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posted by para-scence
Hollis was definitely a handful. But I loved her anyways. I never thought I'd have kids. At all. When I was younger, I'd always thought kids were annoying, gross, whiny, and a bunch of other non-enjoyable things. Sure, it was kind of annoying that I could barely get any sleep, but it wasn't Hollis' fault. She was just a baby. Even when I was sixteen and Desiree had been born, sure I thought she was cute. But I could've never seen myself having kids of my own.

Things have changed.

Hollis is now my whole world, along with Blake. Blake is everything and anything I could ask for in a husband. Hollis is my little girl, who I pray has a bright future filled with anything she needs.

Then one day, I feared she wouldn't have a future, and neither would I.

Blake had gone to the store, to go grocery shopping. I had wanted to go with, but he insisted that I stay home with Hollis and rest. She was three months old now, and she was starting to grow her blond hair. I sighed as he left, and put Hollis in her play pen, where she crawled around and played with her favorite stuffed animals. I was heating up her bottle in the microwave, when there was a knock at the door.

I went and got it, then froze in place.

It was Drew.

I couldn't say anything, even if I knew what to say. My mouth was dry, and my throat closed up. He smiled darkly.

"Well, long time no see, huh Irina?" he asked. My heart pounded. What the hell was he doing here?! "Aren't you excited to see me?"

"I thought you were in jail," I choked out.

"I was, but they let me out. Sure, I did kill that little friend of yours, and attempted to kill you, but I was defending myself from the little bitch. For all the police knew, she was an insane kid." I recoiled at that memory, it appeared fresh in my mind like it was only a while ago instead of years.

"So where's that little boyfriend of yours?" he asked, taking a step in. I reacted instantly, and pushed him out. But before I could close the door, he stuck his foot in, making it difficult to get it closed. I tried as hard as I could, but gave up when I saw it was useless. I ran over to Hollis' playpen, and grabbed her. I paused out of shock when Drew burst through the door. He looked very confused when he saw Hollis. "What the..." I took advantage of the moment and ran to the nearest room in the hallway, the bathroom.

I slammed the door shut just in time, and locked it. He pounded against the door, and it trembled from his blows. The whole thing gave me a weird sense of deja vu, but that was the least of my problems. I clutched Hollis against me, protecting her. She began to cry from the loud noises, but there was nothing I could do to calm her.

Drew shouted and tried to break the door down, while I sat there on the bathroom floor, crying and holding Hollis.

There was another noise; someone else was here. The pounding on the door stopped, and then a whole other sound appeared. It sounded like fighting, and I held Hollis closer. I knew having her close to me while I was this nervous and scared was dangerous. If I had a seizure right now, I could hurt her. I breathed deeply, and told myself it was all a dream. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that this nightmare would be over soon. I felt so trapped, like a caged animal waiting to be slaughtered. Then it got quiet again. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Irina?" It was Blake. I was trembling so much, and I couldn't find my voice. "Oh my God, if he killed her," I heard him mutter, pain in his voice. It was quiet again, and then the door handle moved. There was a quiet popping noise, and then Blake opened the door.

"Don't let him in here!" I cried, ducking my head near Hollis. I held her close, and waited for the feeling of Drew's fists once again. The slapping, punching, hitting...

But instead I felt arms around me lovingly. I knew it wasn't Drew at all. It was Blake. I sobbed in his arms, while he held me and I held Hollis. Blake was crying a little bit as well. All three of us sat there in the bathroom, crying and holding each other.

"I thought he'd killed you," he told me.

"I thought he was going to," I managed to say. Blake sighed, and helped me stand up. "I'm going to go lay down," I said. I knew a seizure was about to come any time soon. I handed Hollis over to him, and went to the bedroom. He said he was going to call the police to report the break in. I laid down, but thankfully it never came. I took a small nap though, and I woke feeling a little better. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then stumbled off to go find Blake.

I found him sitting on the couch, with Hollis asleep, and so was he. I stopped and smiled at them. I went over and curled up next to them, and fell asleep once again.

I was woken by Blake stirring. He yawned, and I looked at him.

"Hey," he said quietly. Hollis mumbled, but otherwise stayed asleep. I laid my head against his shoulder. "The police said they're going to find Drew, but they're not sure what they're allowed to do with him yet. I filed for a restraining order. He'll never come near you again."

"You have no idea what a relief that is," I sighed. I felt like my life would be secure now. Blake kissed me.

"I want you to be safe. I want to know you're alright."

"And I feel the same way about you."

