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We know where the princesses stand... but what about their movies? Well, if you read this then you'll find out!
We know where the princesses stand... but what about their movies? Well, if you read this then you'll find out!
I had one for the princesses, but what about the movies they're from? Gah, this was so hard to decide. ;_____;
Yes, I like a good joke and yes, I swear like a sailor. Fucking deal with it. If I say something you don't like, then too bad. It was a joke.
Anyway, on with the countdown!

9) Sleeping Beauty

SNOW WHITE ISN'T LAST? I know, what a shocker.
I watched this quite recently and it bored me. A lot. The music isn't amazing, it's not very long and there aren't enough gags. Aurora is pretty personalityless and that really sums up the whole movie. It has the makings for the movie but the input just seems to fall at the final hurdle. I love the funny parts of movies and this film was severely lacking in them. One silly drunken song and a few wise cracks from Merryweather. I was not in hysterics. PLUS, THERE WAS NO VILLAIN SONG. Is there no God? Every good film needs a good... Oh wait, I placed some other films higher and they don't have a... Well, this film needed one. It was bland and unfunny and a villain song would have entertained me.

8) Snow White and The Seven Dwarves
Surprisingly good for what it is, but not half as good as the rest.
Surprisingly good for what it is, but not half as good as the rest.

As much as I wanted to place this higher, I loved the other films more. I watched this for the first time in a long time on Wednesday when I was ill... And I was surprised at just how good it was. Ok, so Snow White's voice really does sound like a drowning cat and she's not very pretty, but it was quite funny for 1937. That poor turtle. Gets all the way up the stairs and then the animals come running out and push it back down again. It was funny until the turtle got hurt. Then it was fucking hilarious. The animation quality is very surprising in itself and it's MUCH more consistent than most films from the Renaissance (apart from Snow White's hair. Unless it actually was a wig and the times when it appears to detatch from her head were intentional) even if the movements can look a little dodgy at times. I'm blessed to have the 1994 Collector's edition (ikr, how up-to-date) and it has a deleted scene on the end and it was so funny. Hence why it kicks Sleeping Beauty into the dust.

7) Cinderella
Iconic, but not the best.
Iconic, but not the best.

I see that all the classics have collapsed to the bottom. Probably because they all struggle to get over 1 hour in length.
Cinderella is by far the most iconic Disney princess film, and it has good reason to be. It's magical and funny and the songs are surprisingly good (all, what, 4 of them?). Cinderella looks like a fucking supermodel. Except maybe for her hair. The film itself is pretty weird, due to it's storyline. Really, have you ever looked into it? A girl who is mourning her father's death is ridiculed and humiliated by her step-family (those were the narrator's terms for it, not mine) until it gets to the point that she is their servant. She is then attacked by her step-sisters when she tries to go to ball (and she has a monstrosity of a bow in her hair. Srsly, who decided that would look good?) where she has to be helped by some weird old woman in her garden who claims to be a Fairy Godmother. She then goes to a ball where the prince basically just goes "Eww, these step-sisters are fu- Oh, hello, nurse!" and lusts after Cinders all night. Then they're about to get off when they don't even know each other's names. Heh, they probably haven't even spoken. So she runs off and he orders her to be found but can't even be bothered to search for her himself? Yeah, he's really in love.

6) Beauty and The Beast
It's just not that good a film. AND THE ANIMATION IS SO INCONSISTENT, GAH.
It's just not that good a film. AND THE ANIMATION IS SO INCONSISTENT, GAH.

Yes, it's not top. I simply don't like it as much as the others.
Luckily, we are now into the Renaissance and have some funny gags to fuel us. Cue a candlestick and a clock? Ok, whatever. Where to start on reasons why I don't really like BatB that much... Well, the songs. Usually get great acclaim for being amazing and the such. Honestly, how many of them are good? About two. Two out of how many? What, nine? Yeah, great job. There's an amazing little villain running around looking in pots and pans to admire his Adam's apple and there's even a talking wardrobe but this film... Just no. It's so rushed as well. Inconsistency to the max, especially on plain old Belle. She's so boring, she really does draw this movie down. They should rename it Boring and The Beast. She isn't beautiful and she's bland. In fact, I've already explained all this. Do I need to repeat it? No, I don't think I do.
Apart from that, this film is quite good. Not one I watched repeatedly as a kid. Heck, I didn't even have it on video until I was like 9. I was a kid of the sequels. I used to watch the Enchanted Christmas so much. I loved that film. I have Magical World too, but meh. I didn't like that one as much. Anyway, back to the original. It was ok. I enjoy watching it. But the other films are better. So let's move on to...

