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posted by para-scence
Hollis was definitely a handful. But I loved her anyways. I never thought I'd have kids. At all. When I was younger, I'd always thought kids were annoying, gross, whiny, and a bunch of other non-enjoyable things. Sure, it was kind of annoying that I could barely get any sleep, but it wasn't Hollis' fault. She was just a baby. Even when I was sixteen and Desiree had been born, sure I thought she was cute. But I could've never seen myself having kids of my own.

Things have changed.

Hollis is now my whole world, along with Blake. Blake is everything and anything I could ask for in a husband. Hollis is my little girl, who I pray has a bright future filled with anything she needs.

Then one day, I feared she wouldn't have a future, and neither would I.

Blake had gone to the store, to go grocery shopping. I had wanted to go with, but he insisted that I stay home with Hollis and rest. She was three months old now, and she was starting to grow her blond hair. I sighed as he left, and put Hollis in her play pen, where she crawled around and played with her favorite stuffed animals. I was heating up her bottle in the microwave, when there was a knock at the door.

I went and got it, then froze in place.

It was Drew.

I couldn't say anything, even if I knew what to say. My mouth was dry, and my throat closed up. He smiled darkly.

"Well, long time no see, huh Irina?" he asked. My heart pounded. What the hell was he doing here?! "Aren't you excited to see me?"

"I thought you were in jail," I choked out.

"I was, but they let me out. Sure, I did kill that little friend of yours, and attempted to kill you, but I was defending myself from the little bitch. For all the police knew, she was an insane kid." I recoiled at that memory, it appeared fresh in my mind like it was only a while ago instead of years.

"So where's that little boyfriend of yours?" he asked, taking a step in. I reacted instantly, and pushed him out. But before I could close the door, he stuck his foot in, making it difficult to get it closed. I tried as hard as I could, but gave up when I saw it was useless. I ran over to Hollis' playpen, and grabbed her. I paused out of shock when Drew burst through the door. He looked very confused when he saw Hollis. "What the..." I took advantage of the moment and ran to the nearest room in the hallway, the bathroom.

I slammed the door shut just in time, and locked it. He pounded against the door, and it trembled from his blows. The whole thing gave me a weird sense of deja vu, but that was the least of my problems. I clutched Hollis against me, protecting her. She began to cry from the loud noises, but there was nothing I could do to calm her.

Drew shouted and tried to break the door down, while I sat there on the bathroom floor, crying and holding Hollis.

There was another noise; someone else was here. The pounding on the door stopped, and then a whole other sound appeared. It sounded like fighting, and I held Hollis closer. I knew having her close to me while I was this nervous and scared was dangerous. If I had a seizure right now, I could hurt her. I breathed deeply, and told myself it was all a dream. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that this nightmare would be over soon. I felt so trapped, like a caged animal waiting to be slaughtered. Then it got quiet again. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Irina?" It was Blake. I was trembling so much, and I couldn't find my voice. "Oh my God, if he killed her," I heard him mutter, pain in his voice. It was quiet again, and then the door handle moved. There was a quiet popping noise, and then Blake opened the door.

"Don't let him in here!" I cried, ducking my head near Hollis. I held her close, and waited for the feeling of Drew's fists once again. The slapping, punching, hitting...

But instead I felt arms around me lovingly. I knew it wasn't Drew at all. It was Blake. I sobbed in his arms, while he held me and I held Hollis. Blake was crying a little bit as well. All three of us sat there in the bathroom, crying and holding each other.

"I thought he'd killed you," he told me.

"I thought he was going to," I managed to say. Blake sighed, and helped me stand up. "I'm going to go lay down," I said. I knew a seizure was about to come any time soon. I handed Hollis over to him, and went to the bedroom. He said he was going to call the police to report the break in. I laid down, but thankfully it never came. I took a small nap though, and I woke feeling a little better. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then stumbled off to go find Blake.

I found him sitting on the couch, with Hollis asleep, and so was he. I stopped and smiled at them. I went over and curled up next to them, and fell asleep once again.

I was woken by Blake stirring. He yawned, and I looked at him.

"Hey," he said quietly. Hollis mumbled, but otherwise stayed asleep. I laid my head against his shoulder. "The police said they're going to find Drew, but they're not sure what they're allowed to do with him yet. I filed for a restraining order. He'll never come near you again."

"You have no idea what a relief that is," I sighed. I felt like my life would be secure now. Blake kissed me.

"I want you to be safe. I want to know you're alright."

"And I feel the same way about you."

**4 months later...**

I had quit my job when Hollis was born, so that I could take care of her full time. This meant being alone at the house when Blake was at work, but I got used to it.

Then one day, it did worry me. Blake was supposed to get home around dinner time. I had made dinner, and fed Hollis already, but Blake was still not home. Soon, he was over an hour late. I began to worry, and called his cellphone, but there was no answer. A little while later, I tried again. No answer. I paced back and forth, then tried to call again fifteen minutes later. This time, someone picked up. But it wasn't Blake.

