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posted by mari_giovani
This is a short story, based on a song. The song's kinda spoilerish so i'm gonna put its link at the end.
Ps: i just finished this so it probably has some typing and pontuaction mistakes...I'll review and edit later! :)

There he was once again, holding his knees in his arms, on the corner of that couch that he often tries to forget, and across from him, his terapist sat, cleaning her glasses with a tissue as she had his file on her lap, tried to, for the yet unknown, last time, understand and help him.
"So how are you today, Jason? I'm glad to see that you're looking for the help that you need." - she started, and she actually was happy to see him, little did she know that he didnt come out of his own will, but still, he was there, somewhat facing his fears.
"I dont need help" - he replied with a shaking and kind of sulky voice - "They made me come here, they-they did" - He still kept like an eight year old, even though he was almost twenty. Almost like the words that he wanted to say wouldnt come out right.
"Your parents did?"
He nodded, still hiding his face between his knees - "Because, i visited her, i did it, this morning, i went to where she's at."
"Really? these are good news then. Any reason for you to have been able to overcome this today?"
"Today's july 5th, i needed to see her."
"So it's been one year already, did you went alone?"
"Hm" - he agreed - "But my parents found out, and made me come here."
"How did they found out?"
"Because today's july 5th" - he paused - "And cause my eyes wouldn't stop" - he raised his head just enough for her to see his red eyes, full of tears."
"I understand. But you did a big step today, all by yourself, i'm proud of you."
"But i couldnt see her, she wasn't there, her beautiful face, i couldn't see it"
"I know." - she took a pause and analized his face - "Do you think you can tell me what happened on july 5th last year?"
"But you know what happened."
"Yes, but i would like you to tell me yourself what happened."
He hesitated.
"Just tell me about that day, how did it start? What day of the week it was?"
He sighed - "It was a friday, so i woke up at the time i normally did, i dressed up and went to school, i was happy cause there was gonna be a concert and she would go with me, we were celebrating our 13 months together."
"Yeah" he smiled like he was remembering a inside joke - "She always hated conventional things and because i liked them she said that we'd celebrate a 13th month not a 12th like everyone."
"I see."
"When i got to school she looked pissed, and sad, i didn't see her like that very often. She told me that her dad had grounded her for some stupid things and that she wouldnt be able to go"
"And how did you respond to that?"
"I...I was disappointed. but the fact that i could see on face that she was also sad, made me somewhat happy. I told her it was fine, and we could do something another day. She wasnt very happy about it, but agreed with me and we both went to our classes"
"But you two went to that concert, isnt that correct?"
"Yes, later that day, at lunch, i asked her i she couldnt sneak out of her house, i would borrow my dad's car and pick her up."
"And she agreed with that?"
"Yes, i guess even more than the whole celebration thing, she wanted to see that concert" he gave a humorless laugh
"Then at what time did you went to pick her up?"
"I guess it was around 10pm, cause the concert would start at 11pm. So i drove to her house, and stopped at the corner so the neighbours woldnt see, and i called her. She met me after 4 ou 5 minutes, and was laughing at the fact that she jumped out the window, she had a few scratches on her arms, but she just smiled and laughed like this was the best thing ever. We went to the concert, and it was amazing, i watched her as she sang all of their songs and we even bought matching t-shirts. Halfway through the concert rain started to pour, and a lot of girls arond us, started complaing but she only smiled like it couldnt get any better than this. after the concert as we made our way to the car, i noticed that she was shivering from the rain so i gave her my coat, i remember her surprise face as she asked me why i gave her my coat and i told her that she was shivering. She laughed at the fact that she didnt notice that she was cold before i told her."
"Ok, now tell me what happened in the way back home."
He started shaking a little and holded his legs tighter"at the car, the rain had diminished a bit but it was still there, i had a cd that she liked, so i put it on so that i could keep on hearing her singing all the way back. I drove for a little while and straight ahead, i... i saw it."
"What did you see?"
"A car, there was a car, probably stalled...yes, the engine was dead, but it was in the middle of the road." - his breathing started to get heavy.
"And what did you do?"
"I, ...i couldnt stop...." - he closed his eyes - "so, i swerved to the right...the sounds, i still remember all of them, like it's happening over and over again, right beside me: the screaming tires, the bursting glass, and her voice in a painfull scream" - he seemed to be going into a state of shock so she asked him to breathe.
"Jason, deep breaths, you're are hyperventilating, you have to breath, i need you to tell me what happened next" - she sat by his side as she tried to push him where he wasnt able to go to until now.
He hadn't calmed down, but kept on talking, more like his mouth was moving by itself -
"After that, i passed out, i dont know for how long, but when i woke up, the rain was heavy again, my face was on the asphalt and there were people standing all around, just staring. I realized what happened, so i tried to get up to look for her. My body hurt, and there was something warm coming from my eyes, so everything was blurry, but somehow i found my baby that night. She was lying ten feet away from where i initially was. i dragged my body until i was by her side, she was half conscious" - he once again took deep breaths and continued - "I lifted her head, she smiled as she looked at me and she told me to hold her just for a little while." - he paused and put his hands in his eyes - "Then i held her close and i kissed her," - he began to sob - "our last kiss... She told me that she'd always be with me if i held her close, but now she's gone even though i hold her tight." - his red eyes now faced his terapist - "i lost my love, my life, that night... and it's all my fault." - his hands had moved from his eyes to his chest, and his breathing was uneven, he kept shaking his body, back and forth, back and forth, as to shake the feelings away from him.
"I told you this before, but it wont matter until you realize it for yourself: it was not your fault. Deep down, you know it as well. you told me that she really wanted to see that concert, so let me ask you: if you hadn't taken her, do you think she'd go by herself?"
"What does it matter?"
"Just answer me."
"Yes, she would, ok? Thats's just how she was." - he answered angrily
"So that could've happened with or without you being there, isnt that right?"
"Oh, if she'd been alone, she would've gone through that pain by herself, i cant even... no, i cant..." - he panicked
"Do you understand what i'm saying?" - she camly says but he doesnt answer, his mind was clearly somewhere else "jason!" she calls
"Yes! I do, but now it's too late..." he holds his stomach, she senses a dual meaning to that statement.
"What do you mean?" - she asks, but before she could say anything else he started convulsing right in front of her "Jason, Jason!" - she kept calling, as she did an emergency treatment, but he was already out "Jason, what did you do? What did you take?" - she called for help but it was already too late. What she didnt know right from the beginng of the session, is that after his parents found out that he visited his girlfriend grave he took a deadly medicine, something that took a while to take effect, longer than he expected... When he arrived for his therapy, he thought he wouldnt go back home alive, but he was unsuccessful. He only got himself in a induced coma for a couple of days.
When he woke up, however, he was somewhat a different person. His parents and doctors tried to understand, but couldnt, so they assumed that the near death experience had scared him. The truth, that only Jason knew, was that while he was in the coma he had a dream, a dream about her. In his dream he held her once again and asked her where she was, and why would the lord take her away from him? She just smiled and told him to be good so that she could see him when he leaves this world. He cried and asked to go with her, but all she did was kiss him one last time and repeat those words: be good! That's what changed him: the thought of meeting her again, someday. Maybe it was just a dream, or it was just wishfull thinking, but it was something for him to hold on to. And he did, he held on to that, and put his life back on the tracks. That dream gave him a ladder to climb up, out from the bottom of the well that he was stuck in.
Two years later,in a normal day, for his now, ordinary, life, he was crossing the street, after buying 13 flowers, he didnt see that approaching him, was bus, completely out of control.Before being able to fully turn his head to see it, he was hit. Jason died on that day, lying once again on the asphalt, before help could come, with the 13 flowers smashed by his body. The last thing he saw was a bright light, a familiar song at the background, a smiling face looking only at him and open arms asking him to come. That was just an afternoon, on a 5th of july.