5) The Little Mermaid
A great film. Funny, nice songs, good story... Not as good as the rest.
A great film. Funny, nice songs, good story... Not as good as the rest.

As if that wasn't bad enough, Ariel hasn't made it very far either.
I love this movie. No, really, I do. I've had it on video since before I can remember. I haven't watched it in forever, so that can go on my list of things to watch on Thursday and Friday along with Aladdin. From what I remember being fuelled by YouTube videos of the songs and making my own videos and countdowns and stuff, this film was very funny. Scuttle still makes me lol when I think of a little thing he says that has been stuck in my head for God knows how many years. Ariel was very funny too and everyone loves a hilarious princess. Ok, so every single outfit was an 80s monstrosity. What do I care? It provides me with silly jokes to crack regarding pink marshmallows and halterneck jumpers. Would they make such a thing? No. Would Triton force such a thing to be made for his daughter? Yes, he would. That purple sequin thing looks like a halterneck jumper. It's just impossible. It was one thing to put the poor girl in pink, but to dress her in the impossible? No. Just no. Though, on a high note, Eric is fit as.

4) Pocahontas
A film of epic proportions. Just lost out thanks to one shitty sequel.
A film of epic proportions. Just lost out thanks to one shitty sequel.

Ooh, certainly edging our way up here.
This movie is one of my favourites for sure. It was very much dragged down this far by that godawful sequel. Pocahontas is my second favourite princess and rightly so. She's amazing and THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATURE ON THE PLANET... of princesses. Even some pixie dust couldn't help Aurora beat her. It only helps that her dress is skimpy and she doesn't wear shoes, but whatever. THIS FILM IS AMAZING. THE MUSIC, JOHN SMITH, THE STORYLINE... I could go on for days. Why make a sequel? Why dirty this masterpiece? WHY HAVE POCAHONTAS MARRY THAT FUCKTARD ROLFE? WHYYYYY, DISNEY? WHYYYYYYYY?
Erm, yes, anyway...

3) Aladdin
An epic film. Just not quite as epic as the other two.
An epic film. Just not quite as epic as the other two.

I dislike nothing about this movie. Nothing at all. Ok, maybe Return of Jafar, but I haven't actually seen that.
I'll admit it: I prefered King of Thieves to this as a child. I was a sequel lover in many ways. Some sequels I couldn't stand, but I loved sequels that a lot of people had never even heard of. ANYWAY, leaving sequels behind, this film is amazing. So funny! Robin Williams = love. Ahhhh, yes. The storyline is amazing and you can't help but sing along to the music. Well, the stuff that you can actually hear the lyrics to. There isn't really much more to say on this film except that it's a good one.

2) Mulan
Includes most of my favourite stuff... But it somehow got knocked off the top for once!
Includes most of my favourite stuff... But it somehow got knocked off the top for once!

My favourite princess. My favourite message. My favourite songs. But not my favourite movie?
First off, I'd just like to say that Mushu is made of epic win. Whoever decided that Eddie Murphy should accompany Mulan in the form of a dragony lizard thing deserves a medal. A bigass medal. A medal that reads "I'm so epic win that Chuck Norris knows my name". That's how epic win it is. Aside from that, this film has so many magical moments. You never forget the first time you hear Be A Man and you end up singing along even though you don't know the words. I had a series of actions by the time I was 7. It just makes you want to run around in happiness and go "YES, THIS FILM HAS MADE MY CHILDHOOD WORTHWHILE!". Heck, even the fucking sequel was epic win. I think Walt Disney's been sitting on his cloud giving this Chinese legend the thumbs up since it was made. But what could possibly have beaten it? It can only be one thing. Yes, it's...

1) The Princess and The Frog
THIS FILM COULD NOT BE MORE AMAZING IF IT TRIED. Well, Clopin could have been in it, but I don't think the world would have survived such a large level of epicness being produced.
THIS FILM COULD NOT BE MORE AMAZING IF IT TRIED. Well, Clopin could have been in it, but I don't think the world would have survived such a large level of epicness being produced.

