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posted by Cherry9090
I look out my window.
I prey for a worl full of love.
A world that would welcome me.
With open arms.
Not a world full of hate.
The tought of a hareful world.
Makes me die inside.
Makes me wish I was never born.

Sad lonely world.
A world that makes people kill eachother.
A world that makes people hate eachother.
A world I want nothing to do with.
I thought I found everything I need.
A love.
A family.
A home.
Even though it was threw a website.
I had it.
I had everything.

The light of a beatiful sun.
It was gone.
I was left.
I was alone.
I was deing inside.
Everything I loved and cared for was gone.
I am dead now.
I do not care.
They dont want me.
No one does.

They are right.
I should be dead.
I should be alone.
I am nothing.
I am worthless.
A red head.
Silvered eyed girl.
I deserve no love.
Only hate.

Cruled up in a dark corner.
Looking around.
So scared.
So alone.

I look around.
All I see is darkness.
I feel the pain everything.
In my head.
In my heart.
Invading my soul.
I cry harder.
NO one hears me.
NO one notices me.
I am alone.

I slowly rise.
I stand.
I walk.
I am in the bathroom.
I look around.
I grab the cool small peice of metal.
I climb in the bathtub.
I slide down the wall.
I look at my already scared wrist.
I cut.
I see the blood running.
I feel the heat.
It's sticky and dark..
I lay there.

I think about all the ones I care about.
All the ones whp have held my hand.
All the ones who said.
*I care and I love u*
Then all the ones who let go.
I love them no matter what.

I am cold.
I am crying.
I need them now.
I need then all now.
For I am scared.
I am weak.
I feel sick.
I look down.
I see the tub has alot of blood in it.

I think where did the blood come from?
Why am I in the bathtub?
Why am I crying?
Who are the tears for?
I cant remeber!
My wrist hurts.
I look down and see the wound.
I do not understand what is happening to me.

I lean back and close my eyes.
The wall is cold.
I take a deep breath.
I am so cold and weak.
I want my mom.
Why am I bleeding?

Dieing Inside..
added by shaneoohmac13
added by shaneoohmac13
posted by Cherry9090
The ability to insult idiots without them realizing it

Love me or hate me
Both are in my favour
If you love me I'll always be in your heart
If you hate my I'll always be in your mind

We'er all mature until someone pulls out bubble wrap

I didn't fall
The floor just needed a hug

You can't always control who comes into your life
But you can control which window you throw them out of

I didn't say it was your fault
I said I was gonna blame you

Because sometimes
"gosh darn"
"meanie head"
Just don't cover it

I'd slap you stupid
But there's to much stupid in the way

I have a sick and...
continue reading...
added by shaneoohmac13
posted by Cherry9090







~About The Red BlooD Moon~
Nuber Is 9 and the color is Red Blood,
its the beginning of a lunar eclpise.Lunar ecplise come every few years.

If born on a Lunar moon or A red Blood Moon Aires,Engery,ideas,beginnings.leadership,willpower and spiriitual conversion.

It is said this if born on a Red Blood Moon that you will have the ability to love and understand,very open mindness the abitity to survive threw the most difficult part of life.

~♥~Blesses Be~♥~
posted by Cherry9090
Did you know you can get as much success out
of simple "daily rituals" as you can out
of spells?

Most people think they need to prepare an
altar, create a sacred space, and cast
a Magick circle... and do a proper spell
every single time.

Not so...

The difference with Magickal daily rituals is:

1. They are SIMPLE...and usually only require
1 or 2 ingredients. (sometimes none!)

2. The must be performed over and over again
for a set amount of time. Each time you do
them, the energy builds towards your goal.

