Pokémon Pokémon Adventure: Kanto! Legendary Saga!

Taika posted on Jan 24, 2014 at 10:39PM
3 months ago, Team Rocket made an attempt at taking over the pokemon league. However, due to the combined effort of several trainers, they were defeated. Afterwards, they began seeking power, this search leading to the Legendary Pokemon. With control over such power, there's no telling how much terror would befall the world. So in order to protect the world from such a fate, Professor Oak began tracking these legendaries down, in hopes of capturing them before team rocket.


-No godmodding!

-No swearing/use of profanity

-No sexual themes

-Try to use proper grammer,and don't talk like you're texting on a cell phone.

Example:"r u ok?"

-No one line posts

Example:"Bob ate the burger"

-Kanto Pokemon only

Hmm,that should be about it....

(P.S-They invented Quotation marks," " for a reason you know.It's been a reoccuring problem with people not using them,and just saying things like,as i quote,but won't use their name,or Character's Name"~INSERT NAME~ said i know you can do it you just got to show you stength you know how weak they think you is and then smiled then said thank you for lunch then walk away with a smile."Unqoute.No quotation marks," " and it's hardly recognizable their talking,it.'s just more words! XP)

Character Criteria....








Starter Pokemon:

Pokemon Team:

Okay then! A world of adventures and dreams await! Let's go!
last edited on Apr 03, 2015 at 02:18AM

Pokémon 2504 replies

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Showing Replies 2451-2500 of 2504

over a year ago Nojida said…
"Mhm," Magia crossed her arms. How would a friend of hers, Alexa, deal with a situation like this? Oh yeah. "So, how's it gonna be, Mr Gloomy?" she started. Alexa's way wasn't really her thing, but she didn't feel like watching Matt act all emo like that. "You're gonna turn emo on us now? Will my last memory of Matt be this? Because, honestly, this isn't what I want to remember."
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I don't have a Cupcake Machine, but I do have an oven. XP)

Matt scowled. While he had thought that he kind of looked like one earlier, actually being called Emo was something else entirely. It reminded him of a character from a book he'd read once at his tree house. It was about Ninjas, and there was this one kid who was obsessed with killing his brother. Matt's hair style and choice of clothing closely resembled his, though Matt thought that he looked cooler than any stupid old book character.

"I am not emo!" He huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm just in a bad mood today!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I think humanity needs that oven. XP)
"Figured," Magia smirked slightly. "I still don't want to remember you like this, though, so at least get up before you become a snowman." she pointed up at the incoming snowflakes, which had apparently grown in number.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(No way! My secret Cupcake formula is a secret!)

Matt sighed, before with a shrug, getting up and taking a seat on one of the benches, resting his hands behind his head. "You know, I was actually getting comfortable down there...besides, withstanding cold weather is good training. That's why I didn't wear a jacket or a hat." He pointed out, and he was right. His hair was unrestricted by any kind of head protection, and he was only wearing the long sleeved black shirt and his black jeans and sneakers, he lacked any form of winter clothes whatsoever.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, by the way, forgot to mention- Dragon is fine with closing this RP.)
(But think of all those homeless people! If you really aren't evil, you'll give them your oven XP)
"But that's not good for your health!" Charity pouted behind Matt, hands on her hips.
"She's right, you know," Red agreed, walking over to them.
"Besides," Magia said, "you don't wanna catch a cold now, do you? Now that you're about to go to Johto."
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I know. I got a message from her.)

(But if they cannot solve their problems on their own, they will never advance in the ways of the cupcake. XP)

"Not like you can talk Red. I seem to recall you hanging out on Mount Silver by yourself without telling anyone where you were for quite some time." Matt countered sarcastically, snuffing out an uncoming sneeze before anyone could notice. "Besides, it's good training. If I can fight the elements of nature, I can fight anything."
over a year ago Nojida said…
(It seems like I was too late XD)
(Then what about giving it to the orphans? XP)
"And I think you need a break, Matthew." answered Red simply, not bothering to comment on the first part. "Now go wear a coat before you do catch a cold."
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Yes. And now you must pay the ultimate consequence, in the name of the cupcake king.)