**4 months later...**

I had quit my job when Hollis was born, so that I could take care of her full time. This meant being alone at the house when Blake was at work, but I got used to it.

Then one day, it did worry me. Blake was supposed to get home around dinner time. I had made dinner, and fed Hollis already, but Blake was still not home. Soon, he was over an hour late. I began to worry, and called his cellphone, but there was no answer. A little while later, I tried again. No answer. I paced back and forth, then tried to call again fifteen minutes later. This time, someone picked up. But it wasn't Blake.

"Hello?" a woman said.

"Um.. Who am I speaking to?" I asked, confused.

"I'm sorry. My name is Wendy; I'm a nurse. May I ask how you know... Blake Devlin?"

"I'm his wife...?" I said. What the hell was going on?

"Oh. Ok. I'm sorry, Mrs. Devlin, but your husband was in a crash. He's in immediate care at the hospital right now."

"What," I breathed. She began to repeat herself. "No, no. Ok. I'll be right there." I hung up, and got Hollis. My heart was racing, but I had to stay calm. There was no way I'd make things any better by getting in an accident myself.

I got to the hospital, but was not allowed to see Blake while he was in immediate care.

"Is he alright?" I asked hysterically.

"M'am, I need you to calm down and just sit in the waiting room. We'll let you know once you can see him." I held Hollis, while I took my seat, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Moma," she mumbled. "Daddeh."

"Daddy's going to be fine," I said. I hoped I was right this time.

A couple hours later, I was finally able to see Blake. The nurse I had spoken to led me to his room, and closed the door behind her as I entered. I whimpered when I saw him. It was worse than when Hera had gotten in the accident over a year ago. Still holding Hollis in one arm, I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Blake...?" I said, my voice cracking. I sat down next to his bed, and gently touched his hand. He groaned and tried to look at me.

"Hey sweetie," he whispered in a raspy voice. A tear fell down my cheek.

"What's broken? Does it hurt? Do you need me to get a nurse?"

"Calm down. My arm and a lot of ribs are broken. Yes, it hurts. No, don't get a nurse," he said. He smiled a little bit. "I'm going to be fine."

"You scared the crap out of me," I told him. He frowned for a moment, then smirked.

"Well I'm sorry about that, but that makes me kind of glad."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because that means you love me." I rolled my eyes. I'd smack him upside the head right now, if he wasn't already so broken.

"I hope you already knew that," I said. In my opinion, it was already very obvious.

"I know. It's just nice to be reminded every once in a while." I carefully leaned over and kissed him. "I love you," he said.

"I know. And I love you too." He smiled. "You sure you're going to be ok?"

"I promise."

"Good." I kissed him again.

"Daddeh!" Hollis squealed. I held her up to her father, and she hugged his shoulder.

"I love you too, Holly," he said.
posted by hannah_vampire
I woke up and felt the cold hit me, it was a weird sensation and I felt light headed something was happening but I couldn’t work out what. It was around midday when I had decided to go and visit Blair, When I got out of my car I felt weird once again, there was a darkness around me or at least some where around here. When I got near the door, I had seen that someone had forced it
Open. I pushed the door open and run inside, ‘No no Blair’ I thought as I saw him on the ground not breathing.

I got to the home phone but it was hard to dial the number in, I was shaking violently. Oni answered...
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"Hello." I said to a boy sitting next to me in English. I was hoping that they would be like Brett. This boy had purple eyes with gray flakes inside. His blonde hair was shoulder length and his bangs were covering his face.

He smiled at me. "Hey..." He said and leaned over to me. "What's your name?" He seemed pretty nice right now.

"I'm Leighton. What's yours?" I asked.

"Chase. I like your shirt." I looked down. It did look pretty nice. But I noticed that his eyes stared at my chest area for a little too long. I used my hand to cover it up. I think next time I'll wear my shirt that said 'My face...
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“Alec, what the hell is a Rokurokubi?” Said Marley. “I don’t bloody know, maybe some sort of ancient demon” Said Alec. “We Rokurokubi are creatures like you from the other realm; we are also seen in Japanese history” Said Mia who seemed very happy to talk about her race. “So are you some sort of badass, fire breathing, soul sucking, body eating, shapeshifting, winged beast from the depths of the great abyss?” Said Marley taking a few steps back. “Umm... my race aren’t like that, there are stories of us eating bodies and drinking blood but that is a false accusation, the...
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Some vampires have a certain side effect to when they bite a human. This mostly happens with pure bloods or half bloods that gained their power from their vampire history. Vampires who were bitten and had their blood changed will rarely get this trait because their blood was once human so the DNA does not release this effect in their blood. Marley, Alec and Opal each have a side effect when bitting someone. The People Alec bites start to concentrate a lot on their love life, this is because Alec cares a lot about his love life (One of the many reasons he does not bite men) The Side effect People...
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posted by BellaSwan636

I hated seeing her cry. Knowing it was my fault immediately made me hate myself, not that I didn't already. I needed to hear her voice, know she was really here.

