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posted by para-scence
Hollis was definitely a handful. But I loved her anyways. I never thought I'd have kids. At all. When I was younger, I'd always thought kids were annoying, gross, whiny, and a bunch of other non-enjoyable things. Sure, it was kind of annoying that I could barely get any sleep, but it wasn't Hollis' fault. She was just a baby. Even when I was sixteen and Desiree had been born, sure I thought she was cute. But I could've never seen myself having kids of my own.

Things have changed.

Hollis is now my whole world, along with Blake. Blake is everything and anything I could ask for in a husband. Hollis is my little girl, who I pray has a bright future filled with anything she needs.

Then one day, I feared she wouldn't have a future, and neither would I.

Blake had gone to the store, to go grocery shopping. I had wanted to go with, but he insisted that I stay home with Hollis and rest. She was three months old now, and she was starting to grow her blond hair. I sighed as he left, and put Hollis in her play pen, where she crawled around and played with her favorite stuffed animals. I was heating up her bottle in the microwave, when there was a knock at the door.

I went and got it, then froze in place.

It was Drew.

I couldn't say anything, even if I knew what to say. My mouth was dry, and my throat closed up. He smiled darkly.

"Well, long time no see, huh Irina?" he asked. My heart pounded. What the hell was he doing here?! "Aren't you excited to see me?"

"I thought you were in jail," I choked out.

"I was, but they let me out. Sure, I did kill that little friend of yours, and attempted to kill you, but I was defending myself from the little bitch. For all the police knew, she was an insane kid." I recoiled at that memory, it appeared fresh in my mind like it was only a while ago instead of years.

"So where's that little boyfriend of yours?" he asked, taking a step in. I reacted instantly, and pushed him out. But before I could close the door, he stuck his foot in, making it difficult to get it closed. I tried as hard as I could, but gave up when I saw it was useless. I ran over to Hollis' playpen, and grabbed her. I paused out of shock when Drew burst through the door. He looked very confused when he saw Hollis. "What the..." I took advantage of the moment and ran to the nearest room in the hallway, the bathroom.

I slammed the door shut just in time, and locked it. He pounded against the door, and it trembled from his blows. The whole thing gave me a weird sense of deja vu, but that was the least of my problems. I clutched Hollis against me, protecting her. She began to cry from the loud noises, but there was nothing I could do to calm her.

Drew shouted and tried to break the door down, while I sat there on the bathroom floor, crying and holding Hollis.

There was another noise; someone else was here. The pounding on the door stopped, and then a whole other sound appeared. It sounded like fighting, and I held Hollis closer. I knew having her close to me while I was this nervous and scared was dangerous. If I had a seizure right now, I could hurt her. I breathed deeply, and told myself it was all a dream. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that this nightmare would be over soon. I felt so trapped, like a caged animal waiting to be slaughtered. Then it got quiet again. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Irina?" It was Blake. I was trembling so much, and I couldn't find my voice. "Oh my God, if he killed her," I heard him mutter, pain in his voice. It was quiet again, and then the door handle moved. There was a quiet popping noise, and then Blake opened the door.

"Don't let him in here!" I cried, ducking my head near Hollis. I held her close, and waited for the feeling of Drew's fists once again. The slapping, punching, hitting...

But instead I felt arms around me lovingly. I knew it wasn't Drew at all. It was Blake. I sobbed in his arms, while he held me and I held Hollis. Blake was crying a little bit as well. All three of us sat there in the bathroom, crying and holding each other.

"I thought he'd killed you," he told me.

"I thought he was going to," I managed to say. Blake sighed, and helped me stand up. "I'm going to go lay down," I said. I knew a seizure was about to come any time soon. I handed Hollis over to him, and went to the bedroom. He said he was going to call the police to report the break in. I laid down, but thankfully it never came. I took a small nap though, and I woke feeling a little better. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then stumbled off to go find Blake.

I found him sitting on the couch, with Hollis asleep, and so was he. I stopped and smiled at them. I went over and curled up next to them, and fell asleep once again.

I was woken by Blake stirring. He yawned, and I looked at him.

"Hey," he said quietly. Hollis mumbled, but otherwise stayed asleep. I laid my head against his shoulder. "The police said they're going to find Drew, but they're not sure what they're allowed to do with him yet. I filed for a restraining order. He'll never come near you again."

