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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4

"Then what the hell happened?"

"Um.." I said as I tried to think up something fast. I knew that if I told her about my dreams that she would probably think I was crazy..which I was beginning to question myself. "I..I was going to go out..to get away..but when I went to sneak out last night I fell in the snow."

"Really Alexandra?" My mother said as she shook her head. "That's the best you can come up with?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"I'm so sick of your lies." She said as she stood up and stormed out of my room. I realized my life was a mess, both my real life and the dream life I wished I could return to.

Chapter 5

I was so confused..so lost. My mother was mad because I wouldn't..no couldn't tell her what was causing me these injuries, she wouldn't believe me anyway.

I lay in my bed trying to figure out my life..I wanted to go back, back to my dream to figure out what was going on to get away from everything and everyone..but I didn't know how.

I sat up, grabbing a stuffed owl off my bed and throwing it across the room in frustration. I needed to figure this out, I had to get things right..and the only thing in life that made me calm, made me focus was running.

I ignored the pain in my feet and legs as I pulled on socks and stuffed my swollen, raw feet into my running shoes. I knew that this was going to hurt..but I had to find clarity and this was the only way I could think of.

"Mom," I yelled as I winced because of the pain in my feet. "I'm gonna go run."

"Oh yeah," I heard her say in a sarcastic tone. "That's going to help your feet."

"Bye mom!" I said as I ignored both the comment and the pain in my legs. "Love you!"

I heard her groan something that sounded like 'yeah whatever' or 'you too' before I closed the door behind me and started walking down our driveway.

I usually ran on the trails that ran behind my house, they were my quiet place, the place I went when I needed to think to be with nature. Today however I decided that I needed to focus, that if I went into the woods I wouldn't be able to figure out what I needed..I needed distraction.

I turned right and ran down the side of the road, smiling and waving at a few of the neighbors as I went past doing my best to ignore the burning, pulsing pain in my lower legs and feet. I took a left onto Colorado avenue and noticed that the traffic was busier here then it was on my road, but I ignored it and kept going as I realized that the pain in my feet was getting less as I ran..that or I was just ignoring the pain.

I don't know how long I ran, I'm guessing it was about twenty minutes or so when I felt a cramp beginning in my upper left leg. I stopped against a large oak tree and tried to stretch out the muscle which didn't work. I walked for about a block when I got the feeling that I was being watched, I turned and looked for someone but there was no one else walking or running at this time, just the cars going by. I did my best to ignore the feeling but the more I walked the worse the sensation got. I looked around about ten more times looking for someone and never saw who it was but something deep in my soul told me I needed to get going home..and soon.

I turned on my heel and started running back towards my house, not at a out run but faster then I had been running before my cramp. I swear I could feel someone watching me, and it was distracting me from my run. I know better then to stop watching where I run..I'm always very careful when running with traffic but the feeling of someone's eyes on me had me completely distracted.

I heard the horn a fraction of a second before I turned and saw the car that I had just stepped out in front of. I knew I wouldn't have time to get out of the way, that the car wouldn't have time to stop before it hit me. I screamed as loud as I could as I closed my eyes and wished I could see Dom.
added by miley13
added by miley13
added by miley13
posted by just_bella
hehehe I wrote all 3 stories..hehe.

End of Chapter 8
***Jasper's POV***

"Do you want to talk about it?" Alice asked.

"Not right now." I said. "How long have you known?"

"Since you left lunch."

"Edward?" I asked, cursing his name.

"Yes, don't be angry with him. I made him tell me." Alice said as she grinned.

"I'm sorry."

"You didn't do it, let's go hunting." Alice said, knowing it would help me feel better.

"Alright." I said as I hugged her.

We made our way around the house and were almost to the river when we heard Emmett teasing Edward about their wrestling match.

"Can we watch this first?" I asked as...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 9
***Edward's POV***

We walked out the door and down the hall, not meeting another person until we walked into the main area. There were a few people moving luggage from the entry out the doors, most of them keeping their thoughts on the job and pleasing Jane. One middle aged man's thoughts were filled with thoughts of moving up in the command, he wondered if it would be possible to kill Gabriel, and if that was possible...if he would be placed in the position.

"Edward?" Catarina said as she touched my shoulder.

"Sorry," I said as I shook my head. "Lots of thoughts in this area."...
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posted by just_bella
Ok..ok...I know...I haven't written in a few days...and I'm sorry. Here we go:

End of Chapter 26

I sniffled as I nodded, not wanting to leave the warm embrace of his arms. He sighed as he leg go and went to pour the water into a trough that was set between two trees. I found their grain and was surprised when I went to pour it out to find that there was hay set out by the water.