(The orphans? Well....crap....fine, I'll just make another oven for them, and keep mine. XP)

"But I look cool. Like the anti hero of an anime or something. There's no way I'm putting on a coat, in fact, I think you're just jealous I look cooler than you while you're in front of your girlfriend." He snickered, chuckling a little, readjusting his hands behind his head again.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I can't pay anything if I can't be found! *runs through a portal*)
(How generous of you XP)
Charity gasped. "He said he looks cooler than you!" she whispered to Red.
"Pfft, Matt? Cooler than me?" Red asked, smirking slightly. "As if."
Magia, meanwhile, snickered at them, relieved to see Matt actually smiling. He was actually speaking more, too, so she guessed that was something.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(*runs through portal after you* There is no escaping judgement!)

(I know, because I'm not evil. XP)

"Yeah, because all black is so much less cooler than a big old coat." Matt said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes
over a year ago Nojida said…
(So! I'm determined to finish a drawing today, no matter what, so I'll be postponing the replies on this until I finish it. Just wanted to let you know first. XP)
(But there is running away from it! *Grabs time-travel machine and escapes*)
"Oh, be quiet, Matthew," Red smirked.
Meanwhile, Charity was counting with her fingers. "...10...11..." finally, she gasped, and pointed at Magia and Red. "You made him say 14 words!"
"Yeah, we're awesome alright," Magia snickered.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Aye, sir! Excuse the Fairy Tail reference though, i'm just in that mood. XP)

(And good luck with your drawing, then!)

(Fine, then i'll chase you with my Taika-Travel! *Uses awesomeness to travel through time*)

Matt blinked in surprise, looking to Charity with a raised brow. "You were.....counting the number of words i said?" He asked, mentally counting nine words in that sentence.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Pfft, why would a Fairy Tail reference need to be excused? :D)
(I wish I had only one to finish! I'm currently working on my projects that take time, meaning much less time to RP... I can't live like this XD)
"Yes, because you never said more than three words when talking to me," pouted Charity, but then brightened up as she realized, "But now you said nine words!" She turned to Magia with a grin. "That's more than three words!"
Magia giggled nervously at her friend. "Yup, it is." She gave Matt an apologetic smile, as if to say: "sorry for her silliness."
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(True enough.)

(Take a Cupcake Break...works for me when i start a bunch of songs/poems/whatever and i suddenly wanna finish'em all. XD)

(Not gonna be online too feequently anyways, 'cause life sucks, ans my broken laptop finally caught up to me. XP i'll only get to be on for like, 2-4 hours at most....at least, 0-1...)

"Uh, sorry....you just caught me in a really bad mood." He scratched the back of his head with a sweat drop. "But if it helps, i'm only talking now 'cause you helped cheer me up a little!" He saw Magia's expression, and smiled back, though his was more of a "nah, it's fine." Then an apologetic kind of smile.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Ouch... I don't know what sucks the most, life or the broken laptop. XP Anyway, I'll probably be here whenever you're on, because I have no life during Summer and all, so...yeah. XP)
Charity grinned widely and started hopping up and down, cheering repeatedly: "Yay! Yay!"
Red blinked at her behavior, but didn't say anything. Magia was pretty much used to this by now, but it never stopped being a bit awkward whenever it happened in public. She eyed the people around them nervously, and blushed in embarrassment once she noticed some were watching them. Hurriedly, she held Charity by the shoulders, managing to stop her.
"Okay, okay, we know you're happy," she said quickly.
Of course, Charity gave her a wide smile and giggled. "Okie-dokie!"
Magia smiled nervously, but before turning to Matt again. "Have you seen the others yet?"
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Their both equally crappy. But i don't have much else except my Xbox One...and i don't play a lot of games besides Dragon Ball Xenoverse and Street Fighter...)

"Aaron and Daisy are on their way now. As for the others, i haven't heard from them yet." Matt explained, though he had a slight sweat drop from Charity's behavior. She really behaved like a kid, even more than Luke, who actually was one. But....he guessed it was fine. It wasn't really irritating him much. "But i'm guessing their on the way too. But another thing, when are you and Red sceduled to leave for Sinnoh?"
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, I haven't heard either for those games... But anyway, don't you have any other games to play?)
"Well," Magia started. "We're going to a short trip to Unova for Christmas first, which is why Charity's here..."
"Mom let me borrow our private jet," Charity said cheerfully.
"Whoa, really?" Red looked at Magia. "I thought you were kidding!"
"Yeah, well..." Magia snickered nervously, before continuing. "Anyway, after that, we're taking the ship to Sinnoh. How about you, Matt? When are you leaving for Johto?"
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Yeah!....I think...)

"Uh...I guess today? I mean, Kanto and Johto are connected by land, so I guess I won't be having as glamorous a ride as you." He said thoughtfully, recalling having asked where Johto was when he first heard about it.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(You think? XP)
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Magia snickered nervously.
"Ooh, we could take you there!" Charity suggested happily.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I uninstalled some. But I can just reinstall them.l..I think. So I think that I think I might have a chance of having other games. You following me here?

