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Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez comment!!!! I used most of the part about the phone call from Stephenie Meyer's website but everything else is my idea.

Today, I simply took the liberty of turning my cell phone off.

I did not call Emmett, which I sort of feel bad about, but I couldn't take another phone call. I couldn't risk one having the same amount of pain that Alice's did. I'm very selfish.
Here I sit, in the same attic I was in before, in the same position. I've been thinking about going back, which might be the reason why my image of Bella behind my eyes, is happier. I was causing my family so much pain, and causing myself so much pain by being here. But how would I explain myself to Bella? What would I tell her? That we changed our mind? No. I would have to be thorough, as usual, and tell her the truth. But after how much I'd hurt her, would she even think about taking me back? I would beg if I had to. For her, I would do anything. But... but if she didn't want me, I would leave in peace. I wouldn't try to push her to do something she didn't want to do. Giving her a choice, which I had such a hard time doing when we were just friends. But rejection, could I handle that? What would I do after she refused me? Would I leave like I did this time, or stay home and mope? I'd probably leave again. There's no good in making everyone else miserable along with me. But Esme'd be all too happy that I was home. But now, since I'm talking about going back, I should probably call Emmett or Alice. Most likely I'll call Alice because she's MUCH better with sensitive topics.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and hit the power button. Alice must have seen me turning my phone on, because not even five seconds after I turned my phone on, it started ringing. The number was restricted. She probably thought I'd actually answer if I didn't see the number. Technically, if this were any other day, and I wasn't feeling a little spark of hope, I would ignore the call altogether. If it's no one I know, then why answer? I hit the send button.
"Oh wow. Edward answered the phone. I feel so honored." It was Rosalie. What the hell did SHE want with ME? Her voice was the last one I'd wanted to hear right now. I shut the phone. Of course once I closed it, it rang again.
"What do you want, Rose?" I said through my teeth.
"I just thought that you might want to know that Alice is in Forks."
I snapped my eyes open."What?"
"You know how Alice is- thinks she knows everything. Like you."
I paid no attention to Rosalie's fake humor. Alice was in Forks. Why would she do that? Yes, I was almost at a decision to go back, but I hadn't actually left yet. So why is she there?
I was too enraged to talk.
"Are you still there, Edward?" she asked.
I didn't answer. I just pinched the bridge of my nose with my fingertips.
"Edward? Don't you even care why Alice is there?"
"Not particularly."
"Well she's not exactly breaking the rules. You said to stay away from Bella. The rest of Forks is okay, right?"
Bella left already?
Bella left already. I was doing all this thinking about going back, and she was gone. Good for her. Bad for me.
"So don't get mad at Alice."
"Why did you call me then if not to get Alice in trouble? Why did you even bother?! Ugh!"
"Wait! That's not why I called." Her
voice sounded nervous. Hesitant. Like she wasn't sure if she should tell me.
"Then why? Tell me then LEAVE ME ALONE." I growled.
"You have ten seconds."
"Okay. Well I want you to come home. Esme looks like she's going to cough up a bucket, and Carlisle just doesn't laugh at all. Come home. The whole Forks thing is over." she explained quickly.
"Forks was never the problem. Just because...because Bella... moved to Florida it doesn't mean I can just-look, It wouldn't make anyone happier if I were there."
"What NOW?!" that nervous hesitation was REALLY starting to annoy me.
"I uh... didn't say Bella moved."
"Then what are you saying Rosalie? I don't understand." She said that Bella wasn't in Forks. She DID say she moved. There was long pause until she spoke again.
"She's dead, Edward."
A longer pause.
"I'm sorry. I thought you had a right to know, though. She threw herself off of a cliff two days ago. Alice saw it-"
The phone went dead. I didn't realize for a while that I was pressing so hard on the power button that I might break the phone. There was one more number I needed to call. The number I promised myself I would never call again.
If Charlie answered, I would get the information I needed. If it was her, I would hang up, go home and kill Rosalie.
"Swan residence," a husky male voice answered. It was unfamiliar. Maybe one of Charlie's friends. I imitated Carlisle's voice to perfection.
"This is Dr. Carlisle Cullen," I said. "May I please speak to Charlie?"
"He's not here," the voice responded. I was a little surprised by the anger in his voice.
"Well where is he then?" I asked. Impatient now.
"He's at the funeral." they replied.
I shut the phone so hard it broke. It literally crumbled to pieces on the floor. I started to feel like I was choking again. I hadn't hunted in a while and I didn't care. The entire universe just stopped moving. Everything that I thought mattered, even a little, was gone. As soon as it hit me, like a trillion tons of bricks, I realized what I must do. Alice would know too, but that didn't matter. NOTHING, mattered. Everything was meaningless. Including my existance.
I jumped from the window and into the backyard. I didn't check to see if someone inside the house saw me. I didn't care.
I was in Europe now, and almost in Italy. I knew exactly where Volterra was. Even though I did take a flight to get here, I could easily steal a car and drive to Volterra. I would ask Aro, Marcus, and Caius to rip me to shreads and burn me. Of course Aro would consider it a waste, but Caius would only be too joyed to do it.
The love of my existance was dead. Bella was dead. There was no more reason for anything. I left, only to keep her safe, and then she jumps off of a cliff. Didn't I tell her to not do anything reckless or stupid?
I was still choking. I couldn't swallow.
Now I was in a hotel parking lot in Italy, looking for a fast car to steal. I finally found a good Ferrari 612. Black with tinted windows. Perfect. So no one could see the burning expression on my face. I almost drove with my eyes closed, but that didn't help, because Bella's face, behind my eyelids was smiling angelically. She blinked slowly and blushed. I loved when she blushed. I wanted to touch her cheek, hear her heart beat frantically, hold her in my arms, touch her lips...
But I couldn't. She was gone. And so would I be in a few days.
posted by callejahLUVSed
uh, i'm not sure if bella and edward get together yet.. i make it up as i go :)

