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Chapter 16: Unspoken Favorites (Jake's POV)

As I was about to take my anger out on Edward, a crushing thought came into my mind.
My voice was unsteady. “I told her she would be ok… I knew all along that this was a bad idea and I went along with it. It’s all my fault… and here I am blaming everyone else. I’m sorry.” My head was spinning I had to get out of there. As I headed for the stairs a strange beeping started up in Amore’s room. A strange heart began to beat furiously. I paused where I stood about to head down the stairs. I slowly turned around ignoring everyone else as I slowly made my way back into the room where Renesmee lay.
Amazingly her heart was beating again.
Carlisle ran into the room behind me and examined her.“I don’t believe it, the change is beginning on its own.” He thought for a moment. “Wait a minute, do you remember when we took the last baby out, baby F… he was attached to her pretty well.” He peered inside Renesmee’s mangled womb and gasped. “He bit her! He must be venomous. He saved her life Jake.”
Carlisle ran to the hall. “Do not let any humans near the babies!"
He turned to Emily, “Were you bitten?” She shook her head. He breathed a sigh of relief, “For now until we figure out what these babies are everyone needs to be very careful… no humans are to be near them. Sam, Emily thank you for everything but for now I will feel much better if you and your children head home, just until we firgure out what the babies are. I don't want anyone to be in any danger.”
I only made out pieces of what Carlisle was telling them I was wrapped up in my own thoughts. Renesmee wasn’t going to die. She would be with me once more.
Carlisle tried to get me to go and wait downstairs with everyone else but I refused to leave her side. I had already almost lost her one time too many. I wasn’t going anywhere.
Once we were alone, I lay down next to her and cuddled her broken body to my side. I felt the sobs emerging from the recesses of my throat, “Nessie, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I never should have agreed to this. I have always just wanted to keep you safe and I have never been able to protect you.” I looked at her, there was no movement, I didn’t even know if she could hear me.
I stroked her colorless cheek with the back of my hand. My voice wavered as I continued. “We have six beautiful babies that are just waiting to meet their mama. You have to pull through this. I know that you can. You are so much stronger than I am. You are my life, I honestly don’t know if I will survive losing you…Please, please find your way back to me, I will ne right here waiting for you.”
I lay there for countless hours watching her motionless body, her face was peaceful as her heart continued its frantic race against the fire that was surely blazing on inside of her. I fervently hoped that she wasn’t feeling it, she had already been through too much pain in her short life.
Bella and Alice came into the room with Carlisle. I grudgingly got up so that I was out of the way while Carlisle checked her out.
“How is she?” I asked him nervously.
He smiled at me reassuringly. “The change is certainly taking place. Has she moved at all?”
I shook my head, “Not one bit, she hasn’t said anything or screamed- nothing.”
Carlisle pondered it for a moment and then his eyes lit up, “I need to study the boy’s venom. I wonder if it is a mixture between vampire and wolf, like yours. Remember when you changed Seth and Leah there weren’t any problems, it was quick and painless?”
My mind was at ease as I contemplated this possibility. I hoped that he was right.
Alice shooed me out of the room, “We are going to clean her up a bit, so get out of here.”
I arched an eyebrow at her, “Alice, I –uh have seen her naked before.”
She rolled her eyes, “I know that dog. I don’t need a birds and the bee’s lesson. We wanted to surprise you. I know she will want to look nice when she sees you again.”
Bella stood behind Alice and rolled her eyes and pointed at her mouthing to me, “It was all her idea.”
I cringed at the thought of leaving my wife.
Alice glanced at me and spoke more gently, “It’s just for a couple of minutes Jake. She will be fine, besides you should go check on the babies.”
