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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4

"Then what the hell happened?"

"Um.." I said as I tried to think up something fast. I knew that if I told her about my dreams that she would probably think I was crazy..which I was beginning to question myself. "I..I was going to go out..to get away..but when I went to sneak out last night I fell in the snow."

"Really Alexandra?" My mother said as she shook her head. "That's the best you can come up with?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"I'm so sick of your lies." She said as she stood up and stormed out of my room. I realized my life was a mess, both my real life and the dream life I wished I could return to.

Chapter 5

I was so confused..so lost. My mother was mad because I wouldn't..no couldn't tell her what was causing me these injuries, she wouldn't believe me anyway.

I lay in my bed trying to figure out my life..I wanted to go back, back to my dream to figure out what was going on to get away from everything and everyone..but I didn't know how.

I sat up, grabbing a stuffed owl off my bed and throwing it across the room in frustration. I needed to figure this out, I had to get things right..and the only thing in life that made me calm, made me focus was running.

I ignored the pain in my feet and legs as I pulled on socks and stuffed my swollen, raw feet into my running shoes. I knew that this was going to hurt..but I had to find clarity and this was the only way I could think of.

"Mom," I yelled as I winced because of the pain in my feet. "I'm gonna go run."

"Oh yeah," I heard her say in a sarcastic tone. "That's going to help your feet."

"Bye mom!" I said as I ignored both the comment and the pain in my legs. "Love you!"

I heard her groan something that sounded like 'yeah whatever' or 'you too' before I closed the door behind me and started walking down our driveway.

I usually ran on the trails that ran behind my house, they were my quiet place, the place I went when I needed to think to be with nature. Today however I decided that I needed to focus, that if I went into the woods I wouldn't be able to figure out what I needed..I needed distraction.

I turned right and ran down the side of the road, smiling and waving at a few of the neighbors as I went past doing my best to ignore the burning, pulsing pain in my lower legs and feet. I took a left onto Colorado avenue and noticed that the traffic was busier here then it was on my road, but I ignored it and kept going as I realized that the pain in my feet was getting less as I ran..that or I was just ignoring the pain.

I don't know how long I ran, I'm guessing it was about twenty minutes or so when I felt a cramp beginning in my upper left leg. I stopped against a large oak tree and tried to stretch out the muscle which didn't work. I walked for about a block when I got the feeling that I was being watched, I turned and looked for someone but there was no one else walking or running at this time, just the cars going by. I did my best to ignore the feeling but the more I walked the worse the sensation got. I looked around about ten more times looking for someone and never saw who it was but something deep in my soul told me I needed to get going home..and soon.

I turned on my heel and started running back towards my house, not at a out run but faster then I had been running before my cramp. I swear I could feel someone watching me, and it was distracting me from my run. I know better then to stop watching where I run..I'm always very careful when running with traffic but the feeling of someone's eyes on me had me completely distracted.

I heard the horn a fraction of a second before I turned and saw the car that I had just stepped out in front of. I knew I wouldn't have time to get out of the way, that the car wouldn't have time to stop before it hit me. I screamed as loud as I could as I closed my eyes and wished I could see Dom.
posted by gwen5890
when i knew rosalie was holding edward hand and told him this:you no longer love her and he saw me and bent down and kiss her i no longer saw him as my boyfriend i saw him as a betalyed person i never knew and at day i run home crying but then i saw emment and he grab me and kiss me and said;you saw too.but i didn't say a word and i got out of his hold and cry while running down the street so i went to the ciffs but before i knew it alice stop me and says:don't do this! i'am in love with you but how could she love me after all does years i been in love with ed--ward..................but i see how alice feel to after what happen at my birthday party with jasper who try to attack me and the vamps grab him from killing me but i kiss her anyway and i guess i like at but i didn't know what to think about what happen with rosalie and edward just now but know now i found another person to fall in love with.
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 5
***Jasper's POV***

I glared at him as I tried to once again ignore who and what I was, doing my best to focus on what he was feeling. He was tired..which as I already said was obvious, annoyed by a car of teens, angry that he was still working, and that was about it until he saw Emmett...and Emmett saw him..and Emmett flexed his arms..which made him apprehensive.

"Nice Emmett." I said as I laughed.

"Knock it off Emmett." Edward said as he rolled down his window and smiled politely at the officer.

I focused on the cop, doing my best to change his emotions, I first worked on his apprehension...
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added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 27

"Edward?" I said as I sobbed.

I reached one hand out to him and was shocked when I heard Jasper growl and he pulled me tighter against his chest.

"No." Jasper growled at Edward.

"Jazz," Edward sighed. "Look at her, she's petrified. You can feel her emotions Jasper, what is she feeling?"

"Edward, I just got her back. Please don't take her away from me." Jasper said, the sorrow in his voice breaking my heart.

"What is Alice feeling Jasper?" Carlisle asked.

"She's scared..no petrified, so full of sorrow and uncertainty." Jasper said softly as his hands released me, Edward's hands moving...
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posted by just_bella
I'm not even going to start with excuses on why I haven't written...so here we go.
End of Chapter 5
***Edward's POV***

"I will get you to your family, and I will get you out of town..to a place you won't have to live in fear." The sincerity in my voice strong enough that she looked up at me with hope in her eyes.

"What do we do?" She whispered.

"You must trust me, believe me I will not hurt you. I do not survive off humans...only animals, human life is precious." I said, adding the end on so she would trust me.