This short story was written by me based on the song: Last Kiss by Pearl Jam (originally by J. Frank Wilson And The Cavaliers)

Link on YouTube (with lyrics): link
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I took Hera to her first AA meeting. I promised not to tell Dad or Kara, even though I knew I probably should. We agreed we only tell them if she kept drinking; and I warned her if she lied to me, I would eventually find out and kill her. She didn't really talk in the meeting, which...
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Blake asked if I was free on Saturday. I guess I could avoid Drew for another day. He said he'd pick me up at my house at noon.


On Saturday, I was...
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posted by bamagirl5899
Alex's pov

I hate Chicago busy all the time and easy to get mugged like right now.The guy was chasing me a gun pointed I couldnt show what I was just around the cornor and wham. I felt a bullet hit me.the bullet was from a .44 magnuim I had one like it in my room at home my friend accidently shot me with it and i knew what the bullet felt like.It hit me in my right shoulder damaging my wing.*no escape* I thought. I finally turned the corner to a dead end.I baked against the wall.Then my friends jumped from the roof tops and surrounded me.I got of the wall and kicked the gun outta his hand and...
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posted by para-scence
Things were better after that. It was... boring I guess. But being bored is better than being raped. I walked for hours upon hours, still seeming to get nowhere. I was starting to believe I was truly lost. My stomach felt like it was starting to digest itself, which I hoped it wasn't, but I wouldn't be surprised. The only time I had something to drink was when it rained. I'd walk down the road, with my mouth open at the sky like a complete idiot. It worked a little though, and I kept myself from dehydrating.

