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So.. Did anyone else think that the way the Snow Queen said Emma's name was almost kind of...loving? For lack of a better term. It sounded almost like the Snow Queen was fond of Emma, though, the way she said her name. Maybe it's just me, lol. Posted over a year ago
marakii commented…
I felt the same too ,like she was happy to see Emma . I really wanna see how these two are related over a year ago
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FGT 2014 Offcial hodlder Posted over a year ago
Hmm.. Thought of something the other day. In the original story of how Snow and Charming fell for each other, Snow turned the trolls into bugs and squashed them. But even after the past was changed, the trolls were still turned into bugs and squashed, this time by Regina. So what if that's foreshadowing that if you were supposed to die, you'll still die? That your fate can't be escaped? If that is the case, then I suspect Marion will still end up dying somehow. Posted over a year ago
Evilregal14 commented…
I hope she doesn't die, mainly because she has a 4 year old son. It would be horrible for a little boy of that age, to see or find out his mother is dead/dying. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
The only reason I don't want her to die is because of Roland over a year ago
marakii commented…
I agree :) and not only that considering everything that they've said like time-trevellers spells never work e.t.c. i believe that if something happened in the past and somebody erased it will kind of happen again because it was what is was supposed to have happened over a year ago
So apparently.. In the original story that Frozen was based off of, Elsa (the Ice Queen) was evil. So I have a feeling the writers are going to follow the original story, but maybe finish it off with Elsa becoming good and going home. Like maybe if they bring Anna in, she can help her sister realize she's not evil or something. 'Cause I don't think it will end well if they kill off Elsa as a villain. >_> Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Is there anybody in Storybrooke already that she could be related too?? (I know it's a long shot) but she could be one of Cinderella's step sisters if shes gonna be evil over a year ago
Evilregal14 commented…
They said "The new villain may not be related to anyone" over a year ago
viktoriya773 commented…
I hope there will be no Anna over a year ago
big smile
I loved it when Emma approached Past Hook and Past Hook was speechless.♥ Posted over a year ago
YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYEEEEESSSSSS. <- Me last night. XD OHMYGAWSH THAT SEASON FINALE. I looooved all of the CaptainSwan moments. A lot of them were really funny. "Some day I have got to stop chasing this woman" and then Hook getting jealous of himself. XD Oh my goodness, my shipper heart! ♥♥ Posted over a year ago
delenasalvatore commented…
All our CS dreams came true last night...It was like one of the fandom broke into the writing room and was allowed to run completely wild. over a year ago
matchesrulezu commented…
"I think we both know that I'm his type" XD I'm gonna have to go re-watch the episodes. I can't get enough of it! haha. over a year ago
delenasalvatore commented…
It's safe to say that we will be dining out on those 2 episodes for a very long time to come. It will probably take us until S4 starts to fully process everything we got. over a year ago
TWO DAYS. If you don't include today and I don't want to because TWO DAYS. Posted over a year ago
thisisme365 gave me props for my comments
EMMA WAS GIGGLY. She was with Killian and was all giggly! That's the first time I've seen her act really carefree and happy like that. Then when she made his hook disappear and reappear on the lamp. XD Posted over a year ago
tonyziva1234 commented…
I love that scene! And when he went to touch her back as they were leaving Regina's. <3 over a year ago
carrieicecream commented…
hehehehe ;) over a year ago
tanyya gave me props for my videos
Thanks for participating in OUAT Screencaps Editing Contest, round 72 is now closed and you can vote here:

Round 73 is open! Posted over a year ago