Harry Potter Vs. Twilight 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

Harry Potter Vs. Twilight 2632 replies

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Showing Replies 2501-2550 of 2632

over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
over a year ago SEEKER6 said…
Hai, cassie!
over a year ago phoenixwand said…
i agree with icolourz..more HP fans on this page :) and the princesstale, as long as we are being civil, i guess its okay if we stay and debate, right?
over a year ago traceyhp said…
Everyone is cool on either forum...Now that's what I call web heaven!!
over a year ago ErinLewis96 said…
ok i'm going to go on a rant.
the only people who can relate to twilight are stuck up girls with depression and a lust for male attention. and people can relate to the people in harry potter because they are actual people and are more realistic. i dont even call twilight fans FANS cuz they arent! all you guys do at the movies is talk about how hot the guys are in it (which they are not)! but us potter fans, when there's a premeire, every one gets along great and we hang out like we're one big family, because that is what we are. a family.
and i'm just going to say that i find dr. carlisle cullen rlly annoying because it's so stupid that a vanpire could "build up" resistance to human blood, and then when he goes to touch a patient (in a non-innapropriate way) how can they not feel how cold he is??? i think doctor who is a better doctor than he is.
you muggles, you think you can beat out harry potter, but you can't.
over a year ago iColourz said…
Very GREAT points, ErinLewis96, even more reasons why Harry Potter is a phenomenon of our generation && that it will always be in our hearts forever. And FACE IT. it twelve months people will be like, "What's Twilight?".
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Actually, that's not true.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
You guys are all muggles...
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
over a year ago SEEKER6 said…
Hahahahaha the thing about the harry potter premier is true. Ive never been to a midnight showing of a twilight movie but im going to the bd one... everytime ive seen a twilight movie its mostly girls giggling, boys facepalming, and random people screaming "i love you, edward!" Or "team jacob! Ohhhmiigawsh hesss so sexy!"
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
"and the princesstale, as long as we are being civil, i guess its okay if we stay and debate, right?"
Yes, of course, and as long we at least TRY to make an effort to speak proper english *coughgaycheesecough*
lol at 'princess'. It was probably a typo, but it made me laugh anyway- from something like the chapter 'The Prince's Tale' to a princess tale, (although I am a girl...) lol- i have a strange sense of humour.

@cassie- touche, touche...
over a year ago phoenixwand said…
ahh..yes it was a typo *blush*.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
I don't care one bit- I just think it funny- I know it was a typo- I was commenting on the irony of it :)
over a year ago traceyhp said…
What's goin' on here??
over a year ago traceyhp said…
I'm just gonna upload car pics until a conversation comes up :P
I'm just gonna upload car pics until a conversation comes up :P
over a year ago StarKidWeasley said…
I do not agree with ErinLewis........ Those points were very wrong. And epic car!
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
And wtf is with that other '3000 reasons Twilight' forum?
over a year ago SEEKER6 said…
^ ugh ikr? At least they had/have hope
over a year ago traceyhp said…
The person who made that after the fact of the 1000 reasons for Twilight is reaching for a win in an empty stadium. lol
over a year ago phoenixwand said…
over a year ago smartypants287 said…
the only thing smaller then justin bieber's dick size is the amount reasons that are legit that state why twilight is better than hp.

Yeah, i went there.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
You've seen him nude?
over a year ago FawkesTears said…
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute! Let's not say stuff we don't want to picture.
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute! Let's not say stuff we don't want to picture.
over a year ago i8apurplecrayon said…
i agree with justmandi. dont get me wrong. i LOVE harry potter and enjoy reading the books. ive loved them froma a young age and continue to be a fan. but just because i am a fan of harry potter and not one of twilight, im not going to go hate on them. its just a book. just because my favourite colour is red and someone elses is green, doesnt mean im going to go and tell them how terrible green is and that they shouldnt like it.
i honestly think that harry potter is better but i dont think that the twilight fans deserve to be yelled at because of their preferences and opinions. i am disgusted at how harry potter fans are reacting to this post. so what if they like twilight? is this going to affect your love for harry potter? is it going to make the world a worse place? theyre still reading... so are you.
i dont see why there is sucha big rivalry going on about this, they are two completely different books! what does it matter if harry potter characters have more depth? or the actors in the twilight movies are hotter?
i am embarrased by my fellow hp fans.
i think you should all back up, let the twihards read in obsess in peace.
i think that harry potter fans should be more mature.
and to you twilight fans reading this;
i am so sorry for all of the behavior on this post. really. i honestly dont care about your reading preferances. i really hope you understand. i too, simply made this account to post this, because i was distusted and ambarrased by the behavior here.
all of you harry potter fans; why dont you just go and talk about hp with some fellow fans instead of hating on twilight. ITS JUST A BOOK. thank you
over a year ago Analin said…
Okay so since I'm an insomniac at 2:30 am, I went through the first 15 pages of this forum and found 45 "reasons" an average of three per page. Some of them state why Twilight is good (not necessarily better than HP). But I thought that we ought to get this forum back on track. So I cut and paste those reasons back into this post (after putting it through spell-check since all the red was making me cross-eyed).