Today, I give you one of my favorite daily

I've had mine "active" for years, and I have
no doubt...
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posted by Cherry9090
I sit here.
Lost and alone.
I am truely alone now.
No love.
No affection.
No compassion.
Just a hareful world.
I sit here.
For someone to understand me.
This pain I feel.
This loneness I feel.
Gets srtonger everyday.
This pain is to much to bare.
All I want is love.
All I get is hate.
I sit here bleeding.
Bleeding bad.
Not knowing what to do.
Wanting to sceam.
And kick.
And hurt.
Something or someone.
Not careing anymore.
I just want out.
To be free.
Away from this house.
All this voilence.
And haterd.
When they do not understand.
When they do not care.
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
What you'll need:

* Three equal lengths of ribbon. (Each color
you choose will bring something different,
so choose wisely. Apart from RED = LOVE,
and GREEN = PROSPERITY, here are some
other colors you can try:

DARK BLUE = success in long-term plans, and

YELLOW = mental power, wealth, communication
and travel

BROWN = grounding, stability, and endurance

ORANGE = success and prosperity through

* A large safety pin

STEP 1: Regarding the colors of ribbons you
choose.  Not only should you pick an "obvious"
one... like GREEN for prosperity. But you
should also pick colors that SUPPORT prosperity....
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
Have you ever felt like everything is
going wrong... like you've been "cursed"
with a stroke of bad luck?

Maybe someone out there is causing you
grief... or your love life is starting
to crumble... or you're struggling with
money... or a job... or any number of

Maybe a combination of many problems.

We've all felt this way at one time
or another.  Maybe you feel this way

In any case, I'm going to give you
one of the simplest spells I've ever
revealed in this newsletter... and
it can immediately cleanse your life
of bad luck.

And if you leave the spell "active"

As with all spells... it will work
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
energy, and clear away any obstacles that
could prevent you from attract all of your
deepest dreams and desires 

The ritual I have planned for you is simple,
peaceful, and powerful.

Plus it will deepen my connection with you,
and all of my students all around the world.

And just remember, even though it is simple,
it is powerful...and important to do this
weekend, so close to the winter solstice.

Never doubt the power you hold inside of you

It's only natural to wonder, at times, if
Magick really exists... and if it can work
for you.

Just trust in yourself... and in people
that have been where you are before....
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
I talk about this a lot during the holiday
season, because I know how hard it can
be for some.

While many people enjoy the holidays, and
fill them with laughter, love, and Magick,
there are others who are hurting.

It can be a depressing time for some people.

Especially if you can't be with the ones
you love, or have lost... and especially if
life isn't quite going the way you wanted.

If you are hurting in some way, first off
know that I am with you... and I'm thinking
about you, Brittany.

This Friday Magick newsletter is my attempt
to create a bond with you... to raise your
spirits and your belief in miracles...
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
As we find ourselves "smack dab" in the middle
of the holiday season, I've been reminded
how hard many people have it financially right

It's a time of year for giving...but the tough
economy makes it hard for many to give... and
even to pay their own bills at times.

Always remember, that you don't always need
to "buy" things for giving to those you love.

The most valuable gift of all is spending time
with them... talking to them... loving them.

Remember that. However, I also understand the
desire to give gifts.  So...

Today, I'm going to give you one of the simplest
money spells up my sleeve.

The only...
continue reading...
posted by HighwayCreature
The earth does not lie

Look at it; your eyes and ears will not decieve you

The reality and truth in all the world can be seen and heard

Through the air, water, tress, and animals.

Suppression comes to our souls when humanity

Chooses not to look. Chooses not to listen.

Stones are tough, and hard. Breeze feels good on the skin.

Water is wet, the mountains are big, the sun is warm, the grass is green.

Gravity acts on all unsupported objects.

TRUTH is alive in our reality. REALITY is the Earth that we refuse to observe.

It is unfortunate that man has been arrogant, and craveful for knowing all.

He has questions,...
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posted by Cherry9090
Sick of crying.
tired of lieing.
Yeah I'm smiling.
But in side I'm dieing.

Don't judge a book by itis cover.
Or a person by their scars.

Sometimes when I say(oh i'm fine)
I wont you to say(Tell the truth)

Lost In a world of hate.

The world is a darker.
When you know your alone.

Some people run away.
Just to see if anyone
Cares enough to follow.

You ask whats wrong I smile and say
I turn around and whisper.

Don't be afraid of death.
Be afraid of the unlived life.

I'm no bodies 1 choise.

I know this is going to ruin my life.

Love is a sweet form of suicide.

