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Chapter 16: Unspoken Favorites (Jake's POV)

As I was about to take my anger out on Edward, a crushing thought came into my mind.
My voice was unsteady. “I told her she would be ok… I knew all along that this was a bad idea and I went along with it. It’s all my fault… and here I am blaming everyone else. I’m sorry.” My head was spinning I had to get out of there. As I headed for the stairs a strange beeping started up in Amore’s room. A strange heart began to beat furiously. I paused where I stood about to head down the stairs. I slowly turned around ignoring everyone else as I slowly made my way back into the room where Renesmee lay.
Amazingly her heart was beating again.
Carlisle ran into the room behind me and examined her.“I don’t believe it, the change is beginning on its own.” He thought for a moment. “Wait a minute, do you remember when we took the last baby out, baby F… he was attached to her pretty well.” He peered inside Renesmee’s mangled womb and gasped. “He bit her! He must be venomous. He saved her life Jake.”
Carlisle ran to the hall. “Do not let any humans near the babies!"
He turned to Emily, “Were you bitten?” She shook her head. He breathed a sigh of relief, “For now until we figure out what these babies are everyone needs to be very careful… no humans are to be near them. Sam, Emily thank you for everything but for now I will feel much better if you and your children head home, just until we firgure out what the babies are. I don't want anyone to be in any danger.”
I only made out pieces of what Carlisle was telling them I was wrapped up in my own thoughts. Renesmee wasn’t going to die. She would be with me once more.
Carlisle tried to get me to go and wait downstairs with everyone else but I refused to leave her side. I had already almost lost her one time too many. I wasn’t going anywhere.
Once we were alone, I lay down next to her and cuddled her broken body to my side. I felt the sobs emerging from the recesses of my throat, “Nessie, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I never should have agreed to this. I have always just wanted to keep you safe and I have never been able to protect you.” I looked at her, there was no movement, I didn’t even know if she could hear me.
I stroked her colorless cheek with the back of my hand. My voice wavered as I continued. “We have six beautiful babies that are just waiting to meet their mama. You have to pull through this. I know that you can. You are so much stronger than I am. You are my life, I honestly don’t know if I will survive losing you…Please, please find your way back to me, I will ne right here waiting for you.”
I lay there for countless hours watching her motionless body, her face was peaceful as her heart continued its frantic race against the fire that was surely blazing on inside of her. I fervently hoped that she wasn’t feeling it, she had already been through too much pain in her short life.
Bella and Alice came into the room with Carlisle. I grudgingly got up so that I was out of the way while Carlisle checked her out.
“How is she?” I asked him nervously.
He smiled at me reassuringly. “The change is certainly taking place. Has she moved at all?”
I shook my head, “Not one bit, she hasn’t said anything or screamed- nothing.”
Carlisle pondered it for a moment and then his eyes lit up, “I need to study the boy’s venom. I wonder if it is a mixture between vampire and wolf, like yours. Remember when you changed Seth and Leah there weren’t any problems, it was quick and painless?”
My mind was at ease as I contemplated this possibility. I hoped that he was right.
Alice shooed me out of the room, “We are going to clean her up a bit, so get out of here.”
I arched an eyebrow at her, “Alice, I –uh have seen her naked before.”
She rolled her eyes, “I know that dog. I don’t need a birds and the bee’s lesson. We wanted to surprise you. I know she will want to look nice when she sees you again.”
Bella stood behind Alice and rolled her eyes and pointed at her mouthing to me, “It was all her idea.”
I cringed at the thought of leaving my wife.
Alice glanced at me and spoke more gently, “It’s just for a couple of minutes Jake. She will be fine, besides you should go check on the babies.”
I knew that she was right I painfully leaned over my wife and kissed her forehead, “I promise you I will be right back,” I whispered nto her ear, as I traced her finger ith mine. She looked much better, I noticed that her stomach had already healed itself as we had been lying there.
I turned to Carlisle, “How are the babies doing?” I felt badly that I hadn’t asked about them or seen them sooner but I was so consumed with Renesmee. It was a hard balance to get accustomed too. When they were born I was focused on them and that is when I lost my chance to save Renesmee. Now I was focused on her and who knew if they all even made it? They were all premature and Carlisle had been worried about them. Each measured about 3 pounds at birth and were in incubators in a make shift neonatal intensive care unit in Carlisle’s study.
He answered me quietly, “Why don’t you go and see for yourself?”
I was a little nervous by his tone as I headed into the study. When I walked through the doorway I was amazed. They were no longer only 3 pounds each. They all looked like normal 8 pound babies. I looked at Rosalie in wonder. She was in heaven; she and Esme were surrounded by babies.
“What happened to them?”
Rosalie looked at me coldly, “I will not answer one question of yours until you apologize to my daughter dog.”
The baby boy that she held protested with a whimper, she leaned over him, “Oh, no honey, Aunt Rosie was talking to daddy not you. You are most certainly not a dog, you are a Prince.” He stopped crying and settled back down into her arms.
I looked down, “I know, you are right. I will apologize to her, I promise.”
Esme looked at her daughter reproachfully, “Rosalie, be nice he just underwent a very traumatic event, everyone knows that he didn’t mean a word he said.”
Rose sighed, “Fine… apparently these little guys are all very special. The gained 5 pounds over the last 9 hours.”
“What are they eating?”
She smiled, “That is where it is interesting…and confusing. Some want human blood, others animal blood and one of them wants formula.” She wrinkled her perfect nose at the word.
I looked at them in wonder, “How do you keep track?”
Esme smiled at me, “Spreadsheets.” She said as she held up 6 clipboards. “Relax Jacob, they are all fine. We are taking very good care of them”.
I hugged Nessie’s grandmother and as I walked by her I noticed Sarah staring at me. Her eyes commanded for me to come over to her.
Esme laughed, “She’s pretty sure of what she wants, that one.”
I was compelled to pick her up. She focused her eyes on me intently as she placed a chubby hand on my face with way more control than a baby who is merely hours old should have.
I gasped. She was so much like her mother had been.
Her chubby hand was firmly in place on my face as dark colors swirled through my head. Pictures of Nessie dying swirled through the anxiety tinted memories that she was passing to me. She whimpered.
I kissed her little forehead, “Shh, its ok, Sarah. Mommy is resting now she is getting better”.
Her hand shot back up to my face a cloudy memory of her being inside of Renesmee’s womb with her brothers and sisters. Edward’s muffled voice rang out asking her to stay still. One of her responses to him flashed through my head, “I will try grandpa but I have to protect them.”
After she talked to Edward she sent an alpha command to her brothers and sisters. “They don’t listen to me very well yet…” She thought to me. I gasped again. My daughter was the alpha of her own pack. She whined at me and I focused back on her.
Memories of her constantly telling them to stay still and calm down to save mommy came front and center in my mind. The oldest boy had been difficult, they would fight and it hurt Renesmee. She blamed herself for her mother’s death.
“No Sarah! Baby girl it was not your fault or any of your brother’s or sisters. Ok?” Tears slid down her chubby cheeks. She didn’t cry like a normal newborn; quiet tears flowed down her cheeks almost as an adult would cry.
I looked at her firmly as my voice broke, this poor little angel carried the weight of the world on her shoulders when she was only 9 hours old. She was secretly my favorite of the girls. “Listen to daddy mommy will be just fine. So you relax and take a nap. Before you know it mommy will be in to see you, ok?” She nodded once… SHE NODDED! Then, she leaned authoritatively towards her brothers and sisters. I had no doubt that she was deep in thought relaying their next orders as I placed her into her incubator with a kiss on her forehead.

