Harry Potter Vs. Twilight 1000 Reasons Why Twilight Is Better Than Harry Potter

lauracullen66 posted on Aug 27, 2009 at 01:32PM

i'll go first

1. The main character is much much easier to relate to.

Harry Potter Vs. Twilight 2632 replies

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over a year ago -gloria said…
I read the comments on this and they seriously cracked me up.
I'm sorry, but the illiteracy of some of the Twihards on here is astounding.
In my opinion, Harry Potter is better than Twilight. The storyline is deeper and more developed. It has better feminist roles for females in the story, whereas Bella could be taken as an anti-feminist for her NEED of a man and deep depression when single. I have other reasons, but most have been stated already (:

And thank you, for bringing in Buffy. No vampire will ever compare to the lovely and Billy-Idol-esque Spike. <3
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
Great, but this is '1000 Reasons TWILIGHT is better than Harry Potter.' There is another forum where you can post your reasons.

Also, no, Buffy doesn't have anything to do with the topic, nor does the 'lovely' Spike. No one has even compared Twilight to Buffy yet.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
This is what we like to call "narrow mindedness". We like to pretend that we know everything about everything, because of like, one or two things we've seen.

In this case, we sum up the entirety of all the contents of the 80+ pages of this forum, based on a few poorly worded posts on the first page.

If you want to leave a serious comment, and you are serious about the words you are sharing, then take this forum seriously. Look at the first pages, skip a few, look through the middle pages, skip some more, then read the last pages. I'm sorry to break it to you, Next Judgmental User to Follow, but you're not so amazing to where you're well acquainted with every post in this forum because you looked at the first two pages. You're just not that talented. I'm sorry. Believing you are only shows arrogance and, as mentioned above, narrow mindedness. I wouldn't be surprised if we find a bit of narcissism thrown in the mix.

Now, if someone would be descent enough to leave a proper comment of the debateable nature; something that could actually be challenged or discussed, please don't hesitate. I hold no fear of you, so let loose.

A Twilight Fan
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Even though everyone on the first two pages appear to be completely literate. I don't even know what people are getting that from...
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
For real. Where is everyone coming from lol.
I saw the trailer watching the MTV awards. It looks really interesting all of a sudden. Bella..looks pretty lol!... But anyway, Yeah. I read that Jacob doesn't come to the wedding, (WOuldn't blame him) ...
My friend actually talked me into reading them. I'm on Eclipse :)
over a year ago Fred_Wheezy said…
Okay, I was just going to leave my one comment as the only one I put, but now you have insulted Spike. My only point with bringing him up was to give my opinion of what a real vampire is, and I am most definitely not comparing him to your vamps. And there's absolutely no need to insult him, since he is way more of a man and vampire than- you know what, nevermind. I'm just not going to get into this, unless someone criticizes him again. I love that guy, and will stick up for him at any time, since he can no longer do it. I mean really, have you people even seen the show?

And by the way, I only read the first few pages because I had better things to do with my time then read a bunch of people's rants about something I don't and never will agree with. I simply thought it was funny and decided to support the HP fans. And as you people keep saying this post is called "1000 reasons why twilight is better than Harry Potter," not "Debate about why twilight is better." So if you guys want to continue using the forum for the purpose the person created it for, go ahead, and ignore what I and all the other HP fans say.
(And thank you -gloria, for being a fellow Spike fan and knowing how awesome he is)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Nobody has to watch whatever show you're talking about to know anything about Twilight and Harry Potter.
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
Okay, I was just going to leave my one comment as the only one I put, but now you have insulted Spike. My only point with bringing him up was to give my opinion of what a real vampire is, and I am most definitely not comparing him to your vamps.

I don't care for Spike. I've never watched the show. And okay, but we're not asking you what a real vampire is.

And there's absolutely no need to insult him, since he is way more of a man and vampire than- you know what, nevermind. I'm just not going to get into this, unless someone criticizes him again.

I'm not insulting him nor have I in my previous point. And it's quite stupid how you're saying that we shouldn't insult him, when you openly mock the Cullens. Not everyone agrees with you, which is something you're not understanding.