I didn't know why Jacob was acting so weird, and I didn't know why Edward made him act so weird. All I knew was that both of those boys were driving me crazy. Whenever Edward and I had time to talk during biology, he would say something about Jacob (usually something insulting) and whenever me and Jake were jusy hanging out at my house, he would say something unintelligible about Edward. This idiotic behave continued for the next few weeks and one day after school, in my backyard, I decided to finally confront...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
So, another day at Forks High School, another day of listening to mindless superficial popular kids, going on and on about every little imperfect thing in their lives... great, my idea of a good time! But I had something to look foward to.. Jacob would be there! Well, not in ALL my classes but enough to make me want to go to school. I stared out the window in the science lab, observing the clouds and trees, thinking of how much I wanted to get out of the classroom, when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in", yelled Mr. Banner. And in walked one of the office ladies.
"Sorry, Bob, you've got...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
Hi, I'm Isabella Swan but you can call me Bella. I live in Forks, with my father Charlie. I've lived in this tiny town my whole life. I know every corner, every bush, every tree like the back of my hand.
My best friend is Jacob Black. He lives a few blocks away from me, on La Push Drive. We've known each other since we were kids, and we've always been close. Never left each other for anyone. Always been each others rock. When my mum left, he was my shoulder to cry on. When his mum died, I was at his house 24/7. Nothing has ever come between us. That was, until a new family moved into town,...
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I loved all of your reviews! I am so happy right now! I found out which character I am most like on Facebook and I got Victoria. For those of you who know that I like James, this is a big accomplishment for me. Now, on with the story!

Chapter 9

I was speechless. He tried his best to smile. I couldn't believe it. "You're-you're in love with me"? "Yes". I fainted. When I came to, James was bent over me, making sure I was all right. "Are you all right"?, he asked. "Yes. Just-give-me-a-minute-to-catch-my-breath". My breathing was heavy. When I finally looked at him, I could see something in...
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posted by bitten_byedward
Ch 9

A/N: I own no copyright. No characters are mine except Ms.Daniels. Sorry it took my so long. Busy/Writers block. New story line. Sort of. Plz R&R!

Bella POV


I. Was. Pathetic.

Over the past three months, my life had changed dramatically. I went from having a fairy tale life to having a screwed over life.

I rebelled. Went against the man. I lived in the principals office now. I went from straight A's, nice reputation, perfect actually. To bad to the bone.