Esme came up behind me placing her arms on my shoulder, "So much like Renesmee, isnt she?"
I smiled to myslef knowing that was an understatement.
I headed to Rosalie and hugged her. “Thanks for helping with them Blondie.”
She stiffened, but hugged me too.
“Congrats mongrel, they are adorable.” The little guy in her arms bit her.
“Ouch! Don’t bite Aunt Rosie that’s not nice.” I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to fall over.
“Which one is this?
She looked up, Baby B, the first born boy. He has an attitude problem already just like you in so many ways.” I smiled at my son and took him from his scowling aunt.
“Thanks for standing up for daddy.” I whispered to him, no one ever does." He looked at me through exact replicas of my human eyes and smiled my smile at me. Although I would never admit it to a soul he was secretly my favorite, along with Sarah. I made up my mind that he would be my namesake, Nessie could name the others whatever she pleased. He was too much like me.
Bella came tearing into the room as I started walking around to say hi to each of my sons and daughters.
“Jake,” she said breathlessly, “It’s almost over.”
Rose took little Jacob and I headed after Bella into the room where my wife was laid out; with bated breath.
posted by surfergal
I surfed for 3 more hours and then I got out and went back to the hotel and took a shower.
Thanks Alice and Jasper that was great. I told them.
No problem, I'm glad you had fun. Jasper said.
Soon we were packing back up so we could head back to Forks. It was great going on spontanous trips. I sleep the whole way back, luckely I got to the couch before Alice or Jasper could but I think Alice saw that I wanted the couch. When I woke up we were landing, which ment I needed to look alive or at least look lik I hadn't sleept the whole 2 hours that it takes to gret back. I came back with an extra suitcase...
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posted by RATHBONE07
**Victorias Life(she wasnt always a mean bitch)**
Water dripped off my blazing red hair and onto the floor.
“Mom? Can I leave now?” Mom had made me go outside, in the freezing rain, and gather all of the wet clothes on the line. I was shaking now in the corner, covered from head to toe with water, I coughed.
“Vic your not dry enough. Just a couple more minutes.” Mary was standing by the edge of the wall, looking at me, a smile on her face. She loved my torture.
“Okay, you can go up now.” Yes, I quickly fled up the stairs and into my room.
    It was warm in here....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sawyer, yes, yes, yes I will marry you! I was jumping up and down. He slid the ring on my left hand, it fit perfectly. I was speach less, so I kissed him. Everyone came into the room. Alice was by my side begging me to allow her to do our wedding. I was holding his hand so I looked at him. Yes Alice you may plan our wedding. It was so strange to say our wedding. Everyone hugged us and told us congratulation. Alice took Sawyer and I up stairs. Lets start with something simple, what is the date for the wedding? Alice asked excitedingly. I looked at Sawyer, hoping he would know. What about August...
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posted by surfergal
A month past and my shoulder healed. It was summer now and it wasn't as warm like I wished it was, but it was great no school, no homework. Life was good. I went back surfing everyday sun up till sun down. Sometimes even Cody came surfing with me but I dont think he liked it as much as I loved it. Cody and I were great, we were close and I was falling in love with him. Sometimes we would just sit together and not talk sometimes it was the aweful silence that I hated. One day I was lounging around the house only beacause the waves were flat and you cant surf when its flat. Anyways Cody came...
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Here's the next chapter of Amore! ^_^