As if I didn't already think highly of Disney, this masterpiece jumped up at the end of last year and pretty much wiped the floor with the Renaissance. What a magnificent take on a traditional tale!
The things I could list on how much I love this film. Let's just keep it short and snappy.
First off, there's Naveen. The fucking sexy studmuffin. You just want to run over there and dance with him, yes? His voice, his hair, his fashion sense... Oh, the world just simultaneously jizzed. AND NOT TO MENTION, HE'S FUNNY. A GUY WITH A FUCKING SENSE OF HUMOUR! YES, THANK YOU DISNEY, THE WORLD IS COMPLETE! Not to mention that he's basically just a non-asexual version of Clopin, as Lullaby rightly noted in a prop to me. And we all know how epic win Clopin is.
Moving on. As if this film wasn't funny enough, they decide to give Tiana the most amazing best friend ever. Lottie is made of love. Love and epic win and sparkly pink dresses. AND OMG, HER VOICE. I went so squee when she opened her mouth in that opening scene. Tiana's voice is equally as amazing. DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY TALK LIKE THAT? DO THEY, REALLY? Ohhhh, those voices are so amazing. Lottie is so ditzy and crazy. She's so goddamn COOL!
Moving on once more in a desperate bid to sum this up a little more quickly. THERE ARE SO MANY AMAZING THINGS ABOUT IT. Doctor Facilier for one. Ohhhhhh. He's so cool. Tiana is an amazing character too. What are those things she makes, beigenets? ARE THEY REAL? WHAT ARE THEY? I want to try one, oh I really do. I was like this when I was 5 and I loved Popeye. Then I actually ate spinach and I hated it. So yeah, these beigenet things had better be both real and amazing. LOUIS AND RAY. Oh poor Ray, popping his clogs at the end. I was like "OMFG, NOT RAY. NOT RAY THE HILLBILLY FIREFLY!" and then I was like "OH, THIS IS A HARD KNOCK TO MY JUDGE OF AMAZINGNESS. I LOVE RAY AND I LOVE FACILIER. OHHHH, WHAT AM I TO DOOOO?" and then Facilier basically fucking dies? Srsly? Meh, it's karma I suppose. And stops the film dragging on too long. Damn it, I've still wrote too much. THIS FILM IS EPIC, to cut the long story short. Erm, short-ish.

There's your lot. Be happy about it.

If you don't like my opinion, then fuck you. What the fucking hell are you doing reading my article if you don't want to know about my opinion?

Also, here's a picture to relieve the pain of coming to the end of my article. Because obviously, you wish it was never ending:
Don't ask. I drew this... a week ago? It was a joke. Like everything I do.
Don't ask. I drew this... a week ago? It was a joke. Like everything I do.
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: WiR2 sneak peek
I am decided to sort DPs to Hogwarts Houses. I'll illustrate this article with pictures where each DP best exhibits the traits of house she belongs( Gryffindors do something risky, Hufflepuffs are doing something useful or exhibit frinedliness, Ravenclaws read or explore something, Slytherins are tricking someone or dream about something). Warning: I have some unpopular opinions but I'll try to explain them. This is how I interpretent Hogwarts Houses and their values:
Gryffindors are first of all are brave, courageous, outspoken and risky. They are also often progressive, rebellious, mischievous,...
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posted by deltabannermen
A Disney Tale: A young girl is forced into drudgery by her step-family, only to win the heart of the kingdom's Prince and live happily ever after.

Disney Hero: Ostensibly, the 'hero' of Cinderella is the Prince (never actually referred to as Prince Charming, despite that being what he is generally known as today. Some sources have him named as Henry.). It is he who romances Cinderella and desires her as his wife after the ball. But, actually, the real heroes of Cinderella - for me - are Jaq and Gus, Cinderella's mice friends. They are the one's who rescue Cinderella from her attic room. Jaq...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Facebook.com/DPrincessScans
11. Cinderella

This was one of the easiest. Despite being the first DP movie I've ever seen, it is also the only DP movie with no aspects I enjoy. I don't like the characters, animation or songs. I find nothing enjoyable about this movie and I have no desire to re-watch it. I don't hate this movie but I wouldn't say I like it either. My least favorite DP movie wth no doubt. There are adaptation of this fairytale I like more.

