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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4

"Then what the hell happened?"

"Um.." I said as I tried to think up something fast. I knew that if I told her about my dreams that she would probably think I was crazy..which I was beginning to question myself. "I..I was going to go out..to get away..but when I went to sneak out last night I fell in the snow."

"Really Alexandra?" My mother said as she shook her head. "That's the best you can come up with?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"I'm so sick of your lies." She said as she stood up and stormed out of my room. I realized my life was a mess, both my real life and the dream life I wished I could return to.

Chapter 5

I was so confused..so lost. My mother was mad because I wouldn't..no couldn't tell her what was causing me these injuries, she wouldn't believe me anyway.

I lay in my bed trying to figure out my life..I wanted to go back, back to my dream to figure out what was going on to get away from everything and everyone..but I didn't know how.

I sat up, grabbing a stuffed owl off my bed and throwing it across the room in frustration. I needed to figure this out, I had to get things right..and the only thing in life that made me calm, made me focus was running.

I ignored the pain in my feet and legs as I pulled on socks and stuffed my swollen, raw feet into my running shoes. I knew that this was going to hurt..but I had to find clarity and this was the only way I could think of.

"Mom," I yelled as I winced because of the pain in my feet. "I'm gonna go run."

"Oh yeah," I heard her say in a sarcastic tone. "That's going to help your feet."

"Bye mom!" I said as I ignored both the comment and the pain in my legs. "Love you!"

I heard her groan something that sounded like 'yeah whatever' or 'you too' before I closed the door behind me and started walking down our driveway.

I usually ran on the trails that ran behind my house, they were my quiet place, the place I went when I needed to think to be with nature. Today however I decided that I needed to focus, that if I went into the woods I wouldn't be able to figure out what I needed..I needed distraction.

I turned right and ran down the side of the road, smiling and waving at a few of the neighbors as I went past doing my best to ignore the burning, pulsing pain in my lower legs and feet. I took a left onto Colorado avenue and noticed that the traffic was busier here then it was on my road, but I ignored it and kept going as I realized that the pain in my feet was getting less as I ran..that or I was just ignoring the pain.

I don't know how long I ran, I'm guessing it was about twenty minutes or so when I felt a cramp beginning in my upper left leg. I stopped against a large oak tree and tried to stretch out the muscle which didn't work. I walked for about a block when I got the feeling that I was being watched, I turned and looked for someone but there was no one else walking or running at this time, just the cars going by. I did my best to ignore the feeling but the more I walked the worse the sensation got. I looked around about ten more times looking for someone and never saw who it was but something deep in my soul told me I needed to get going home..and soon.

I turned on my heel and started running back towards my house, not at a out run but faster then I had been running before my cramp. I swear I could feel someone watching me, and it was distracting me from my run. I know better then to stop watching where I run..I'm always very careful when running with traffic but the feeling of someone's eyes on me had me completely distracted.

I heard the horn a fraction of a second before I turned and saw the car that I had just stepped out in front of. I knew I wouldn't have time to get out of the way, that the car wouldn't have time to stop before it hit me. I screamed as loud as I could as I closed my eyes and wished I could see Dom.
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 15

"Your mother and aunts moved here about twenty years ago, settling in was easy I'm sure seeing as how your house is surrounded by woods, and there is the river running through the back. You know the story of how your parents met, and everything in between. What you don't know is that we didn't know about you until we got the invite." Dale said as he glared at Janet and Carol.

"Sorry," Carol said softly.

"Forgive us father." Jan said, shocking me into another realization.

I turned and glared at Dale and Elise, wondering if what my aunt had just said was true, was he really her...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 14

I tried to listen to him, to calm myself but I had just been told that I met a GOD that they were real, I had just seen my mother again, what was she doing with a God? And what was the deal with the old man who changed himself, reappearing as a young man.

"Maija, do you need me to go get help?" He asked, obviously panicking.

"No, please just give me a minute." I said, my breathing slowing.

"What happened?" He asked as he brushed his fingers across my cheek.

"My mom, I dreamed of my mother. She was with the goddess Diana and another man, someone I had never met." I said, not believing...
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posted by just_bella
I will be the first to admit that I have NO clue where this story is going to go...but lets find out shall we?

End of Chapter 13

He watched me, clearly weighing his options. I wanted him to stay, wanted him to comfort me, to tell me it would be alright. To just talk to me, I wanted to tell him about my mom, what I had seen.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he stood up.

"Yes, please don't go." I said, looking at my legs because I didn't want to see him leave if he chose to.