It was three whole days before I got close to home. But I was so hungry and tired and...
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posted by para-scence
1 year later...

I ran my hand through my hair, and took a deep breath. After a few more breaths, I finally got the courage to knock on the door. There were some shouts over who should get the door, and I smiled a little. A couple minutes later I heard the deadbolt unlock, and the door opened. I smiled shyly.

"Alessa?" he asked. Tears of joy began their journey down my face and I nodded, smiling hugely. Iwas pulled into a giant hug, and lifted me off my feet..

"Micah!" I shouted. He set me off the ground looked me over, and chuckled.

"You haven't changed a bit!" he smiled.

"I wish I could say the...
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I have no idea what it's called yet. I would post this in answers but it's a little long. It's about a girl named Kathryn who is murdered and her ghost starts following around a girl named Ambyr (name subject to change, I'm just using it for now). This is the prologue:

She got up immediately after she tripped, mentally yelling at herself for not paying attention. She ran, her dark brown, almost black, hair bouncing. Tripping had let whoever was chasing her catch up a little. Faster, faster! She thought hard to herself. But she had been running for a long time. Imagine the person behind...
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posted by Insight357
    A raven flew up to me. I stayed up in my tree, my gear tampering with my balance. It was plenty bad on its own. It didn’t need help. I sighed, and jumped down from the tree as I heard my name. No, I didn’t need anyone to know my secret. Not her, not yet.
    I awoke to the beeping of my alarm. It was a cold December morning. I would love winter, if it just wasn’t so cold.
    I ran over to the window. Of course, the weather channel lied again. Last night they predicted it would snow, but did it? No....
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posted by itchygum
I glanced around the schoolyard, seeing plenty of familiar faces. Behind the trees, I saw Raegan's black curls. "Raegan!" I called just loud enough for her to hear. I watched her hazel eyes scan the schoolyard. when her eyes met me, she smiled, reveling her braces and waved to me to come over. I couldn't help but smile back. We'd been friends since first grade, but we'd been drifting apart. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brooke roll her eyes at Raegan. They never did get along.
I walked to the trees, carefully maneuvering around the dirt so my new converses wouldn't get ruined. "Hey, Ana,"...
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posted by Insight357
I felt stiff, and I stretched. I slowly opened my eyes; I was in Alexander’s bedroom. I was fully clothed, that was a good sign. I laid flat on my back.
    “Yes, I found him on the street,” Alexander must’ve been on the phone. Was he talking about me? There was a pause.
    “He was crying, and I brought him back here. He got into a bad fight with Grey. She kicked him out,” great a recap.
    “Okay, I will. Goodbye Dr. Anozi,” Alexander hung up the phone. He was talking to Dr. Anozi. I felt comforted by the fact that...
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Chapter 7

The Front Desk

Jason walked up to the front desk. The front desk manager was asleep, with his head facing the back wall. It seemed as if there were one million pictures and folders scattered along his desk. Right on his lap was the gold coin Jason had given him.
Jason reached for it. He was just about to lift it up, when the front desk manager rotated his head in a perfect circle with the front of his body facing the opposite direction. His facial expression and face was completely different. He wasn’t a human. He was a monster. His red eyes were not exactly eyes. They were more like...
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posted by Skitty_Love
"Takaya's grades have been decreasing, there is a chance she may not make high school next year.." Ms. Mitsuba says calmly to my mother. "Takaya! Is this true? Why didn't you tell me you were failing school?" She snaps at me, who was sitting next to her on the cushioned chairs placed across the marble desk. I silently shrug, looking down at the patterned carpet. "Tell me!" She continues to order. "I just-" "Your father is gonna be furious!" My mom cuts me off of my sentence. Thats when I had snapped. "Quit talking! Let go of my now!" I cry, my voice thundering. Ms. Mitsuba grabs my wrist,...
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Brightly colored masks
Lined up on the wall.
Waiting to take part
In the masquerade ball.
Smoothly shaped plastic
Fitted to flesh,
Each of their disguises
Much like the rest.
Hiding the scars,
Unsightly disfigurements,
Ways they are marred,
Ways they are different.
Each of them has one,
Hiding the truth,
Things that are ugly,
Battles of youth.
Smothering plastic
Hinders my breath,
Tightly laced ribbon
Cuts into my head.
"Just take it off"
The insistent voice says.
"Then you could breath.
You'd be free again.
Remember the days
When life was so simple.
The whole world was good,
And yours soft and simple.
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posted by para-scence
My whole body was trembling. I sat up in my bed, the covers everywhere and messed up. My heart was pounding and there was a ringing noise in my ears. I scanned the room for him, and even when I saw he wasn't here, I still couldn't release my fears.

