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chapter 1 discovery

"what should we do today Teki?" Kiely asked her tiny dog. Knowing that the dog couldn't posibly respond in any other way than wagging her tail or bark and that is exactly what the dog did.
Kiely sat next to her chihuahua and ran her hand down her back feeling her soft black and brown fur."your a good baby girl" she crooned at the little puppy.
"Lets go to the park and then we could go to fred's,"Kiely finally desided Teki was still wagging her tail. Kiely made her way to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower. She got out of the shower and headed toward the mirror to see if she had any inperfection like a zit or a pimpol, she had nothing the same as always. Kiely took out her hair drier and started doing her strait brown hair. She put on make up and dressed up in her brand new skinny jeans and a baby blue blouse her aunt bought her last week.
She went to have breakfest with her brothers.
"So sis what is the plan for today?"asked Joe the oldest brother, who has just graduated from UF and he is now an engineer.
"Not much I'm just going to take Teki out for a walk around the park and then we're going to a friend's,"Kiely said as she finished eating her pancakes. "Bye," she waved goodbye to her brothers and she went out the door and to the park.
On her way to the park she ran into many people she knew she greeted them all with a big smile. Kiely made it to the park, found a nice spot to sit while Teki played with the other dogs.
She could sense ther was something wrong that day, but she did not know what. Suddenly there was a large bang the ground moved and flashes of red light going all thruogh the park followed by a ear pircing high piched noice. Kiely called Teki to her side and went to see what was going on because no one seemed to notice the ground moving , the light , the bang or even the high pitched noice other than Kiely and the dogs .
Teki obidiantly came to Kiely's side and she grabbed the little dog and went to where the high pitched sound seemed to be comming from.
She got to the part of the park that was more like a forest no one ever went in there, only on hikes but other wise people didn't go in there. Kiely was afraid as a child and a little scared right now, but something inside of her pushed her forward so she took in a deep breath and entered the forest. She was walking for a long time but after 30 minutes she heard a man yell in pain and she went running to see what happened.
At last she came across a field with purple and yellow flowers there was no a tree for miles. There where young men fighting a red headed woman holding a blue-green sphere in her hand. She was zapping the men with it not moving from the spot. Kiely steped closer to see beter, but she tripped and this cought the woman`s attention because Teki was yapping.
The woman turned around to glare at the poor girl her green eyes piercing she said something in some forighn language, a beem of light came out of the sphere towards Kiely the girl still oon the floor grabbed her dog and put her behind her arm. She covered her face with her left hand but her right hand was out with her palm facing the fierece woman she waited for something to happen but nothing did. So she looked up an she was in a pink bubble which sourse was her right hand.
Kiely looked up at the woman who tried to harm her. the red-head looked just as shocked as Kiely was. Then she saw all the men's faces for the first time they where all god-like in there own way they where all tall and muscular.
One had curly dark brown hair that bilds on its self like an afro and dark green eyes he had hard features. The one next to him looked a lot like him but he had bigger brown eyes and lighter hair. There was an other one farther along but still part of the group he had glasses was blond and had light green eyes the other two looked like twins they both had the same features, black strait hair,and blue eyes. They where all handsom it was hard to deside who was the most beutiful, but Kiely desided that it was the one with the brown hair.
One of twins went running towards the woman with a soward in his hand and killed the austauned woman with no worning there was black and purple smoke coming out of her instead of blood.
The man with the dark brown hair came to Kiely and gave her his hand to help her up. "Hey are you okay?" he asked as Kiely took his hand and he helped her up.
"Yeah, I think," she checked herself for injuries or bleeding, nothing."My name is Kiely by the way who are you guys?"
The man smiled, "my name is Emmit this is my brother Rick we are in charge of magic potions" he gestured the man that looked like him then he gestured the twins, "they are Luke and Anton" they nodded when they heard there names"you probibly have noticed they are twins they are in charge of combat" and he gestured the last man " and this is Brad he knows every thing about magical creatures, monsters and witches"
"Wait, wait, wait!," Kiely's head was spinning, " you are talking about magic! pixis, witches and all that fairy tail stuff?"
"Yeah, well you should know you are a fairy" said brad.
"Are you sure?" after what just happened it was hard for Kiely not to belive them.
"ofcourse only fairys can produce pink magic and forse field and such, out of there fairy form," he asured me "try to change into a fairy"
"Uhh okay" Kiely closed her eyes and willed her whole being to change suddenly she felt it her body was tinglely and she could feel the whait of big wingson her back she looked down and there was a beutiful gaun where her clother were and she could feel her wings fluter, "wow", that was the only sound that that would exit her lips.
She looked over to Teki that was shaking with her tail between her legs, she was terified. She bent down to grab her dog, "there, there baby, its mommy".
"What is that?" asked one of the twins steping closer.
"This is Teki my dog,"Kiely told him,"where are you guys from any way?"
"We are all from the great land of Beltmorent its from an other dimention,"said Rick.
"How did you get here?"Kiely asked.
"Portal, what to come back with us just for a little while?"asked Emmit.
"Sure," the girl said , "but Teki can come right?"
"Yeah,"said Rick and then he pulled a quilt from his pocket and put it on the floor it looked like a pool "ladies first."
Kiely grabed tight to Teki and jumped in the portal.
added by australia-101
added by tanyya
added by shaneoohmac13
added by nmdis
added by dannylynn92
My love
Sweetie Pie
Baby Doll
My Little Cabbage (French)
Love of my Life
Dear one
Heart’s Desire
Honey Bun
My Sweet
True Love
Light of my Life
Object of my Affection
Angel Face
Little Angel
Little Darling
Little Doll
Number One
Doll Face
My Idol
My Everything
My Life
Object of My Affection
True Love
One and Only
My Passion
Honey Bunny
Dream Girl
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
1) Lick your best friend's foot for 10 seconds
2) Rub glue on your face and stick various things on it.
3) Go up to a random strange and ask them for $50 dollars for a nose job
4) Go to a public bathroom and sit on the floor and when someone walks in yell this "GO AWAY! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M CLEANING!"
5)Put on a strange outfit and stand on the side of the road and throw pretzels at passing cars
6) Go to Wal-mart and go to a worker and have a conversation that goes kinda like this
YOU-Excuse me. Do you guys sell like everything? WALMART PERSON- Yeah. YOU-So where can I find the cars? My son wants a...
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posted by Crazy_NarutoKid
1.The Characters are awesome