"Reeally? Just how big is your jet?" Matt questioned with a raised brow.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Nope, not at all sir. XD)
"It's this big!" Charity grinned spreading her arms. Red looked at Magia with a questioning look, and she shook her head with an awkward smile.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Oh well....I tried. All you gotta know is I got the games...at least, I think I got the games....no wait, I think there's a possibility that there's a chance that I think I got the games...)

"Really? Sounds cool!" Matt said, before suddenly being locked into a noogie by a familiar crimson haired boy.

"Yo! How's it go'in, Matt!" Matt pouted, playfully shoving Aaron off of him.

"Hey Aaron." He greeted his friend. Daisy suddenly came from nowhere, gathering Matt and Red in a bear crushing hug. "It feels like it's been forever since I saw you two! Hiiiii!" Aaron laughed manically at the two unfortunate kids. Though he too had been subjected to those....horrors....as well.

(She did it at the Pokémon League, plus Red talked about Matt's clothes....revenge is sweet.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh my goodness, I am not ready for such madness. XD)
"Oh...hi there, Daisy..!" said Red in a high-pitched voice as he felt his ribs crushing. He gave Aaron a small glare and made a mental note to himself to get revenge later.
"You sure love hugs, Daisy," commented Magia. She wasn't laughing, as she knew what kind of pain the two were going though, but the wide smile on her face showed that she was trying her best to hold back her laughter. Charity, meanwhile, was hopping up and down eagerly, as if she wanted to join in the hug.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(The madness will come for you....just accept it. XD)

"Yeah,! Hugs are the best things ever! Well, except cake....cake might be a bit better..." She trailed off, not noticing Matt and Red's apparent struggle. The girl had an iron grip. Quite literally. Aaron finally managed to stop his laughing long enough to pry his girlfriend off of the two oxygen deprived children.

"Uh, Daisy, they need air, y'know..." He said with a sweat drop, Daisy pouting.

"Aw, but hugs are the best!"

"But I thought you said cake was the best..."

"Oh right! Cake is the best!"

"But you just said hugs were...never mind." Aaron sighed, shaking his head in defeat. Matt, having recovered his breath, laughed.

"Well, good to see you two...been a while, huh?" He asked. He had now been hugged twice today, by two scarily similar people too. He now could only hope the two didn't form some kind of...hug alliance...or something.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Never! I shall escape this hole of madness! *grabs Escape Rope*)
"That's true, actually," agreed Magia thoughtfully, before turning to the two newcomers with a smile, "It's nice to see you two again!"
"Chocolate cake is the best!" Charity exclaimed randomly.
"Uh...right," Magia muttered. "Guys, this is Charity. Charity, these are Daisy and Aaron, our fri--"
"I remember you two!" Charity interrupted her, pointing at the two. "Magia told me about you!"
"You actually remember?" Magia asked surprised, before shaking her head quickly. "Anyway," she turned to Aaron and Daisy, "Where are you two heading again?"
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Never say never! *Calls Professor Oak*: "Now is not the time or place to use that!")

(Yay! Page 100! Also, I think we ought to actually get to the, leaving soon...otherwise we'll spend like, another ten pages talking. XP)

"Finally! Someone who understands.." Daisy cheered, anime tears streaming down her face. Matt and Aaron sweat dropped.

"Anyway," Aaron coughed loudly to get Daisy's attention, "we're going to Johto too. I wanna officially start my journey in Johto, sort of like how The Johto champion lance got started here in Kanto as an elite four...I'm gonna totally beat him though." He boasted. Matt laughed.

"Sure you are, man. Sure you are." He chuckled again at the boy's scowl. "I can't wait to find out what Pokémon I haven't seen before are all in Johto...though I guess the same goes for everywhere else outside of this place." He stood up, grabbing a Pokéball from his belt. "As a matter of fact, before we all split up, how about a battle? That's a memory I'll be glad to have before Johto!" Aaron and Daisy blinked, before grinning.

"Sounds good to me!" He also took out a Pokéball. "We haven't battled each other since you went to cinnibar island!" Daisy also took out a Pokéball.

"I may not be a very good trainer myself, but a battle's always fun!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Psh, you say that right after starting a battle? This thing will create even more pages! XP But I agree, since the others don't seem to replying.)

