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posted by mari_giovani
This is a short story, based on a song. The song's kinda spoilerish so i'm gonna put its link at the end.
Ps: i just finished this so it probably has some typing and pontuaction mistakes...I'll review and edit later! :)

There he was once again, holding his knees in his arms, on the corner of that couch that he often tries to forget, and across from him, his terapist sat, cleaning her glasses with a tissue as she had his file on her lap, tried to, for the yet unknown, last time, understand and help him.
"So how are you today, Jason? I'm glad to see that you're looking for the help that you need." - she started, and she actually was happy to see him, little did she know that he didnt come out of his own will, but still, he was there, somewhat facing his fears.
"I dont need help" - he replied with a shaking and kind of sulky voice - "They made me come here, they-they did" - He still kept like an eight year old, even though he was almost twenty. Almost like the words that he wanted to say wouldnt come out right.
"Your parents did?"
He nodded, still hiding his face between his knees - "Because, i visited her, i did it, this morning, i went to where she's at."
"Really? these are good news then. Any reason for you to have been able to overcome this today?"
"Today's july 5th, i needed to see her."
"So it's been one year already, did you went alone?"
"Hm" - he agreed - "But my parents found out, and made me come here."
"How did they found out?"
"Because today's july 5th" - he paused - "And cause my eyes wouldn't stop" - he raised his head just enough for her to see his red eyes, full of tears."
"I understand. But you did a big step today, all by yourself, i'm proud of you."
"But i couldnt see her, she wasn't there, her beautiful face, i couldn't see it"
"I know." - she took a pause and analized his face - "Do you think you can tell me what happened on july 5th last year?"
"But you know what happened."
"Yes, but i would like you to tell me yourself what happened."
He hesitated.
"Just tell me about that day, how did it start? What day of the week it was?"
He sighed - "It was a friday, so i woke up at the time i normally did, i dressed up and went to school, i was happy cause there was gonna be a concert and she would go with me, we were celebrating our 13 months together."
"Yeah" he smiled like he was remembering a inside joke - "She always hated conventional things and because i liked them she said that we'd celebrate a 13th month not a 12th like everyone."
"I see."
"When i got to school she looked pissed, and sad, i didn't see her like that very often. She told me that her dad had grounded her for some stupid things and that she wouldnt be able to go"
"And how did you respond to that?"
"I...I was disappointed. but the fact that i could see on face that she was also sad, made me somewhat happy. I told her it was fine, and we could do something another day. She wasnt very happy about it, but agreed with me and we both went to our classes"
"But you two went to that concert, isnt that correct?"
"Yes, later that day, at lunch, i asked her i she couldnt sneak out of her house, i would borrow my dad's car and pick her up."
"And she agreed with that?"
"Yes, i guess even more than the whole celebration thing, she wanted to see that concert" he gave a humorless laugh
"Then at what time did you went to pick her up?"
"I guess it was around 10pm, cause the concert would start at 11pm. So i drove to her house, and stopped at the corner so the neighbours woldnt see, and i called her. She met me after 4 ou 5 minutes, and was laughing at the fact that she jumped out the window, she had a few scratches on her arms, but she just smiled and laughed like this was the best thing ever. We went to the concert, and it was amazing, i watched her as she sang all of their songs and we even bought matching t-shirts. Halfway through the concert rain started to pour, and a lot of girls arond us, started complaing but she only smiled like it couldnt get any better than this. after the concert as we made our way to the car, i noticed that she was shivering from the rain so i gave her my coat, i remember her surprise face as she asked me why i gave her my coat and i told her that she was shivering. She laughed at the fact that she didnt notice that she was cold before i told her."
"Ok, now tell me what happened in the way back home."
He started shaking a little and holded his legs tighter"at the car, the rain had diminished a bit but it was still there, i had a cd that she liked, so i put it on so that i could keep on hearing her singing all the way back. I drove for a little while and straight ahead, i... i saw it."
"What did you see?"
"A car, there was a car, probably stalled...yes, the engine was dead, but it was in the middle of the road." - his breathing started to get heavy.
"And what did you do?"
"I, ...i couldnt stop...." - he closed his eyes - "so, i swerved to the right...the sounds, i still remember all of them, like it's happening over and over again, right beside me: the screaming tires, the bursting glass, and her voice in a painfull scream" - he seemed to be going into a state of shock so she asked him to breathe.
"Jason, deep breaths, you're are hyperventilating, you have to breath, i need you to tell me what happened next" - she sat by his side as she tried to push him where he wasnt able to go to until now.
He hadn't calmed down, but kept on talking, more like his mouth was moving by itself -
"After that, i passed out, i dont know for how long, but when i woke up, the rain was heavy again, my face was on the asphalt and there were people standing all around, just staring. I realized what happened, so i tried to get up to look for her. My body hurt, and there was something warm coming from my eyes, so everything was blurry, but somehow i found my baby that night. She was lying ten feet away from where i initially was. i dragged my body until i was by her side, she was half conscious" - he once again took deep breaths and continued - "I lifted her head, she smiled as she looked at me and she told me to hold her just for a little while." - he paused and put his hands in his eyes - "Then i held her close and i kissed her," - he began to sob - "our last kiss... She told me that she'd always be with me if i held her close, but now she's gone even though i hold her tight." - his red eyes now faced his terapist - "i lost my love, my life, that night... and it's all my fault." - his hands had moved from his eyes to his chest, and his breathing was uneven, he kept shaking his body, back and forth, back and forth, as to shake the feelings away from him.
"I told you this before, but it wont matter until you realize it for yourself: it was not your fault. Deep down, you know it as well. you told me that she really wanted to see that concert, so let me ask you: if you hadn't taken her, do you think she'd go by herself?"
"What does it matter?"
"Just answer me."
"Yes, she would, ok? Thats's just how she was." - he answered angrily
"So that could've happened with or without you being there, isnt that right?"
"Oh, if she'd been alone, she would've gone through that pain by herself, i cant even... no, i cant..." - he panicked
"Do you understand what i'm saying?" - she camly says but he doesnt answer, his mind was clearly somewhere else "jason!" she calls
"Yes! I do, but now it's too late..." he holds his stomach, she senses a dual meaning to that statement.
"What do you mean?" - she asks, but before she could say anything else he started convulsing right in front of her "Jason, Jason!" - she kept calling, as she did an emergency treatment, but he was already out "Jason, what did you do? What did you take?" - she called for help but it was already too late. What she didnt know right from the beginng of the session, is that after his parents found out that he visited his girlfriend grave he took a deadly medicine, something that took a while to take effect, longer than he expected... When he arrived for his therapy, he thought he wouldnt go back home alive, but he was unsuccessful. He only got himself in a induced coma for a couple of days.
When he woke up, however, he was somewhat a different person. His parents and doctors tried to understand, but couldnt, so they assumed that the near death experience had scared him. The truth, that only Jason knew, was that while he was in the coma he had a dream, a dream about her. In his dream he held her once again and asked her where she was, and why would the lord take her away from him? She just smiled and told him to be good so that she could see him when he leaves this world. He cried and asked to go with her, but all she did was kiss him one last time and repeat those words: be good! That's what changed him: the thought of meeting her again, someday. Maybe it was just a dream, or it was just wishfull thinking, but it was something for him to hold on to. And he did, he held on to that, and put his life back on the tracks. That dream gave him a ladder to climb up, out from the bottom of the well that he was stuck in.
Two years later,in a normal day, for his now, ordinary, life, he was crossing the street, after buying 13 flowers, he didnt see that approaching him, was bus, completely out of control.Before being able to fully turn his head to see it, he was hit. Jason died on that day, lying once again on the asphalt, before help could come, with the 13 flowers smashed by his body. The last thing he saw was a bright light, a familiar song at the background, a smiling face looking only at him and open arms asking him to come. That was just an afternoon, on a 5th of july.

