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posted by DarkGirl23
The first time I went on a hunt, was the first time I really saw death in any sort of being’s eyes.
I don’t know who I am, what I am. I mean, I couldn’t possibly be considered part of the Hunters. Yet, their blood runs through my veins. They may own an incapability of understanding the true emotions of life, for we have been Genetically-Altered Experiments planned all the way back in 2012. Our bodies and our emotions have become that of a true fighter, a warrior of destruction itself in a world of Nature’s grace that becomes altered in the palms of our Humanoid Species.
We can defeat any oncoming dangers in our path, bodies of strength and dexterity and all the while, plenty of Stamina as well. Like I said, it not only changes our physical features, but our emotional and mental understandings as well. We’re more strict in such things, we do not bother to take pity upon another life form.
All we understand is the pleasure in killing, and in destruction. Yet also, in invention as well. We are the next form of Humanity, except advanced way more on so many levels.We know adaptation, and evolution. We are the next step into alien territory, and into an advanced placement of discovery.
Gods and Goddesses of such is Humanly. Us Hunters are not aloud to participate in any such form of Religious ideas or experimentation. For death only awaits those who lose their sense of Pride and Curiosity.
“Such nonsense is only participated by those of a lack of understanding, those who stand low before us.” My Creators would claim, “Those bastardous Humans we use to Hunt. They participate in the foolish stuff around us that help us declare ourselves as more... Intelligent than them.”
My Male Creator looked upon me, “Our Gods are what they call Parents. A god is A creator, so us, your “parents”, are your creators.” He sniffled a bit, chin held high in Pride to show me who really is in control of my understandings, in control of my sketched out life. “Therefore, you must treat us with the most of respect, and appreciate us as your Leaders.” He glared down upon me once again, “Or else, there shall be the most perishable of punishments for you.”
I knew this game, despite my years, I could see through the trickery each individual came across with their Creators. I wondered then, if this is how Human Creators, or parents, came across their Inventions. is this what they treated them as? A prize, or tool, used to highlight their “perfection” ?
The way we perceive things, we only understand the rules of the world and of chaos. Like survival, taking in both such things when it comes to us Hunters. The way we bother to evolve and expand and continue our species... We don’t participate in the weakness of passion, unless in destruction. Such desire remains undiscovered in our such minds. We breed with those we are paired with, creating our offspring that allows our advantages to mix, of which will destroy our disadvantages. We only care to survive, only to destroy in the end.
And yet, I feel myself different from my kind. For as I stood here and now, I felt one thing for that poor female dying there on the ground: Pity. To my amazement, she had the capability to get up and stand, yet limping heavily and blood covered her hand which was covering the wound my Male Creator delivered to her.
Those with us on the hunt knew not to finish her, for she would surely die and they wanted nothing but pain in her final moments.
“As nice as that clear shot was, this one seems like her cry will be fainter than most, considering she’s obviously young.” The rest of the boys agreed, and they traveled on to Hunt for more.
I however, stayed behind watching the female bleed and suffer silently. She didn’t bother whimpering, or screaming. I knew she knew that would bring more attention as she tried to get away... Smart and Strong she was. She was young, too.
She looked back at me with color-fading eyes which widened when she saw me watching her.
Tears streamed her eyes, yet there was a smile on her face.
Glad to leave, glad to be able to look one of us in the eyes as she knew, despite her body’s urge to fight, that this were in her final moments before she collapsed and let out one of her final hollow howls.
And so she stood there, looking me in the eye, I could not look away from her final demise...
It filled me with lust, watching her death. But, also with sorrow. Blood dripped, and my knees shook.
Finally, I took a step towards her, and just as I did she fell and stumbled into a pile of helpless soon-to-be death. She let out a final cry of misery, A Hunted Howl... So Faint, yet beautiful in a Hunter’s ears such as mine....
    ...And I rushed to her side. Pulling at my emergency kit, I grabbed a Health vial and injected it into her veins. I watched as the wound magically healed and she gasped, the life coming back to her beautiful emerald-Brown sparked Hazel eyes.
She wasn’t like us, genetically altered, short and yet she looked stronger than most humans. I guess it was the training for the Hunt. She took three shaky breaths and looked at me, sitting up fast and scooting away from me. She was obviously afraid of my touch. Afraid of me.
posted by fanfangirlfan
Hes looking at me wide-eyed now which I hope at least means he’s listening to me. I start to take my hands off his face because I realize that im probably really invading his personal space, but before I can put them back at my sides, he grabs them in his hands. His hands are so warm that it makes me realize mine are freezing cold and then im thinking oh great, he just listened to my probably stupid and useless rant with ice cold hands gripping his face like a vise! I think of how uncomfortable I might have just made him feel because after all were still practically strangers!!! But before...
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Rating: M

Summary: Kaname's enemies concoct a dark plot to get to the pureblood through Yuki and Zero, putting all three in grave danger. Zero is left half dead and Kaname in the hands of sadistic captors. Only Kaname can give Zero what he needs to stay alive, and perhaps only Zero can save the pureblood from a fate worse than death… if only both of them can keep from killing each other first.