I missed him. And his family. I had nightmares about them.

I missed Jake. I had just became friends with him........
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I loved your reviews! I have writer's block and so I'm stuck on chappie 8. But there is a lot going on in this story. To someone's review last chapter, James will not hurt Bella. On to chappie 4!

Chapter 4

I couldn't believe it. The thing of my nightmares, come back to haunt me. Only, it was to claim me as his new mate. I sat down on the bed, perplexed. I had to find away out of this. I decided to get as much sleep as I could before James came back. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep. I awoke a couple hours later to someone shaking me. "Bella wake up babe. Come on. I need to talk to...
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! Sorry this took so long. School has been hectic. Review please. And if you could pass this to your friends, fans on fanpop, etc. that would be great! I'm currently writing chappie 6 so, yeah. Tell me your opinions of how the story is going so far:D Anyway... on with chapter 2!!!!!!!

Chapter 2

I awoke to a sunny, cloudless morning. Edward was still there. His body showing like thousands of diamonds. "Good morning"., he said. "Did you sleep well"? I yawned and streched. "Yes I did". Edward bent down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you"., he whispered. "I love you too....
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posted by Styfalie
This is where you all can post your questions about The Setting Sun. I will check it for questions and comments regularly.

So, if there is anything you didn't understand or thought was inconsistant I'll be sure to explain.

Also, if you would like to know where my inspiration for certain characters or scenes came from I'll tell you that too. Don't be afraid to ask! :D

There is no such thing as a stupid question, unless it is a question unasked!

I want to thank all of my fans once more for all the praise and amazing support! You've been amazing, I couldn't ask for a better group of people to present something I've worked hard on...even if it was just something I did for fun.

Thank you so so so so much!
Author's Note:Okay.So first of all,all the characters in this fanfic are human.I thought I's make that clear.LoL.Second of all,the families are pretty much all the same,but they're also kinda different.

The Cullens--Carlisle{father},Alice{daughter},Emmett{son},and Edward{son}
~Their mother,Ana,died 15 years ago

The Hales--Esme{mother},Rosalie{daughter},and Jasper{son}
~Their father,Peter,died while Esme was only seven months pregnant

The Swans--Charlie{father},Renee{mother},and Bella{daughter}
~Renee and Charlie never split up

So, in this fanfic, Rosalie, Alice, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and...
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posted by Styfalie
Chapter 18: I made my decision, what else is there? (Renesmee)
My mother turned to me, her face set in hurt and worry.

The wolves on either side of us whined anxiously.

“Nessie . . .” Michelle gasped, shocked.

“Like hell you are!” Rosalie growled.

“I’m old enough to make my own decisions.” I pushed past my mother, feeling her fingers rake gently over my arm as I passed and stood only inches away from Jane. “Leave them alone.”

Jane stared into my eyes, searching my expression for any hint of a lie.

After what felt like forever, she nodded.

I sighed, nodding once in agreement, turning...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Three

    I was relaxing on my bed, wallowing in my misery listening to music when something scraped against my window. I jumped and stifled a scream. It was dark outside and long shadows cast eerie shapes on my walls. I pulled off my head phones and scooted slowly off my bed. I could still hear D.H.T‘s Listen To Your Heart playing. How ironic. I creeped toward my window, preparing for something scary. I looked around. Nothing. I opened it and leaned my head out. Only darkness. I felt scared. My heart started pounding. I tried to breathe deeply but I felt like the...
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i_luv_edward_SWITZERLAND: Bella
i_luv_my_bella: Edward
i_c_ur_future: Alice
blood_12: Jasper (thanks 4 new u-name ideas, guys!)
blondie_123: Rosalie
Dr_vamp_man: Carlisle
mrs_c_cullen: Esme
nessie_is_beautiful: Jacob
imprinted_by_jakey: Renesmee (Nessie)

mrs_c_cullen is signing on
Dr_vamp_man is signing on

mrs_c_cullen: OMC! OMC! OMC! Honeybuns, that was amazing!

Dr_vamp_man: I know! I can't believe I never thought of Doing It on a hospital bed!

mrs_c_cullen_: Oh yes.

imprinted_by_jakey is signing on

imprinted_by_jakey: OH, EWW! Grandma, Grandpa!