This short story was written by me based on the song: Last Kiss by Pearl Jam (originally by J. Frank Wilson And The Cavaliers)

Link on YouTube (with lyrics): link
Hey this is the l;atest chapter to the story, it is set when Nessie isfive months pregnant...x Hope you enjoy and keep your eys peeled for the next chapter...x

I slipped mums wedding dress over my head, it fitted perfectly. Mum smiled and sighed as she wiped a joyous tear from my eye.
“Don’t cry baby, Alice will kill us if you ruin your makeup she has spent all morning getting you ready.” She laughed looking at me with a delighted expression on her face,
“Oh mum! I am so happy; Jake is waiting down there for me isn’t he?” I asked nervously. I had felt a little queasy...
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posted by I_love_Mikey
Sobriety is beyond a horizon for you,
One you won't be alive to even get to.
Your mind is set to be dead in 10
Years, my fears, my tears,
don't matter, your emotionless, here.

My bothersome phone calls,
"I'm just checking in"
"Yeah, I don't care"
I can't ever win.

My eyes are taped open,
horrific images replay,
and even when I close them,
they're imprinted in my mind,
they're there to stay.

Blackness engulfs me,
like a whirlpool of nothing,
Your arch nemesis,
Your pal,
Your meaningless suffering.

Why do you do this,
to yourself, and to me?
I don't get why you mess around,
just let yourself be!
posted by TeanRose424
this is just somthing that describes me :)
this is just somthing that describes me :)
I could feel everything i could feel my muscels ripple. I could feel the warmth flooding around me. I could feel my joints streghthen. I could feel myself becoming a god. It feltjust as he had said. i couldnt beleive the plesure.