I had been raped.

Trying to keep calm, I grabbed my clothes off the floor, my shirt had a rip in it, so I grabbed another shirt from my closet. I ran a brush through my hair, getting out all the knots. Then I decided I couldn't live with myself this way and decided to take a shower. I turned the water on to blistering hot, and I scrubbed my entire...
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posted by peaceanddisney
this is my first story that i made on here i'm still decideing if i want to make more of this book or not i am still decideing on a tittle name.please do not hesitate to criticize i need it.thank you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I Taylor Ann Smith was not happy.I was very mad.How dare them! i thought angrily to myself.how dare them decide who i marry!.this all happened when i came down for breakfast."Good morning mother,good morning farther."i said happily.Mother was cooking eggs and toast while father was waiting."Hello darling"said Mother cheerfully as she sat a plate of eggs and toast in front of me."good morning taylor" farther answered. his plate."what's happening today?"i asked still eating."well.. mom started looked unconfertable...we decided who you were to marry"."What!" i cried almost chocking on my food.
posted by MissMuffin38
Marissa opened her eyes, half asleep, half awake. It was 8 o’clock in the morning and she felt hungry. She clambered out of bed, rubbing her eyes so she could focus on things properly. Olivia was already out of her bed, and it seemed like she was downstairs. Marissa walked down the stairs to find her, rubbing her eyes once again. As she entered the kitchen, she saw Olivia sitting on one of the wooden chairs, placed around the table. As she walked over, Olivia looked up, and gave her a weak smile. Marissa could tell something was wrong. “Where’s everyone else?” Marissa asked, puzzled....
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posted by Insight357
Glance the other way
Rip your heart out
I just don't care anymore

You're useless
And uncaring
You know nothing!
Yet you pretend you do
You're a pretender

A pretender is just a liar in disguise
A pretender is a faker
A pretender hides
A pretender is a maker
Of the dark abyss

You told me once
I told you twice
Now what?
Do we forget the past?
Live for the future?
Or remember and continue on our path?

Left or right?
Up or down?
Wrong or right?
Please give me the answer
For I do not know
Right and wrong any longer
posted by sawfan13
I couldn't sleep very well, even if I was cuddled next to Howl. I couldn't help think of the following questions: Is this wrong? Is it bad to love someone that is so much kinder and a better person than your fiance, yet your parents are still forcing you to marry the horrible fiance? Is it wrong for a woman raised with people and society to fall in love with someone raised by animals and swings on vines. I kept thinking of Adam. Grrr! I can't stand him anymore. I remember the last thing he said to me,"You won't survive there without me! I'm your everything! You can't hide from me weakling!"...
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posted by avatarsbigstfan
Hi, AnnabethKatara here!( Old account temporarily suspended because I'm eleven:() Anyway I've been working pretty hard on this and I don't trust Fanfiction.net enough for some good critisism, I LOVE FANPOP anyway... Hope you enjoy!!! :)
Chapter One
“Just wait until you see the auditorium, Demyan.” my fourteen year old sister Anya blabbed,” It’s amazing how much it looks like the Globe theater.”
“ Mmmhmmm…..” I said, trying to drown out her annoying speech by flipping open the windows and slamming them back down.
It was bad enough our mom had forced me to spend half my...
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posted by boomboombunni
This was the day Andrew's parents dumped him at a hotel with one million dollars. The hotel would be his new home. His new room was rumored to be haunted, which excited him, but it was going to be lonely without any children. When he walked in, he could tell it was a themed hotel. Everyone was dressed in 18th century clothes. He had two dumpy little bags of period clothes, and his money was in his pocket. He paid a man to take his things to his room, then he went exploring. Mainly, it was just hallways with older people, but, he saw a girl who looked about his age. When she turned to look...
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posted by irena83
A dream.
Your life is never going
to be a dream.

Dreaming of
better days,
you're hoping
that pain will
love you less,
but pain
loves you more.

You're still
that sad child,
you have never gotten
away from your past.
Your destiny
is bounded
for their sins.
You cannot wash yourself,
you cannot be yourself.

They see you
as their opportunity
to restore
their failures,
but they don't see
that your desires
are being smashed,
your identity is
being erased.

You don't remember
who that person is,
you don't dream
you don't rejoice
tho you're still
that sad child
trapped within
their misfortune.

They want you
to play by...
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