"Alright, I will trust you. Please think of my children." She sniffed.

I nodded as I moved...
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posted by just_bella
Alright I just need to apologize for the typing mistakes in my last few stories...but well I am typing all of this one armed since the other is in a cast. Thank you all for being patient and understanding.

End of Chapter 4
***Emmett's POV***

"You have to stop Edward." Alice said as she closed her eyes and did her freaky search for the future thing.

"Well crap." Rosalie said as Edward pulled over and stopped the car, the police cruiser pulling behind us.

We all sat very still as the officer climbed out of the car and began making his way towards us. We all were hit by the smell of him at the...
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posted by just_bella
Jessika, I hope this helps your day get a little better.

End of Chapter 3
***Edward's POV***

I grabbed my keys as I turned and walked out of the house, knowing everyone was on their way out. I smiled as Emmett and Jasper walked out of the woods, both of them making sure their clothes weren't messed up before the girls saw them.

"You look gorgeous love." Emmett said as he climbed into the backseat of my car, smiling as he helped Rose in.

I rolled my eyes at them as Jasper and Alice climbed in, the entire car full of everyone's thoughts. I pulled away from the house, driving well above the limit like...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 26

"What!?" Emmett yelled defensively. "I just paid for the pizza...hey you still owe me twenty dollars Edward"

"Boys." Esme said, obviously tired of the bickering.

"Then what happened Alice?" Rosalie said as she smiled sweetly at me.

"Well, I took all of that as a good sign. I figured that since I could smell, hear and feel that it meant this was almost done...but the darkness, the shadows had another plan." I said softly, swallowing loudly before I went on.

"I heard my name being called like so many times before...except that this time the voice I heard was one that I would know...
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posted by just_bella
k.....here we go :)

End of Chapter 22

"Maija, I got a call. We have to leave, your...family is coming for you." He said softly, yet sternly.

"I can't just leave, my aunts.." I said as I was interrupted.

"Dale and Elise will tell them, we have to go now. Please just grab what you need, we're going to have to take the horses."

"Um..Michael, can't we talk to everyone about this?"

"No...someone...we can't stay. Please trust me." He said softly, his hands dropping from my face.

"I do." I said equally soft.

"Please hurry then, we have to go before they get too close."

I looked at him for a few minutes trying...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4
***Alice's POV***

"Emmett, wait." Rosalie said as she pulled on his hand, stopping him before he stepped into the glare of the sun.

"Oh." He said as a family walked by, wondering what a bunch of teens were doing without any parents.

"Let's go find mom and dad." Jasper said as he turned and walked back towards the parking garage.

We all went back to the dark of the parking garage, talking about what they could be doing in South Africa....what they could possibly want there? I looked for anything that could change in Edward's future, I was getting frustrated..nothing changing until...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 25

"So...you knew Rosalie left?" Carlisle asked, redirecting the conversation.

"Yes, I knew that Rosalie had woken up. And once the voices found out..it got twice as bad. When the light was there I could almost move, I could feel my fingers and toes, feel your touch." I said as I smiled at Jasper. "Yet...when the light would go away I could almost see something in the shadows, something lurking..waiting for me."

"I hoped and prayed to anyone that would listen that Bella would figure this out, because the darkness was beginning to come more often then the light. The thing in the...
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added by just_bella
added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
Alright all, I can't believe I went this long without writing!!! But I'm going to try typing one handed...if this works then I will write more tomorrow. Thank you all for the well wishes and support!!!!!
lots of love~

End of Chapter 2
***Jasper's POV***

"Do you want to go hunting again?" She asked, doing her best not to push me, but looking out for me.

"I suppose." I said as I stood up and grabbed my jacket off the back of the door.

"Jazz." She said, stopping me in my tracks as I turned and smiled at her, the entire room flooded with all the love and pride that she had in her.

"Thanks love." I...
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posted by just_bella
Alright all quick message. I'm having surgery tomorrow (Friday) on my arm and wrist...pretty icky things which I won't explain. I just ask that you all be patient with me, I will do my best to type and keep up with the stories but can't promise that I will get them up as fast as I have. Please just be understanding and patient with me, that's all I ask. Thank you all!

End of Chapter 21

"You will not do something like that again." Maxine said, and I assumed she was talking to Michael..but when I looked she was staring directly at me.

"What?" I asked, surprised she was talking to me.

"You were...
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posted by just_bella
Alright, Edward's turn!! Let's refresh our memories about what happened last time shall we?? ;)

End of Chapter 3
***Edward's POV***

I was lost in my own mind, thinking of confessing my undying love that I didn't notice someone opening the door until it was cracked. I looked up to see Gabriel standing in the door way, a smile I knew was no good spread across his face.

"I brought you dinner." He said as he grinned.

"I'm not hungry." I said, my throat burning at the idea of having something to eat. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I had ate, I was so afraid to leave Bella that I ignored...
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posted by just_bella
You seem to like this which makes me SUPER happy..stupid new story ideas!! LOL!!!

End of Chapter 1
***Emmett's POV***

I walked down the stairs, wondering how long we had before we had to leave, and if I had time to go eat before we did. I was just rounding the banister into the living room when Edward appeared looking as depressed and withdrawn as usual.

"Yes you have time. I think Jasper just left." He said as he ran up the stairs and slammed his door behind him.

I shrugged, realizing that I would never understand Edward...he was about as different from me as possibly...
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