2.It can make you laugh so hard

3.It can make you cry like a baby

4.The fight scenes are epic

5.Theres blood

6.They swear

7.The storyline is really good

8.Theres Ninjas'!!

9.They have Sasuke(cool)

10.The weapons they use are so coool

11.The villians are so evil.

12.It makes you wish you lived in the naruto world.

13.They have great opening and ending songs.

14.It makes you think about it all the time

15.It teaches you naruto history
added by adultswimperson
Source: Google
I found this online :)

1. Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming “Andre, Andre, I’ve got the secret documents!!”

2. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, “I’m SOOO sure that you can hear me thinking.” Then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is.

3. Bring a Game Boy. Play with the volume at max level.

4. On the answer sheet find a new, interesting way to refuse to answer every question. For example: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it conflicts with my religious...
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posted by KataraLover

This is a film that has been out for a while but I'm just now getting around to doing a full article review of it because I've been really busy, stressed, and emotionally drained for a while and all of that has been keeping me from reviewing it. This musical was a big deal when the trailers came out and when the movie finally came out for various reasons. It was Zac Efron's first musical movie since his days in High School Musical and Hairspray, it had freaking Hugh Jackman who always draws in a crowd, it was a brand new...
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Lives: 999
Lives: 999
Howdy ya'll, Deathding back here to talk about a topic that I suddenly found interesting. I went on YouTube to see if anything was already done on this topic, but all I found was a bunch of "TOP 10 CHEATERS WHO GOT CAUGHT, LOL XD!!!! 2017 EDITION (80K LIKES IN AN HOUR AND I DAB!!!!!!)"

....Needless to say, the topic intrigued me, as I've been playing a game lately that quite a few people out there tend to play not so nicely in.

I think it goes without saying that us, as gamers, want to win. We desire all of that ridiculously overpowered equipment. We grind for hours just to get a few levels up....
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added by CokeTheUmbreon
added by aldrine2016
(Hello there! If you're new to this series, here's the basics. I take comments asking questions from the last episode and answer them in the next article, but with Robotnik! As a result you'll see some pretty funny stuff. XD Hope you enjoy our second episode of Ask Dr. Robotnik!)

(I apologize for the huge delay as well, so much happened with FNAF4 coming out and whatnot. I also got heavily addicted to an awesome online flash game named Dragon Ball Z Devolution. XD Again, sorry.)

And now.... Shout-outs to the people who commented in the last episode! And we have a LOT of them this time guys!...
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Source: Google
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If this doesn't creep you out, then I dunno what will...
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Source: trollposts@tumblr