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Chapter 16: Unspoken Favorites (Jake's POV)

As I was about to take my anger out on Edward, a crushing thought came into my mind.
My voice was unsteady. “I told her she would be ok… I knew all along that this was a bad idea and I went along with it. It’s all my fault… and here I am blaming everyone else. I’m sorry.” My head was spinning I had to get out of there. As I headed for the stairs a strange beeping started up in Amore’s room. A strange heart began to beat furiously. I paused where I stood about to head down the stairs. I slowly turned around ignoring everyone else as I slowly made my way back into the room where Renesmee lay.
Amazingly her heart was beating again.
Carlisle ran into the room behind me and examined her.“I don’t believe it, the change is beginning on its own.” He thought for a moment. “Wait a minute, do you remember when we took the last baby out, baby F… he was attached to her pretty well.” He peered inside Renesmee’s mangled womb and gasped. “He bit her! He must be venomous. He saved her life Jake.”
Carlisle ran to the hall. “Do not let any humans near the babies!"
He turned to Emily, “Were you bitten?” She shook her head. He breathed a sigh of relief, “For now until we figure out what these babies are everyone needs to be very careful… no humans are to be near them. Sam, Emily thank you for everything but for now I will feel much better if you and your children head home, just until we firgure out what the babies are. I don't want anyone to be in any danger.”
I only made out pieces of what Carlisle was telling them I was wrapped up in my own thoughts. Renesmee wasn’t going to die. She would be with me once more.
Carlisle tried to get me to go and wait downstairs with everyone else but I refused to leave her side. I had already almost lost her one time too many. I wasn’t going anywhere.
Once we were alone, I lay down next to her and cuddled her broken body to my side. I felt the sobs emerging from the recesses of my throat, “Nessie, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I never should have agreed to this. I have always just wanted to keep you safe and I have never been able to protect you.” I looked at her, there was no movement, I didn’t even know if she could hear me.
I stroked her colorless cheek with the back of my hand. My voice wavered as I continued. “We have six beautiful babies that are just waiting to meet their mama. You have to pull through this. I know that you can. You are so much stronger than I am. You are my life, I honestly don’t know if I will survive losing you…Please, please find your way back to me, I will ne right here waiting for you.”
I lay there for countless hours watching her motionless body, her face was peaceful as her heart continued its frantic race against the fire that was surely blazing on inside of her. I fervently hoped that she wasn’t feeling it, she had already been through too much pain in her short life.
Bella and Alice came into the room with Carlisle. I grudgingly got up so that I was out of the way while Carlisle checked her out.
“How is she?” I asked him nervously.
He smiled at me reassuringly. “The change is certainly taking place. Has she moved at all?”
I shook my head, “Not one bit, she hasn’t said anything or screamed- nothing.”
Carlisle pondered it for a moment and then his eyes lit up, “I need to study the boy’s venom. I wonder if it is a mixture between vampire and wolf, like yours. Remember when you changed Seth and Leah there weren’t any problems, it was quick and painless?”
My mind was at ease as I contemplated this possibility. I hoped that he was right.
Alice shooed me out of the room, “We are going to clean her up a bit, so get out of here.”
I arched an eyebrow at her, “Alice, I –uh have seen her naked before.”
She rolled her eyes, “I know that dog. I don’t need a birds and the bee’s lesson. We wanted to surprise you. I know she will want to look nice when she sees you again.”
Bella stood behind Alice and rolled her eyes and pointed at her mouthing to me, “It was all her idea.”
I cringed at the thought of leaving my wife.
Alice glanced at me and spoke more gently, “It’s just for a couple of minutes Jake. She will be fine, besides you should go check on the babies.”