He looked at me then. His face looked concern. I had been moaning from the pleasure. I had been calling out for more. The pleasure was leaving me though i could feel it. It had been many days i could feel it. I was relunctent to have it leave me, i was relunctent to have the feeling of my life leave. It was unbelievable.

Zach looked at me in wonder. i stared back...
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love bites
love bites
Love sucks especially when the one you love, couldn't possible love you back. When Kisa and Zack Finley get together, all hell brakes lose. Kisa finds out a striking secret about Zack, and that secret, can be the end of everything good as she knows it. Will Zack and Kisa work threw it? Or will it break them up as well.

"Kisa,kisa" Jasmine was waving her hand back in forth in front of Kisa's face, Kisa, shook her head. "huh, what?" Jasmine rolled her eyes, "I was trying to tell you that me and Blake are going to whacth a movie, and i was wondering if you wanted to go?" Kisa blanked "sure, what...
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They all looked around. Just in the middle of nowhere,” said bill. Bill searched in his pockets. Hey! My mini meddle fan! He took it out of his pockets and attached it to… the ground. Teehee! I so got you!” said the author of this really weird book. “You should of seen the look on your face!” Back to the story. Bill turned the fan on. What are you doing?” asked Death. “I’m going to blow us out of here” Bill continued. If I add 3+4, from my calculations, that would equal… 9. Oh I get it. At 9-o-clock we can’t four-get to blow us 3 out of here,” answered Ted. Exactly!”...
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posted by rose12345
I'm haunted by the memory's i hold
I'm haunted by the memory's i hold
"No, NO"! I was having that dream, the one were my best friend drowned last summer. I was eight years old when I went to summer camp I didn't want to go but my mom said that it would be a good experience for me. Mrs. Jackson signed Jamie up, Jamie Jackson was and forever will be my best friend. When it was time to go to camp, we sat on the bus together, A couple of the girls from our school went too. They started to pick on me, and Jamie defended me.Towards the last day of summer camp the girls dared Me and Jamie to jump into the lake, I backed out, but Jamie took the dare.
"It's the only...
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posted by viju
You just tear me down,
Throw me all around,
Treat me like a clown.
Hit me on the head,
Push me off the bed,
Keep the hamster (But not me), Well fed.
I know what you think,
And before you blink,
I'm asking you about it.....
You're not wanna answer,
You are such a disaster,
But you have to answer me

Why do you do this to me?
What is the reason why?
What have I ever done to hurt you?
Why are you abusing,
When my anger, my love are fusing?
You abuse to me,
But you want me to stay with you.
I'm sick of the abuse,
Wanna turn you onto mute,
Before you blow up and shoot.
To be with u
its impossible

Taking deep breath...
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posted by kacimay72293
Chapter One

My name is Kitty Prince. I was borne on July 22, 1809. I was the young daughter of a lord. I was loved by all even though I was the third daughter.
My older sisters were Elizabeth at age twenty-one and Sarah Maine at age nineteen. they were both very beautiful. Elizabeth had golden brown eyes and deep brown hair that curled around her face. She loved music and art. Sarah was very plain with brown eyes and hair. She loved to read hated parties.
I had fair blonde hair like my late mother's and ocean blue eyes. I loved to dance, sing, and grow a garden in the back of our manor. I was...
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posted by HarryPLover
Here I phase
Here in my old age
Here I run with no place to go
Here I stand with no purpose
Here I am with no show,
No lights,no cameras,no grace
Here I am with this world having me in it's tight embrace.

But I won't give in.
For God Loved me so.

Here I am in this place,
Here I am just watching the world race.
Watching the world fall apart,
Here I am just waiting for a new start.
As this breaks my heart,
I know I will join God's cart,his army,his people and I will live in heaven above.

Here I am asking you,
What will you do?
Here I am watching you phase,
Here I am watching you turn to old age.
With no place to go,
Here I am telling you don't want to low.