"A battle, you say?" Red suddenly seemed interested. Before he could say more, though, Magia held his shoulder, giving him a look: 'If you battled here, you'd destroy the whole harbour, and we'd have to pay for it.'
With a sigh, Red nodded sadly, making Magia giggle. He was so cute when he couldn't battle! She dragged him away from the three, promising that he would have many more battles in Unova.
Charity, meanwhile, was clapping eagerly, waiting for the battle to start. "This is gonna be so much fun!" she squealed to herself.
"Ms Charity, I suggest we keep our distance," said Tom, gently dragging his mistress away from the three trainers.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Because I'm Taikamodod The Great! Enough said. XP So should we just skip over the battle? Or do we have them leave after it?)

"Okay then, since Red and Magia are too scared, I guess this'll be a triple threat! Blastoise, let's-" Matt was stopped mid sentence by Daisy, who grabbed his wrist. "Daisy? What are you..."

"We're in the middle of the town, silly! If we battled here, we'd break everything! I need my money to be cake later, so i can't pay for the damages." She pointed out, and Matt sweat dropped, scratching the back of his head.

"Heh heh...yeah, right. Sorry. How about we battle on Route 1 then?" He suggested, and Aaron shrugged.

"I'm fine with that. I just wanna test out the Pokémon I hatched from the Unova Egg I got!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Honestly, I say we skip it. I mean, we just had a major battle with Moltres, right? Remember how many pages that thing took! XP)
(Speaking of pages, I just realized we've reached page 100! XD)

This time, Magia was the one interested. "Unova Egg? What Pokemon hatched from it?" she asked Aaron curiously. It had been months since she last saw a Unova Pokemon...
"I wanna see, too!" Charity ran up to him, a wide smile on her face.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Alright then! I'll answer Magia's question about the egg, then skip to the leaving thing. As for Moltres...well...it was like, the final boss, right? Plus, there was lots of talking,and the battles with Leo and Red and Blue and Lt. surge and Brock and Nikki and Matt and Magia....sounds like it needed those pages. XP)

(Yep! That was my goal! 100 pages before we closed off for Johto! Wonder how many pages the first gym'll be this time?)

"Oh that's right, you two are from Unova. And as for what's inside, how about instead of telling you, I show you?" He smirked, taking out a Pokéball. "Come on out, Darukmaka!" He released the chubby fire type, who immediately jumped onto his head, lazily sprawling itself on top of his mop of red hair. Aaron groaned. "Oh yeah...did I mention that when Darumaka isn't battling, it's the laziest Pokémon ever?"

Matt laughed, though he was very intrigued by the new Pokémon. While he knew it was probably quite normal in Unova, he had never seen or heard of a Darumaka before. And it was always exciting to see a Pokémon you've never seen before.

"So I guess...this is it, huh?" Matt questioned, hands stuffed in his pockets and a blank expression on his face. They had taken Charity's private jet across the region, and now they were officially in the neighboring region of Johto. Matt Aaron and Daisy's journeys with the group would all come to an end here as they departed into Johto, while Magia Red and Charity headed onwards to Sinnoh.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(You're right... Man, we talk too much. XP)
(It depends on which characters I'll be using, but I'll make sure that my battles don't take that long. And I'll make sure yours don't, either! XP)

As soon as Charity saw the small Pokemon, she gasped, "Oh my gosh, it's so cute! Can I pleaaaase hold it? Pretty please?" she begged Aaron, looking at him with huge puppy eyes, while Magia was examining the Darumaka. It sure brought back memories...
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(True. XP)

(And how do you plan on doing that? XP)

Aaron sweat dropped. "Sure, I guess. But It's still recently hatched, so be gentle, please." He warned, carefully lifting the lazy fire type off of his head and placing it in the rather...excited girl's arms. Darumaka was still young, so it's internal flame wasn't hot enough to make lying on his head uncomfortable, it was a gentle warmth more than anything else that radiated from the baby Pokémon. But still, having helmet hair from having a Pokémon lying on his head all day did get s bit annoying, since all his matter down hair tended to fall over his face.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, oops, I posted it too late and didn't see your edit... So, should I reply to this one, or...? I don't know, I'm so confused. XD)
(Trust me, the great Ellie has her ways... *awkward slides to the door*)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(You're making me confused! XD Do you mean reply to the pre Johto or post Johto post? 'Cause I guess the second one is the first hale of the first one....wait....ugh....I'm getting a head ache...)