I love that guy, and will stick up for him at any time, since he can no longer do it. I mean really, have you people even seen the show?

He's not real – of course he can't defend himself. And no, I don't want to watch Buffy. I tried watching it once, but I didn't like it. I didn't think that I would have to in able to debate HARRY POTTER and TWILIGHT.

And by the way, I only read the first few pages because I had better things to do with my time then read a bunch of people's rants about something I don't and never will agree with.

Well, maybe you could have also stopped yourself from commenting and stereo-typing everyone else in the fandom. If you can't bother to read all of the pages, then why form your opinions on what you don't know?

I simply thought it was funny and decided to support the HP fans.

And you also 'simply' thought it was funny to insult Twilight fans. Because, y'know, degrading people's opinions and making yours seem betteris so entertaining.

And as you people keep saying this post is called "1000 reasons why twilight is better than Harry Potter," not "Debate about why twilight is better." So if you guys want to continue using the forum for the purpose the person created it for, go ahead, and ignore what I and all the other HP fans say.

Ignore what you guys say? Maybe if you had the liberty to stop posting, we'd be in a better place. We can't always 'ignore' things, we're human, and I think it saves us BOTH time if you decided not to post on something that has nothing to do with you or your opinions.

(And thank you -gloria, for being a fellow Spike fan and knowing how awesome he is)

Being a Spike fan has nothing to do with this spot, since of course, this isn't a Buffy vs. Twilight spot. I've already suggested that you go make one.
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
Oh I hav 1000 resons why Twilit is better than Harry Fudger (Wat a stupid name).
1) OMG, Edwars is soo hot, I wuld do him anyday. I think this one thing blows off all Harry Fudger movie actors. I think RPatz repents actin on HP. I think this 1 reaon blows away all 1000 Harry Fudger resons.
2) stepheny Meyer is pretty, but Jk rowling looks old and ewwww.
3) It's love which bilds Twilit. It's a re-naration of Romeo an Juliet.
4) Harry Fudger fans are wierd and nerds . twilight fas are pretty.
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
And Breking Dawn treiler looks so nice and well done; deadly hallows looks bad and like a b-grad movie.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
No no no...
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
@teamadwardz think about grammar? Because I can barely read yours. And it's Twilight, not Twilit. Harry Fudger? Your thinking of a different movie, its Harry Potter. Robert was in 2 of the Harry Potter, so you can't say he wasn't. I think J.K And Meyer are pretty. There only 8 years different. Harry Potter is action..No just a love story? But Twilight also is action, but to many people base it off of Romeo and Juliet... I'm a Harry Potter fan, and a lot of people have told me that I'm pretty. U shouldn't base people that are weird/nerds just 'cause they like a movie.
The Breaking Dawn trailer, from what I've seen, is there Wedding.
So yeah. It looks pretty cool. But that HP Trailer, has more and more facts about the ending.
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
@PeaceluvPotter Hey I no grammer, and and harry potter is harry fudger because he is a idiot. OK, i know it's twilight and not twilit, and u tellin me for just 1 mistake? go away. Breaking dawn traler seems epic and heart-touching, i slept when watching Deadly hallows trailer.
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
Twilight is alwas better becoz it has vampires, and Stphanie Meyer is so creative. where else can u see vbampires sparking?
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Are you a troll?
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
Excuse me. No, you don't *know grammar. One because you spelled grammar wrong. He's an idiot? I wouldn't be talking. If you know its Twilight, not Twilit, Then why did you say that. I've been on this longer than you have, so don't tell me to Go Away. I didn't know you could fall asleep under than 2 minutes. It's Deathly, not Deadly. Vampires? We have Wolves, Wizards, Trolls, and much more. Where else do I see a vampire sparkling? No where.. ?
@youknowit101 who?
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
i think ur crazy. Trolls? they don't exist xcept in internet. omg all the 1000 resons why Harry potter is better than twilight are bogus. OMG omg how can ne1 not lik edward cullen. robert is very good lookin than Dan *blah blah (confusin name). every1 in america luvs twilight.
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
and i know english, but i lik to type in short form so it's easy. i know grammer.
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
U keep spelling grammar wrong, which means u don't. Vampires don't exist? Ur going nuts? Not everyone in America likes Twilight...?
There not bogus, there opinions.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
I asked if you're a troll because you're acting like an idiot and this is the only thing you do on this website. they exist on the internet, you're on the internet... You could be one...
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
No this isn't the only thing I do thanks, But it's always in my updates, So I'm curious. And dude, Like chill. For one, be happy I at least stuck up for twilight. A little.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
i wasn't talking to you
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
Well u said me, but okay.
over a year ago teamedwardz said…
harry fudger fans are fightin amon themselves. trols, twilight fan are united
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
On the first page the guy said that Harry Potter was to hard to read for younger people crap. Yet Twilight is about things bad for younger peoples minds.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Read other pages.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Twilight sucks. End of story. JK is really creative. Thinking of so many things to make it unpredictible.(I am pretty sure I spelled unpredictible wrong) In Twilight I could predict everything. Bella gets married has a kid and lives happily ever after. That is the worst plot I have ever seen. 4 books of wanting to get turned into a vampire. And it's not Harry fudger. Where do you get Harry fudger?It has nothing to do with Twilight.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Please either say something worthwhile, or go away.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
Read 88 pages of arguing over Twilight or Harry Potter?I could barely read one much less others. It's just stupid arguing over things like this. I mean their just books(Though very good books)Arguing om much can get a person know where. Twilight fans and Harry Potter fans would just find more reasons against the other series. But even though it's fun to give opinions it can get someone know where. I'm just proving my point why Harry Potter is better in my eyes. So I'm not gonna post again. See ya!
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
A lot of it isn't arguing at all. There is quite a bit of intelligent discussion.
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
Harry POTTER fans don't fight, if we are, it's over if Snape's a good guy or not. Twilight fans unite? There's like Team Edward, Team Jacob, Team Bella? and all that..That sounds real unite.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Just because you like different characters, that doesn't mean you hate each other. You can be united and be on opposite "tems"
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
I don't think I was talking to you thanks.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
I can still freely reply, you're welcome.
over a year ago ZebraPotter18 said…
Okay I've got to say personally I am Team Potter but this is a place for twilight fans to express their opinions there is a place for Potterheads too so why don't us Potterheads discuss our potterness there so they can discuss their twilightness here. Thank You :)
over a year ago wotcher-tonks said…
Wow, I haven't been here in ages...But I'm bored and I want to debate...So...HAI GUYS!