"Hello?" a woman said.

"Um.. Who am I speaking to?" I asked, confused.

"I'm sorry. My name is Wendy; I'm a nurse. May I ask how you know... Blake Devlin?"

"I'm his wife...?" I said. What the hell was going on?

"Oh. Ok. I'm sorry, Mrs. Devlin, but your husband was in a crash. He's in immediate care at the hospital right now."

"What," I breathed. She began to repeat herself. "No, no. Ok. I'll be right there." I hung up, and got Hollis. My heart was racing, but I had to stay calm. There was no way I'd make things any better by getting in an accident myself.

I got to the hospital, but was not allowed to see Blake while he was in immediate care.

"Is he alright?" I asked hysterically.

"M'am, I need you to calm down and just sit in the waiting room. We'll let you know once you can see him." I held Hollis, while I took my seat, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Moma," she mumbled. "Daddeh."

"Daddy's going to be fine," I said. I hoped I was right this time.

A couple hours later, I was finally able to see Blake. The nurse I had spoken to led me to his room, and closed the door behind her as I entered. I whimpered when I saw him. It was worse than when Hera had gotten in the accident over a year ago. Still holding Hollis in one arm, I covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Blake...?" I said, my voice cracking. I sat down next to his bed, and gently touched his hand. He groaned and tried to look at me.

"Hey sweetie," he whispered in a raspy voice. A tear fell down my cheek.

"What's broken? Does it hurt? Do you need me to get a nurse?"

"Calm down. My arm and a lot of ribs are broken. Yes, it hurts. No, don't get a nurse," he said. He smiled a little bit. "I'm going to be fine."

"You scared the crap out of me," I told him. He frowned for a moment, then smirked.

"Well I'm sorry about that, but that makes me kind of glad."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Because that means you love me." I rolled my eyes. I'd smack him upside the head right now, if he wasn't already so broken.

"I hope you already knew that," I said. In my opinion, it was already very obvious.

"I know. It's just nice to be reminded every once in a while." I carefully leaned over and kissed him. "I love you," he said.

"I know. And I love you too." He smiled. "You sure you're going to be ok?"

"I promise."

"Good." I kissed him again.

"Daddeh!" Hollis squealed. I held her up to her father, and she hugged his shoulder.

"I love you too, Holly," he said.
added by virshekhawat
Source: Vir
added by axemnas
posted by ZekiYuro
Most of us don't know what life will be like in the future,or even when we will be a year from now,but it's fun to speculate.So,what might the world be like in the year 3000(or Y3K as it's now called)?Here's what one expert suggests:

Q:What forms will our bodies have in Y3K?
A:We will be bigger and we'll need more food.The average adult male might weigh about 100 kilos.People will live for hundreds of years,and will have computers in their brains.

Q:Computers in their brains!What do you mean?
A:We will soon be able to repair the human brain,and finally replace it completely.In the future you might...
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posted by BellaSwan636

I'm not sure why it had to be me. If I'm really honest with you, I hated myself.

I was fourteen when my parents died. I had no family left, so I became the unwanted foster kid.

I didn't want to have to think, or care about anything. I wanted to die.

I wanted to be an inconvenience to the world. I wanted them to know how much I hated them for having their own happy lives. I shunned everyone.

I became the loner.

I look out of place, somehow. I'm the kid who's taller than the other sophomores by a head. The kid with coal black eyes.

The foster parents I was living with now tried. They tried,...
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posted by ToastedRabbits
Someone once told me,

"Being a writer is like being a prostitute, really. At first you're only doing it for yourself, then you decide to tell a few friends, let them in on the action, then you decide to let a couple strangers in, pretty soon you're welcoming the entire world."

Such a very accurate quote. When I heard this, I was at a very formal luncheon with a few kids from my journalism class in which we produced the school's newspaper: The Jagged Edge. It was an awards ceremony for individual work as well as our newspaper as a whole to be recognized. Granted, it was a local newspaper that...
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8 Sequence Approach To Writing A Screenplay by Chapman Professor Paul Joseph Gulino via FilmCourage.com.
posted by ballaholic
“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.”

I’m so sorry, Jimmy. I know I’m letting you down. You wanted me to dream big, live big, and be great. I’ve done none of that. I’ve settled for ordinary. I’ve given up on my dreams. I’ve all but stopped living. I don’t know how it happened. Time’s just been flying by, and I don’t know how the days have managed to slip past me so many times without my notice. Before I know it, I’ll be twenty-four, the age you were at your death. Who knows if I’ll get much more than that, or if I’ll even get that far?...
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posted by jeweleryfan11
It has been 10 years since she learned how to be a real warrior. She had straight, long, golden hair instead of curly goldilocks like when she was 8. She had blue eyes that could be the ocean. And her skin was so fair she could be snow white. Except Snow White wasn’t like Allyson. She was more rough than she was. She finally needed to know. “ Master light. I must speak to my parents,” she said. “You cannot,” master light said. “ Why not?,” Allyson, now asked. “Red star. The prophecy has come. You must know. All of the youngins must know once they turn 18. But first you must...
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Chapter 1:
let's give this a go:) I would love to know what you guys think:) comment please!<3

