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Who is Mary Sue, you ask?

She is a pest, a scourge, a CURSE upon the world of fiction; a dull, cliche character who mostly invades the fan fiction universe (especially in fandoms like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter), but can also be found in original work, TV shows, books, movies, etc. In fan fiction, she's usually the fangirl's way of inserting herself in the story and pairing herself up with the cutest/hottest character. This infamous evil can be identified by the following traits:

1: She is stunningly/unusually beautiful. Oh she may deny it, claiming to be a "plain Jane" and modestly deflecting any compliments on her looks, but everyone else in the story will be sure to drool all over her. Mary Sue is perfection incarnate - perfect hair, perfect eyes (the kind that "sparkle like jewels" or "pierce into your soul"), perfect skin, perfect figure, gorgeous gowns/snazzy leather warrior outfits, cool-looking weapons, etc...though she may bear a striking resemblance to the author of the story. And she sometimes shares the author's name (that includes middle, last, nicknames, acronyms, etc.) Mary Sue could easily be described as an "author's pet" or a self-insert.

2: She has multiple special abilities or skills (like she can somehow "wield a blade" really well without years of training and experience...unless, of course, she's been trained by the best since age four). There's nothing she can't do or excel at, everything gets handed to her on a silver platter, and her Speshulness knows no bounds. She could be a shape-shifter with Super Powerful Shiny Magic and a wow-the-crowd singing voice, or a genius computer hacker who can play the flute and violin, has a black belt in karate AND can recite encyclopedia excerpts on a dime, or a half-angel warrior princess who sends the Bad Guys buggering off just by going all "echo-y voice and holy light"...you get the idea.

3: Going hand in hand with the above, she's always being uber-heroic, rescuing random people and saving the day. The fate of Life, The Universe and Everything depends on her. Without her Speshulness to aid the Good Guys in the epic battle, the Bad Guys are sure to win and the world is utterly DOOMED.

4: She's kind and virtuous (unless she's an EVIL Mary Sue) and has no big character flaws of any kind. (And no. Clumsiness and/or a feisty temper do NOT count; they're far too generic and only serve to make her look "cute".) She's usually either a "sweet angel" type, "mysterious woman" type or the "rebellious princess" type.

5: At least one character falls immediately/insanely in love with her, and vice versa (usually the hottest guy. Go figure.)

6: All the good characters in the story just seem naturally drawn to her (especially children and fuzzy animals). She's popular where it matters. EVERYONE likes her. Except the Bad Guys, of course...as well as any unimportant characters who serve no other purpose in the story than to be annoying and/or jealous of her utter perfection.

7: Sometimes there is a prophecy or legend about her. Usually it says something about her Speshulness, an all-important destiny, Twoo Wuv written in the stars, blah blah blah...

8: She is portrayed as being cooler/more mature or more important/powerful than everyone else in the story. Though on the flip side, she could also be portrayed as the poor, defenseless, yet ever courageous damsel-in-distress. Everything's always either about her or her love-interest. She doesn't know the meaning of "teamwork" and she steals the spotlight from everyone else.

9: She often has a tragic/angsty/mysterious past and her love interest has to "heal her wounded heart" or something. If she doesn't have a tragic/angsty/mysterious past, she always finds SOMETHING to angst about...and of course, her Twoo Wuv always rushes to comfort her. Oy.

10: She is so darn perfect and 2-dimensional that it's annoying and boring. She's either so perfect, so weird or so lacking in personality that the readers can't relate to her or grow to truly care about her as her own character. Strip away the beauty, the magic powers, the all-important destiny and the love interest and what do you have underneath? Virtually nothing.

Now that we've met Mary Sue, let me introduce you to her lesser-known cousins! Yeah, that's right...she has relatives.

Meet Gary Stu, the boy version of Mary Sue! He can be all of the above, as well as being the muscular, uberly-hot guy who's always saving the damsels in distress, bravely fighting the Bad Guys, hacking into computers like an expert and diffusing the bomb that's hidden in the wedding cake with the pair of pliers he just happened to have in his pocket.

Last and definitely least, there's Marty Sam. He's closely related to Gary Stu, only he's a lot more sensitive and angsty. Usually he has a dark, super-tragic past (like his alcoholic dad beat him as a kid or something) and he's always throwing melodramatic pity parties about how miserable and wretched he is. He swoons over the beautiful girl of his dreams and goes on and on about how he's such a HORRIBLE MONSTER who's oh-so-unworthy of her. He can be every bit as hawt as Gary Stu, OR he can pull a Hunchback of Dotredame routine, i. e. so ugly that his beautiful love interest can't help but take pity on him and fall in love with him for his "beautiful, broken heart".