"I will stay if you promise to rest." He said as he walked over to the edge of the bed.

"Ok, I will try." I said as I moved slightly...
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posted by just_bella
Yeah...let's see how this fight..I mean wrestling goes.

End of Chapter 35

"Come on Jasper" Emmett said, drawing my name out. He was so excited and anxious, I assumed that this was because he wanted to wrestle. I wondered if Edward ever wrestled Emmett, and if so who would win?

"Yes, and I did." Edward answered. "Have fun."

"Thanks." I said as I followed Emmett out of the room, down the stairs and out the back door, laughing as Emmett took off his shirt.

"We aren't wrestling in the buff are we?" I joked.

"No, but if I ruin any more clothes Rosalie will kill me. She gets mad about things like that,...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 68

"I was out patrolling, looking for any signs of weakness. I noticed that there were three people on the roof, patrolling their way around. I noticed that at quarter after there was a large portion that had no guard. I went back to the hotel and told everyone this, Alice looked and didn't see anything...we decided to try it." Jasper said softly.

"We waited for the time to be right, Alice went down and distracted the guards by the door. While they were distracted we climbed to the roof and Jasper and I took out the guards." Emmett said, truly proud of himself.

"So you made it to...
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posted by just_bella
Ummmm yeah...here we go!

End of Chapter 12

"I saw mom." I said, the tears returning to my eyes.

"I'm sure you did." Jan said as she smiled at me.

"What did she say?" Carol asked.

"She said I have to be patient, that I have to trust myself and hear everyone out. Oh..and that we didn't have much time." I said softly.

"She would know." Celest said, everyone turning and glaring at her.

"Maija, do you feel up to hearing us out or would you like to rest for a while?" Carol asked.

"I think I need to rest for a while if that's ok?" I asked.

"That's fine dear, feel better soon." Jan said as she leaned down and...
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posted by just_bella
Well...let's see where this goes. Hope everyone enjoys it oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY _madz_!!!!!!

End of Chapter 11

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that we had stopped. I looked around to find that Concho had stopped, his ears flicking back and forth as he listened to something. I took a deep breath and held it as I listened to what could have bothered him.

I wondered what was bothering Concho until I saw a large cougar walk out of the woods, it's tail swishing back and forth as it looked at Concho and I. I watched it as it took a few steps and stopped, smelling the air around...
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posted by just_bella
Ash, this one's just for you. Thank you for understanding our strange relationships...I don't think anyone else does. Thanks for making me smile hon!!!

End of Chapter 34

"I will, we'll get all this take care of then I will beat Emmett." I said as I looked over and Emmett shook his head.

"Love you." She said.

"And I you." I said as I stood up and helped her into her jacket and opened the door.

Esme and Rosalie were starting to walk over, both of them making awwww noises as I helped them both into their jackets as well and hid the door. I heard one of them say how lucky Alice was. I laughed...
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added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
added by Brysis
Source: lion&lamblove
posted by just_bella
Thanks all, I'm SOOO glad you all seem to like this story. There is SO much of me in this story that I laugh each time I write it, hope you all enjoy!

End of Chapter 10

Right from the get go I knew I liked Elise, the way that she just smacked Dale...I knew that they were a couple. That they had been together for a long time and that their love was one that people only dreamed of.

"Oh, you got all that from me smacking him?" She asked as she watched me.

"What?" I asked, wondering how she knew what I was thinking.

"Oh, oh...oh my." She said as Dale turned and laughed at her.

"And you yell at me."...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 9

I turned as fast as I could grabbing my clothes as I ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me as I locked it. I felt a few more tears slide down my face as I undressed and stepped into the shower, the hot water relaxing me instantly. I took one of the shortest showers I had ever taken since I knew that people would be waiting for me. I dressed quickly and finally turned to deal with my hair. I put all the product I could find in it, eventually grumbling because it wouldn't do what I wanted it to. I brushed my teeth and put on my minimal makeup before turning and opening...
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added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
I know I grossed a few of you out with the last chapter, hopefully this one will make you happier. Enjoy!

End of Chapter 66

A few minutes later there was another crash as another box flew through the window, barely missing Carlisle. I reached out to grab it and add it to the box that I was currently holding, but was surprised to see a tiny hand reach out and grab it before me.

I turned, expecting Rosalie to be holding the box...but much to my surprise I saw Bella holding the box, the ribbon already half pulled off the box. I looked at her, about to remind her about what Alice said when she...
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