iamawesome77, I agree with you, but could you please express your opinion a bit nicer? Please, have respect for the other fans on here! Thanks :)

teamedwardz, You are being VERY trollish and rude. Not everyone has the same opinion as you, get over it. Not everyone loves Edward. In my opinion, Dan is much better looking than Rob. Got a problem with that? You can't judge a book by the actors in the movie anyway. The 1000 reasons why HP is better than Twi are very accurate (Most of them). Oh, and I'm American and I hate Twilight. My entire family hates Twilight. More than half of my school hates Twilight. All Americans.

over a year ago youknowit101 said…
not as accurate as you think
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
I completely agree with you Wotcher-Tonks!
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Take a break, then grow up before you think about coming back.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
over a year ago ZebraPotter18 said…
Alright, can we all just please for at least one second respect each others opinion and stop all this fighting!! Fellow Potterheads I agree with your reasons but post them on our forum and give twilight fans a chance! It really isn't fair that we stole their forum! So please just leave these people be and let give them a chance to try to come with some reasons! Siriusly!!!
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
This fight is getting really stupid.
It's getting old, don't cha think?
over a year ago ZebraPotter18 said…
@PeaceLuvPotter I agree entirely! P.S. I love the name! :)
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
It's really a one sided fight..
over a year ago PeaceLuvPotter said…
Haha thanks :)

A one sided fight? .....
over a year ago ZebraPotter18 said…
How would one have a one-sided fight?
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
Well, it looks like some people are trying to fight while others are saying "I don't care, go away". It would be more of a fight if both parties cared.
over a year ago cassie-1-2-3 said…
We do want Harry Potter fans here to discuss, but only if they're going to be reasonable and make sense. We're not here to hear about how much people don't like Twilight. Nobody really cares about hat.
over a year ago DracoLuver said…
Oh my gosh! have you twilight lovers ever even read the Harry potter books?