Some part of me registered the fact that I'd sat down, and that I had touched her, if briefly. I had said, "Tell me."

She met my gaze, looking terrified. She closed her eyes firmly, as if she was living a nightmare. Maybe she was.

"I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry," she whispered, looking anywhere but at me. "I thought it would be better that way, you had your whole life ahead of you and I couldn't take that away because of my...
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posted by BellaSwan636

When it comes to relationships, I'm no idiot. I could totally see what was coming. But come on; who didn't?

The new girl and Shaun. Plus he didn't like attack her or anything when she sat at his table. What was so special about her, anyway?

Sure she was pretty, but there where way prettier girls, who'd each thrown themselves at him, (he wasn't that bad looking, actually) he'd ignored since freshmen year.

I flicked my hair over my shoulder. I could see she liked him too, she'd looked around the cafeteria yesterday and looked way disappointed when he wasn't there.

So I waited a little after...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Later on that day when I am in my bedroom and Ethan is downstairs watching the game. I lay on my bed doing nothing but thinking. I hear my name being called I get up and walk downstairs. Ethan is at the door, someone is asking for me. I start to walk towards the door and see Adam he sees me and smiles I smile back. Ethan turns and sees me his expression is anger, he walks away. I walk up to Adam. “Hey, I didn’t see you at school today” he said. I wondered how he knew where I lived and why was he here. “Ah yeah I’m a bit sick” I said putting on a husky voice. “I see that anyway,...
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posted by Pushkin319

You're standing in a long line to pay for your groceries. Which sentence do you think will get you through?

1. "May I go ahead of you please?" Put on a really sincere face.

2. "May I step ahead of you please, because I'm really late for my doctor's appointment?"

Using the word "because" will get you closer to 'yes' in almost any circumstance. Why? Because your request is followed by a reason, an explanation for the request. If the request is reasonable, then why not say yes?

The word refers the listener to some background, some circumstances, a framework related to the request....
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People down every turn
Pain inside their hearts
A girl with scars on her wrists
A boy with a knife in his chest
She hides in the dark
Wondering when the pain with end
He stands up to fight in defense
Only to get knocked back down again
She fights with her parents
They don't wanna support the child
She's left to fend for herself in the cold
Alone with the child
Do we see what we are doing when we say the things we say?
Do we see who we are hurting with the actions that we're taking?
What we need
Are broken families reconciled
We need hearts to mend, scars to heal and battles to end
We. Need. Love
To stand up for the broken
We. Need. Hope
To give a hand to the hopeless
We need the world to care.
What are we doing with the words we are saying?
Who are we changing
And what effects are they having?
Lets be the change.
Disclaimer: *I'm only on Season 3 Episode 16 & I have not read the books!*

The Vampire Diaries is my guilty pleasure. It's painfully corny, overly cliche and not to mention has some less than perfect acting but for some reason; I'm addicted. I have all this pent up frustration about the situation between the three main characters so I've finally broke down and decided I need to talk about it. This is a little overview as to how I feel about each character.

Let's start with Elena:

I can't stand Elena, no matter how hard I try, I just can't. I have sympathy for her because she has suffered...
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posted by hgfan5602
When will this end?
Mass shootings
Terrorist attacks
Police brutality

They say it's just a gun control problem
They say it cannot be fixed
I say the problem is deeper
I say there is hope

When will this end?
Income inequality
Veterans living on the streets, penniless,
Dying by their own hands everyday.

They say this world can change for the better
But nothing has changed...
And I truly do fear
Nothing ever will

When will love start?
The day we offer a hand to the fallen
Instead of cringing back in shock
And running away

When will our world change?
The day we love too much to kill
The day others' pain is our pain
The day we act instead of just talking about it

"It's impossible"
"We're too broken to be mended"
"It's a hopeless battle"
I say, let us try.
posted by NagisaTomoya
Remember to please post feedback in the comments!