As we change and as we grow,
This world will face judgment,This I know.
Don't turn to old age,
Don't get lost in the world's maze.
Save you self.
Don't let yourself phase.......
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I never knew. My whole life, no one had the courage or the right to tell me what happened. I had to find out the hard way, and that nearly cost me my life.
Last December was an important time for me. I never moved before, and it was all brand new to me. Moving boxes wasn't the challenge. The hardest part was coming into school during the middle of the year and not having a clue what the people were like. So far, my only friend here was the next-door neighbor Joselynn, some seventy-year old lady that had her grandkids over as much as possible. My mom encouraged me to meet them and possibly play...
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Hayley's Journal, I decided to see what my friend's mom had been doing then I watched through the window then I saw Maddie's mom beat her and broke her nose, it is scary to watch someone get hurt like this but you know you wouldn't do anything about it, well unlike Hayden, I'm always a tough one and she's like always wanting a unusually life but our lives are changing since we met our mom, we didn't know she was our actual mom because she looked so young and well she was 15 but she is between 29 or 30 right now, I seen Maddie get burned by matches by her mom, it scares me to...
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Benedic hated the trip! It wasn't that bad though, it was at the beach, with rides and fast food restaurants and cool sights; except that where him and his family were going to stay for summer vacation was at an old castle that it once belonged to a prince. It was old and delapadated, it needed some paint and it smelled like someone died at the front steps of the castle.
"Dad," he grumbled. "Do we have to stay here?"
"Well all of the hotels are booked." his father explained....
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posted by avatarluver990

Not too long ago, probably this time period, deep below in the sea, where no human had ever crossed, was a kingdom; a kingdom strong and powerful which was ruled by a great sea king named Octlantus; he was a powerful ruler, along with his trident. The people respected the Sea King that named the kingdom Octlantia in his honor. Octlantus and his wife, Sea Queen Lynsca, had seven beautiful daughters: Jinsya, Kynlana, Otsyncia, Renya, Tsyniana, Isynlana, and Nynxa. The Sea...
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He kissed you slowly, and the feeling of love drowned your senses. A hug. A kiss. And you went further on.

You walk home, feeling amazing, beautiful, wonderful and every other feeling of happiness and love. The sky seems full of joy and the blue is blinding. The clouds have mixed shapes and sizes, each much more different than the other.

You enter your room and sit at the warmest corner in your room and smile at the thoughts of that special someone. Then your eyes blacken out.

Death. Hate. Depression. Bitterness. Sorrow. Murder.

You shake your head at the thoughts and push try to push them out....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 21
When his hands touched mine an electric current flashed through my body something so strong,something I wasn’t familiar with.
I held his hand tighter in mine then I felt his cool breath on my neck,I tore my gaze from are hands and looked him in the eyes,his beautiful eyes that made my weak human heart to rip its way out of my chest.then I realized I was falling for him again so I pulled my hand from his and sat on the bed.
Why am I so stupid.whats...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 19
I followed the voices and saw aro and caius talking
-hi dear Bella
-hi caius
I said shyly
-dear Bella its great to see you!
He shook my hand.thank god he didn’t hug me I’m getting tired of that!
-oh Bella I heard your staying with us.
-for a while
I said
-well you know we will be happy if stay
-sure sure..
-oh Bella its so nice to see you upright!
Heidi said rushing towards me and …hugged me.
Ohhhh god I hate hugs …..eee but I didn’t want to offend her and hugged her back lightly
Me, jane ,alec and rennata were sitting on a black sofa talking about everything that happened in the 100...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 16
200 years later
Me and matt traveled the world and had a great time we even met some other covens like the irish coven,the romanian coven and the amazon coven we lived with them for 49 years and then took off cause it was getting kind of boring we went to paris and lived there for a cuppel off years then we went to new york,spain,egypt,germany,china,italy we even met the voltury they werent that nice! But kind of kreepy, specialy there hoods!but then we went back to london.
I got off the bed and got dressed matt was sitting on the couch reading a news paper and watching t.v
-what are...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Tanya looked at me coldy,full of hate……like she wanted to rip my head off if she could.i couldn’t stand her looks so I just turned around and pulled matts hand to follow me I took off running I heard tanyas voice I think she said bitch under her breath I heard her saying other stuff but I tuned her out and ran faster I ran faster and faster thinking about edward I hated him so much but some part of me still loved him and deep down I knew the amount of love my heart held for him will never be the same with matt but I love matt so much and I want to spend my entire life with him...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 14
Bella pov
Me and matt went home and changed I took out the left ravioly out of the fridge and warmed it up for charlie I went upstaires and fiond matt lying on my bed reading romeo and juliet
-that's one of my faves!
I sat down beside him and read a few pages with him when I heard Charlie's cruiser coming near the house I got up and went down stairs matt followed me he kissed my forehead and went and sat on the couch turnning on the TV watching baseball ugh! I I don’t get that game and it reminds me of old times.
I ran up stairs and took romeo and juliet and went back down stairs in...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 13
6 months later
Edwards pov (from what happens in the last chapter)
I was so dipresed its been 6 months scince bellas missing I am sitting on the coutch watching nothing. my family was dipresed too so jaspered went out a lot not wanting to be in the same room as us he tried to cheer us up but it didn’t work rose was less concerned and acted like nothing had happen Emmett and Alice were mostly like me they loved Bella as their sister Emmett alwas made fun of her and made her blus, Alice was so dipressed more like me ,now she hated me less and tried...
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