I knew that she was right I painfully leaned over my wife and kissed her forehead, “I promise you I will be right back,” I whispered nto her ear, as I traced her finger ith mine. She looked much better, I noticed that her stomach had already healed itself as we had been lying there.
I turned to Carlisle, “How are the babies doing?” I felt badly that I hadn’t asked about them or seen them sooner but I was so consumed with Renesmee. It was a hard balance to get accustomed too. When they were born I was focused on them and that is when I lost my chance to save Renesmee. Now I was focused on her and who knew if they all even made it? They were all premature and Carlisle had been worried about them. Each measured about 3 pounds at birth and were in incubators in a make shift neonatal intensive care unit in Carlisle’s study.
He answered me quietly, “Why don’t you go and see for yourself?”
I was a little nervous by his tone as I headed into the study. When I walked through the doorway I was amazed. They were no longer only 3 pounds each. They all looked like normal 8 pound babies. I looked at Rosalie in wonder. She was in heaven; she and Esme were surrounded by babies.
“What happened to them?”
Rosalie looked at me coldly, “I will not answer one question of yours until you apologize to my daughter dog.”
The baby boy that she held protested with a whimper, she leaned over him, “Oh, no honey, Aunt Rosie was talking to daddy not you. You are most certainly not a dog, you are a Prince.” He stopped crying and settled back down into her arms.
I looked down, “I know, you are right. I will apologize to her, I promise.”
Esme looked at her daughter reproachfully, “Rosalie, be nice he just underwent a very traumatic event, everyone knows that he didn’t mean a word he said.”
Rose sighed, “Fine… apparently these little guys are all very special. The gained 5 pounds over the last 9 hours.”
“What are they eating?”
She smiled, “That is where it is interesting…and confusing. Some want human blood, others animal blood and one of them wants formula.” She wrinkled her perfect nose at the word.
I looked at them in wonder, “How do you keep track?”
Esme smiled at me, “Spreadsheets.” She said as she held up 6 clipboards. “Relax Jacob, they are all fine. We are taking very good care of them”.
I hugged Nessie’s grandmother and as I walked by her I noticed Sarah staring at me. Her eyes commanded for me to come over to her.
Esme laughed, “She’s pretty sure of what she wants, that one.”
I was compelled to pick her up. She focused her eyes on me intently as she placed a chubby hand on my face with way more control than a baby who is merely hours old should have.
I gasped. She was so much like her mother had been.
Her chubby hand was firmly in place on my face as dark colors swirled through my head. Pictures of Nessie dying swirled through the anxiety tinted memories that she was passing to me. She whimpered.
I kissed her little forehead, “Shh, its ok, Sarah. Mommy is resting now she is getting better”.
Her hand shot back up to my face a cloudy memory of her being inside of Renesmee’s womb with her brothers and sisters. Edward’s muffled voice rang out asking her to stay still. One of her responses to him flashed through my head, “I will try grandpa but I have to protect them.”
After she talked to Edward she sent an alpha command to her brothers and sisters. “They don’t listen to me very well yet…” She thought to me. I gasped again. My daughter was the alpha of her own pack. She whined at me and I focused back on her.
Memories of her constantly telling them to stay still and calm down to save mommy came front and center in my mind. The oldest boy had been difficult, they would fight and it hurt Renesmee. She blamed herself for her mother’s death.
“No Sarah! Baby girl it was not your fault or any of your brother’s or sisters. Ok?” Tears slid down her chubby cheeks. She didn’t cry like a normal newborn; quiet tears flowed down her cheeks almost as an adult would cry.
I looked at her firmly as my voice broke, this poor little angel carried the weight of the world on her shoulders when she was only 9 hours old. She was secretly my favorite of the girls. “Listen to daddy mommy will be just fine. So you relax and take a nap. Before you know it mommy will be in to see you, ok?” She nodded once… SHE NODDED! Then, she leaned authoritatively towards her brothers and sisters. I had no doubt that she was deep in thought relaying their next orders as I placed her into her incubator with a kiss on her forehead.