Warnings: A fair amount of character whumping / torture. Non-consensual blood drinking. M/M relationships. Citrus.

Spoilers: Yes, for the whole Vampire Knight series, but especially for chapters 30-32....
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posted by ZekiYuro
The Japanese film director Hayao Miyazaki is one of the greatest animators in modern cimema.Films like Heidi,and Marco,3000 miles in search of mother have made him famous all over the world.

In 1971 Miyazaki left Toei Douga Animation and worked with several other companies.He made Heidi,and Marco,3000 miles in search of mother wich were shown as TV series all over the world.

In 1952 they moved back to Tokyo.When Hayao was at secondary school he saw his first cartoon film,The Legend of The White Snake.He felt in love with the heroine,Pai-nyan and cried all night.It was this film which started...
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posted by hgfan5602
Hope still blazes
Inside me.
I know I can do this.
It's possible,
And hope is entirely on
My side.

I believe I can do this.
I shall soar like an eagle
And touch the sky.
Reaching my dreams,
Achieving my goals.

While the war still blazes away
I have a dream
That one day,
There will be peace.

Everyone will live in harmony
That day,
Never before to be engaged
In the horrible shackles of war.

Though difficult,
I believe in myself.
I believe in my country.
I believe in the world.
I believe that we can do this.
Hope still blazes.
Yo, everyone. Chase here. You know, Jake's been acting all strange lately like he's hiding something from me. And I don't like it. I don't see how anyone would. I thought we were a team. And I thought he said that I was just as great as he was. Now, this proves that he was totally lying. What a fraud. Okay, I found out something today that might be useful to the two of us. Well, that is, if Jake even wants to work with me. I saw his light on yesterday night. Face it, he's probably researching something about the mutant serpent. Am I right? Well, yes, I thought so. You know, I am telepathic....
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posted by morganaforever
This is only the prologue of my fantasy story. All about revenge, betrayal, love, hate and choices that change the course of the future. Three men competiting for the throne of Asaia and a vengeful and ambitious lady out to avenge a death. Who will win?

Ashmore shifted in her sleep. She dreamt of a time when she soared through the skies, worshipped by the weak two- legged species called humans. Every summer, tributes would be given to her and her kin; for they were the firstborn on the earth; born from the volcanoes created and destroyed by the seven gods themselves. Humans were merely an accident;...
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Night arrives once more. I notice that my hands and feet are tied up. As i look up there is a dark figure holding a gun to my head. I ask him what he wants and why he has me tied up, he replies "I want the powers that you posses inside of you. The abilities that your soul has. i would like to suggest that you agree with me and hand over the powers." Confused about all of this i ask him about what he is talking about. he answers "You have powers kid. The less you know the better. Hand them over wilingly or i will have no choice but to force you to hand them over." With me replying no to cooperating...
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posted by r-pattz
A/N: Okay, well this is more of an idea than an actual story, but I just couldn't sleep one night, and having the strange mind I possess, this came out of my insomnia. If it's not too much trouble, some feedback would be sweet, mostly 'cause I'm curious to see what you guys think of it. And as a disclaimer, no I don't actually believe in limbo, but it does interest me. ;)


She had no idea what exactly was happening, or why it was happening to her, of all people.

Her head was spinning and her eyes couldn’t focus on any of the blurs of color than raced in and out of her line of sight. They...
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posted by ace1317
This is the first story i have ever let anybody read before. Some of my friends have told me it was good and i need to posted it. so here it is i hope you like it........

I was running through a pitch black tunnel, the cold wind whipping through my jacket. Then an evil voice said. “Run u pathetic, worthless, creature run!!!” then the voice would break out in evil laughter. Something grabbed my legs I fell face first on to the cold hard tile. The creature starting snaking up my body forcing the air from my lungs. I woke up screaming. I ran into the bathroom and splashed water on my face....
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(WARINING: The views expressed in this article are of one person and on person alone's opinion, unless more readers agree, and I highly doubt that, please do not comment to harshly as this is JUST an Opinion.)

I'm a SHINee fan.

I'm aware that it's near close to impossible to be with one of them.

But I still love them like any fangirl would.

And, I will admit, I'm selfish when it comes to the subject.