10. Sleeping Beauty

I love its animation, it's gorgeous and one of the best in Disney history. I feel like artistic style of Pocahontas was inspired by SB and...
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posted by princesslullaby
Since the Princess of the Month is Belle, I figured why not start with Belle's favorite princess list. You can read my old ranking link.

I had an especially rough time placing Jasmine, Tiana, and Aurora. Eventually I went with what I have here. :)

10. Merida

Unfortunately Merida seems to take up a semi-permanent residence in last place for a lot of these princess lists, not unlike her condemnation on fanpop. Belle would have a strong distaste for Merida. Belle is a proud, dignified individual who cares about how she presents herself and Merida would seem callous and sloppy to Belle. Merida...
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Their wonderful hair makes me jealous
Their wonderful hair makes me jealous
Hell, I am having a good hair day! Or not? Well, whatever, I’m in love with the Disney princess hair. So, hair’s a great physical feature we all have got. Yea, all of us rock it! And I love how it varies much less on tastes. According to opinions, Someone’s eyes seem too big or too small, someone’s body can be too thin or too fat, our nose can be too big or too small, we can have too thick or too thin eyebrows and can have too thick or too thin lips. But hair rarely gets such opinions, right? My hair is a shade of dark ginger hair, which is down to my waist and is wavy . I love my hair,...
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added by KataraLover
added by Sparklefairy375
added by applebear123
The prettiest DP ranking( including Anna and Elsa)

Excuse me for not giving detailed descriptions. I am an intuiter by MBTI and focusing on details is not my strengh. So I'll give my general impression.
I am not sure about all placements. I am sure about #13-8 and about my TOP-3 but not about the medium.
I own none of these images.

13. Snow White
The most nurturing of all? Sure. The fairest? Sorry, I don't think so.
The most nurturing of all? Sure. The fairest? Sorry, I don't think so.

Snow White is an only Disney princess whom I don't find beautiful. Her feautiful are too rounded to me and I don't like her hair.


Another princess whose looks...
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Anastasia, how are you?
Anastasia, how are you?
Hi guys, okay since I'm a fan of both films. So here are comparisons on both films.

The Story

While watching Tangled, I notice some similarities with Anastasia. Rapunzel and the latter are both lost princesses who would be a commoner for the majority of the film.
Unlike Rapunzel, Anastasia suffers from amnesia while falling of the train and losing grip of her grandmother while escaping the revolution, while Rapunzel was kidnap as a baby by Mother Gothel.
They find true love along the way, and they did not get on well with Flynn and Dmitri respectively. But, as time goes by their relationship...
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posted by deedragongirl
Ella and Kit.
Ella and Kit.
Hi guys, I will be writing 2 of my favourite Disney remake that were make into a live action reboot. I will write down on which of these 2 are my favourites, as well as how they inspired me.

Cinderella (2015)

One of the things I really like about this reboot of the 1950 classic, was that it teaches us to have faith and be kind. We also get to see how Ella manages to stand against her stepmother unlike her animated version, she also meets the prince before meeting him during the ball.

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Like Cinderella, Belle has more screen-time including the Beast/ Prince Adam. Belle...
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Gothic Kelly Clarkson
Gothic Kelly Clarkson
Hi guys, since I had done for Carrie Underwood, now it's Kelly Clarkson's turn on which Princess will choose to be their favourite songs from her.

Since You Been Gone

Snow White and Princess Aurora mentally told Prince Charming and Prince Philip respectively about what happen to them since they have been gone during their respective films.

Don't You Wanna Stay (ft. Jason Aldean)

This song is actually a duet between Prince Kit and Ella during the ball and the hunting the stag scene, or best during the ending scene where he fits the slipper on Ella.

Never Again

Prince Eric swears that he will never...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Disney
Ready to meet your live-action counterparts?
Ready to meet your live-action counterparts?
Hi guys, since I had watch 3 reboots of their respective Disney classics. Here are my opinions on which is better, the animated or the live-action version?


Okay, as mentioned, this film left me disturbed for a number of reasons. The first was how they make King Stefan turn into the dark side, whereas in Sleeping Beauty. He is not like that at all! (1959 Version)
Sadly, Aurora gets less screen-time like her animated counterpart. But, she's more bubbly like Snow White! So I would say that I admire both the animated and live-action Princess Aurora. (tied)


I was very happy...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88