Esme came up behind me placing her arms on my shoulder, "So much like Renesmee, isnt she?"
I smiled to myslef knowing that was an understatement.
I headed to Rosalie and hugged her. “Thanks for helping with them Blondie.”
She stiffened, but hugged me too.
“Congrats mongrel, they are adorable.” The little guy in her arms bit her.
“Ouch! Don’t bite Aunt Rosie that’s not nice.” I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to fall over.
“Which one is this?
She looked up, Baby B, the first born boy. He has an attitude problem already just like you in so many ways.” I smiled at my son and took him from his scowling aunt.
“Thanks for standing up for daddy.” I whispered to him, no one ever does." He looked at me through exact replicas of my human eyes and smiled my smile at me. Although I would never admit it to a soul he was secretly my favorite, along with Sarah. I made up my mind that he would be my namesake, Nessie could name the others whatever she pleased. He was too much like me.
Bella came tearing into the room as I started walking around to say hi to each of my sons and daughters.
“Jake,” she said breathlessly, “It’s almost over.”
Rose took little Jacob and I headed after Bella into the room where my wife was laid out; with bated breath.
*I didn't write this*

You look gorgeous, Alice." Esme Cullen smiled her pearly-toothed smile as she squeezed Alice's hand reassuringly. "Thank you, Esme." She responded politely. Rosalie passed quietly, only pausing a few seconds to make sure that the wedding dress didn't have any flaws. This time, Rose merely smiled, then hugged Alice quickly. "Don't worry. Everything will go splendidly." She walked out to the aisle and sat next to Emmett, who waved and gave Alice a thumbs-up.

Alice barely noticed Carlisle walk up behind her. "Hello, Alice." He said. "You look lovely." She grinned and took a...
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posted by kiwi12
part 21

Seth was apologizing frantically for scaring me. The others had frozen. It looked like they felt bad for Seth and were anxious to see my reaction. “Sorry” I muttered. I really was sorry. I wasn’t going to change , but I was sorry. A part of me wanted to reach out my arms and let him swing me, but I didn’t.

Leah came for the last fifteen minutes or so. Talking with her was nice. She at least understood the dangers of vampires. I gradually learned that she and Sam had been in love before Sam had imprinted. I felt bad for her and the story helped me understand her better.

On the...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
this is placed into the slot of when bella in eclipsed edward to not go fight and to stay EXCEPT I CHANGED A LITTLE MANOR THINGS... hehe

I waited for them to get back to me. I couldn't think of the names and even some of them i even meet and yet they are still willing to lose their life over me which scared me half to death. Im surpirsed im not already dead.
I asked , i cant even say his name in this moment, to stay behind for me. but he denied me. He wanted to end it himself with his own hands was his excuse. But i thought that perhaps he just wants some fun, even i find myself boring, maybe...
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posted by kiwi12
Special Edition: Leah’s pov. It will go back to Juliet’s after this part

part 16

I was doing homework when someone knocked on my apartment door. I opened it to see Jake. He was cringing noticeably. “What’s wrong?” I asked instantly. “Nothing’s wrong. Can I come in?” I moved aside and let him sit. “How are you?” he asked. I growled at him “You’re stalling” He sighed “Leah I’m… I’m going to have to ask you to do something. Quill and Embry are already doing it but I’m not sure if you can.” I glared at him “I can hold my own” I reminded him. He grinned...
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posted by Isabellaashley
With Eclipse on the horizon it would be fun to share our favorite Eclipse quotes. Quotes should be left as comments and with a page number so we can all see them in context. So what is your favorite line in Eclipse?

I love it on page 58 when Bella is recalling watching Edward and Alice play chess: "Edward and Alice playing chess was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. They'd sat there nearly motionless, staring at the board, while Alice foresaw the moves he would make and he picked the moves she would make in return out of her head. They played most of the game in their minds; I think they'd each moved two pawns when Alice suddenly flicked her king over and surrendered. It took all of three minutes."
"We may consider that It's almost Impossible to get what we are asking from God Since Long.. But Its NOT always Impossible.. You got to Believe it, you Never know that You can Actually get what You desire.."