I'm not a lover, but yes, I have. I've read all the books {the first one at least three times, and DH now five times}, and have watched all the movies.

If you have you would know that everything you are saying is absolutly wrong in the mind of a NORMAL person.

Normal people have opinions – so no, we're not wrong. Also, it's rude to imply that a person is odd if they don't agree with you. It will happen a lot in life.

But obviously most of you arent normal because 99% of you are probobly stupid crazed teenage girls that only like twilight because taylor lautner is "hot".

I don't think he's hot. 99% isn't a very accurate statistic. That's like saying 99% Harry fans are nerds. They both aren't true one bit.

Here are some things that i would like totell you 
-harry potter is definatly more appropriate for kids than twilight is!

I don't really think so. These books aren't guides to life and the author is not trying to promote anything. They teach lessons, but no one should listen to a book if it sends off bad messages. I've also realized that it's not the book/show's fault . If a child is learning wrong things from one of those two, the book/show doesn't have anything to do with it. The adult should be supervising their child more if the child is getting manipulated so quickly.

-there is a TON of love in these books! Theres love between everyone! and no, I dont mean creepy obsessive love, i mean real true love that comes from your heart and not your crazy gland!Love is the one thing that kept harry alive!

Edward loved Bella and he did whatever he could to keep her alive, Bella almost risked her life for him in NM, Edward was in constant pain but kept a happy face on because Bella wanted the child, he also tried his best to be friendly toward Jacob. Let's not forget it's a romance novel, so I believe both books have love.

-Twilight could NOT be real. of course neither could harry potter but at least it has a decent story line...

Technically, both of them could be real. Twilight could be real because most teenagers always want what they can't have, and most fall in love with people they shouldn't. And if they're serious about it, they have to overcome everything to be with each other or the relationship won't survive.

-you dont feel bellas pain when edward leaves her, you feel her crazy.

Depends on how you read it. Some can feel her pain because they've experienced something similar.

-the people in harry potter are just as hot as the ones in twilight


-why does it matter if little kids can read twilight easier? would you really want them to? its kin of innapropriate...[/i]

It's not marketed toward kids, it's marketed toward young adults. If someone is not mature enough to handle it, then they shouldn't be reading it in the first place.

-Harry potter will last a lot longer than twilight! its been goin' strong since it came to the us in 1997! twilight will most likely fade out

Twilight has lasted five-six years now.

-twilight seems more like a book that girls are drawn to but harry potter definatly attracts all sorts of audiences

And? Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, in my opinion, attract mostly guys, yet they both are quite famous. I don't think it detracts from the book.

-there are so many people defending harry potter on here because they become attached and dedicated to harry potter and not in a creepy way, so when you dis harry potter, you dis them. bella and edward are people that you cant really become attached to very easily

Harry Potter helped me get over a serious depression, and helped me from thinking of suicide. I do owe a lot to those books, but I also know that it's possible to have other opinions. I don't think disagreeing with the books is disagreeing with me personally – heck, most of my family have stated it openly that they dislike anything to do with HP. It's also not fair to diss Twilight because it might have helped people understand love, and respect people who are odd and strange. I think many people might not be attached to the characters, and maybe it's because Steph couldn't add any more development in four books. Although I do agree that HP characters are easier to love.

-harry potter is so well written. everytime i read it i make another connection that i missed before (harry has dream about patronus doe in woods in one of the earlier books, then in book 7 he follows a patronus doe in the woods to the sword.)

What book is it, I need to read it again :D
Also, I suppose but I believe Cassie stated in some answer about the phases of mitosis and how that related to Edward/Bella.

Im not trying to be mean, im just stating my opinions and weather you agree with them or not is your opinion.