My name is Nicole Mason, I'm a Sophomore at Bethal Heights High School. Me and my boyfriend, or should i say ex boyfriend dated since freshman year, and lately i just didn't know what to do with myself. I never had that many friends, but after i started dating Zayn Malik almost every single girl hated my guts. I gave up everything for him and after a year of dating i go over to his house only to find his tounge down Melanie Karras throat.
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posted by ttmrktmnrfn0830
It's so hard to forget
So late at night,
The darkest memory
That leaves me in fright

The color of crimson,
Is scary yet releasing.
Adrenaline builds since then,
And paranoia's increasing

Evening falls,
Ravens call,
And I see
Darkness over me

Don't walk alone
Don't be lost
I'm chilled to the bone
And that's to a cost.

Blood so warm
Words so cold
Get it over with!
This is getting old.

Midnight falls,
Ravens call,
And I see
Darkness overwhelming me

It's so hazy after that,
That's all I can see,
The short, very vague
Dark memory.
I’m sorry I cant tell you really what going on.
    It wasn’t meant to hurt.
    For either of us.
    I guess it did.

    I panicked. Shit, I did.
    I was happy but I was scared. How can happiness and fear exist at the same time, every time?
    I wanted it bad. Wanted you badly.
    For a long time.
    When I got to know about what you felt, what you told, I was happy. Maybe after a long time.
    After a really,...
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posted by EmoKidSteven
She broke my heart,into a thousand tiny pieces.the glass shards shine in the light of my sorrow,as a single crystal tear falls to the floor.and now it bleed in sheer agony.
all of those lies she fed me,all the fake acts of kindness....it makes everything worse.ive never hurt this much before,because this was the one and only time ive ever let anyone in.i thought she could help the empty void,help warm the ice that covered my heart.I gave her everything;my heart,my soul.and she gave me nothing but despair and tragedy.i existed only to be used by her.i was a new toy that she could show off to...
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posted by Fangirl99
"no this cant be!" Vanessa shouted in anger."im not a vampire!Th-Th-thers got a be another explanation!"

"im sorry,vanessa,'Dr.Vamp siad,getting up from is chair."If you dont believe me,you can always ask your mother."Dr.Vamp disappeared into the drakness,and Vanessa wet on her way.

When Vanessa got home,she went straight to her mother.

"mom,i need to talk to you."

"sure,sweetie,whats up?"

"well,i bit Susans arm today,and.."

"oh no!did you get in trouble."

"no,i left before andy teachers are the principal saw.Then,when i was walking,i saw a sign saying if you have strange behavior,visit Dr.Vamp"

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posted by Fangirl99
The sun is up in the sky
i watch it in the big blue ksky
And i ask myslef,"why?"

i stare at the ceiling.
then i get a strange felling.
and this felling is still being.
and then i ask,"why?"

What do i see in those eyes?
what do i see in you?
even thought i still despise.
i always ask myslef,"why?"

ask me that question,"why?"
i say i dont know
they tell me dont lie

so then i speak th truth.
i know that in my heart
i will always love you

your eyes that shine like he sun
being with you is always fun
one day i will tell you,hun
that you are the only one

sorry,not all the words rhyme.im not the best at making poems,but i wanted to share it with you anyways
posted by stopbullying
The Stalker
Chapter 1

    It was a cool, winter night. It wasn’t too cold outside and I thought after work I would go out for a walk and take advantage of the nice weather. It was four-thirty in the evening. I got off of work at 7:00. It should be a little cooler by then.
Work was boring and nobody really came in. Only one person did and he was weird looking. He had ripped shorts, a short shirt, and worn out shoes on. I looked at him suspiciously because the whole time he was in there I caught him looking at me. This was weird especially since I was only 18 and he was like...
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Characters Are What They Do... Not Who They Were - Jill Chamberlain via FilmCourage.com.
Every Writer Thinks Their Ideas Have Been Stolen - Corey Mandell via FilmCourage.com.
los angeles
Beginners Guide To Story Development: Why Scripts Are Rejected - Shannan E Johnson [FULL INTERVIEW] via FilmCourage.com.
los angeles
added by FreeAwesomeness
Source: If you want to draw her, please do. Remember, she is my own character. Please give me credit. 'Last
posted by edwardsca
    I was sitting at my desk at school, writing my Christmas list. It was hard to think of more than three things, so I wrote down a gift card to itunes, some movies, and a new pair of nike shoes. I'm trying to think of something, and my teacher said "Emily it wouldn't be wise to ask for money for a present". When I went home I was still thinking about my Christmas list, but then my little sister came up to my face "Sissy, sissy, you should ask for a super big princess kit'. Then dinner came, we had roasted chicken. My older brother Eric was bragging about making the basketball...
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