And I must point out that the HP forum has 2500 reasons in less than 100 pages. I know many of them are repeats but we still got that many legitimate opinions which itself should say that HP is better. So lets give the Twilighters another chance to prove that their stories are better...and please no drowning or shovel bashing of opponents, we are all far more mature and civilized than that.

Now before I continue there is just one image that I want to share...I saw it on the HP forum and thought it was photo-shopped until I tried it for myself. Take a look...I think this alone shows that HP is better. I want see if the Twilighters can find an image to top it.

last edited over a year ago
Okay so since I'm an insomniac at 2:30 am, I went through the first 15 pages of this forum and found
over a year ago Analin said…
So here is the summary of the reasons why Twilight beats HP as given in the first 15 pages of this forum. Note that I am an HP fan, as if you couldn't guess by the icon and the post above :). These opinions are not mine...I'm just reporting them.

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

2. Simple WIZARDS SUCK and VAMPIRES RULE. its that easy

3. I think twilight is better than harry potter because there is romance and I just love twilight:))))))

4. I can think of one or two maybe. twilight was romantic. and it was a book/movie that lead its readers/watchers deeper into it, i never really got into the whole hp thing, all it was about was magic and fictional creatures like unicorns, dragons, fairies, ogers, etc. twilight was just about vampires, and werewolves nothing else, and those aren’t really fictional, at least not in my book..... ok that’s all I can think of at moment

5. Alice is a fun, bubbly character. Not all of them are dull.

6. Who says wanting a bf is a crime? I don’t think so. Some people do better with a boy than friends. that person is Bella

7. Also, this is FANTASY! It doesn't have to be "well, the characters are more real." Fantasy books aren't Meant to be real! Books w/ aliens are fantasy. Aliens (probably) aren't real!

8. Twilight is a great comedy, it made me laugh out loud.

9. there is a happy ending.(but personally a little too perfect for me)

10. at least twilight fans are reading A book.(even if I don’t like it

11. there is a tiny bit of action (but not much)

12. Seth Clearwater (hehe, he is my fav.)

13. How Edwards dad (sry i cant remember names to save my life) found a way to be good(even if it was not explained well)

14. Just like in HP, there is a battle between good and evil, right?

15. And there is a bad guy in both that seeks power and wants to kill many people... XD

16. They both have a hint of romance where one would do anything to help/save the other. (This is more noticeable in Twilight, but Ginny would do anything to save Harry, wouldn't she? How about Ron & Hermione? See?)

17. They are both about a 'secret society', if you will. The wizards are a secret, hidden away from the muggle world, just as the vampires live in the forest and keep their ways to themselves.

18. sparklepyres or vampires, call them how you like - they have more nobility, more education, they are more fun, have more attractiveness than lots and lots of ordinary people. Wizards are interesting too but they don't have immortality on their side, nor the eternal beauty or that charming sweet smell ;)
I bet that if a vampire wants to do magic, he can. Vampires can be great wizards but they don't need to because they are already great in their definition.

19. it is important to anticipate the ending of a story - this is everyone’s mind exercise - but the Twilight series is not just "about a sappy love story that could have reached its happy ending in 4 seconds". If the reader gets caught up in the events of the story, the success of that story is sure. The complexity of the Twilight characters is obvious, and furthermore one can see the process of evolution that they go through in the 4 books.

20. I think Twilight is much better than HP because a girl can identify herself with Bella and how hard I try I can't do that with HP. and Twilight has a love story HP has it but it isn't the most important piece of the movie. and being a girl I love love stories in a movie so that's why I prefer Twilight. and HP fans if I did hurt you I’m sorry.

