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posted by mari_giovani
This is a short story, based on a song. The song's kinda spoilerish so i'm gonna put its link at the end.
Ps: i just finished this so it probably has some typing and pontuaction mistakes...I'll review and edit later! :)

There he was once again, holding his knees in his arms, on the corner of that couch that he often tries to forget, and across from him, his terapist sat, cleaning her glasses with a tissue as she had his file on her lap, tried to, for the yet unknown, last time, understand and help him.
"So how are you today, Jason? I'm glad to see that you're looking for the help that you need." - she started, and she actually was happy to see him, little did she know that he didnt come out of his own will, but still, he was there, somewhat facing his fears.
"I dont need help" - he replied with a shaking and kind of sulky voice - "They made me come here, they-they did" - He still kept like an eight year old, even though he was almost twenty. Almost like the words that he wanted to say wouldnt come out right.
"Your parents did?"
He nodded, still hiding his face between his knees - "Because, i visited her, i did it, this morning, i went to where she's at."
"Really? these are good news then. Any reason for you to have been able to overcome this today?"
"Today's july 5th, i needed to see her."
"So it's been one year already, did you went alone?"
"Hm" - he agreed - "But my parents found out, and made me come here."
"How did they found out?"
"Because today's july 5th" - he paused - "And cause my eyes wouldn't stop" - he raised his head just enough for her to see his red eyes, full of tears."
"I understand. But you did a big step today, all by yourself, i'm proud of you."
"But i couldnt see her, she wasn't there, her beautiful face, i couldn't see it"
"I know." - she took a pause and analized his face - "Do you think you can tell me what happened on july 5th last year?"
"But you know what happened."
"Yes, but i would like you to tell me yourself what happened."
He hesitated.
"Just tell me about that day, how did it start? What day of the week it was?"
He sighed - "It was a friday, so i woke up at the time i normally did, i dressed up and went to school, i was happy cause there was gonna be a concert and she would go with me, we were celebrating our 13 months together."
"Yeah" he smiled like he was remembering a inside joke - "She always hated conventional things and because i liked them she said that we'd celebrate a 13th month not a 12th like everyone."
"I see."
"When i got to school she looked pissed, and sad, i didn't see her like that very often. She told me that her dad had grounded her for some stupid things and that she wouldnt be able to go"
"And how did you respond to that?"
"I...I was disappointed. but the fact that i could see on face that she was also sad, made me somewhat happy. I told her it was fine, and we could do something another day. She wasnt very happy about it, but agreed with me and we both went to our classes"
"But you two went to that concert, isnt that correct?"
"Yes, later that day, at lunch, i asked her i she couldnt sneak out of her house, i would borrow my dad's car and pick her up."
"And she agreed with that?"
"Yes, i guess even more than the whole celebration thing, she wanted to see that concert" he gave a humorless laugh
"Then at what time did you went to pick her up?"
"I guess it was around 10pm, cause the concert would start at 11pm. So i drove to her house, and stopped at the corner so the neighbours woldnt see, and i called her. She met me after 4 ou 5 minutes, and was laughing at the fact that she jumped out the window, she had a few scratches on her arms, but she just smiled and laughed like this was the best thing ever. We went to the concert, and it was amazing, i watched her as she sang all of their songs and we even bought matching t-shirts. Halfway through the concert rain started to pour, and a lot of girls arond us, started complaing but she only smiled like it couldnt get any better than this. after the concert as we made our way to the car, i noticed that she was shivering from the rain so i gave her my coat, i remember her surprise face as she asked me why i gave her my coat and i told her that she was shivering. She laughed at the fact that she didnt notice that she was cold before i told her."
"Ok, now tell me what happened in the way back home."
He started shaking a little and holded his legs tighter"at the car, the rain had diminished a bit but it was still there, i had a cd that she liked, so i put it on so that i could keep on hearing her singing all the way back. I drove for a little while and straight ahead, i... i saw it."
"What did you see?"
"A car, there was a car, probably stalled...yes, the engine was dead, but it was in the middle of the road." - his breathing started to get heavy.