"You have no idea what a relief that is," I sighed. I felt like my life would be secure now. Blake kissed me.

"I want you to be safe. I want to know you're alright."

"And I feel the same way about you."

**4 months later...**

I had quit my job when Hollis was born, so that I could take care of her full time. This meant being alone at the house when Blake was at work, but I got used to it.

Then one day, it did worry me. Blake was supposed to get home around dinner time. I had made dinner, and fed Hollis already, but Blake was still not home. Soon, he was over an hour late. I began to worry, and called his cellphone, but there was no answer. A little while later, I tried again. No answer. I paced back and forth, then tried to call again fifteen minutes later. This time, someone picked up. But it wasn't Blake.

"Hello?" a woman said.

"Um.. Who am I speaking to?" I asked, confused.

"I'm sorry. My name is Wendy; I'm a nurse. May I ask how you know... Blake Devlin?"

"I'm his wife...?" I said. What the hell was going on?

"Oh. Ok. I'm sorry, Mrs. Devlin, but your husband was in a crash. He's in immediate care at the hospital right now."

"What," I breathed. She began to repeat herself. "No, no. Ok. I'll be right there." I hung up, and got Hollis. My heart was racing, but I had to stay calm. There was no way I'd make things any better by getting in an accident myself.

I got to the hospital, but was not allowed to see Blake while he was in immediate care.

"Is he alright?" I asked hysterically.

"M'am, I need you to calm down and just sit in the waiting room. We'll let you know once you can see him." I held Hollis, while I took my seat, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Moma," she mumbled. "Daddeh."

"Daddy's going to be fine," I said. I hoped I was right this time.

A couple hours later, I was finally able to see Blake. The nurse I had spoken to led me to his room, and closed the door behind her as I entered. I whimpered when I saw him. It was worse than when Hera had gotten in the accident over a year ago. Still holding Hollis in one arm, I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Blake...?" I said, my voice cracking. I sat down next to his bed, and gently touched his hand. He groaned and tried to look at me.

"Hey sweetie," he whispered in a raspy voice. A tear fell down my cheek.

"What's broken? Does it hurt? Do you need me to get a nurse?"

"Calm down. My arm and a lot of ribs are broken. Yes, it hurts. No, don't get a nurse," he said. He smiled a little bit. "I'm going to be fine."

"You scared the crap out of me," I told him. He frowned for a moment, then smirked.

"Well I'm sorry about that, but that makes me kind of glad."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because that means you love me." I rolled my eyes. I'd smack him upside the head right now, if he wasn't already so broken.

"I hope you already knew that," I said. In my opinion, it was already very obvious.

"I know. It's just nice to be reminded every once in a while." I carefully leaned over and kissed him. "I love you," he said.

"I know. And I love you too." He smiled. "You sure you're going to be ok?"

"I promise."

"Good." I kissed him again.

"Daddeh!" Hollis squealed. I held her up to her father, and she hugged his shoulder.

"I love you too, Holly," he said.
Beginners Guide To Story Development: Why Scripts Are Rejected - Shannan E Johnson [FULL INTERVIEW] via FilmCourage.com.
los angeles
added by FreeAwesomeness
Source: If you want to draw her, please do. Remember, she is my own character. Please give me credit. 'Last
posted by edwardsca
    I was sitting at my desk at school, writing my Christmas list. It was hard to think of more than three things, so I wrote down a gift card to itunes, some movies, and a new pair of nike shoes. I'm trying to think of something, and my teacher said "Emily it wouldn't be wise to ask for money for a present". When I went home I was still thinking about my Christmas list, but then my little sister came up to my face "Sissy, sissy, you should ask for a super big princess kit'. Then dinner came, we had roasted chicken. My older brother Eric was bragging about making the basketball...
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posted by House_Of_Night_
hiyah =), Hope yuuh guys enjoy this, just as much as i've enjoyed writing it. Please, rate and comment =).. And i'm totally sorry if this was way to long lOl.. xOox


‘Life as we know it, is Changing.'

Chapter One.