I was glad that no one followed me when I was on my way out. I need to find out that girl is. But then I heard footsteps behind me and a finger tapped my sholder. I jumped.
"Angela?" I asked, a little startled.
"I'm going to help you with this, even though I don't know what you saw." she said.
I opened my mouth to argue, but she cut me off.
"I'm not asking for you to tell me what you saw, Bella. I'm just going to help you as a friend." she said, while smiling at me.
I sighed.
"Fine, Angela. You can help me, but I don't know exactly what I'm going to do now....
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posted by twilightfantic1
hope you like it.This is long.

Me and edward went to go answer the door.You wouldn't believe who was at the door.It was aro,marcus,caius,and jane.what the hell? This is to freakin much.How many vampires is coming here? If the denalis come next im going to go insane.

"what are you doing here?" edward asked.
Before aro could speak emmett said "what the hell?"

"well we came to see if nahuel was here is he?" aro asked

"no he left alittle while ago,what are you looking for him for?" carlisle

"Came come in?" aro asked

"sure" carlisle said

They came in and sat on the couch while carlisle and esme sat in...
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posted by surfergal
I woke up and got out of bed and I streched, I learned that swimming will make you sore. I jumped into the shower and when I got out I didn't really feel like dressing up so I pulled on my oh so awesome sweat pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. I had to drive my motorcycle to school because once I got out of school I had to go to swim and do dryland. Dryland-run,push-ups and running. IT all helps with swimming and that was something I loved.

Weeks passed and Cody and I were close and I was doing great in swim until one night when I was in the locker room with all the girls changing and talking...
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posted by twilightfantic1
Hey everyone i have had writers block and i had been busy

They will wake up about now".Just then like alice said justin an jessica came down the stairs."hey what happened?"Jessica asked.

"We actully dont know"rosalie replied in a nasty way."we would like to ask some questions about nahuel." carlisle said

"well you know all of my history this is in justins secton" jessica replied

"wel justin what is this all about killing parents?"carlisle asked

"when i was young and my twin brother and sister were twins and they were to be half breeds.
james is my when my mother had them they grew rapidly...
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Argentina –—-–——- November 19, 2009
Austria –———––——- January 8, 2010
Australia –—––——- November 19, 2009
Belgium –——–——- November 18, 2009
Bolivia –———––——– January 1, 2010
Brazil –—-–—–——- November 20, 2009
Bulgaria –—––——– November 20, 2009
Canada –——–—— November 20, 2009
Chile –———–——- November 26, 2009
China –—-–—-–—— TBD
Colombia ––—-––——- January 1, 2010
CIS ––—-–—-–—-–– December 3, 2009
Costa Rica ––—-–—-–- November 2009...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
As soon as I woke up I checked my phone. There was nothing, not even a voicemail! I went down stairs and grabbed a Red Bull and Sunny D. I mixed them together and it created my favorite drink. I sat on the couch looking down at my
drink wondering why Collin hadn't called yet. So Collin hasn't calls you, Emmett asked. No he hasn't, I bet Jake has him doing a double shift or something. I don't have him doing anything for me Jake said has he walked through the door.
Do you know why he hadn't called me? I asked Jacob. I can't tell you anything. Please just promise me you will wait and let him tell...
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As you may know, Rachelle Lefevre won't be returning as Victoria in Eclipse. If you haven't heard, there have been a total of 3 press releases:

