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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4

"Then what the hell happened?"

"Um.." I said as I tried to think up something fast. I knew that if I told her about my dreams that she would probably think I was crazy..which I was beginning to question myself. "I..I was going to go out..to get away..but when I went to sneak out last night I fell in the snow."

"Really Alexandra?" My mother said as she shook her head. "That's the best you can come up with?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"I'm so sick of your lies." She said as she stood up and stormed out of my room. I realized my life was a mess, both my real life and the dream life I wished I could return to.

Chapter 5

I was so confused..so lost. My mother was mad because I wouldn't..no couldn't tell her what was causing me these injuries, she wouldn't believe me anyway.

I lay in my bed trying to figure out my life..I wanted to go back, back to my dream to figure out what was going on to get away from everything and everyone..but I didn't know how.

I sat up, grabbing a stuffed owl off my bed and throwing it across the room in frustration. I needed to figure this out, I had to get things right..and the only thing in life that made me calm, made me focus was running.

I ignored the pain in my feet and legs as I pulled on socks and stuffed my swollen, raw feet into my running shoes. I knew that this was going to hurt..but I had to find clarity and this was the only way I could think of.

"Mom," I yelled as I winced because of the pain in my feet. "I'm gonna go run."

"Oh yeah," I heard her say in a sarcastic tone. "That's going to help your feet."

"Bye mom!" I said as I ignored both the comment and the pain in my legs. "Love you!"

I heard her groan something that sounded like 'yeah whatever' or 'you too' before I closed the door behind me and started walking down our driveway.

I usually ran on the trails that ran behind my house, they were my quiet place, the place I went when I needed to think to be with nature. Today however I decided that I needed to focus, that if I went into the woods I wouldn't be able to figure out what I needed..I needed distraction.

I turned right and ran down the side of the road, smiling and waving at a few of the neighbors as I went past doing my best to ignore the burning, pulsing pain in my lower legs and feet. I took a left onto Colorado avenue and noticed that the traffic was busier here then it was on my road, but I ignored it and kept going as I realized that the pain in my feet was getting less as I ran..that or I was just ignoring the pain.

I don't know how long I ran, I'm guessing it was about twenty minutes or so when I felt a cramp beginning in my upper left leg. I stopped against a large oak tree and tried to stretch out the muscle which didn't work. I walked for about a block when I got the feeling that I was being watched, I turned and looked for someone but there was no one else walking or running at this time, just the cars going by. I did my best to ignore the feeling but the more I walked the worse the sensation got. I looked around about ten more times looking for someone and never saw who it was but something deep in my soul told me I needed to get going home..and soon.

I turned on my heel and started running back towards my house, not at a out run but faster then I had been running before my cramp. I swear I could feel someone watching me, and it was distracting me from my run. I know better then to stop watching where I run..I'm always very careful when running with traffic but the feeling of someone's eyes on me had me completely distracted.

I heard the horn a fraction of a second before I turned and saw the car that I had just stepped out in front of. I knew I wouldn't have time to get out of the way, that the car wouldn't have time to stop before it hit me. I screamed as loud as I could as I closed my eyes and wished I could see Dom.
posted by just_bella
Ok...this one might be fun ;) hope you all like it!!!!

End of Chapter 22
***Edward's POV***

I walked forward slowly, listening to everyone's thoughts as I walked. Most people were thinking about things other then this girl who I was about to meet, except for Alec who was thinking about me..and how shocked I was going to be when I found out about their 'secret weapon.'

"No listening, everyone OUT." Aro demanded as he watched me focusing on Alec. "That's cheating Edward, I thought your 'family' was all about morals?"

I crossed my arms and thought of the family that Aro had just mentioned. About the...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 20
***Edward's POV***

We went in the room, and as always I knew all of Jasper's questions before he asked them. Our conversation moved quickly from one subject to another from Bella to Alice, to Jasper apologizing for the things he said, for making me leave.

I knew he meant each and every word, he truly was sorry that he had said..or thought the things he did. He knew that I wasn't perfect, that I hurt each time I saw the way he touched Alice, or Emmett and Rosalie looked at each other. That I would never admit it to anyone else, but I was horribly jealous of my family.

"And that...
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posted by just_bella
Sorry about the mess up all, I know last chapter I put in Alice when it should have been Jane. I was tired when I wrote that...sorry :) Ok, here we go!!

End of Chapter 21
***Edward's POV***

Gabriel went to take a few steps back, to flee Jane's torture but as he stepped the guards arms wrapped around him...holding him in face. When Jane looked at him and focused on causing him harm all of the guards let go and took one small step backwards. I knew that it was going to happen a few seconds before it actually did...but what I didn't expect was for Gabriel to try and use his power on Jane.

"STOP" Gabriel...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 7

I nodded as I stood up and went to help him hang the cross that he had spent so much time carving, that he had put so much of himself into. Neither of us said a word as we hung the cross, both focusing on making sure the cross was hung straight.

"I think you should lead the hunt tonight Carlisle." My father said as we stepped back to make sure it was straight.

"I don't know." I said as I turned to look at my father. "I'm not sure that this is wise, I have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling?" My father laughed. "Carlisle, our Father is watching over all of us. He will make sure that...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 19
***Edward's POV***

"Oh." I said as I realized he had known all of this before, Alice had called him..or he had picked all of this out of my thoughts.

"What is your other reason?" Edward asked as he say on the bed.

"I also came to say I was sorry, that I shouldn't have said that you are perfect. I was angry, and that is not an excuse for what I said. Please come home, everyone misses you."

"I can't, not now. There are a few things that I need to take care of first." Edward said as he tried not to grin.

"Yeah I'm sure there is." I said.