The Day You Slipped Away: Middle
    I do not know what caused me to do it. I stood with my son in my arms, holding his head to my chest as embers flew and people scurried to put out the fire I caused. I had lit Euphoria’s house on fire. No one needed it anymore, for I was taking Thomas to Yun Gong and Euphoria was… Well, you know. I watch embers float by and one lands of my pale cheek, burning it ever so slightly. It was only more pain to feel. Thomas was     shaking as if he was cold, though the...
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posted by jedigirl
"Caleb? How? What are? Your a dimension jumper?" I ask, finally able to complete a sentence.
"Yeah I am. How are you even here? Your not suppose to know yet," He stares at me.
"Same as you apparently. Dimension jumping?" I guess.
"Yeah, I got that, but how are you even in here. No one jumps in or out of here. You have to be brought."
"So I've been told." I say. He looks at me. "And what do you mean I'm not suppose to know?" I eye him accusingly. He looks guilty, like he just gave away a secret.
"You weren't supposed to know I can jump until later. Like Two years from now. When you found out you...
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posted by jedigirl
I pull up to our house with dad right behind me. He rushes me into the house like we're being followed.
"Don't worry Kodi. We'll fix this," He tells me.
"I don't want this fixed Dad! I want answers. I'm tried of lying to myself. Telling myself that they're just daydreams, when clearly they're not! Don't keep me ignorant anymore. Please," I plead. For years I had been complacent about his silence, but not anymore, because now I have information and I will use it.
"Sweetheart, you not knowing is the safest place to be right now. Until you have full control."
"Control of what Dad? I can't control...
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         Chapter one: unexpected things
“This is so much fun!” Alia screamed with excitement. Alia was flying over the greenest forest she ever seen! It was bigger than her families’ garden. (Alia’s family had a gigantic garden, and a lot of money to purchase plants) She wisped through the green trees feeling the refreshing air flow through her long brown wavy hair, making it a humongous mess. She saw something, a shadowy figure. “What’s that, who are you” Alia yelled. The small shadowy thing came closer. It didn’t reply. “Hello?”...
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This is just the first 2 chapters; I don't know what I'm going to do with it much, but I want to get opinions on what I have so far. Thank you.

"How much longer?" Rena whined, her head on her desk. Her voice was just a raspy whisper, quiet enough to not draw the attention of Frau Abendroth, our study hall supervisor and Rena's German teacher. I looked at my cellphone.

"Three more minutes," I whispered.

"Kill me," she muttered.

"Halt deine verdammte Mündung," Frau Abendroth grumbled from her desk, not taking her eyes away from the magazine she was reading. Rena looked up and glared at her. I held...
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posted by gerybarzaka
Hello! This is my first post on this page, but I wanted to share a short story I wrote. I hope you like it!

They say that when you hit the bottom there is nowhere to go but up. I didn’t believe that. I was standing on solid rock and no one could convince me that it gets better. My dream of becoming a writer was shattered into little pieces. My heart with it. I lost everything. I could barely make enough money to eat, let alone pay my rent. There was no passion in my life. My grandfather had left me everything he had and I wasted it. All of it. I was living in a lousy one room apartment. All...
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posted by E-Scope90
Okay, this is my oversized story. I just really hope you enjoy. I originally posted this last year, but for some reason, it got deleted. So I'm re-posting it. Enjoy.

The Streets of Manhattan
9:36 AM
I was running away. Running away from it all. I just couldn't stand it anymore. All the abuse, the fights....I couldn't take it.

I was literally running away from these guys. They were trying to rape me. They were chasing me with actual knives. I knew I wasn't going to survive. I was running in heels...I wasn't going to live. I wasn't going to live!

"Get away from me, you ra-"
I tripped onto the streets....
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posted by misscrazel
If I put: **** it means they said a cuss word I don't feel comfortable writing.

Brianna was running through the woods, branches whipping her face. She glanced behind her. A young woman with long black hair was pursuing her. She shot an arrow at the woman but she dodged and it flew right passed her. The woman grabbed her hair and pulled her closer.

"You can't get away can you Blondie?" she asked. her breath stank of fish and blood.

Brianna struggled to get away.

"Your a tough one aren't you?" she asked, "Well I'll spare your mother if you stop it."

"I don't believe you," said Brianna.

"Well than,"...
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posted by JellyPopper
WARNING MAY BE INNAPROPRIATE FOR KIDS UNDER 10 don't worry not real :P Chance Manner was a college student who was sent to an asylum for attempting to bite a mans leg off after using basalts without anyone knowing he took them. He has only tried once to grow big finger nails and slit his own neck open. So they put him in a more extreme room where someone has recently escaped. there was a rip on the side of the wall of foam, he found it and there was a hole that let underground then back up to the outside world. He made it outside and the world just got a whole lot more dangerous. His first...
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