-Summit's Announcement of Her Replacement
-Rachelle's Response
-Summit's Response to Rachelle's Response

On the day of Summit's announcement, there was many emotions in the Twilight Fandom. Hate, anger, astonishment, etc. During the first hour of the announcement, there were 4 trending topics (out of ten) that pertained to this particular matter on Twitter. Fans were furious. Many petitions were made and signed, emails were sent to Summit, and even phone...
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One month later
fist I was save by edward 2 times,he saved me from being hit by a van and when i was in port angels,I had Vicky with me we got lost and people were trying to take my baby she was screaming i was yelling then he came and got vicky and helped us out and took us to diner and we talk

Second,i found out he can read minds but not mine

thrird,him and his family were Vampires he thought once he told me that i would not want to see him anymore i said i dont care what you are

and forth,i think im falling in love with him he's great around Vicky,Vicky loves him,but im scared to meet his...
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It's my second reading of “Breaking dawn”. I`ve somehow always wondered if the second time would feel different. Now I know! But it's different in a good way, because I now see things more clearly. What fascinated, stroke me this time was not only the huge amount and density of emotions. I saw things from a different prospective – Jacob's. I've always considered myself to be Team Edward, but I know all that team stuff seems a bit meaningless – because it was always Edward for Bella. But what struck me the most was Jacob's development – he literary grows up-in his thoughts, in his...
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The Twilight Legend
Book 4 of the Chronicles of Sam Devine

Chapter One: Prologue
If you have been asleep for the last 3 books then I suggest you pick them up and read them but if you have read all the previous books then that’s great. But for all you people who haven’t here is a summary from the Twilight Archives.
On earth 1992, a human was born, His name was Sam but he was no ordinary human, his fate had been decided by a race of aliens who called themselves the Guardian Angels who were the sworn protectors of the galaxy or were they. They had decided to gain trust throughout the Milky Way...
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Brushing her hands, Maria made her way up the path and opened the peeling front door.
“Grandma?” she called. There was no answer. It was likely that her grandmother was working in the garden. Maria wondered if it was something all old people did. Her grandmother, certainly,...
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K.Stew and R.Pattz Forced Apart in San Diego?

John Shearer/Getty Images
Is Rob Pattinson's off-camera romance with Kristen Stewart again being quashed by the Twilight studio suits at Summit?
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posted by surfergal
We didn't talk much on the way to school. When we drove up to school before we got out of the car I ask. Is there something wrong Michae?? No. he said. ok. I said. I could tell he was lying. Michael walked me to my first class like always and then I watched him walk to his class. Once he was out of site, I went and called Alice.
Hey, Alice I said.
Hey Addi, why are you not in class? She ask.
i had to ask you something. I said
Okay, well ask away. she said.
Is there something wrong or anything because me and Michael didnt talk mcuh at all this morning? i said.
No. thers nothing wrong. Alice said....
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posted by callejahLUVSed
okay this is a lame chapter and i'm so sorry i haven't posted in a while but i promise the next chapter is TONS better !!!! just sit tight and comment!

CHAPTER SIX- Getting Ready

I slept for about two hours to recover from the sun, then spent the rest of my night rehearsing my ‘human’ habits. As vampires are, we don’t fidget, or move, except for when we’re around humans. We do stuff like, excuse ourselves to go to the bathroom, cough, blink (I know, we are really life-less), bite our nails (gross, but human) or not stare at one place for too long. After a while, I got bored of biting...
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posted by surfergal
When I woke up, I had the happiest feeling. The kind where something great is about to happen. I went on the computer and i checked the surf report and saw that it was going to be great today! I was so excited, I ran down stairs and jasper says,Addi you are to excited! I know and then I ask, Are you helping with this excitement? No, thats all you he said.I laughed and said well surfing does it to ya, and right then Michael whats do what to ya. My heart ya hear it? I ask. Yeah its going 90 mph. he said. I know its great cause it means there is great surfing today!! I went and grabbed my board...
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posted by rachel-rathbone

chapter one
"oh please mum ellie is my best friend please let here stay" renesmee begged
"nessie this life just isnt a place for a little girl to be"i hated it but it was true i even called her nessie. she looked at the floor her long black eyelashes cating a shadow on her cheeks, her long bronze hair falling on her face.
"ask our dad" i said sighing pushing the question on to someone else i couldnt stand hurting here.
"nessie you cleaned your room write sheel be her in 5 miniutes i can here the...
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