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posted by Seanthehedgehog

An Imperial landing craft was leaving Coruscant. However, no Imperials were inside. It was only two men from the Republic.

Republic Pilot: *Looking at the clear sky. No other ships are seen as they are out of Coruscant*
Colonel Turner: *Walks up, and sits next to the pilot* Thirty five minutes. Can we make it?
Republic Pilot: We can make it. Will your friends make it?
Colonel Turner: Let's hope so.

Song: link

John made it back to the shed with Morris, Mary, and Cartwright where Heidi was waiting in the speeder bus.

Heidi: *Puts up a jammer, and turns it on*
John: *Starts the speeder bus, and goes as far back as he can to knock down the doors in front of him*
Morris: *Sits in the back with Mary*
Cartwright: *Sits down in front of Heidi*
Heidi: *Puts a blanket over Cartwright to keep him warm*
John: Everybody on the floor!

The other four listened, and were laying down when John started to go forward.

John: *Knocks the doors down*
Stormtrooper 95: *Looks at the speeder bus*
John: *Hits several speeder bikes, destroying them*
Stormtroopers: *Shooting the speeder bus*

A few shots hit the back window, but it wasn't completely destroyed until..

Morris & Mary: *Use their E-11's to break the remains of the window, then return fire*
Imperials: *Get shot, and fall down*
Morris: *His blaster overheats, so he lets Mary do the rest of the shooting*
Imperial Guard: *Lowers the gate in front of the bridge*
John: *Goes through the gate*
Imperial Guard: *Activates an alarm*

Pause the song

Alarm: link

Imperials: *Running to Imperial Troop Transports, IFT-D's, and a speeder bike*
Imperial Officer 85: *On a phone* Emergency. Get me through to the Omega Airbase immediately.
Imperials: *Taking off in their Imperial Troop Transports, Speeder Bike, and IFT-D's*

Resume the song from 1:38

Imperial Officer 56: They're getting in range now. Fire!
Stormtrooper 29: We can't. They have a jammer. Only our blasters will work.
Cartwright: That jammer you put up is really coming in handy.
Heidi: Thank you Corporal.
John: *Turns left. The road he is on goes parallel to a river*
Morris: *Watching the Imperials follow them. He stands up, and walks towards John* We got company.
John: Yes, I saw it in the mirror.
Morris: *Looks at another left turn up ahead* How long before we reach the poles?
John: Just around the next turn.

Stop the song.

Imperial Officer 85: Omega Airbase? Get me your commanding officer!


The poles were finally in sight. The traps they set up before going into the castle were still there.

John: *Hits the plastic poles next to the telephone poles*

With the wires attached to the plastic poles, the traps were set to explode. Once they did, the poles began to fall, threatening to crush any of the speeders in it's path.

Imperial Officer 82: Look out!!
Stormtrooper 40: *Slows down. Once the pole lands in front of it, he moves the Imperial Troop Transport over it*

There was another reason as to why the poles were blown up.

Imperial Officer 85: *Holding his phone, but doesn't hear anything. He taps a button five times, but it doesn't do anything*


John: *Moves to the left side of the road, and hits a pole next to a tree*
Imperials: *Watching an explosive trap go off, and see a tree falling down in front of them*

Song (Start at 3:49): link

Imperial Officer 56: Damn the Republic!! Get that tree out of the way now!!
Stormtrooper: Yes sir. *Goes with several other stormtroopers with detpacks to get the tree out of the way*
Imperial Officer 56: *Gets out of the Imperial Troop Transport* We can get the Speeder Bike through on the left.
Scout Trooper: *Slowly goes to the left side of the tree. Once he passes it, he gets on the other side of the road, and continues the chase*
Imperial Officer 56: Everyone else, back up!!
Imperials: *Driving their speeders backwards*

Up ahead, John was getting his group towards a bridge. It began to snow as they got closer.

John: Get ready.
Morris: *Has his bag of explosive traps ready*
John: *Crosses the bridge, and stops on the other side. He gets out with Morris*
Morris: *Climbs over a guardrail, and gets under the bridge*
John: *Does the same on the other side*

They each had four traps.

Morris: *Has his bag in front of him as he begins to set up his explosive traps*
John: *Has his bag hanging from part of a bridge, and begins to place his explosive traps*

With the rest of the Imperials, they had their explosions set to move the tree out of their way.

Stormtrooper 78: All detpacks are ready sir. We are ready to blow up the tree at your command.
Imperial Officer 56: Fire!!
Stormtrooper 78: *Sets off the detpacks, and watches the tree blow up*

The IFT-D's passed the Imperial Troop Transports, and went between the two remains of the tree.

Scout Trooper: *Riding his speeder bike parallel to a guardrail*

Skip the song to 6:24

Mary: *Resting in the bus when she hears the engine of the speeder bike. She sits up, and gets ready with her E-11*
Scout Trooper: *Taking a left turn, getting in front of the bridge*
Mary: *Shoots the Scout Trooper*
Scout Trooper: *Falls off. His speeder bike goes to the right, down a hill, and into the river*
John: Set the rest of them and get out of here!! *Leaves his bag hanging on part of a bridge as he climbs back up*
Scout Trooper: *Shoots at Mary with an E-11*
Mary: *Shoots the Scout Trooper*
John: *Running back to the bus*

The IFT-D's were getting close followed by the Imperial Troop Transports.