"And what did you do?"
"I, ...i couldnt stop...." - he closed his eyes - "so, i swerved to the right...the sounds, i still remember all of them, like it's happening over and over again, right beside me: the screaming tires, the bursting glass, and her voice in a painfull scream" - he seemed to be going into a state of shock so she asked him to breathe.
"Jason, deep breaths, you're are hyperventilating, you have to breath, i need you to tell me what happened next" - she sat by his side as she tried to push him where he wasnt able to go to until now.
He hadn't calmed down, but kept on talking, more like his mouth was moving by itself -
"After that, i passed out, i dont know for how long, but when i woke up, the rain was heavy again, my face was on the asphalt and there were people standing all around, just staring. I realized what happened, so i tried to get up to look for her. My body hurt, and there was something warm coming from my eyes, so everything was blurry, but somehow i found my baby that night. She was lying ten feet away from where i initially was. i dragged my body until i was by her side, she was half conscious" - he once again took deep breaths and continued - "I lifted her head, she smiled as she looked at me and she told me to hold her just for a little while." - he paused and put his hands in his eyes - "Then i held her close and i kissed her," - he began to sob - "our last kiss... She told me that she'd always be with me if i held her close, but now she's gone even though i hold her tight." - his red eyes now faced his terapist - "i lost my love, my life, that night... and it's all my fault." - his hands had moved from his eyes to his chest, and his breathing was uneven, he kept shaking his body, back and forth, back and forth, as to shake the feelings away from him.
"I told you this before, but it wont matter until you realize it for yourself: it was not your fault. Deep down, you know it as well. you told me that she really wanted to see that concert, so let me ask you: if you hadn't taken her, do you think she'd go by herself?"
"What does it matter?"
"Just answer me."
"Yes, she would, ok? Thats's just how she was." - he answered angrily
"So that could've happened with or without you being there, isnt that right?"
"Oh, if she'd been alone, she would've gone through that pain by herself, i cant even... no, i cant..." - he panicked
"Do you understand what i'm saying?" - she camly says but he doesnt answer, his mind was clearly somewhere else "jason!" she calls
"Yes! I do, but now it's too late..." he holds his stomach, she senses a dual meaning to that statement.
"What do you mean?" - she asks, but before she could say anything else he started convulsing right in front of her "Jason, Jason!" - she kept calling, as she did an emergency treatment, but he was already out "Jason, what did you do? What did you take?" - she called for help but it was already too late. What she didnt know right from the beginng of the session, is that after his parents found out that he visited his girlfriend grave he took a deadly medicine, something that took a while to take effect, longer than he expected... When he arrived for his therapy, he thought he wouldnt go back home alive, but he was unsuccessful. He only got himself in a induced coma for a couple of days.
When he woke up, however, he was somewhat a different person. His parents and doctors tried to understand, but couldnt, so they assumed that the near death experience had scared him. The truth, that only Jason knew, was that while he was in the coma he had a dream, a dream about her. In his dream he held her once again and asked her where she was, and why would the lord take her away from him? She just smiled and told him to be good so that she could see him when he leaves this world. He cried and asked to go with her, but all she did was kiss him one last time and repeat those words: be good! That's what changed him: the thought of meeting her again, someday. Maybe it was just a dream, or it was just wishfull thinking, but it was something for him to hold on to. And he did, he held on to that, and put his life back on the tracks. That dream gave him a ladder to climb up, out from the bottom of the well that he was stuck in.
Two years later,in a normal day, for his now, ordinary, life, he was crossing the street, after buying 13 flowers, he didnt see that approaching him, was bus, completely out of control.Before being able to fully turn his head to see it, he was hit. Jason died on that day, lying once again on the asphalt, before help could come, with the 13 flowers smashed by his body. The last thing he saw was a bright light, a familiar song at the background, a smiling face looking only at him and open arms asking him to come. That was just an afternoon, on a 5th of july.