I was about to start telling him how much everyone...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 20
***Alice's POV***

"I need you to promise me that you and Esme will keep Bella in Forks. I can't tell you everything that Alice has seen, because I think that would just upset things. Please trust us all, we are going to do everything in our power to stop this but you have to keep Bella there..please." Rosalie said.

Carlisle argued for a minute, trying to convince Rosalie that he and Esme needed to be with us, especially if we were heading for Italy. But Rosalie wouldn't back down, and in the end he agreed to try and keep Bella safe in Forks while we went to Italy...as long as...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 1

The ride up to Forks was only about 15 minutes and in that short time he managed to grill me about classes, my friends and any girls that I found interesting. When I told him that none of the girls were 'my type' he asked if Bella was? When I didn't answer it started a whole new teasing session that lasted until we pulled into the driveway.

"Dad, please don't say anything to Charlie." I asked, looking at my hands.

"Don't say anything about what?" He teased.

"About...oh never mind. I'm sure he already knows about my crush, you two tell each other everything."

"Not that, I haven't...
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added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 18
***Edward's POV***

I picked at his memories, finding something that Alice had just told him. Something about this girl with the brown hair and how she was going to change me somehow. When I mentioned Alice's name he blinked and tried to collect himself.

"She...can we go somewhere else?" He asked as his eyes flickered to the girl.

"Yes, of course. Please excuse us." I said to Bella, wishing nothing more then to stay with her..but I knew that Jasper was suffering being this close and I couldn't allow him to be tempted.

The girl stood there frozen for a minute before she nodded, her...
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added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 6

"I do not believe that our kind can co-exist, call it survival of the strongest." He said as he flexed his hand which was resting on my chest, his fingers scratching my skin through my shirt which made me cry out in pain.

"Please," I cried out. "Please let me go."

"I will let you go this one time," He said as he stepped back, his hands folded in front of him again. "Do not come looking for us. If you do, you will all die."

I nodded at him, knowing that I could not fight him and that arguing would not e beneficial. He laughed quietly as he turned and ran out the door, melting into...
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added by just_bella
just bella
posted by just_bella
Ok I might be a bit nuts but I've written all my stories in one day :) I'm kind of proud. Thanks all!! Hope you enjoy this one!

End of Chapter 17
***Jasper's POV***

"Is he going to run from me?" I asked, hoping she was going to say no.

"I don't believe so, I think he's interested in her..so much that he won't run from you..." She said, stopping mid sentence.

"Alice?" I asked, wondering if she was still on the phone.

"Jazz, hurry." She said, her tone flat like it always was when she had a vision.

I moved as fast as I could with this many people around, I jogged towards the hotel my anxiety growing...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 18
***Bella's POV***

I pulled a pillow over my head, tears instantly flowing down my cheeks as I thought about the last few weeks. The horror of being taken from my own room, only to find out they wanted to use me against Edward and his family. The joy of knowing Edward and the Cullens were coming to get me, and the unbelievable feeling of Edward finally holding me after all I had been through...then the horror of being told that I was safe but Edward had been taken. We had just been reunited, how could we be separated all ready?

The tears were flowing continuously down my cheeks,...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 5

"Carlisle?" My father's voice called, breaking my train of thought.

"Yes, sorry. What were you saying?"

"I asked you to come by and hang the cross before you go out looking for the demons tonight." He said, once again looking sad.

"Yes, I will stop by." I said as I rubbed my already weary eyes.

"Good, and Carlisle...Charlies is going to lead the hunt tonight. Please just watch what he does then next time you will be the leader."

"I will." I said, incredibly happy that I was not going to be the one leading tonight, but one of the followers.

Father excused himself, reminding me on the...
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posted by just_bella
End of chapter 16
***Edward's POV***

"Yes, and I don't know if that is good or bad, please Edward just come home. If you don't want to come home then please promise me to be careful."

"I will be careful. What should I do if I meet this girl Alice?" I asked, playing along.

"Oh..Edward." She asked. "You've already met her haven't you?"


"Oh..Edward, please stay away from her. Oh, and Jasper's on his way there..I just thought I would warn you."

"Jazz? Why?"

"Because he thinks he can make things right when he talks to you." She said sadly.

"Great. I will deal with it all, thanks for the warning about...
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posted by just_bella
Sorry all, here's the newest chapter. Thanks for being patient with me :)

End of Chapter 17
***Edward's POV***

"Oh Alice, what did you see?" I asked, knowing that from her response it was something horrible.

"I won't say, just please Edward..Please don't call her, do not allow what I saw to happen."

"Alright Alice, but then you all must do me a favor and stay in Spain until I figure out what is going on." I said, hoping that the her vision would not come true whatever it was and that they would keep their end of the deal.

"Alright, we will stay. But please Edward, do not call her." Alice begged....
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 4

"Father?" I asked, the shock in my tone far from hidden.

"Carlisle, I wish to teach you the ways. Hopefully we will take care of this problem, or they will run off..either way our town will be free of the curse that was placed on us."

"A curse?" I asked.

"Yes, first it was believed it was wolves or witches but now we know the truth..vampires. Creatures of the dark who kill for pleasure, sent to test our faith. We almost had them tonight, but they caught on to our plan and evaded us at each turn. Tomorrow you come with us to hunt again, hopefully you will be there to help us send...
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just bella
posted by just_bella
Sorry I haven't written..i'll try and write more often..hope this makes up for it.

End of Chapter 15
***Jasper's POV***

"There's only one way I can think of fixing this." I said as I kissed Alice's head.

"Please take me with you."

"Not this time love, I have to make this right. It's my fault that he left and I am the only one would can make this right."

"Jazz," She sighed as she hugged me tighter. "I love you and I'm sorry...I know you feel everyone's emotions..including mine."


"No..I know I haven't been fooling you and for that I am sorry. You know how much I love you and trust you, but..."...
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