So how can you avoid turning your characters into Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Marty Sams?

Well, one thing I've found that leads to a Mary-Sue is getting too attached to your heroine. You might have a brilliant back story for your girl, but does the audience really need to know every detail? You might have designed every ounce of her clothing and styled her hair just right, but is it integral to the plot? Probably not. A lot of the time what makes a Mary-Sue so awful is that so much of the focus is on this character that no one reading the story really cares all that much about her.

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid having the character be too flawed. If you have a character that has a terminal illness, a bad back, is blind, can't hear, and is wielding a sword in battle and totally kicking butt and saving the day, you've got a problem. It's fine to have a character with one of those "flaws" or traits, but not all of them, and make them act accordingly. Make sure the flaws have something to do with the story and aren't just things you stick in to make her appear less perfect. Too flawed is just as bad as too perfect.

AFTERTHOUGHT: It should be noted that there IS such a thing as a "good" Mary Sue, and that there are a few exceptions where characters can have a lot of the symptoms above and NOT be a Mary Sue (like the elves in Lord of the Rings, for instance). There are many examples of "good" Mary Sues out there, such as Nancy Drew, Sarah Crew from A Little Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other characters. What makes them different from other Mary Sues is that they are all believable, vibrant, well-rounded, likable characters that people can root for.

Having said that, DON'T get cocky. These kinds of exceptions are rare. Most likely, if you have written a main character into one of your stories who possesses many or all of these qualities, you have created a Mary Sue (or one of her cousins). So get someone to look over your work, lest this infamous pest overtake you!

If you would like to test your character for Mary Sue symptoms, I highly suggest visiting these sites:

The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test

The Writer's Mary Sue Test:
posted by Insight357
    I was lying in my bed. Waiting for my being discharged. I was finally going home today, after four long years.
    The room I had been staying in was white. The walls, bed sheets, equipment; everything. Except the big, brown door that lead into the hallway. I had mostly stayed in my room the past years. I’m a bit antisocial. I never was really interested in interacting with the other patients.
    I stood from the bed, and walked around the room. Looking at all the things I’d come to know here. I wouldn’t miss it.
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posted by nomblahnom
January 1, 2040

Jordan was nervous. He was about to make the biggest announcement of his career – to him anyway. He sighed deeply, waiting for his latest understudy, Samantha White, to begin the report.
“Today, on his 70th birthday, world-renowned author, Forrest Reed, has announced in a statement from his agent, Philip Conrad, that he is releasing his final novel,” Ms. White read from the teleprompter with an appropriately despondent tone, which actually appeared to be fairly genuine. She was situated in front of a ‘breaking news’ logo which rotated slowly, while dozens of books...
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posted by HecateA
-You coming? He asked. I starred at the flower he'd just tucked behind my ear and that I'd just pulled out. The petals were soft and lucious red, overlapping each other perfectly. Perfect they are. Roses. Gracious, colorful, romantic...
-Sure Dan. I said. I took his hand and let him lead me to his car. He oppened the door of the Ford's shotgun seat for me and closed it behind me; the perfect gentleman. He turned the old engine on.
-Where do you want to go eat? He asked me.
-Doesn't matter. I said, stroking the petals.
-What about Chinese? He asked.
-Chinese works.
-The place with the good eggrolls...
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posted by Funnygirl77
Leting go of the ones you love is like falling out of an airplane with no para shoot
Leting go of the ones you love is like falling out of an airplane with no para shoot
Nothing is harder then losing the one you love. The One person who understands you the most, The one who give anything to keep you safe and happy even if that means losing their own life to save yours. I learned this the hard way, When a year ago today, I lost my parents, my brother and my sister, in a house fire.

May 19 2010 Monday 12:01 am
It's been a year since I lost my family, and it hasn't been any easier. I have nightmares about what happen, ever nightmare is the same. It starts off with me being with my family, Everyone is laughing and having a good time, then out of no where, there faces...
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posted by hannah_vampire
I woke up and felt the cold hit me, it was a weird sensation and I felt light headed something was happening but I couldn’t work out what. It was around midday when I had decided to go and visit Blair, When I got out of my car I felt weird once again, there was a darkness around me or at least some where around here. When I got near the door, I had seen that someone had forced it
Open. I pushed the door open and run inside, ‘No no Blair’ I thought as I saw him on the ground not breathing.

