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Who is Mary Sue, you ask?

She is a pest, a scourge, a CURSE upon the world of fiction; a dull, cliche character who mostly invades the fan fiction universe (especially in fandoms like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter), but can also be found in original work, TV shows, books, movies, etc. In fan fiction, she's usually the fangirl's way of inserting herself in the story and pairing herself up with the cutest/hottest character. This infamous evil can be identified by the following traits:

1: She is stunningly/unusually beautiful. Oh she may deny it, claiming to be a "plain Jane" and modestly deflecting any compliments on her looks, but everyone else in the story will be sure to drool all over her. Mary Sue is perfection incarnate - perfect hair, perfect eyes (the kind that "sparkle like jewels" or "pierce into your soul"), perfect skin, perfect figure, gorgeous gowns/snazzy leather warrior outfits, cool-looking weapons, etc...though she may bear a striking resemblance to the author of the story. And she sometimes shares the author's name (that includes middle, last, nicknames, acronyms, etc.) Mary Sue could easily be described as an "author's pet" or a self-insert.

2: She has multiple special abilities or skills (like she can somehow "wield a blade" really well without years of training and experience...unless, of course, she's been trained by the best since age four). There's nothing she can't do or excel at, everything gets handed to her on a silver platter, and her Speshulness knows no bounds. She could be a shape-shifter with Super Powerful Shiny Magic and a wow-the-crowd singing voice, or a genius computer hacker who can play the flute and violin, has a black belt in karate AND can recite encyclopedia excerpts on a dime, or a half-angel warrior princess who sends the Bad Guys buggering off just by going all "echo-y voice and holy light"...you get the idea.

3: Going hand in hand with the above, she's always being uber-heroic, rescuing random people and saving the day. The fate of Life, The Universe and Everything depends on her. Without her Speshulness to aid the Good Guys in the epic battle, the Bad Guys are sure to win and the world is utterly DOOMED.

4: She's kind and virtuous (unless she's an EVIL Mary Sue) and has no big character flaws of any kind. (And no. Clumsiness and/or a feisty temper do NOT count; they're far too generic and only serve to make her look "cute".) She's usually either a "sweet angel" type, "mysterious woman" type or the "rebellious princess" type.

5: At least one character falls immediately/insanely in love with her, and vice versa (usually the hottest guy. Go figure.)

6: All the good characters in the story just seem naturally drawn to her (especially children and fuzzy animals). She's popular where it matters. EVERYONE likes her. Except the Bad Guys, of course...as well as any unimportant characters who serve no other purpose in the story than to be annoying and/or jealous of her utter perfection.

7: Sometimes there is a prophecy or legend about her. Usually it says something about her Speshulness, an all-important destiny, Twoo Wuv written in the stars, blah blah blah...

8: She is portrayed as being cooler/more mature or more important/powerful than everyone else in the story. Though on the flip side, she could also be portrayed as the poor, defenseless, yet ever courageous damsel-in-distress. Everything's always either about her or her love-interest. She doesn't know the meaning of "teamwork" and she steals the spotlight from everyone else.

9: She often has a tragic/angsty/mysterious past and her love interest has to "heal her wounded heart" or something. If she doesn't have a tragic/angsty/mysterious past, she always finds SOMETHING to angst about...and of course, her Twoo Wuv always rushes to comfort her. Oy.

10: She is so darn perfect and 2-dimensional that it's annoying and boring. She's either so perfect, so weird or so lacking in personality that the readers can't relate to her or grow to truly care about her as her own character. Strip away the beauty, the magic powers, the all-important destiny and the love interest and what do you have underneath? Virtually nothing.

Now that we've met Mary Sue, let me introduce you to her lesser-known cousins! Yeah, that's right...she has relatives.

Meet Gary Stu, the boy version of Mary Sue! He can be all of the above, as well as being the muscular, uberly-hot guy who's always saving the damsels in distress, bravely fighting the Bad Guys, hacking into computers like an expert and diffusing the bomb that's hidden in the wedding cake with the pair of pliers he just happened to have in his pocket.