‘Look Lily. I totally wouldn’t freak out.’ Marci said.
‘Don’t freak out? ’ I asked, shocked.
‘Yeah, Marci. Don’t freak out? Lily future husband and father to her children, hasn’t dumped his girlfriend yet! So plan B I think!’
‘Thanks for the observation, Gemma and Plan B? No. Look its been over six months now.’ I explained and stormed off. Wanting to get...
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Then it wasn’t my confession that gave him the big shock, Sara thought, He already knew the whole story that’s why he understood my acts.
Until now I don’t know how I dared to step in and ask your friend to introduce me to you. Though I’m not used to that, it felt so right.
“Sara” Emily called you when you were about to get into the car.
“Hi Emily, How are you?” you answered joyfully with the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen.
“Fine” she said with her bright smile.
“You haven’t introduced me to your handsome boyfriend” You said playfully and my heart beat faster than...
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posted by WileE-Quixote




19 December

It's been almost a year since Freak died. For a while, people always used to say to me, "I'm sorry." I hated that. I yelled at them, "Feel sorry for Freak! I'm still alive!"

They shouldn't feel sorry for me. Freak taught me what it meant to walk tall. He tought me that remembering is only an invention of the mind, and if you try hard enough, you can remember anything. I try to remember everything Freak told me; and sometimes, it works. Then it slips away.

For a while after Freak died, I went back to being the critter hiding out in Down Under. Then one day, it hit me, and hard. If I had died, I wouldn't want Freak to do what I was doing. I would want him to continue Freak The Mighty.

And that made all the difference.

I try to make Freak proud; maybe I'm even succeeding. I just know that Freak changed the way I saw things, and I owe him that much; to keep Freak The Mighty alive.

posted by Okkkkk11111
This mermaid spell could work so be careful.you will need a cup of water and a lot of salt and also a necklace/bracelet the insructions are you are going to put the salt in to the cup of water and you put the necklace/bracelet in to the salty water and say this spell: mermaids mermaids here my plea I want a Mermaid tail and powers.mermaids mermaids this is my plea so make it come true. After you say the say the spell you put on the necklace/bracelet and thats it. But You don't get to choose your mermaid tail and powers.
posted by minniemeg
Siblings fight.

Siblings argue.

Siblings hit.

Yet they always forgive.

But..... what if the sibling was cold?

What if the sibling was cruel?

What if the sibling treated you like scum?

What if the sibling was heartless?

What if the sibling worshiped the ground another walked on, while tormenting you?

What if the sibling constantly mocked your social standing?

What if the sibling called your fears ''dumb and irrational''?

What if the sibling would never help you, even in a dire situation?

What if the sibling wanted to hurt you?

What if the sibling blamed others for their hatred of you?

What if the sibling...
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posted by redwallwriter
Sadie Harris is a sixteen year old girl living in New York City with her newly divorced mother. They made the move to the big city from South-West Virgina and for some reason, Sadie does not fit in it school and soon finds herself with no friends. Feeling alone she retreats into a world of books, reading hundreds of them, but her solitary world won't be hers much longer. Sadie is puzzled when she begins to get strange dreams every night telling her to go to the basement along with visions of a city wrapped in mist. The dreams get so annoying that she goes to the basement of her apartment building to put a stop to them, but instead she unknowingly throws herself into a war of the worlds. Worlds that she did not even know existed. Come take a thrilling ride with Sadie and friends she meets along her way to save the Captive City of Orrim as she finds that worlds, evil, and people she only read about are not as far away as them seem.
posted by The0fficialKate
Alright listen up you all!!!
Many people here hate furries because of their fanfics , art , personality. But Just because we are different doesn't give you the right to troll us and call us "furfags" that is highly offensive to us and gays!
A lot of people use the term "Yiff in Hell" by saying that you are basically dragging yourself to Hell for telling us that.
Many people are teaming up and trying to stop the fandom, but why? So what we may post yiff on the internet sometimes but to me it isn't sick and horrific, I think it is unique. And why do you people say shit like: KILL ALL FURFAGS!...
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posted by dragonwriter
As the wind blows, blood falls from my wounds. Pain coursing through all of the nerves in my body. Collapsing to the ground i look up and see the same man form before. "It would seem that we are in the same situation from before." And i reply "If I am correct I let you live last time. If I were you I would be running about now." As I am trying to get to my feet and grab himby the throat he shoots me in the leg. "You are not getting up this time. I used a special kind of round that the hunters that hunt your kind use. With their reputation for killing you beasts i thought that they would be...
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posted by DxCFan123
A dark-haired girl sat in a dimly-lit room, reading a book, when a booming voice reverberated through the room. "You may go now." it said, and the girl did as it said, standing up, tucking the book under her arm, and walking towards the door. Before she could turn the knob, a man wearing a tuxedo and glasses ran up to her. "Kuro! Kuro! Wait!" he said. She turned around and asked him, "What? What is it, Will?" "Heha, me and Grell would like to tell you good luck!" he replied. "You stopped me just for that?! Well, I must go now. G'bye!" She turned back around and swung the door open, then jumped...
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posted by noahnstar1616
I told Cameron everything, except the part about me being a sea witch. I don't think he'll be able handle that.