This short story was written by me based on the song: Last Kiss by Pearl Jam (originally by J. Frank Wilson And The Cavaliers)

Link on YouTube (with lyrics): link
People down every turn
Pain inside their hearts
A girl with scars on her wrists
A boy with a knife in his chest
She hides in the dark
Wondering when the pain with end
He stands up to fight in defense
Only to get knocked back down again
She fights with her parents
They don't wanna support the child
She's left to fend for herself in the cold
Alone with the child
Do we see what we are doing when we say the things we say?
Do we see who we are hurting with the actions that we're taking?
What we need
Are broken families reconciled
We need hearts to mend, scars to heal and battles to end
We. Need. Love
To stand up for the broken
We. Need. Hope
To give a hand to the hopeless
We need the world to care.
What are we doing with the words we are saying?
Who are we changing
And what effects are they having?
Lets be the change.
Disclaimer: *I'm only on Season 3 Episode 16 & I have not read the books!*

The Vampire Diaries is my guilty pleasure. It's painfully corny, overly cliche and not to mention has some less than perfect acting but for some reason; I'm addicted. I have all this pent up frustration about the situation between the three main characters so I've finally broke down and decided I need to talk about it. This is a little overview as to how I feel about each character.

Let's start with Elena:

I can't stand Elena, no matter how hard I try, I just can't. I have sympathy for her because she has suffered...
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posted by CupcakeMal714
I read this and had to pass it on.
my name is sarah
i am three
my eyes are swollen
i cannot see
i must be stupid
i must be bad
what else could have made
my daddy so mad
i wish i were better
i wish i werent ugly
then maybe my mommy
would still wanna hug me
i cant do a wrong
i can't speak at all
or else i locked up
all day long
when i wake up
im all alone
the house is dark
my folks arent home
when my mommy does come home
i try to be nice
so maybe i'll just get
one wipping tonight
i just heard a car
my daddy is back
from charlie's bar
i heard him curse
my name is called
i press myself
against the wall
i try to hide
from his evil...
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posted by hgfan5602
When will this end?
Mass shootings
Terrorist attacks
Police brutality

They say it's just a gun control problem
They say it cannot be fixed
I say the problem is deeper
I say there is hope

When will this end?
Income inequality
Veterans living on the streets, penniless,
Dying by their own hands everyday.

They say this world can change for the better
But nothing has changed...
And I truly do fear
Nothing ever will

When will love start?
The day we offer a hand to the fallen
Instead of cringing back in shock
And running away

When will our world change?
The day we love too much to kill
The day others' pain is our pain
The day we act instead of just talking about it

"It's impossible"
"We're too broken to be mended"
"It's a hopeless battle"
I say, let us try.
posted by NagisaTomoya
Remember to please post feedback in the comments!

The Day You Slipped Away: Middle
    I do not know what caused me to do it. I stood with my son in my arms, holding his head to my chest as embers flew and people scurried to put out the fire I caused. I had lit Euphoria’s house on fire. No one needed it anymore, for I was taking Thomas to Yun Gong and Euphoria was… Well, you know. I watch embers float by and one lands of my pale cheek, burning it ever so slightly. It was only more pain to feel. Thomas was     shaking as if he was cold, though the...
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posted by jedigirl
"Caleb? How? What are? Your a dimension jumper?" I ask, finally able to complete a sentence.
"Yeah I am. How are you even here? Your not suppose to know yet," He stares at me.
"Same as you apparently. Dimension jumping?" I guess.
"Yeah, I got that, but how are you even in here. No one jumps in or out of here. You have to be brought."
"So I've been told." I say. He looks at me. "And what do you mean I'm not suppose to know?" I eye him accusingly. He looks guilty, like he just gave away a secret.
"You weren't supposed to know I can jump until later. Like Two years from now. When you found out you...
continue reading...
posted by jedigirl
I pull up to our house with dad right behind me. He rushes me into the house like we're being followed.
"Don't worry Kodi. We'll fix this," He tells me.
"I don't want this fixed Dad! I want answers. I'm tried of lying to myself. Telling myself that they're just daydreams, when clearly they're not! Don't keep me ignorant anymore. Please," I plead. For years I had been complacent about his silence, but not anymore, because now I have information and I will use it.
"Sweetheart, you not knowing is the safest place to be right now. Until you have full control."
"Control of what Dad? I can't control...
continue reading...
         Chapter one: unexpected things
“This is so much fun!” Alia screamed with excitement. Alia was flying over the greenest forest she ever seen! It was bigger than her families’ garden. (Alia’s family had a gigantic garden, and a lot of money to purchase plants) She wisped through the green trees feeling the refreshing air flow through her long brown wavy hair, making it a humongous mess. She saw something, a shadowy figure. “What’s that, who are you” Alia yelled. The small shadowy thing came closer. It didn’t reply. “Hello?”...
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This is just the first 2 chapters; I don't know what I'm going to do with it much, but I want to get opinions on what I have so far. Thank you.