Last and definitely least, there's Marty Sam. He's closely related to Gary Stu, only he's a lot more sensitive and angsty. Usually he has a dark, super-tragic past (like his alcoholic dad beat him as a kid or something) and he's always throwing melodramatic pity parties about how miserable and wretched he is. He swoons over the beautiful girl of his dreams and goes on and on about how he's such a HORRIBLE MONSTER who's oh-so-unworthy of her. He can be every bit as hawt as Gary Stu, OR he can pull a Hunchback of Dotredame routine, i. e. so ugly that his beautiful love interest can't help but take pity on him and fall in love with him for his "beautiful, broken heart".

So how can you avoid turning your characters into Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Marty Sams?

Well, one thing I've found that leads to a Mary-Sue is getting too attached to your heroine. You might have a brilliant back story for your girl, but does the audience really need to know every detail? You might have designed every ounce of her clothing and styled her hair just right, but is it integral to the plot? Probably not. A lot of the time what makes a Mary-Sue so awful is that so much of the focus is on this character that no one reading the story really cares all that much about her.

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid having the character be too flawed. If you have a character that has a terminal illness, a bad back, is blind, can't hear, and is wielding a sword in battle and totally kicking butt and saving the day, you've got a problem. It's fine to have a character with one of those "flaws" or traits, but not all of them, and make them act accordingly. Make sure the flaws have something to do with the story and aren't just things you stick in to make her appear less perfect. Too flawed is just as bad as too perfect.

AFTERTHOUGHT: It should be noted that there IS such a thing as a "good" Mary Sue, and that there are a few exceptions where characters can have a lot of the symptoms above and NOT be a Mary Sue (like the elves in Lord of the Rings, for instance). There are many examples of "good" Mary Sues out there, such as Nancy Drew, Sarah Crew from A Little Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other characters. What makes them different from other Mary Sues is that they are all believable, vibrant, well-rounded, likable characters that people can root for.

Having said that, DON'T get cocky. These kinds of exceptions are rare. Most likely, if you have written a main character into one of your stories who possesses many or all of these qualities, you have created a Mary Sue (or one of her cousins). So get someone to look over your work, lest this infamous pest overtake you!

If you would like to test your character for Mary Sue symptoms, I highly suggest visiting these sites:

The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test

The Writer's Mary Sue Test:
posted by viju
I'm talking to my friend,
She is my BFF,
And boy, are we having some fun.
We IM back and forth,
We sit on the front porch.
We talk about things on our minds.
We both hate the principal,
The staff and the admin.
At are very sucky school.
We talk about boys,
All our pets and our toys,
And what we wanna do in life.

She's my BFF,
Well we hold some bets.
We smile while playing sports,
Our favorite things are cool shorts.
We talk back and forth
We talk on that porch.
We are bestest friends,
And that will never end.

We struggle through stupid tests,
But we always try our best.
We eat at the lunch table,
We all tell...
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posted by TeanRose424
have you noticed when you fall in love it feels like your flying? I have. It the most wonderful feeling in the world. But when do you feel it? Do you feel it when you fall in love, or when you just are overfilled with joy?

Have you ever felt it? Or have you felt anything close to it? What does it mean? Does it mean that you have to fly away from it before your love hurts you? Or does it mean that your body enjoys the joy filling your body?

Tell me what you think...
posted by ashesandwine
I'm not sure if I'll keep this going but if I do, I'll post it on my spot and here:) I still remember posting my first story here! I after sent it to my spot where it's still going, but this was the first place and I thank you all for receiving it:) Thanks! So I hope you like this one too:)

"I love you..." Was the last thing I heard from him, as the blade went through his throat in one gracious move. That was it... All that I had ever fought for, all that I knew and loved, lost in one single move! I was lost in the darkness, trap in the sorrow and blood...
"I'm sorry..." Was the last thing...
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posted by emmett
A was an Artist who wasted his talent
B rode a Bicycle and was very gallant
C was a Conductor with a musical ear
D was a Drunk, addicted to beer
E climbed Mt. Everest and achieved his goal
F was a Fireman and slid down a pole
G was a Glutton and ate what he got
H was a Hunter, a very good shot
I was an Ice skater with brand new skates
J was called Jane and couldn’t pay the rates
K was a King who ruled all the land
L was a Lady, a white glove on her hand
M was a Milkman who turned milk into cheese
N was a Nanny who made the children say please
O mined Opals and sold what he got
P was a Princess who bought...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
hey... so this is my new story... I don't like the other one! So... I started this one! don't forget 2 comment and rate!