I Love them with all my heart, not that I'm quiet sure there was any to give or to begin with for that matter. At first, I didn't like them, but as I got more and more into asian influenced things,...
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posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 19

Sitting on the porch in the late evening for BJ was her only time to get fresh air and some decent time away from Cayden. In the mid-summer it was warm and pleasant outside at night but tonight it was unusually chilly. BJ wrapped her arms around herself feeling a chill run through her body. The air felt thick but it wasn’t humid it was…tense. The sky was preparing for a storm. A rumble of thunder rattled around her making her jump. She couldn’t understand why she was so jumpy, storms never bothered her but there was just something she was sensing that wasn’t right. Another...
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posted by Insight357
    I was lying in my bed. Waiting for my being discharged. I was finally going home today, after four long years.
    The room I had been staying in was white. The walls, bed sheets, equipment; everything. Except the big, brown door that lead into the hallway. I had mostly stayed in my room the past years. I’m a bit antisocial. I never was really interested in interacting with the other patients.
    I stood from the bed, and walked around the room. Looking at all the things I’d come to know here. I wouldn’t miss it.
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Of course, unlucky as she was, Lara Binks, reporter for the "Sunnydale News, got caught in a rainstorm.
And, since getting stuck in a rainstorm wasn't bad enough, it also happened when she was stuck on a rather revolting public bus, which had lint and dead bugs littering the stained carpet and torn chairs.
If that wasn't bad enough, she and the odd-looking passengers were travelling across a dirt road in the middle of nowhere.
Worse yet, Lara had to get a story into the office in three days, and there was no longer any way this was possible, since the bus driver had announced they were stopping...
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posted by Rennerocks
There once was a girl, an angel, name Star, she was loved by everyone see met she loved them to.One day see met a boy,also an angel named Luke, she fell in love when she looked into his deep brown eyes.He also fell in love with her. They both were afraid to tell echother how they felt.

Luke wasn't going to give up untell he would finally tell her that he loved her.Star felt the same way.But they still said nothing to echother.

The days were going by fast,they only felt like years.Star and Luke's feelings became stronger.Luke finally got the nerve to tell Star how he felt.Star was ready to so...
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posted by juicyjossy9
1. Practice kindness and gratitude with everyone, including yourself, everywhere and every day, it's great for the soul!
2. The most important sex organ is the brain.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. We all have been born. We all have to die. What's in between is up to us to create.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. Stop listening to the words you've heard, no one but yourself will agree with you more.
9. Save for retirement starting...
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posted by 1-2vampire




Tick, tick, tick
That sound, constant in my head,
A sound that haunts every mind,
A sound that brings fear,
A clock,
Ticking the seconds of your life away,
Making life shorter and shorter with every tick,
Drawing death nearer and nearer,
But you should not live in fear,
For life is too short for such a thing,
Some people waste these precious seconds,
Others treasure them, making sure that no tick is wasted,
The clock ticks on,
But as this sound is registered,
What do you do?
Tick, tick, tick
Three more seconds, gone, like that,
Did you use them well?
Live life,
For life is too short to spend these seconds in hell.
January 1st 2010
Dear Diary, my name is Cassandra (Cassie) Thorp and...
My new years resolutions are...
2. Tell Gwen how much she owes me from last year.
3. Try not to spend hours staring at pictures of Henrie Green (my future husband).
4. Use more Clean and Clear.
5. Try to gain some weight.(I look anorexic)
6. Feed Pepsi.
7. Stop killing all the goldfish.
8. Shrink.
9. Don't smoke.
10. Earn more money.

Well, a new year, and I want this one to be better than the last, which is probably a pipe dream but... you never know. I just wish Cerys and Tareesa and Amelia would except me into...
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The sound of the breaking glass stopped me from taking another step. I starred into the darkness ahead of me, this wasn’t where I wanted to be. I wanted to be with my mother. Mother. Why did I have to think of my mother? I tried not to think of the day…
But the memories of the dread filled night filled her head. I remember it as if it was yesterday.

There was banging on the front door. A manly voice yelling to let him in.
“KIDS! Go hide! Eric, take care of your sister, Clare! Hide and don’t come out!” my mother yelled to us.
“But where are you going to go?” Eric asked my mom.
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posted by Kimi4312
Heres a song about my boyfriend and his last ex enjoy

Hey, I heard your girlfriend had a fight with you,

She is a very crazy cheerleader,

She thinks she can fool everyone but she is wrong,

She can't fool me because I seen her bad soul,

She already fooled you but she haven't fool me,

I seen you smile everytime you walked up to me,

I never seen you smile in days since she showed,

I know what she is been doing behind your back,

I got your back since we were so small,

You walked me home and always stay by my side,

She don't love you like I do,

She don't love you like I do,

She don't love you like I do,

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Ms.Christina:Ok!Everybody ready?


Ms. Christina:Now,we all know that the school's music mania concert is held this Friday.And I will choose the perfect groups for the music mania concert.Ok?First up,Sora!

Sora(singing):Remember the feelings,
Remember the day,
My stone heart was breaking,
My love ran away,
This moment,I knew I would need
someone else,My love turned around
and I fell,

Be my bad boy,be my man,
Be my weekend lover but don't be my
You can be my bad boy,but
understand that I don't need you in
my life again,
Won't you be my bad boy,be my man,
be my weekend lover...
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