"Did you stock this place?" I asked Michael.

"No, how weird is that?" He said as he walked over and broke the hay up.

"Maybe it isn't that weird." I said as I smiled thinking about Diana and the fact that she was the goddess...
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added by just_bella
just bella
added by just_bella
added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
Story 2....hoo woo!!! ;)

End of Chapter 7
***Emmett's POV***

The first day went as it always did, people staring at us as we walked through. Most of them were afraid of us, switched sides of the hall to get away and gawk at us all. A few girls instantly had crushes on us, and quite a few guys were watching Rosalie which she instantly knew and loved every moment.

I reached over and ran my hand down her arm gently, smiling at her as she looked back up at me. I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her, but knew that I would have to wait until after school. She smiled up at me, mouthing the words...
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posted by just_bella
well....let's see if I can do all three stories today...

End of Chapter 7
***Edward's POV***

"I will do my best not to hurt you, when I finish you must apply pressure and stay in the corner." I said as I closed my eyes and wished I didn't have to do this.

"Alright," She whispered. "Will your family help me?"

"Yes, just wait in this room. If anyone enters please yell the name Alice Cullen, over and over. Trust that it is her, I'm sure she will come." I said as I realized how much I was missing my bratty little sister.

"She won't hurt me?"

"No, she will not." I said as I heard someone turn back down...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 25

I blinked a few times, realizing that I was still on Piper's back. I felt the eyes again watching me, but ignored them as I looked around for Michael or Concho. I whistled loudly quickly, knowing that Concho was trained to come when he heard the whistle.

Nothing happened for a few minute4s but then I heard the sound I had been hoping and praying to hear. I heard Concho running as fast as he could towards me and Piper, Michael holding on for dear life.

"Where were you?" He asked as he frowned but then smiled as he rode up next to me, his hand held out for mine. I wrapped my hand...
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just bella
added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
Hmmmmmmmm this could be fun! Let's see what happens between Edward and Emmett. Jake...this one is just for you, hope you enjoy!!!!

End of Chapter 6
***Edward's POV***

I handed Alice back the registration form, which she put away before turning and looking at me. She smiled and waved at Chief Swan as he pulled away before pointing at the designer watch on her wrist.

"We have to go or we will be late for our first day." She said..her tone a bit panicky.

"Like we haven't done this." Emmett whined.

"Not here we haven't." She said as she turned and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh...Emmett." I said as...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 6
***Emmett's POV***

Half an hour later we were all running through town, looking for the building Alice had seen in her vision. We had just turned down an alley when Alice came to a stop and turned to face a broken down shop. She walked over and turned the handle as all of us braced for a fight.

The swung open to reveal a large room with what looked to be three rooms off the main room. We were about to split up when we heard a woman scream, the sound stopping us all dead in our tracks. Jasper took off with all of us on his heels, slowing when we heard breathing on the other side...
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posted by just_bella
Love, I hope this helps you feel better and helps you get better soon!!!!
lots of love

End of Chapter 24

"Michael?" I whispered. "Michael I feel like someone....or something is watching me."

"Maija?" Michael's voice called. "Maija!" He said a bit louder then I though he should since we were suppose to be sneaking.

"Stop yelling," I said as I turned in the saddle to glare at him...but stopping my frown when I realized he was gone.

"Michael?" I whispered, doing my best to jeep myself calm. "MICHAEL!!" I screamed, not caring who heard me.

I spun Piper around, kicking harder then necessary as we ran back...
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posted by gwen5890
BECAUSE I SAW YOU AND EDWARD KISSING AT WHY!!WELL WHERE EMMent?well he left because of what you did to him ! and he loves me now rosalie!i thought you and my betalyed boyfriend edward love each other well if you don't love me edward i won"t marry you until you give her up now see if i'am playing! but i really thought you were kissing emment i knew what i saw bella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well i saw a betalyed boy who was supposed to marry me but end up kisssing his nasty sister rosalie!but as i look over i saw alice and jasper screaming at me telling me at...
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all i know was edward was no longer staying with me because then i knew i saw rosalie grab edward hand and say;you no longer love her so see who y
yours!!!!!!!!so then he bent down and kissed her while i watch them kissing and huggging but i run down the street and i found at betalyed about what he just did to me so i then found emment calling me:bella! are u okay why are u crying?but i fell down acting at i really was in pain until he pick me up by his hand and bent down and kisss me and it really felt at good to me until alice and jasper saw us and said:ohmygods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we are telling rosalie and edward at we saw u kissing!but he let me go and said;please forgive me but i have to go and before he left i was crying so loud at only alice and jasper can hear it.but then i saw rosalie and edward by my side an a flash and says;why did u do at