(Well, since I'm TIkamodo The Great, I'm automatically immune to your ways! Bwahahahahahaha!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(No wait, I meant the before-Johto post... but how do I reply to the Johto one, anyway? Where's Matt supposed to be, or maybe, where are my characters supposed to be? Please put an end to my confusion XD)
(Ha, we'll see about that, Taika-boy!)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I thought they took the jet, so I just had the jet flying over Johto, and everybody on the jet...I think...unless Johto is like, the opposite way of Sinnoh....I feel my head ache coming back.)

(Yes, yes we shall.)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Well, Magia and Red are heading to Unova first, so I guess it would be a problem if Unova was the opposite of Johto? Anyway, plot convenience says the two regions are close, end of story. XP Now, back to the original problem... what do I reply to?)
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I guess the post Johto...post....uh....the one where their on the jet! And yeah, plot convenience definitely says that. I gave them a cupcake, so they better...)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Alright, now that I know... Wait, will we continue the Johto chapter in this forum, or make another one?)

"Look, that's so pretty!" Charity was, meanwhile, saying over and over again, pointing at whatever she saw. Magia, who was sitting next to her, would look at what her friend was pointing at and comment, while Red was staring out the window blankly. When Matt finally spoke, he turned to look at him.
"What do you plan to do in Johto?" he asked him, although he felt he already knew the answer.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I was thinking we'd like, have them arrive in their respective regions in this forum, and then actually start Johto in a new one...so essentially, this RP would end when they all split up. But we could continue here too, I personally don't mind either way.)

"Challenge the Pokémon League again...hopefully win this time too. Besiees that, there's a person I need to find." Matt replied, surprised Red hadn't figured out at least the first half of that andwer himself.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I don't really mind either, but a new forum may make more people join in.)

Red nodded. "Yeah, figured as much. But who is that person you're gonna look for?"
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Would it? I didn't think that many people on this club Rp'd to begin with, so I never even really considered anyone else joining...but I guess I don't really care that much, I mean, we're using new characters anyway...

So take your vote! New Forum, or This Forum?)

"My brother." He answered simply, looking out the window as well. "I get the feeling that Giovanni's still out there. Silver probably has the same idea, and knowing him, he likely went looking for him on his own without telling anyone. Giovanni's my dad too, and dealing with him once and for all is my responsibility too." Matt had become a bit more serious than he used to be, but with all that had happened with Silver and his father, it was to be expected. He could still be childish if he felt like it. "I heard a few rumors that Team Rocket's been stirring up a bit of trouble in Johto over the past three years, and if the news that Giovanni got taken down reaches here to their base of operations in Johto, they may try something drastic."
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, that reminds me, I still have no idea which characters to go with. XP But I'll figure something out!
Well, I vote for New Forum!)

(Time for a random plot twist. XP)
"Something drastic..?" Red asked, evidently considering what Matt just said. "Yeah, you're probably right. But what are you gonna..." he was interrupted by a hand grabbing his shoulder. Red turned around and literally jumped once he saw the grinning face of Giovanni from the front seat.
"What the-!" was all his managed to say before he fell into Magia, who looked equally shocked.
"Charity..?" she squeaked. "Why..?"
"Hm?" Charity finally looked away from the window, to see Giovanni. She tilted her head, looking confused for a second, before giggling. "Nice one, Zikky. You're getting better!"
With a mischievous snicker, Giovanni flashed purple for a second, before transforming into a grinning little Zorua. The Pokemon then proceeded to laugh its head off at Red and Magia.
"What the-" Magia's jaw dropped, "Zikky, that was just cruel!" she scowled, but the Zorua seemed too busy laughing to hear her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(I'm still workin' on who I'll be using as well...it's surprisingly tough to choose....and new forum it is!)

(That plot twist though! XD)

Matt stared blankly at the Zorua for a few seconds, before laughing a little bit as well. "You almost got me there. That's a neat ability, too."
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Perfect! Wow, we've actually closed two forums, and now we're starting a third one...)

(I am famous for my plot twists, after all. XD)
Zikky gave Matt a wide grin as a reply, before jumping on Charity's lap and making himself comfortable.
"Geez, why do I always fall for your pranks?" Magia sighed as Red shakily returned to his seat. Zikky rubbed his head against her arm as if to apologise, although he didn't seem so sorry.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(True, now that I think about it, we have! How long has it been since the first one started again? I know it's been a decently long time.)

