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Shadowmarioking said …
Can't argue with that logic. :u I would've been in a bad mood, since I was already in one yesterday. Posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking said …
BUT I TYPED IN LUMPS, NOT HUMPS. I thought it was pretty obvious that Len and Rin were siblings, I mean, I thought they looked like twins, buuuuuuut I guess people just will have different opinions. Well, I think they stil have some sort of bond, but it's kinda in repair. Otherwise the pairing does make much sense to me. It has some cute fanart, but that's about it. Don't worry, I'll get slammed too. Posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
WHAT. NO. SHE'S NOTHING TO ME. SHE WAS JUST HERE TO PICK UP HER JELLY FROM ME. I borrowed it through the weekend! No you only pay to sleep with me. D: I'M CALLING THE PARAMEDICS. *calls for help* over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
link over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
And yes, yes you did type in humps. over a year ago
Shadowmarioking said …
AW I KNEW YOU WANTED MY LUMPS imeanofcourse. I don't get why people ship Len and Rin. :| The same goes for Switzerland and Liechtenstein. And Tarrlok and Noatok. It's like wut to me. YOU'RE NOT A CRIMINAL, YOU'RE MY SEXY TWIN.
MHM DAT'S RIGHT. Of course I should top. PerhapsI'llletyoudriveeveryonceinawhilethough.
YOU HEARD DA PRICE, NOW PAY UP. Posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking commented…
link over a year ago