"So you take pictures of mythical creatures that you have believed in since you were 5."

"That is correct."


"I'll tell you what's unbelievable. The fact that you're so calm. When I tell people my life story, they think I'm the craziest person they ever met."

"No, that's perfectly believable. You are insane!"

Oh the irony. "No Cameron, it's the truth."

Cameron got up and went inside.

I followed him. "Why don't you believe me?"

He turned around to face me. "Because I'm not...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
December 14, 1941. I, Chanhassen Dobbins, am a young thirteen year-old girl that is living in New York City. "Chanhassen Marie Dobbins!" My mother calls me. In my gray nightgown, I make my warm bed neatly. "Sometimes, I wish I was younger." I mumble to myself. As I change into my regular attire, I open the chipped wooden door from my bedroom and follow my mother's voice. Walking down the dark brown staircase, I see my mother sitting at the kitchen table drinking milk. "Ahhhh...! Chanhassen! Lydia wanted you to meet her in her father's cafe." She takes a sipof the mug with her chapped tan lips....
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posted by Insight357
I went back home for a few hours. I smelt of old paper and cologne. I decided to get a shower; maybe it would calm my anxieties about tonight. As I scrubbed myself, I decided the only thing the shower was doing was ridding me of my office scent.
    I got out of the shower and put on some clothes. I wore a black, v-neck shirt, with a pair of tight black pants. I towel dried my hair, and messed it with some gel. I put on cologne, just in case anyone got close enough to smell me. I put the cologne down, and checked to make sure it was in place. My arm muscle twitched. I left...
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posted by sawfan13
I woke up after my nap, to find Howl is gone again. I looked out of the cave, seeing the waterfall running, but then I look down to see Howl. Howl is in the waterfall, washing himself, as if he were taking a shower or whatever. I left him alone, and went back to my nap. I had this very freaky dream while napping: I had a nightmare that I was back home in New York with Howl. Everyone back home looked demonic and scary. Mom and Dad didn't look like themselves. They looked non-human like and cannibalistic in a way that even scared me. Howl was no where to be found, as Adam was trying to kiss me...
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posted by HarryPLover
Forever you are mine
Forever I’ll be here
Forever is what you promised
Your heart is worth nothing
But the your soul is priceless
Forever can be a long time
Forever can be a long time cut short
It’s worth the suffering
It’s worth the sacrifice
To forever be yours
Forever protected by your eagle like wings
Forever loved by your ocean wide heart
Forever safe in your warm embrace
Forever is worth the wait
To be sliced thin
To stuffed thick
Forever is Forever
Forever is Eternity
Forever is a risk
Forever is a chance
Forever is worth the wait
posted by rebaj2010

if the one person you told the truth to all the time was now the one person you have to keep it away from, would you?
would you be able to lie through your teeth and pray that he believes you? what if he was the one person you told everything to, he was the one who keeps you from falling apart, but if you told him anything he might be the one to bring you tummbling down.
if you had to chose between lieing to him, hurting him, and keeping him away from you, what would you chose? because if you dont chose right, he may very well die.
posted by Funnygirl77
love bites
love bites
previously: He sighed, Zack thought his chances with Kisa was slim. He knew by doing what he was doing, he was going to put Kisa in danger, but he couldn't stay away, he loves Kisa and he would do anything to keep her near him even if that meant putting her in danger. "Man", he thought, "I am so selfish".

Zack walked in to the lunch room and sat down, the people who were at the table got up and walked away. Kisa walked in after him, there eyes met, and kisa looked away. She wished that Zack would ask her out,Zack looked down. He was going to ask her to the dance which is in two weeks, "Kisa?"...
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