"How much longer?" Rena whined, her head on her desk. Her voice was just a raspy whisper, quiet enough to not draw the attention of Frau Abendroth, our study hall supervisor and Rena's German teacher. I looked at my cellphone.

"Three more minutes," I whispered.

"Kill me," she muttered.

"Halt deine verdammte Mündung," Frau Abendroth grumbled from her desk, not taking her eyes away from the magazine she was reading. Rena looked up and glared at her. I held...
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posted by gerybarzaka
Hello! This is my first post on this page, but I wanted to share a short story I wrote. I hope you like it!

They say that when you hit the bottom there is nowhere to go but up. I didn’t believe that. I was standing on solid rock and no one could convince me that it gets better. My dream of becoming a writer was shattered into little pieces. My heart with it. I lost everything. I could barely make enough money to eat, let alone pay my rent. There was no passion in my life. My grandfather had left me everything he had and I wasted it. All of it. I was living in a lousy one room apartment. All...
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posted by E-Scope90
Okay, this is my oversized story. I just really hope you enjoy. I originally posted this last year, but for some reason, it got deleted. So I'm re-posting it. Enjoy.

The Streets of Manhattan
9:36 AM
I was running away. Running away from it all. I just couldn't stand it anymore. All the abuse, the fights....I couldn't take it.

I was literally running away from these guys. They were trying to rape me. They were chasing me with actual knives. I knew I wasn't going to survive. I was running in heels...I wasn't going to live. I wasn't going to live!

"Get away from me, you ra-"
I tripped onto the streets....
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posted by misscrazel
If I put: **** it means they said a cuss word I don't feel comfortable writing.

Brianna was running through the woods, branches whipping her face. She glanced behind her. A young woman with long black hair was pursuing her. She shot an arrow at the woman but she dodged and it flew right passed her. The woman grabbed her hair and pulled her closer.

"You can't get away can you Blondie?" she asked. her breath stank of fish and blood.

Brianna struggled to get away.

"Your a tough one aren't you?" she asked, "Well I'll spare your mother if you stop it."

"I don't believe you," said Brianna.

"Well than,"...
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posted by JellyPopper
WARNING MAY BE INNAPROPRIATE FOR KIDS UNDER 10 don't worry not real :P Chance Manner was a college student who was sent to an asylum for attempting to bite a mans leg off after using basalts without anyone knowing he took them. He has only tried once to grow big finger nails and slit his own neck open. So they put him in a more extreme room where someone has recently escaped. there was a rip on the side of the wall of foam, he found it and there was a hole that let underground then back up to the outside world. He made it outside and the world just got a whole lot more dangerous. His first...
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posted by Rae-Ash
It’s the color of you
You always wore it
It’s the color we shared
As we hid form them

With it we showed our true selves,
Though no one cared
Our orange book bags
Saved us from some pain

We protected each other
But it wasn’t enough
We were like two orange crayons
When everyone else was green

Then you left me alone,
All I had was our color orange
As they hit me
I took peace in knowing
You were in the orange field in the sky
You always said was there.

