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Join my website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 fan has answered this question

Guess what my middle name is

5 fans have answered this question

Can you join my website?

1 fan has answered this question
Michael Jackson

Have you heard the HUMONGOUS news?

5 fans have answered this question

How do you get your first boyfriends harsh breakup out of your mind?

2 fans have answered this question

This isn't a question, but I almost died tpday.

8 fans have answered this question

What colour hair do you think I have?

No one has answered this question yet.

How many of you have a Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter?

18 fans have answered this question

Do you want my e-mail address?

2 fans have answered this question

My sister wanted me to ask this question since she is only 10 and can`t join fanpop: Why do farts stink more in water?

5 fans have answered this question