Morris: *Having finished with the traps, he climbs back up*
Stormtroopers: *Firing at Morris as they come towards him in their IFT-D*
Morris: *Returns fire*
Stormtroopers: *Get shot. They too go to the right, falling into the river*
Morris: *Runs to John, and the others on the bus. Shots from blasters hitting the ground near his feet*
John: *Slowly takes off*
Morris: *Gets on, and sits next to Mary*

The bridge blew up as another IFT-D was trying to cross it. The other speeders were trapped on the other side, having no way to cross, unless they wanted to fall down into the river hundreds of feet down below. John, and the others were safe as they drove the speeder bus to Omega Airbase.

Six Tie Fighters were lined up outside, waiting for their next assignment.

John: *Driving the speeder bus down a hill, but stops. He looks at the entrance gate far to the right*
Imperial Officer 59: *Driving an Imperial Troop Transport out of the airbase*

The Landing Craft that would pick up John, and his group entered Chevrelium's atmosphere.

Republic Pilot: Omega Airbase control tower. Omega Airbase control tower. Do you copy?
Imperial Engineer: This is Omega Airbase control tower. Identify, over.
Republic Pilot: We are in serious trouble. Request immediate permission to land.
Imperial Engineer: Transmit clearing codes.
Republic Pilot: Transmitting now. One engine out. Losing altitude.
Imperial Engineer: You are clear for immediate landing.
Republic Pilot: *Turns right, and heads for the airbase*
John: *Looks to the left, and sees the landing craft*

With the Landing Craft in sight, John went straight for the entrance gate.

John: *Crashes through the gate, passing four Scout Troopers*
Scout Troopers: *Firing at the bus with their rifles*
Morris & Mary: *Shoot the Scout Troopers with their E-11's*
Imperial Engineer: *Activates an alarm*

Alarm: link

Republic Pilot: *Turns the landing craft around, and lands on the end of the runway*
John: *Crashes into a Tie Fighter*

The Tie Fighter landed on a fuel tank, and exploded. John didn't hesitate to do the same to the other five Tie Fighters. Once all six of them were destroyed, more stormtroopers went out to chase them in four IFT-D's.

Another alarm was activated: link

Imperial Engineer: Fighter Squadron 126, request immediate air support! Fighter Squadron 126, come in!!
John: Get the control tower!!
Morris & Mary: *Firing at the control tower*

Their blasters put holes all over the control tower, and the man inside.

Imperial Engineer: Ah!!! *Falls down*
Stormtroopers: *Catching up in an IFT-D*
Morris: *Shoots the driver*

The first one flipped over. Now there were three more they had to get rid of.

John: *Getting closer to the landing craft*
Republic Pilot: *Hits a button that makes the back door open*
John: *Takes a right turn, and stops behind the Landing Craft*
Morris: *Runs out of the bus, and into the Landing Craft with Mary, Heidi, and Cartwright*
John: *Shoots at the second IFT-D*

All of his shots missed. When the stormtroopers returned fire, they were only able to hit the bus. Five shots nearly hit John.

John: *Climbs up on top of the speeder bus, and shoots the Stormtroopers, watching their IFT-D explode. Once that's out of the way, he runs into the Landing Craft*
Morris: We're all here, go!
Republic Pilot: *Takes off*
Stormtroopers: *Shooting at the Landing Craft*
Republic Pilot: *Closes his eyes as three shots hit the cockpit windows*

After that, they were out of range, and safely on their way back to Coruscant.