Something was missing. Something big, like my heart! I couldn't find it. I got up from my own screams. I couldn't breathe. He wasn't there to hold me in his cold hands. He wasn't there anymore. I doubted if he would ever come back. I was thinking of everything I could do to get to him. Tears came down of my face and dropped on my pillow as I tried to stand up and go to the bathroom. Charlie was already downstairs so I hurried and made him breakfast. I didn't eat anything like...
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posted by Office_001
A little peak of sun shone in his window, yes! It was Saturday; Jake Scott loved Saturdays because these were the days when his mom, Terri, and he would go to the park for a picnic. Jake was so excited for today that he slept in his clothes though the were now wrinkled but he didn’t care. Creeping down the hall way quiet enough as to not wake his mom Jake went and made himself his favorite cereal. Jake usually had his mom help him get his cereal because he was seven and short that he couldn’t reach the cabinet, but he wanted to surprise his mom, he wanted to make his own breakfast today....
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posted by OneFoggyNight
(Please do note that these are poems I wrote in like two minutes so yeah they might not be that great...)

***You'll never be alone***

Even through the toughest times
Someone will always be there
If you have friends
You’ll never be solo
Even if it doesn’t go right
Even if you think you might die
If you have friends
You’ll make it to the end
Even though it all seems to fade
Receding in the darkest night
Having friends
Makes it all go away
Times may be bad
Times may be good
But if you have friends
You’ll never be alone

***No Going Back***

Believe not this lie ive told
I am not...
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For those of you who didn't see my pick, I'm trying to decide whether I should reveal at the beginning of my book, that a main character is going to die at the end. These are three versions of opening paragraphs that I've written. If there's one that you like the best, let me know in the comments or in the pick.

1. This one gives away the most information, including when she dies and how she's killed:
I had no idea when I started at Skip’s Burger Grill, that on October 22, 2009, sitting there in the walk-in refrigerator, huddled together with my colleagues for warmth, my life would be changed...
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posted by Sweet_Pants
Find the casual sun day

Starting with the stumbling wake-up, the strained smile

Smelling the hurried breakfast, bile up her throat

Shrinks away from it, queasy, holding her stomach

Never letting it leave her, the emptiness filling up

Inside her, determined to make it last

Heavy textbooks never all that’s holding her down

Uncertainty sawing through her, the only thing filling

What she considers a burden, but how could hunger

Be so cruel?

It’s drilling into her, snarling, never dulling

Never letting up, just a little longer

A little longer...

She dry heaves, it’s a tiny stall

And the walls are closing...
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posted by kayleebabee
The flight from New york to Rome took an excrutiatingly long time to land and all the while i was getting more and more annoyed with Edward. "as soon as we land we will run to Volterra okay." I muttered quickly braiding my hand through Edwards and sighing contentedly.
"I know that it's just what if we are too late?" his voice broke on the word late.
"we won't be i promise." I didn't know if that was true but i was trying to soothe him i better not voice my true opinion out loud. I half dragged a depressed Edward through the terminals and growled sharply as I saw the bright sunlight outside.
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posted by sweetpea92
    Ugh. I groaned internally as I woke up. My head was pounding, and broken images were swirling around behind my eyelids. I had no idea where I was, or how I had gotten here. I refused to open my eyes and find out, or give any other sign that consciousness had found its way back to me again. Not knowing exactly where and when I was was a dangerous business for me. Very dangerous.
    You see, the last thing I remember before the blackness hit, is that I was running…
    My legs were on fire. They...
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posted by nEvEr-tHe-sAme
The rain fell silently as I layed there waiting. Not like I had a choice though. But it had seemed more like a nightmare than reality. This wasn't how I imagined it... I never even got the chance to say goodbye. Let alone even explain what happened. I needed to wake up... from this nightmare, I tried, but never could... never did.

Life lesson: I learned that trusting people isn't what it actually seemed. There's more to it than you would ever imagine, I mean, it's not just trusting people, but it's who to trust. How can we tell? There might be some ways we think we can tell, but those ways......
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posted by BellaSwan636

It feels like a piercing physical wound; to see her leave me again.