(Yes, but I shall forever reign supreme by pulling the oldest twist in the book. The good ol' "my dad's the main villain?!" twist! Though Zorua did surprise me, I legitimately thought Giovanni was there for a second. XP)

"So Zorua can transform like Ditto? Useful to know." Matt commented, before stretching with a loud yawn. "Well, anyway, I better be going. I've got a journey to start, right?" His tone seemed cheerful, but at the same time, had a hint of sadness too. Aaron and Daisy, who'd been quiet up until now, both got up as well.

"Yeah, Matt's got the right idea." Aaron agreed with a smirk.

"Uh huh! Lots of Cake-erm-Pokémon to catch!" She corrected with a wide grin, causing Aaron to sweat drop.

Matt turned to Red and Magia, his expression still conflicted between happiness and sadness. "We won' be seeing each other again personally for a while, since you'll be heading far south to Sinnoh, and I'm going north, to Johto. So I guess, that this is goodbye." He suddenly found himself remembering everything he'd experienced since the start of his journey all up until now. The Gyms, Team Rocket, The Pokémon League, the only contest Matt had ever been in...they'd been there for all of it.

That's what friends were for. To help, whether it was directly or from far away, whether you needed a slap across the face or a shoulder to cry on. To stand beside you as an equal, or as support, someone that would lift you up when you fell down. In the end, he had been lucky to run into so many of them, and to think that it had all started because of a spearow flock.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I remember joining a while after I joined the other Pokemon RP, so it's probably been about two years?)

(Ha! That twist has been used so many times that it's gotten old- to my mind, at least. XP And, that just means I have made a successful twist! >:D)
"It's not an official goodbye," Magia got up as well, smiling slightly. "We're keeping contact. There's no way this is the last time we'll talk to each other, Matth- I mean, Matt." she gave him a quick hug, something she always did when saying goodbye. At that moment, she remembered everything they'd all gone through together- all those battles they fought, the difficulties they surpassed and, most importantly, all the fun times they had together. She gave Daisy and Aaron hugs as well, while doing her best to hide how watery her eyes had become. She forced herself to stop being so sentimental and try to look more cheerful- after all, this was not the last time they saw each other.
"Make sure to keep in touch," she told them finally, her smile not as cheerful as she hoped it was.
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Two years? That's....a while. I knew it had been longer than one year, but I didn't know it was two. Well, you learn something new every day, right?)

(And that's why I used it! Because it's been used so many times nobody expected me to use it, therefore, making the fact that I used such a twist a twist in itself! Twisting, isn't it? And you were successful, but I shall still reign supreme!)

"Yeah, right. I'll keep in touch for sure. You two have fun in Sinnoh, and make sure you're watchin' me win the Silver Conference from wherever you are! You'll be seeing me win this time, for sure." Matt said with determination. Aaron crossed his arms.

"You mean I'll be winning, right? You can have runner up, though." Matt rolled his eyes, taking out a Pokéball.

"Bye guys! 'Till we meet again!" He called as he suddenly kept out of the jet, throwing the Pokéball up into the air, which released his Pidgeot. Climbing aboard the bird's back, waved back to the two, watching Aaron and Diasy leave the same way as him, releasing a Charizard and Fearow respectively.

He would win this time. He'd find Silver, eliminate Team Rocket, and become the winner of the Johto League. He had to, both for him and for everyone who had helped him get this far. Seeing Aaron and Daisy catching up to him and Magia and Red's plane seeming farther and farther away, tried to stop the tears threatening to fall from his face.

It wasn't goodbye. Just a temporary farewell. And when he next met Magia and Red, they'd hopefully all be a lot stronger. "Good luck with whatever you guys do next!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I'm not sure if it's exactly two years, to say the truth... More like, one and a half?)

(My goodness, why do you have to make me confused at the end of every conversation? XD)
"Wow!" Charity gasped as the three jumped off the jet and released their Pokemon. She and Zikky, who was in her arms, watched in amazement, while Red simply smiled in approval.
Magia laughed a bit, watching the three fly off. She hang on to the door and called:

"See you soon, guys! Best wishes!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TAIKAMODO said…
(Hm, maybe. Either way, as the anime says, it's "To Be Continued", right?)

(Yes, yes I do. It's part of my awesomeness. XD)

(I guess this is the last post for the Legendary Saga! *Cracks Knuckes* This'll be short n' sweet, at least..that's what I'm planning. Sometimes, things get a bit longer than intended...)

(When do you wanna start the Johto RP? Now, or some time after?)

Matt had never been to Unova himsel, but from what he had heard about it from his cousin Lizzy, that was a form of saying goodbye that was used quite commonly among Unovian citizens. "Best wishes to you too! Until me meet again!"

To Be Continued...