I got to the home phone but it was hard to dial the number in, I was shaking violently. Oni answered...
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"Hello." I said to a boy sitting next to me in English. I was hoping that they would be like Brett. This boy had purple eyes with gray flakes inside. His blonde hair was shoulder length and his bangs were covering his face.

He smiled at me. "Hey..." He said and leaned over to me. "What's your name?" He seemed pretty nice right now.

"I'm Leighton. What's yours?" I asked.

"Chase. I like your shirt." I looked down. It did look pretty nice. But I noticed that his eyes stared at my chest area for a little too long. I used my hand to cover it up. I think next time I'll wear my shirt that said 'My face...
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“Alec, what the hell is a Rokurokubi?” Said Marley. “I don’t bloody know, maybe some sort of ancient demon” Said Alec. “We Rokurokubi are creatures like you from the other realm; we are also seen in Japanese history” Said Mia who seemed very happy to talk about her race. “So are you some sort of badass, fire breathing, soul sucking, body eating, shapeshifting, winged beast from the depths of the great abyss?” Said Marley taking a few steps back. “Umm... my race aren’t like that, there are stories of us eating bodies and drinking blood but that is a false accusation, the...
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Some vampires have a certain side effect to when they bite a human. This mostly happens with pure bloods or half bloods that gained their power from their vampire history. Vampires who were bitten and had their blood changed will rarely get this trait because their blood was once human so the DNA does not release this effect in their blood. Marley, Alec and Opal each have a side effect when bitting someone. The People Alec bites start to concentrate a lot on their love life, this is because Alec cares a lot about his love life (One of the many reasons he does not bite men) The Side effect People...
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posted by kayleebabee
"Carlisle we're home!" I called out as I raced through the house dragging Edward along with me.
"Carlisle? Esme? Rosalie? Emmet? Jazz? Alice?" I called my voice getting higher and higher out of panic.
"They aren't here Bella come on we'll go and find them." Edward said hoarsely taking my hand and tugging me toward the garage.
I flung my ferrari into reverse and screamed out of the garage. I hissed a stream of profanities as I raced toward Denali our first place to search.
"CRAP!" i screamed stomping on the brakes and screeching to a stop in the middle of the highway.
"I think we have been looking...
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posted by BellaSwan636

I hated seeing her cry. Knowing it was my fault immediately made me hate myself, not that I didn't already. I needed to hear her voice, know she was really here.

Some part of me registered the fact that I'd sat down, and that I had touched her, if briefly. I had said, "Tell me."

She met my gaze, looking terrified. She closed her eyes firmly, as if she was living a nightmare. Maybe she was.

"I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry," she whispered, looking anywhere but at me. "I thought it would be better that way, you had your whole life ahead of you and I couldn't take that away because of my...
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posted by BellaSwan636

"You have no idea what I've gone through!" the girl tearfully screams at me.
"You're right. I don't. I have no idea what you've gone through, but that doesn't mean I don't care," I say calmly.
"Why would you care? You don't even know me."
"And you don't know me. How would you know that I don't?"

Kayla hesitates a little before answering.

"Because sometimes, not even being related to someone is enough to make them want to care. My own goddamned mother didn't even stick around long enough for me to remember what she even looks like!"
"Growing up must have been pretty awkward."
"You have no idea,"...
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posted by BellaSwan636

When it comes to relationships, I'm no idiot. I could totally see what was coming. But come on; who didn't?

The new girl and Shaun. Plus he didn't like attack her or anything when she sat at his table. What was so special about her, anyway?

Sure she was pretty, but there where way prettier girls, who'd each thrown themselves at him, (he wasn't that bad looking, actually) he'd ignored since freshmen year.

I flicked my hair over my shoulder. I could see she liked him too, she'd looked around the cafeteria yesterday and looked way disappointed when he wasn't there.

So I waited a little after...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Later on that day when I am in my bedroom and Ethan is downstairs watching the game. I lay on my bed doing nothing but thinking. I hear my name being called I get up and walk downstairs. Ethan is at the door, someone is asking for me. I start to walk towards the door and see Adam he sees me and smiles I smile back. Ethan turns and sees me his expression is anger, he walks away. I walk up to Adam. “Hey, I didn’t see you at school today” he said. I wondered how he knew where I lived and why was he here. “Ah yeah I’m a bit sick” I said putting on a husky voice. “I see that anyway,...
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posted by Pushkin319

You're standing in a long line to pay for your groceries. Which sentence do you think will get you through?