The orange of the sun set
Is your smile
Even though you left too soon


Now it’s my color
My way of remembering you
Now I am the lone orange in the rainbow
Without you here

I protect my own
Though I wish you were here

Now orange is my color
A color for you bravery
A color for my survival

Orange will forever be our color
Even though death took you away

Forever orange for you,
Sweet Cassidy.
posted by LaDispute
She was obsessed with the idea that tragedy is beauty and death is immortality.

He would watch her when she opened her mouth in class, watch the way she flashed smiles when she spoke. He swore to commit the crinkles at the corners of her eyes to memory, the freckled valleys lit up by her eyes.

He soon found that he could be the cause of those valleys, a Creator building up his own world from the base of her narrow satisfaction. She soon found that his convictions in tandem with hers had the power to endlessly pursue the edge of the universe in its expansion.

And when they first kissed that cold...
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Thế vận hội Olympic năm 2012 sẽ tổ chức tại London nước Anh từ ngày 27/7 đến ngày 12/8
Theo danh sách yêu cầu nghệ sĩ sẽ biểu diễn phần khai mạc được tổ chức trên mạng gồm có
2.Jin Akanishi
3.Within Temptation
4.Alfie Boe
5.Alex Sparrow
7.Morning Musume
9.X Japan
10.Jang Geun Suk
14.Il Volo
15.Jane Zhang
16.Paul McCartney
19.Lena Katina
20.Megurine Luka
24.Ho-kago Tea Time
25.Jolin Tsai
29.Nelly Furtado
30.Tiziano Ferro
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Kaylie's P.O.V

i was running in the woods hoping they wouldnt catch me. the scientist who were trying to test me. cause i was super natural. i didnt know i was. until they had me tied down. i dont know what happened i lit it on fire then drowned the guys. i was shocked my self. i was runnig trying to climb the trees. i found the perfect one. i ran and climbed it to the top. they were shooting lazers i was doging them. they were supposed to numb you then knock you out. they finnally gave up and walked off. they droped some weapons. i smile and get them all. i keep runnig ti'll i heard the most...
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posted by para-scence
"Ready, Jack?" Cat asked again. I sighed impatiently and nodded.

"Yeah! Just do it already!" She'd never done this before. Normally I would've done this myself, but I was too high right now, and despite that, I was still smart enough to know I shouldn't do this to myself right now.

"Okay..." Cat spoke warily. She got ready.

"Don't close your eyes!" I warned. She whined for a bit, then took a deep breath.

"Okay. Ready? One... Two... Three---" Cat shoved the needle through the side of my right nostril. I winced a bit. Cat freaked out more than I did. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" I took the needle...
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posted by Albina21
Tell me if you like it! If people do, I'll post more of it here. If not, I'll leave it on Quotev. Or, tell me if you want the link to the Quotev chapters.

Iggy stood in front of her bathroom mirror and checked her hair roots. Good, she didn't have to do any last minute touch-ups. She shrugged on her tote bag and ran outside, flying to the bus stop. Derek was standing at the stop, waiting for his friend. "Hey Ignis, how'd you sleep?"

Iggy sneered at Derek, "Ha ha, your hilarious. You know exactly how I slept! And stop calling my Ignis, it's been Iggy since the third grade." She folded her arms...
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posted by alicia386

      It was your typical sunny day in Los Angelus. 6 year old Sophie and Zoe Mallory were having a tea party with their best friends Emma and Erica. Even though Emma and Erica were unnaturally pale and wore very ancient types of clothing, Sophie and Zoe didn't notice. They were just thrilled to have friends. Emma was as pale as her sister Erica and their clothes looked like something from the seventeenth century. If Sophie and Zoe were any older, they might have thought this was puzzling or strange but they looked at it as if it was something everyone wears.
      Their mom peeped...
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