Trapped inside...
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
I havent lost my mind.
I't just backed up on a disk.

Here I am what are your other 2 wishes.

I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem.

I'm multy-talented I ca talk and piss you off at the same time.

not the brightest crayon in the box now are we?

To save time lets just assume I know everything.

Of course I don't look busy.I did it right the first time.

I can only please 1 person per day,today is not your day and tomorrow dont look good either.

Don't annoy the crazt person.
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my underwear.

I'm not crazy.I've just been in a very bad mood for...
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
Amanda Ellison and Gerteud Harris of the family to he east of this homestead will soon meet a heron on Kate Baits farm that is no regular bird.
Theses girls are playing a game together,(Terry at the forge).They wonder a short way down Piney Woods,then on they go,along the easter bountery of old Kates form.Their eyes are to the ground.Searching of special cone strewn about the forest floor.
Amanda feels someone whatching her and looking up she sees the witch creature heron standing in the path ahead.'Hurry gerty Hurry,there is a beatiful grand bird"she calls to her freind.
They case the lovely...
continue reading...
posted by Cherry9090
I killed my mom!
My fault!
I made my dad hate me!
My fault!
I made my brother rezent me!
My fault!
I made my dad hit me!
My fault!
I made my brother burn me!
My fault!
I sit im a dark corner crying!
My fault!
I think of my life!
My fault!
A love lost!
A family lost!
A life lost!
My fault!
I take my razor!
My fault!
I look at my wrist!
Already covered with scars!
I'll one last one!
My fault!
I run the razor across my wrist!
My fault!
I whatch the blood drip to the floor!
My fault!
I lean aginst the wall and close my eyes!
My fault!
I feel nothing anymore!
My soul is dead!
Along with my heart!
The is still running!
A very heavey flow!
I do not care to get help!
My fault!
I'm sorry mom!
My fault!
I forgive you dad!
My fault!
I love you brother!
my fault!
Head swims and I feel cold!
My fault!
I sit in a dark corner!
And bleed!
My life is over!
My fault!
posted by Cherry9090
She wakes with pain.
Server pain.
She can barely move.
The water running down her legs.
She's scared.
She turns to her husband.
To her son.
She's scared.
But she's smiling.
A baby girl is coming.
The pain is not like before.
She knows somethings wrong.
But she says nothing.
At the hospital.
They prep her.
They help her.
They show her what to do.
This is not the first time for her.
She lays there in pain.
Refussing to take anything.
Afraid to hurt the child.
It's almost time.
the pain grows.
She knows that this will be her last.
Through the pain,sweat,and blood.
She strains,breath,and prays.
She hears her baby girl crys.
As her life slips.
A life was born.
While a life dies.
A tragic lose.
posted by Cherry9090
I crave a family.
I'm not worth it.
I crave love.
I'm not worth it.
I crave freinds.
I'm not worth it.
I crave freedom.
I'm not worth it.
I crave to be desired.
I'm not worth it.
I crave a loving touch.
I'm not worth it.
I wont my mom.
I'm not worth it.
I wont to live.
I'm not worth it.
I wont to be saved.
I'm not worth it.
A warm smile.
I'm still not woth it.
A loving word.
I'm still not worth it.
A warm feeling.
I'm still not worth it.
A gental love.
I'm still worth it.
I hang my head and walk away.
Cuz I know I'm not worth it.
posted by Cherry9090
I see you.
I feel you.
I reach to touch you.
Your not there.
my hand goes right threw you.
I'm just a ghost.
I whatch you.
I need you.
you are a life time way.
I'm just a ghost
I call out to you.
you turn.
You look right at me.
God do you see me?
No you dont.
you look right threw me.
You turn and walk away.
I am left agine.
In darkness.
I'm just a ghost
I've lost you.
I whatch you walk away.
I feel the pain.
I cant feel.
I must be alive somehow.
For dead the cant feel pain like this.
I run to you.
I'm here I say.
You look right pass me.
I'm not dead, not like death.
The death I am is much more painful.
I'm dieng from a broken heart.
A pain I can not controll.
A love lose that I can never get back.
Now I know.
I'm just a ghost.
Waiting to expire.