It was a Typical Sunday Morning for Me.. though It was the Valentine's Day for all Others. I was still in my Bed as always as I was working late last night.. My Alarm rang so Loud & I stretched in My Bed. I knew I got to Endure this Day because we may say all the Time that We're Happy for our Friends & everyone that they are so Truly in Love, But somewhere Deep inside ourself, We'll...
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posted by menedward4eva
This is an oath to Twilight that I found on a website...

Twilight Oath

I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
And I promise to remember Edward
Whenever I'm out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlies sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my heart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
When ever I am in the Emergency Room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Every time there's a huge boom
I promise to to remember Rosalie
Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise...
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posted by kiwi12
part 14

Taking in a painful breath, I crawled to a nearby payphone and stuck some change in it. I hadn't thrown away the paper with the vampire and werewolf contact information. I dialed the Cullen's home phone. I was scared that they would have moved. I knew they moved every few years just like I did so that no one would know they weren't aging. They used to live only a few miles from La Push (where the wolves lived). Now they were about an hour and a half away.

Someone answered on the first ring "Hello?" I struggled to form coherent sentences "Um... this is Juliet. I umm... met you a few months...
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posted by melikhan
Today, The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse star Tinsel Korey will be speaking to the youth before the Aboriginal Youth Night hockey game. The event is sponsored by True North Sports and Entertainment and the Manitobe Moose Hockey Club, and tonight's events will be called "Follow Your Dreams." According to a recent press release, "the concept is fairly simple in nature, the goals are to encourage First Nations Youth from around Manitoba to pursue their dreams through healthy living and a very specific focus on suicide prevention, due to the high suicide rate amongst First Nations youth." 2,500 are expected to attend from the 63 First Nations communities around Manitoba, and "Ti
posted by SuperFunFan1001
Well, It’s been a long time since I updated

Disclaimer: I don’t own twilight or its characters…. Duh

K so I will skip around with POVs this chapter a lot.

Esme’s POV

My whole family, yes including me and Carlisle, went out to search for Bella. I know we left her but that was for her safety. Now that she is safe we can be together again. Yay I will have a whole family again!

Carlisle POV

Aww Esme’s so happy. The whole family will be back together again.

Jasper POV

My family and I had split apart a few hours ago to search for Bella and it’s killing me to be away from Alice but this...
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posted by Ashley-Alice
Ok so i really have nothing to do lately cuz school keeps getting cancelled and really i just don't have a social life at all right now sooo um yeah i wrote this in 15 mins its kinda funny i guess. its supposed to be a chat room with diff Twilight characters chatting

oh and jsyk;

more charactes will be comin l8r


Emluvzgrizzly has now signed online

Eddiekins has now signed online

Emluvzgrizzly: hey

Eddiekins: Hey.

Emluvzgrizzly: hahaha nicccce

Eddiekins: What?

Emluvzgrizzly: ur username...

Eddiekins: Oh like your's is...
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Okay shapter 10 is finally ready and chapter 11 is well on its way (I think you will like chapter 11!) so keep looking for it!

Everyone was on guard; I was still recovering from Nahul’s... I couldn’t think about it brought back the unpleasant memories.
I had been right about what Jacob and dad had been doing, Nahul was dead. There was however one consisting problem, the newborns. The strangest thing was that everyone went on as normal except that they whipped around at the slightest sound that could mean an intruder. It was funny, everyone was on guard but they all acted...
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posted by kiwi12
sorry it took so long

part 6

The little girl vampire (the child?) came up to me confidently. She reached toward me and touched my face. My arms flailed wildly as I tried to run My fingers brushed something cold. Then she was telling me without speaking that her name was Renesmee Carlie Cullen but most people just called her Nessie. She wasn't dangerous. She usually didn't show humans what she could do but everyone seemed to act like themselves around me. Was I a wolf person? Or a shield like her mama? Was her uncle Jasper alright? When she lowered her hand I told her softly that I didn't know,...
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posted by kiwi12
part 5

The leader talked to me of many things as he drove. Soon he asked me if I was a minor. I told him yes. "Yes" was a stretch of the truth but then so was "no" and the mind reader wasn't here to rat me out. I was terrified. My mind was so overloaded as the stress caught up with me. I knew I wasn't functioning well.