21. Twilight made us understand how great the Harry Potter books really are. I started reading Harry Potter again after reading about 50 pages of Twilight.

22. Twilight has its good points. It makes us understand what great books we've been missing out on by reading it.

23. The book puts you in an average place: Forks, Washington. It's a rather normal place with normal people. Therefore, people can relate easier because they don't have to get past the "imaginative"(for lack of a better word) setting that is Harry Potter (big fan though).

24. Bella has separated parents. I personally don't, but I know that some people's parents might have this relationship. People who know about the relationship can relate to Bella's family problems easier. This, again, can apply to Harry Potter because of the orphan factor.

25. Bella goes to a regular high school, has regular subjects, and regular "friends" without magic powers. People can relate to that easily because, siriusly people, if we didn't get our Hogwarts letters already we're not gonna. At my high school, we don't study Charms or Transfiguration but Math and Science. Bella's friends can be stated as the stereotypes in high schools. I haven't read the series since the first time, which was around a year and a half ago, so I can't go in depth about this. Harry Potter, though, I'm currently rereading OOTP (at least 5th time).

26. It's a great fantasy series, like our Harry Potter, that can make you forget the perils of real life, by finding how others deal with more exaggerated problems.

27. Twilight is perhaps better in the aspect that none of the fans favorite characters died...

28. they have vampires and werewolves

29. They have a romance between Bella and Edward
and I know that twilight isn’t the best but I love the book I read all of them in a month and i think the best series is vampire kisses really. so OK I have more reasons just I need to get to school.

30. Twilight sparked the interest of creative writing in many teenage girls

31. Sparked the want to read in many teenage minds that had never really liked reading before.

32. For those who say Twilight has but one emotion, love, I argue that and say it also has pain. Bella doesn't want to have to choose between Edward and Jacob but she has to, and it kills her everyday that she hurt Jacob. Also, it's not healthy to be that depressed when someone leaves you, but he was get whole world. I know that's not healthy either, but he was her first love. Everyone goes a little crazy their first time.

33. We say that Twilight is better because it has that Romeo and Juliet aspect. Bella and Edward are also star-crossed lovers and nothing can keep them apart. A good love story can always find it's was into the hearts and minds if people. Have any of you read Wuthering Heights? Another good example of star-crossed lovers. (and it was a superb book). Anyway, that book is considered a classic, as is Romeo and Juliet. Now, I'm not saying Twilight should be a classic, it's just that many classics are of the romance type.

34. Those vamps' powers from all over the world were kind of cool. I especially like Zafrina's.

35. They are addicting books. Once you start reading them you get hooked. That was for me at least I know it’s not everyone.

36. at least all of them doesn’t a scar of a lightning bolt

37. the plot is good

38. no witchcraft(practicing witchcraft is bad)

39. At least they talk about religion even 4 a short while

40. Meyer is creative she even made her own type of vampire

41. 6.the movie may not be faithful to the book but at least the cast are good

42. it has a happy ending

43. IT has a graphic novel

44. has more female fans

45. Stephanie Meyer did her research and found a place like Forks so the vampires can be outside, JK just made one up. It’s vampires living in a normal world, not vampires living in a vampire world undercover. Muggles?! Seriously?? The sparkles are so unique and creative, they’re not stupid.
The vampires aren’t evil, only the Volturi.

That's it for now, I might search through pages 16-101 tomorrow after work but for now I'm done. I apologize if I missed any in the first 14 pages, if I did feel free to add them now.
last edited over a year ago
bestpotterhead commented…
18: dumbledore said himself that death is just the next great adventure over a year ago
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
First of all, who cares what random people search on Google? What legitimacy does that hold at all? All that proves is that some people don't like Twilight...

Second, look at more than 15 pages.
over a year ago Analin said…
Well if I understand correctly google's search bar automatically suggests the most common search terms related to what you've already typed. I just thought that "Twilight needs" was automatically matched with die was quite amusing and proof. There are even facebook pages committed to the death of the series.

