back to my damned parents. *she began to give off a hostile look, the scary part is..... She's normally a joyful and apologetic at times kind of girl* Even if you don't care about saving people I do, and you're not getting in the way of that, you got it?!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

Akiko: Uh- Tch
*She'd turn away with a scowl on her face and looked through the window to check for anymore of "Them"*

Saya: Tha..Thank you Kirina. I mean Kusukawa...It wasn't polite for me to call you by your first name.

*The boy then walked up to her as well.*

Male Student: Thank you Miss. To be honest that girl over there was a pain in my ass.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: ..... I'm not letting anyone else die...... Not this time.......
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]
*The group peacefully waited there for bout 45 minutes waiting so that it would quiet down in the halls. And they then began to here groans coming from within the room*

Saya: Wha...what is that?

Akiko: Dammit I told you smart asses she turned and now we're gonna have to put up a struggle and end her quietly before any of "Them" come knocking.

Male Student: We don't know that she turned it could just be an echo from the hall...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Then you take care of the situation of course..... If she hasn't been turned we get her, if she has, then there's just no turning back.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

Akiko: You wanted to quarantine her you finish her off.

*Akiko would then smuggly hand her lead pipe over to Karina while staring her in the eyes.*

Make sure not to break it.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Whatever, I'm taking responsibility for my actions here. Ya hear that, but don't think I'm changing my mind about saving everyone else.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]
*She took the pipe and stared at the indoor barricade.*

Akiko: You'll have to take it down to get to her just make sure she doesn't bite y-

Saya: Shut up Akiko! This is a serious matter...so drop the bullshit!

*Everyone was silent and Saya covered her mouth and began to bow to Akiko repeatedly.*

Saya: I..I'm sorry.

Akiko: No...I'm sorry.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Hm, that's a flower blooming alright Saya.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

Saya: You.. You used my first name...does that mean... we are friends?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Heh, of course we are.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

Saya: O..okay Karina you're right we are friends.
*She'd tenderly smile and Akiko would clear her throat then pointed to the barricade*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: Alright you zombie bastards, come on. I'm ready!
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

*When she yelled this out the barricade tumbled to the ground making a large amount of noise. And from behind the barricade was The student council president. Her skin was pale and her eyes were positioned differently and were glazed over.*

Saya: *High pitched scream*

Akiko: Shut up you idiot!
*She'd then covered Saya's mouth, but it was too late. The sound of groans could be heard approaching*

over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: I shall be your salvation! *She'd take down the student President Zombie*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

*With a heavy blow to the skull the president stopped moving and the pipe bent slight at the end.*

Akiko: My pipe!

Male Student: We have more important things to worry about!

*He pointed to the door and as everyone looked they began to here "Help someone help me!"*

Akiko: Whew it looks like our noise lead them to someone else and not us.

Saya: How could you say that we have to help her!

Akiko: Like hell we do!
Last time we helped someone she tried to eat our faces!
*She pointed to the president*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: You must've forgotten what I said, *she moved to defend the girl*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

*As she ran out into the hall she saw a girl in a strange uniform walking backwards away from 3 of the undead creatures. She was small and looked a bit young probably a first year either 14 or 15. She was near the student council room, but taking her in might alarm also attract the attention of the undead.*

???: *Instead of yelling she'd look at Karina and would awkwardly stutter and would quietly say.*
He....hel..help me...ple..please
[Karina's Rp Post]

*As she ran out into the hall she saw a girl in a strange uniform walking backw
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Karina: *She'd advance with pipe in hand to bash the 3 undead heads*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
[Karina's Rp Post]

*As she bashed one's head in the other 2 lunged at her one aiming for her torso the other haiming for her legs both coming from opposite directions*