I cannot access the part of me that handles realisation. Serena called her Ashleigh. That child in her arms. Is mine.

My forehead is resting on the edge of the hard granite countertop, and I am trying to ignore the card that is currently lying right in front of me. I already know what is printed on it by heart.

Serena Meyer

Gaurdian Ad Litem, New York.


And then a number scrawled on in her own handwriting.


Her eyes haunt me when I close my own. Everything...
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posted by Isabellaashley

The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby tree and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself.
Every step that he took towards me was another step closer to death. His long, black hair was flowing...
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posted by Sweet_Pants
A/N: Ok, this is just a short, about 500 word drabble I came up with. It's about 7-year-old Alice and her drunk derpressed father, called, of course, 'Daddy'. It's not much, but I though I'd post it. Constructive critisizm is welcome.

Please rate and comment.
The smell of his breath came off in waves of grief and alcohol mixed into what could be described as inner turmoil. Although Alice barely gave a thought to the bottle of whiskey in his hand, as she was more preoccupied with not throwing up from the smell of her father she should have gotten...
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Chapter Five

When Jamie stared and was speechless the moment she saw the handsome man in the doorway, that man looked at her for a few seconds and still holding the soccer ball, he said to her with that grin of his, “So, this really your ball?” In return, Jamie didn’t answered his question, she just kept looking at him and figuring out what her mother was doing, Mac decided to be the person who will do the talking and from below, she looked up to the man and said to him, “Yeah, you are holding my ball!”

After hearing that, the man looked down at Mac and when he squatted down to Mac’s...
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posted by dragonrider
"Uh Starr aren't you going to take me back to my own time?" Elliot asks
I glance at him "No the time travel part broke when I turned it off besides didn't you want to stay here?" I ask
Elliot looks down "Not really but isn't there other time machines?"
"Yeah but they can't get ahold of them so they are going after me. It's good and bad. It's bad because now I can't get you back to your own time. It's good because now they can't do those sick experiments So yeah you and I my friend are trapped in my own time," I say
"Hey do you think that if anybody is reading this they would laugh because...
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posted by TDIlover226
Part 3
Eddie woke up on a sky scraper roof top. It was raining and he couldn't remember how he had gotten there. He was still tired, and dripping wet, but he didn't care, he curled up and went to sleep again.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Eddie woke up to see a mutant, that looked like an angel, standing over him. "Where am I?" he said. "On the top of a building, can't ya tell!" another voice said from behind him. He looked behind him to see the mutant that was dressed like a devil. "Annie, don't be mean to him, he probably doesn't have any ideal of whats going on!" said the angel. "So I guess...
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There’s nothing better than a nice relaxing holiday; in the beach, city or country to meet your tastes. I had only been in the famous Palm spring for two days. And to be honest I wanted to go home, Ethan wasn’t speaking to me. Thor and Liz were all over each other. Remember that guy I ran into in the cemetery, well he’s here and talking to me, against Ethan’s wishes of course. I sat there on the fresh green grass, no not playing golf but reading ‘All the pretty girls’ a book that I needed, a bloody disgusting book with no love what so ever. I closed the book and put my face in my...
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posted by GWENxTRENT
"Gwen,Gwen,Gwen!" Ms.Barton said as I was asleep in history class."What?" I said when I woke up."had a nice dream?" "S-sorry Ms.Barton,it won't happen again"."let's hope not." She said. When the bell rang to go to lunch,my best friend,Marlon came up to me."What happend back there?" Marlon asked.To tell you the truth,I've always had a crush on him.I always had a feeling he liked me back."Nothing,nothing at all,i was just dreamin." "What about?"he asked with a smile."I'm not telling you!" I said with a smile.When we went back to class,Ms.barton wanted to talk to me."Gwen,you have been sleeping in my class far to long". "sorry Ms.B,I havent been myslef lately." I said with a frown."OK,first of all,dont call me "Ms.B",and you must go to sleep on time." She said with a light smile."sorry,it hared to fall a sleep in my house." well then...ther is only one thing to do...you need to,wake up..."