I knew that she was right I painfully leaned over my wife and kissed her forehead, “I promise you I will be right back,” I whispered nto her ear, as I traced her finger ith mine. She looked much better, I noticed that her stomach had already healed itself as we had been lying there.
I turned to Carlisle, “How are the babies doing?” I felt badly that I hadn’t asked about them or seen them sooner but I was so consumed with Renesmee. It was a hard balance to get accustomed too. When they were born I was focused on them and that is when I lost my chance to save Renesmee. Now I was focused on her and who knew if they all even made it? They were all premature and Carlisle had been worried about them. Each measured about 3 pounds at birth and were in incubators in a make shift neonatal intensive care unit in Carlisle’s study.
He answered me quietly, “Why don’t you go and see for yourself?”
I was a little nervous by his tone as I headed into the study. When I walked through the doorway I was amazed. They were no longer only 3 pounds each. They all looked like normal 8 pound babies. I looked at Rosalie in wonder. She was in heaven; she and Esme were surrounded by babies.
“What happened to them?”
Rosalie looked at me coldly, “I will not answer one question of yours until you apologize to my daughter dog.”
The baby boy that she held protested with a whimper, she leaned over him, “Oh, no honey, Aunt Rosie was talking to daddy not you. You are most certainly not a dog, you are a Prince.” He stopped crying and settled back down into her arms.
I looked down, “I know, you are right. I will apologize to her, I promise.”
Esme looked at her daughter reproachfully, “Rosalie, be nice he just underwent a very traumatic event, everyone knows that he didn’t mean a word he said.”
Rose sighed, “Fine… apparently these little guys are all very special. The gained 5 pounds over the last 9 hours.”
“What are they eating?”
She smiled, “That is where it is interesting…and confusing. Some want human blood, others animal blood and one of them wants formula.” She wrinkled her perfect nose at the word.
I looked at them in wonder, “How do you keep track?”
Esme smiled at me, “Spreadsheets.” She said as she held up 6 clipboards. “Relax Jacob, they are all fine. We are taking very good care of them”.
I hugged Nessie’s grandmother and as I walked by her I noticed Sarah staring at me. Her eyes commanded for me to come over to her.
Esme laughed, “She’s pretty sure of what she wants, that one.”
I was compelled to pick her up. She focused her eyes on me intently as she placed a chubby hand on my face with way more control than a baby who is merely hours old should have.
I gasped. She was so much like her mother had been.
Her chubby hand was firmly in place on my face as dark colors swirled through my head. Pictures of Nessie dying swirled through the anxiety tinted memories that she was passing to me. She whimpered.
I kissed her little forehead, “Shh, its ok, Sarah. Mommy is resting now she is getting better”.
Her hand shot back up to my face a cloudy memory of her being inside of Renesmee’s womb with her brothers and sisters. Edward’s muffled voice rang out asking her to stay still. One of her responses to him flashed through my head, “I will try grandpa but I have to protect them.”
After she talked to Edward she sent an alpha command to her brothers and sisters. “They don’t listen to me very well yet…” She thought to me. I gasped again. My daughter was the alpha of her own pack. She whined at me and I focused back on her.
Memories of her constantly telling them to stay still and calm down to save mommy came front and center in my mind. The oldest boy had been difficult, they would fight and it hurt Renesmee. She blamed herself for her mother’s death.
“No Sarah! Baby girl it was not your fault or any of your brother’s or sisters. Ok?” Tears slid down her chubby cheeks. She didn’t cry like a normal newborn; quiet tears flowed down her cheeks almost as an adult would cry.
I looked at her firmly as my voice broke, this poor little angel carried the weight of the world on her shoulders when she was only 9 hours old. She was secretly my favorite of the girls. “Listen to daddy mommy will be just fine. So you relax and take a nap. Before you know it mommy will be in to see you, ok?” She nodded once… SHE NODDED! Then, she leaned authoritatively towards her brothers and sisters. I had no doubt that she was deep in thought relaying their next orders as I placed her into her incubator with a kiss on her forehead.