And yes I do intent to read the rest of it when I get home from work, which you would have known if you had read the end of my post. How can you admonish me for not reading 100 pages when you won't even read half of one? I just wanted to help get this forum back on track by starting to figure how how many reasons there actually were so far since everyone else kept starting over at 1 and no one had kept track...I thought my second reply was doing all of the Twilighters a favor...oh well.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Yes... Amusing proof that people don't like Twilight.
Is that supposed to mean something significant?
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
@i8apurplecrayon- We've heard it all before. We are not hating on each other- we are engaging in a debate. We are not yelling, neither shouted nor bashing.
Why do we get the blame? We must we get the 'mature' speech? You are bunching us all up, generalising, saying to all of us that we should be ashamed.
Whenever someone comes on and 'aplologises' on 'behalf' of everyone because they're just so full of pity for the Twilight fans and admonishes us for being rude and mean, we just roll our eyes, siriusly- give us a break. I do not think anyone is being bullied and I don't think there are any bullies on here.
over a year ago VampPhoenix99 said…
Edward is gay, Twilight is therefore NOT a love story, and everyone sucks.
over a year ago VampPhoenix99 said…
And BTW, saying "twilight is better" or "Edward is awesome" or "the actors are hot" or "people make fanfics etcetera about twilight" or "everyone/I like twilight" are NOT reasons! Also, as a vampire myself, I happen to know that vampires DO NOT sparkle, they DO exist, they DON`T go to high school,and when they pick a target, (the only reason they would fall "in love") they do WHATEVER the target says and NEVER leave them! Vampires also can turn into bats, have the will to bite people, and don`t use hair products! All of you fucking trolls should just shut up before I BITE YOU TO DEATH! So if you really think Harry Potter is terrible, you are just like Bella. Whiny and annoying, suicidal, serious mental problems, and you dwell on the cheesiest crap! At least explain your reasons! Read "101 reasons harry potter is better than twilight" (google it) for a reference!
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Edward is not homosexual
Homosexualy can love too.

Saying "Edward is gay" is NOT a reason for anything either.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
And you don't know what a troll is.
over a year ago traceyhp said…
I have an assumption about how the love in Twilight can be converted towards real life romances. I thought it like this:

Whenever two people fall in love for the first time, they feel that they must do whatever to demonstrate and protect that emotion and make it grow stronger between them. Yet some of these 'tasks of love' could be interpreted to judge the couple in love as 'crazy, controlling, simple-minded, and/or just plain inexperienced with the mindset of love.

Twilight has shown a side of love which many people might relate to, only if to find out from other peoples' point of view that there are warning signs of unhealthy obsession surfacing. Controlling men and submissive women are what most call a '1950's type of relationship', where the men were in control and the women had to obey and never voice their opinions about anything outside of the relationship and their home.

Bella, an exceptionally smart girl from Phoenix, has instantly accepted this role to the point where she has no say-so over who she would have a friendship with(I.E. male friends in general). Her obsession with Edward shows how most young women would quickly fall in love and give up all aspects of their personal goals and dreams to revolve their lives around the person that they're smitten with no matter what the overall consequences may be.

I think that Twilight is a fairytale about true love happening at an early age for a young woman. And that could prove somewhat dangerous in reality for other young women. It kinda serves as a cautionary tale to wanting an obsessive romance as well as being an obsessive romance story itself. Which is another (valid) reason in my opinion.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago twi4life said…
Harry Potter isn't in any way good, the actors don't even get into their roles. Twilight has actual love, Bella risks her life for Edward to be with him. 7 books is just way too long for a series.
bestpotterhead commented…
ARE YOU NUTS!?!?!?? There is LOTS of lOve in Harry Potter!!!! All love isn't just romantic love!! Harry survived when he was a baby because of his mothers love f over a year ago
bestpotterhead commented…
For him!! And there's the love of friend ship between Harry, Ron and HERMIONE and as they grow some becomes romantic l over a year ago
bestpotterhead commented…
Love (ex. Harry+Ginny and Ron+hermione) over a year ago
over a year ago irock1980 said…
big smile
ok here is 1 of the reasons hp is moar epic than twilight:hp has a WORLD,8 MOVIES,7 BOOKS,AND IS IN DISNEY!gosh i luv hp but i wont kill some1 if they read it and dont like it but if they hadnt read it i would ask them 2
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
over a year ago traceyhp said…
@twi4life the actors in the Harry Potter films portrayed their roles according to their characters beautifully. Although the books and the movies differ slightly. It goes the same for the Twilight books and movies. You'll see. Wait for Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2, and see how much different the scenes are from what's written in the book.

And @irock1980 It's Universal Studios that has the Harry Potter theme park. Disney only have rides based on the movies they've made or corresponded with over the years. (I've made the same assumption a while ago before a friend told me.) :P
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
Holy crap, what's with all the trolls?
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
Disney? Lol.