1. "May I go ahead of you please?" Put on a really sincere face.

2. "May I step ahead of you please, because I'm really late for my doctor's appointment?"

Using the word "because" will get you closer to 'yes' in almost any circumstance. Why? Because your request is followed by a reason, an explanation for the request. If the request is reasonable, then why not say yes?

The word refers the listener to some background, some circumstances, a framework related to the request....
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posted by DisneyGirlFan0
Ever wonder what the Disney princesses look like in real life? Well, now you can! I looked through many pictures of women emulating Disney princesses or just Disney females in general and found many that looked almost real! I picked from the ones I thought looked most like the character, and I was astonished at how well these people made themselves resemble those characters. So, be amazed at how much these women look like the character they are portraying and enjoy!
Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
Belle from The Beauty And The Beast
Belle from The Beauty And The Beast
Cinderella from Cinderella
Cinderella from Cinderella
Esmeralda from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Esmeralda from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Jane from Tarzan
Jane from Tarzan
Jasmine from Aladdin
Jasmine from Aladdin
Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Megara from Hercules
Megara from Hercules
Merida from Brave
Merida from Brave
Mulan from Mulan
Mulan from Mulan
Mulan as a Male
Mulan as a Male
Nala from The Lion King
Nala from The Lion King
Pocahontas from Pocahontas
Pocahontas from Pocahontas
Rapunzel from Rapunzel
Rapunzel from Rapunzel
Snow White from Snow White And The Seven Dwarves
Snow White from Snow White And The Seven Dwarves
Tiana from The Princess And The Frog
Tiana from The Princess And The Frog
Tinkerbell from Peter Pan
Tinkerbell from Peter Pan
People down every turn
Pain inside their hearts
A girl with scars on her wrists
A boy with a knife in his chest
She hides in the dark
Wondering when the pain with end
He stands up to fight in defense
Only to get knocked back down again
She fights with her parents
They don't wanna support the child
She's left to fend for herself in the cold
Alone with the child
Do we see what we are doing when we say the things we say?
Do we see who we are hurting with the actions that we're taking?
What we need
Are broken families reconciled
We need hearts to mend, scars to heal and battles to end
We. Need. Love
To stand up for the broken
We. Need. Hope
To give a hand to the hopeless
We need the world to care.
What are we doing with the words we are saying?
Who are we changing
And what effects are they having?
Lets be the change.
Disclaimer: *I'm only on Season 3 Episode 16 & I have not read the books!*

The Vampire Diaries is my guilty pleasure. It's painfully corny, overly cliche and not to mention has some less than perfect acting but for some reason; I'm addicted. I have all this pent up frustration about the situation between the three main characters so I've finally broke down and decided I need to talk about it. This is a little overview as to how I feel about each character.

Let's start with Elena:

I can't stand Elena, no matter how hard I try, I just can't. I have sympathy for her because she has suffered...
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posted by CupcakeMal714
I read this and had to pass it on.
my name is sarah
i am three
my eyes are swollen
i cannot see
i must be stupid
i must be bad
what else could have made
my daddy so mad
i wish i were better
i wish i werent ugly
then maybe my mommy
would still wanna hug me
i cant do a wrong
i can't speak at all
or else i locked up
all day long
when i wake up
im all alone
the house is dark
my folks arent home
when my mommy does come home
i try to be nice
so maybe i'll just get
one wipping tonight
i just heard a car
my daddy is back
from charlie's bar
i heard him curse
my name is called
i press myself
against the wall
i try to hide
from his evil...
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A Screenwriting Dialogue Master Class & More - Full Interview with William C. Martell at Story Expo via FilmCourage.com.
posted by hgfan5602
When will this end?
Mass shootings
Terrorist attacks
Police brutality

They say it's just a gun control problem
They say it cannot be fixed
I say the problem is deeper
I say there is hope

When will this end?
Income inequality
Veterans living on the streets, penniless,
Dying by their own hands everyday.

They say this world can change for the better
But nothing has changed...
And I truly do fear
Nothing ever will

When will love start?
The day we offer a hand to the fallen
Instead of cringing back in shock
And running away

When will our world change?
The day we love too much to kill
The day others' pain is our pain
The day we act instead of just talking about it

"It's impossible"
"We're too broken to be mended"
"It's a hopeless battle"
I say, let us try.