Esme came up behind me placing her arms on my shoulder, "So much like Renesmee, isnt she?"
I smiled to myslef knowing that was an understatement.
I headed to Rosalie and hugged her. “Thanks for helping with them Blondie.”
She stiffened, but hugged me too.
“Congrats mongrel, they are adorable.” The little guy in her arms bit her.
“Ouch! Don’t bite Aunt Rosie that’s not nice.” I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to fall over.
“Which one is this?
She looked up, Baby B, the first born boy. He has an attitude problem already just like you in so many ways.” I smiled at my son and took him from his scowling aunt.
“Thanks for standing up for daddy.” I whispered to him, no one ever does." He looked at me through exact replicas of my human eyes and smiled my smile at me. Although I would never admit it to a soul he was secretly my favorite, along with Sarah. I made up my mind that he would be my namesake, Nessie could name the others whatever she pleased. He was too much like me.
Bella came tearing into the room as I started walking around to say hi to each of my sons and daughters.
“Jake,” she said breathlessly, “It’s almost over.”
Rose took little Jacob and I headed after Bella into the room where my wife was laid out; with bated breath.
posted by AliceHaleCullen
I promise to remember Bella
Each time I carelessly fall down
And I promise to remember Edward
When ever I'm out of town
I promise to obey traffic laws
For Charlie's sake of course
And I promise to remember Jacob
When my heart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Carlisle
When ever I am in the Emergency Room
And I promise to remember Emmett
Every time there's a huge boom
I promise to to remember Rosalie
When ever I see something that holds pure beauty
And I promise to remember Alice
When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me
I promise to remember Renesmee
When I see that beautiful bronze hair.
And I promise to remember Esme
When someone tells me they care
I promise to remember Jasper
Whenever my stomach isn't curled
And I promise to remember the Volturi
When someone speaks of dominating the world
Yes I promise to love Twilight
Wherever I may go
So that all may see my obsession
Because I know what the Twilighters know.
posted by CharmedVamp101
I jumped out through her bedroom window as she started to get up and I figured, since I would be in a car and on a plane with her most of the day, I would hunt. I wouldn't go too far, that way, if she needed me, I could easily get to her.
I caught some rabbits, and a pigeon and some mice, but that was going to have to do.
I was heading back to her apartment, when I heard her talking to someone, she didn't like him, and she was afraid, by the sound of her voice. I ran as fast as I could to get to her in time.
I listened to the conversation as I reached the front door of the building.
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I slowly walked down the alley, knowing what was waiting for me there. I saw a glint further on and realized it was the watch that Max always wore. I walked slower yet, what was coming up was inevitable.
I stared towards the spot I was walking.
"Hey, baby. I've been waiting for you."
Even though it was always the same with Max, I still shuddered when he called me that.
"Did you bring the $500.00 the boss told you to bring?"
"500? I was told $300."
"Who told you that?"
"You did, now here's the 300 you asked me for,"I said emphasizing the you.
"I remember telling you 500, but if you go out with...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I packed all my stuff as fast as I could. I mean, if I could leave with this guy, no this angel, and he liked me, like I liked him, then I would go anywhere with him. Even if he didn't, I would still go anywhere he asked me to. I made sure that all my stuff was where I could easily locate it. One box for kitchen, one for DVDs and VHSs, one for my bathroom, two for my clothes, one summer, one winter, and a box for my shoes. I used a cooler for drinks and I was planning on grocery shopping today, but since I'm leaving, I decided against it. I just packed things that weren't opened into a smaller...
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posted by TVAuthor
I have all the Twilight books, but I lost Eclipse and really want to read it. Does anybody know a website you can read the whole book on? I've been dying to read past the first chapter you get from New Moon. It sucks I really want to read it, and I can't do that. Please help me with this. From a fan to a fan. You know how great the book is so help me, a person who wants to read it. Please just find the website and post it to me. Thank you so much! I hope you already know one, or can easily find one. Thank you!!
posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Music from OneTreeHill
Music from OneTreeHill
by: BuffyFaithfan1
Chapter Two: Escape Plan!...
I woke the next morning to the sound of people walking in my room but when I opened my eyes to see the problem or the group of people there was no one there. The white room I was held in is empty. I didnt dream about that cause I remember I dreamt about Mile. I know, I know wierd right? But I did and it was a good dream. But then the footsteps and the noise just made me slip out of Mile's arms and walk toward the darkness. But when I hit a brick wall, there a door appeared. It turned white. And then got really bright and it opened...
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posted by NessNess
{Whoo, two in one day, I know! Make sure you read Parts One and Two before this one, thanks, NN}