We weren't driving anymore. Two she-vampires were standing in front of a secluded house with the she-vampire from before. The one who approached me had red eyes. That made sense... a vampire with red eyes. The red-eyed she vampire took my hand and was saying something about how...
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These last few hours had been the worst of my life. Nothing was normal, and it wouldn’t be until this was sorted out.
Alice’s vision had horrified all of us. She had seen thousands of clips of me sitting in a dark room, screaming and withering in pain, and then she had seen me dead and tortured. She had also seen me in hospital, and in Jacobs’s arms. The meanings of this had been discussed over and over in the following hours but we had only come to one conclusion, it was Nahul who would put me in this situation.
Everyone was on full guard, all except Alice and Edward who sat on the sofa...
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posted by MadisonAmpt
Hey this is just some thing new but Please read it and tell me what you think

"BELLA, HURRY UP!!!" Screamed Kelly
"Ok ok calm down im just fixing my hair! geezz" i mumbled back "well we don't have all day" Said Amanda. i ignored her and kept straightening my long brown hair and adding mascara and a little bit of eye liner to the top of my eyes. Don't wanna over do it i thought to my self. OK its the 26th of January and me, Amanda and Kelly and going to get loose for Australia Day! I walked out of the bathroom that leads to our bedroom. "so how do i look?" i asked, we all had the same thing on...
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Add this to your list of things to look forward to in March! There will be a second volume, Twilight Saga: New Moon soundtrack CD/DVD companion being released on March 16th, four days before the release of New Moon on DVD. reports that the second volume will be composed of 9 bonus tracks that were found on the iTunes and international editions:

1. Lupe Fiasco – Solar Midnite
2. The Magic Numbers – All I Believe In
3. APM Orchestra – Die Fledermaus – Duettino: Ach, ich darf nicht hin zu dir
4. Eskimo Joe – Thunderclap
5. BB Brunes – Cavalier Noir
6. No Way Out – Sed
7. Ximena...
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posted by IsabellaMCullen
Wow!Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter. Chapter five already?Hope you like this chapter.I decided to let you know how Rose is doing.In this chapter you'll find out why exactly she was taken.


Painful Memories

Chapter five

Rosalie POV

I woke up, They must have knocked me out again.Damn.I was still in the dimly light cement room.I have know idea how long I've even been here.It could be days or years, It feels like an eternity.Surely I've been here long enough that my family had noticed I'd been taken.

I wondered how they might react...
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Bella Cullen
Bella Cullen
I woke up and i was lying on Jakes green couch in his old cozy lounge room. I sat up and i could hear Nessie's voice
“Jake its going to happen shes going to get involved with one of us shes going to end up finding out about us and what we are and everything! Alice has seen it Jake” Nessie exclaimed.
“No” Jake said firmly.
“Yes Jake” Nessie replied softly.
“No No No, she wont be getting hurt don't you see Nessie shes like my sister! my sister, i love her and i don't want to get her hurt!” Jake said firmly, i couldn't take it anymore I'm sick of being last to know but not this...
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Angela Cariba Mason's POV

Every Day of my life,in New York was great.The lights,the food and the people all was great but now i had to move in with greg,my dad.Mom and dad was divorce.We were moving in a little town in Washington called Forks.Mom says shes gonna miss me alot but when she moves to Georgia and buy a little house for me mom and phil,er boyfriend can live in it like a normal family.I better get Packed.
(The Day To Move)
In the car i was too busy looking out the window to notice that greg was talking to me.Finally we were here.Greg showed me to my room.It had a black table with...
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