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posted by reneesme15
[b]this is the first part of my story. this is my first story so tell me wot u think and if u like it i will write some more.[b]

I never believed in anything supernatural before. You know vampires, warewolves ect that is untill i moved to Forks. I not faint hearted you see i used to be headstrong and so sure of myself but then, i don't know things changed i changed and that is what scared me more then being friends with vampires and warewolves, more then the creature that was stareing me in the face. Hang on i'm getting ahead of myself you have no idea what i'm on about so let me take you back...
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posted by twilightchick
we dont own any of the characters. anyway plz enjoy =)

* bella is sitting at the table with all of her favorite foods*
bella: eddy poo?
edward: yws love?
bella: can you come here for a moment?
edward: *suddenly appears and kisses bella on the cheek* what is it love?
bella: sit down please
edward* sits down at the table* where did you get all of this food?
bella: the store
edward: why love?
bella: i wanted to try some of my favorite foods
edward: im not so sure about this.....
bella: ok, i just thought that you would do this one little thing for...
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Song : Burn by three days Grace

While reading this chapter; please think deeply about whats being said or you may not understand it...

    In truth, I had never genuinely feared death in a physical manner. Even now as I faced it, I could not feel any apprehension toward the end.

    I knew that death was an unavoidable obstacle in life and I would face it one day or the other. The thought of passing however, had always been an uneasy subject.

     I had always contemplated about how my existence would end. I imagined drowning in freezing...
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Ch 4
A/N:Thanks for reading and giving feedback! Plz R&R and if you have any thoughts towards what should happen next time that would be great.All characters belong to Stephine Meyer.

Bella POV
After about 4 hours of lifelessly laying on the floor, I decided to get up and do something, anything.

I went to the bathroom to go take a shower. My reflection was........well........just horrible. I barely recognized myself. My eyes were red and puffy. My nose was flaming red. My face was so red, I wasn't olive skinned anymore. I was a little bit redder than a normal Fork's face color.

Also, there...
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posted by Styfalie
Chapter 13: Common Ground (Renesmee)
“What’s going on, exactly?” Kasie asked as I shut the door to Dad’s bedroom and she took a seat on the bed. I hoped my father would at least attempt to keep his voice down while addressing our family.

I leaned up against the door looking down at the gold carpet.

“Nessie?” Michelle asked gently sitting beside her sister.

I sighed, taking a step forward. “If I’m going to explain you’ll need to keep an open mind. I don’t think I can handle anymore overreactions this evening.”

They looked at each other for a minute, silently, discussing whether...
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Ch 3

All I remember was that I couldn't breathe and I blacked out.

Then, I had a nightmare. I was in the meadow. Edward and I. We were intwined. He was kissing my neck and I was panting. Then, he just disappeared. He was just gone. Nowhere to be found. I was crying. I couldn't breathe, again. I didn't know what was happening. I couldn't see. Everything was a blur. Then, Victoria appeared. She was running at me. Then, I screamed.

I had woken up to find Charlie sitting next to me, shaking me furiously, trying to wake me up.

"Are you okay? What's the mateur? Where is he? You tell me where he...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
Hey, sorry this took so long hope you enjoy it!!

I sighed. “Very well then, but Edward need I remind you that we don’t trust a lot of humans with our secret” He said. I looked at Edward confused, but he juts continued to stare at Aro. “I know...but I have no intensions of turning Bella” he replied. I looked at Edward shocked. “You don’t have a choice you have to... we wouldn’t want to have to come down to Fork’s” Aro threatened. Edward sighed. “Very well then” Edward agreed. I smiled at this. “Well we hope to see you soon...Say hello to Carlisle for me” Aro said....
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posted by dinosteph
I just came across this little spot, dedicated to Fan Fiction, so I thought I would add my story to the list.

If it's pretty much the same people from the twilight group then I won't bother.

This story is untitled for now.

This is a story I started, it takes place after Bella's birthday in New Moon, I'm kinda sure of the direction I want to go in but feedback is always appreciated. This is my first fan fiction ever.


Neither one of us talked on the drive home. I kept my eyes focused on the trees as we sped down the highway. I glanced down at my throbbing hand...
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