Edward's voice broke through my reverie. "Bella?"

I shook my head. "Yeah?"

His face relaxed.

"You never said hello to me," I said.

"Hello...?" he said, confused.

I laughed at his expression, than I pulled my face up to kiss him.

He pecked me on the lips but pulled away quickly. "You need rest, Bella."

I scowled, but lay down and let my eyelids slide shut. My dreams that night were full of shadows and illusion.

When I woke he was sitting on the rocking chair instead of his usual position at my side with his...
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Ch 4
A/N:Thanks for reading and giving feedback! Plz R&R and if you have any thoughts towards what should happen next time that would be great.All characters belong to Stephine Meyer.

Bella POV
After about 4 hours of lifelessly laying on the floor, I decided to get up and do something, anything.

I went to the bathroom to go take a shower. My reflection was........well........just horrible. I barely recognized myself. My eyes were red and puffy. My nose was flaming red. My face was so red, I wasn't olive skinned anymore. I was a little bit redder than a normal Fork's face color.

Also, there...
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posted by vampfan
EDward took off his shirt.His abs were hawt.I then went under the covers.I then felt his cool skin agaisnt mine.
U sure Soph
I felt it the sex of course
I then felt my neck being nibbled
Edward! damn that hurt
I the nsaw it wasn't edward
J-J-J James.
Oh don't worry love you will be one of us
No where the hell is edward
well the volturi is dealing with the Cullens
I will kill you
Just give up you know tat it will spread
It's burns STOP IT IT BURNS.I then felt my death.
My heart beat sronger than usual.I felt sclience.
ALl in my heart was vengence on James on The Volturi Adn on the werewolves!....
posted by vampfan
Part I
I waited for edward and the cullens to show up
My i phone said 8:30. They're late. I had my bag.I saw a figure wearing black leather love the leather.She looked evil.
Who the hell are you!?! Iasked
Your worst nightmare demon.
Hold on a damn minute one my family is fighting vampires and two I've been slayer evil[U]VAMPIRES
before you could see your first stake!ANd who the hell do u think you are my great grandmother's lover gabreil van helsing!
Then the volvo appear I'm going to kill edward WHat took you so long!
Theres anew force of EVIL VAmpires...
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Hayley Williams' band Paramore just won mtvU's Woodie of the Year and currently sits atop the charts with the Twilight soundtrack. But that doesn't mean she can resist the fangs of the vampire series' main character Edward: "I'm in love with a vampire," she tells

And it's this affection for the Stephenie Meyer-penned vampire novels and their characters that influenced "Decode," Paramore's contribution to the film's soundtrack. "I was definitely pulling from things I read in the book," Williams said. "There's a few references. They might be a little bit vague, but I think that people...
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Absolute teen hysteria took over Westwood Village Monday night as “Twilight’s” immortal leading man, Robert Pattinson, descended on the red carpet for the movie’s premiere.’s “Dish of Salt” Laura Saltman was in the middle of the vampire-madness and witness to the thousands of screaming fans, known as Twi-Hards, who started lining up at 6 AM for a glimpse of the “Twilight” stars – especially Robert.

“He’s gorgeous,” “He’s really hot,” and “He’s good looking and talented!” are just some of the accolades that fans told Access when asked why...
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posted by krystalhale
There is such a hype surrounded by Twilight and it's following books, and many fan groups have been created. There is a Twihard, more commonly known as a Twilighter. They say they are completely dedicated to Twilight and it's characters. That being said, those such Twilighters go around saying "Die Jacob!" or "Edward is PRUDE!" and such and such. Are you REALLY a "Twilighter" in that case? Saying, "I don't like Jacob [and the occasional "I hate Edward"]" is a completely different thing from saying "Jacob[Edward, or whoever] MUST DIE!".
Some fans havve even been as bold as to bash Breaking...
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posted by latterdayfrodo
The cover of Breaking Dawn came out not too long ago.

I have some theories, but I would love to hear your own.


There is a white queen piece and a red pawn piece. If the red piece were to move on space forward (presumably to the right), then the queen would take that pawn. There are no other pieces on the board.

The white queen could represent purity. White is also the color that goes first in the game of chess.

The pawn is red, maybe representing the evil enemy. But the pawn has no real threat over the queen. The pawn in this could make the choice to move forward to become a queen, but...
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added by gaby1310
Source: Sara
added by ESME_LIBRA17
Source: esme_libra17
posted by vampiress015
Here are some places where you can download some of the songs for the Twilight soundtrack:

Muse- Supermassive Black Hole

Paramore- Decode

Linkin Park- Leave out all the rest

Collective Soul- Tremble for my beloved

There's only a few, but they're free, and I don't know about everyone else but I really can't wait for the Twilight soundtrack to come out!
If you know any more places please add them below so other people can get them:)
added by sunrise_90
added by CrisRodrigues
Source: Cris.Rodrigues