Lol twi4life- how presumptous of us to assume Hp has more love then Twilight! I am terribly ashamed of myself. How do I sleep at night!
over a year ago Posena said…
Actually, Harry Potter's couples kissed in the last part while Twilight's couples couldn't wait and kissed in the really first part.

This explains quite clearly, I dont' think Stephenie is focusing on the REAL adventure (war of wolves and vampires and etc.) but she only concentrated on the EDWARD-BELLA Part.

And god, why does Bella have to rely on Edward always??

Believe me, I read Twilight and Harry Potter..And I read Twilight the time when I wasn't frustrated yet about the content and all rumors, I got high expectations on Twilight..


Jeez sluts..
over a year ago percabeth4ever said…
I agree with Posena on everything ! I mean since when do girls have to rely on guys? Bella was a WEAKLING! Look at Hermione she was SMART, PRETTY, TOUGH, and DIDN'T NEED A GUY FOR HELP !!! And J.K Rowling built up the romance unlike Stephanie who made Bella seem like a useless, DESPERATE girl. And if Twilight is SO much better then Harry Potter, then why doesn't Twilight have its own amusement park ? Oh yeah ! Because Twilight is horrible ! Have a nice day :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ronweasley311 said…
well who would want a old pale dead guy as a boyfriend????and real vampires don't SPARKLE! !!!!!!!
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Lol, I don't think you guys realize that Twilight is a romance story, not an adventure story.
over a year ago ronweasley311 said…
also whoever said there is no romance in harry potter was wrong...there's action and romance...
over a year ago ronweasley311 said…
oh and also harry potter had robeet pattinson first
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Actually, I had him first.
over a year ago Dramionex3 said…
Well excuse me but Harry Potter is awesome, Hermione isn't an Emo girl who just wants to die because the love of her life doesn't want to see her again. Get real. -.- and PLEASE -.- Your just going all out saying how twilight talks about love and all that, well that's not realistic pardon me but I don't think there's a couple that NEVER fights. Have u ever heard of opposites attracts? Sure big words in twilight half the time the people in my class LOSE their exam marks to stupid spellings. No offense to twilight people but I can't stand watching you guys criticize Harry Potter. I don't got to a new town so my mother who has been a widow for years can spend 'quality' time with her husband and I don't go to the new school and fall for a 'super hot' vampire inn like I dont know? 5 minutes? Also every boy mentioned is like in love with Bella... Wow really? Sure JK Rowling made all those great awesome characters die... ( I loved Sirius and Lupin and James and dobby and Fred and I would continue but I'd bore you to death) but it was so she could get the feeling, you have any idea how difficult it is to lose the only close relative you have? Any idea how it feels to be mocked, picked on and abused by your aunt , uncle, cousin and your enemy? Plus think it from Ron's side of view. His best friend always getting the lime light. In twilight all characters don't really matter. Look at Ginny? That girl ended up being one of the best witches and Neville? MAN THAT GUY THREW IT DOWN! He killed Nagini! PLUS I think everybody in my school agrees, they grew up with Harry. It's been 10 years people still write to Rowling. She's one of the most successful writers ever. She was a mess but she is now richer than the queen of England. Her names have meanings too! And get realistic... What human reacts liek this : *pant uncontrollably* when you find out your boyfriend happens to be an old 100 year old virgin and sparkles in the SUN oh and happens to be what you thought was a myth plus stalks you at night and BOOM your best friend who also has a crush on you and is going to have a relationship with your daughter is CONVINEINTLY a were wolf :D (sorry I add to much points) I can really feel like I AM the characters when I read Harry Potter I can't when I read twilight. I can't imagine myself as a Emo girl who wants to jump of the cliff. Really. And, your family and friends are more important. Real friends with you everyday, family, annoys you like crazy (Dursleys) but you'd do whatever you have to to protect them just like when Petunia kept Harry she could've left him at the doorstep of their house, let him freeze to death or get killed by Voldermort or something but she didn't, because I'm pretty sure as much as Sge hated her sister and how much of a freak she was she can't risk destroying the only part of her sister that's alive. and Bella only wants to save her family and the love of her life, Harry, he wants to help the world. I've made a point here I think, that Harry Potter is much better than a teenage girl obsessing over her boyfriend.