Republic Pilot: *Flying the Imperial Landing Craft above several mountains*
Heidi: *Watching Colonel Turner look at some books John gave to him. She switches her seat, moving from the left side of the ship to the right*
Colonel Turner: *Looking at the names in the book* Barkley wrote these names?
John: Yes. It's a list of Imperial agents in Coruscant.
Colonel Turner: That Barkley.
John: And Thomas, and Christianson.
Colonel Turner: *Looks at John with a look of amazement* All three of them? Incredible.
John: But not as incredible as the one name on the top of the list.
Colonel Turner: What name is that Major?
John: I have it in this book. *Pulls it out of his pocket* I think you'll be interested to see what it says. *Gives it to Colonel Turner*
Colonel Turner: *Opens the book, and looks at his own name*
John: It's your name Colonel. You don't look so shocked. Surely you suspected it. Otherwise, why would you come here to meet us? In case you were found out?
Colonel Turner: *Takes out a DC-15 blaster from his backpack* Go on.
John: You see you underestimated Admiral Roland. He had you, and the others under suspicion for some time. He contacted me, and Mary when we were on vacation in Velmor, and told us about what was really going on.
Colonel Turner: Fascinating.
John: Mary was brought into this operation because I needed her help into getting into the castle. The Lieutenant being a member of the Rebel Alliance, and having no relation with the Republic was the only member of the group I could trust. I had my doubts about Harrod, and Jott, until the other three killed him. You chose me for this operation, because you thought I was also a spy for the Imperials. Admiral Roland knew I was not.
Colonel Turner: *Points the DC-15 at John* Now you're guessing Smith.
John: Your pointing that blaster at me is sufficient evidence as it is. You are pointing it at me, aren't you?
Colonel Turner: *Nods* Outstanding. Unfortunately this is the end for you, and your friends.
John: Admiral Roland saw you to the shuttle himself, didn't he? He also made sure you were carrying that blaster, because he removed the firing pin.
Colonel Turner: *Pulls the trigger, but nothing happens*
John: Why don't you put it down Colonel?
Colonel Turner: *Drops his blaster*
Morris: *Grabs his E-11, and points it at Colonel Turner*
John: Not so hasty Lieutenant. We must keep him alive.
Colonel Turner: *Sweating* What now Major?
John: You'll be tried for treason, may end up getting 20 years of prison.
Colonel Turner: Public Trial would be embarrassing Major. For you, and for Admiral Roland. Assuming that-
John: You're finished Colonel.
Colonel Turner: *Stares at John* I seem to have no more cards to play then. Is there an alternative?
John: There is. Only one though.
Colonel Turner: Well, it could make things worse for you.
John: Yes, but it's not as painful as that long drop to the end of the rope.
Colonel Turner: I see. *Stands up*
John: May I have those books?
Colonel Turner: *Looks back* Certainly. *Gives John his books back, then walks to a control panel. He hits a button that opens the back door, showing the snowy landscape that they are flying over. He looks back one more time, and gives everyone a dirty look*
John: *Watching Colonel Turner*
Morris: *Watches the Colonel jump off, and walks up to the control panel. He hits the button, and watches the door close. Once it's fully closed, he sits down across from John* Is that it Major?
John: Yes, I think so.
Morris: Do me a favor will you? Next time you have one of these things, keep it an all Republic operation.
John: I'll try Lieutenant.
Morris: *Smiles*

Ending Theme: link

John: *Goes to sleep, and leans his head back on the wall*
Mary: *Moves closer to John, and looks at his wounded hand*
Morris: *Also falls asleep*
Republic Pilot: *Flying over more mountains*

Cast of characters

Louis Bodine as John Smith
Sean Bodine as Morris Schaffer
Emma Watson as Mary
Keith Wickham as Colonel Turner
Simon Greenall as Admiral Roland
Rob Rackstraw as Colonel Kramer
Tom Kane as General Rosemeyer
Jesse Neighbour as Major Von Hapen
Scarlett Johansson as Lieutenant Schwartz
Jordan Carver as Heidi
Brian Connery as Jott McPherson
Kevin Shoemaker as Barkley
Kevin Meizanis as Thomas
RJ Shoemaker as Christianson
Matthew Broderick as Harrod
Hugh Laurie as Cartwright Jones
posted by Shelly_McShelly
A husband went to the doctor and tells the doctor
"I think my wife is going deaf"
-Doc-"Just to find out do this test on her
stand 50 feet away from her and ask her something if she doesn't respond move 10 feet closer and try the same thing as so forth"
So the husbad got home and found the wife preparing dinner and asks her
"Honey, Whats for dinner" No reply
he moves 10 feet closer and tries again
"honey whats for dinner" No reply
so he moved 10 more feet closer and tries again
"honey whats for dinner" she replies back and says
"For the third freaking time its chicken"
posted by Bibelot
Washington Post Competition asked for a two line rhyme with the most romantic first line and least romantic second line.
This is the (hands down!!) winner...

'My darling,my love,my beautiful life;
Marrying you simply demolished my life.

I see your face when i'm dreaming;
That's why i always wake up screaming.

Kind, intelligent, loving and HOT;
This describes everything you're not.

I want to feel your sweet embrace;
But don't take the paper bag off your face.

I love your smile, your face, your eyes;
Damn,I'm good at telling lies!!!.'
added by tanyya
Ok so we all hear love stories, but this one is special. Ok so lets start the story. Ok the was a girl named Marie and she was in 10th grade so one day she was walking in the halls with her friends and then BUMP! She ran into Noah(her crush) she blushes then says "I'M SOOOOO SORRY NOAH!!!"Then Noah says "It's ok" then my friend(Sarah) said in Marie's ear "Someone likes Noah." Then Marie said "SHUT IT!!!!!" Then Noah said "Well bye Marie see ya in science." Then Marie said "Ya bye" He grins and waves. Marie walks to science class then sat by Noah. Then Noah said"Hey Marie" then she says "Hi"....
continue reading...
I don't know why I'm bothering, nobody's gonna read it probably.. But after watching the famishly bad Nostalgia Critic review, and just how much Doug was missing the point, I wanted to make my own opinions on it.. I would call it a review, but this isn't rating the film as much as giving my personal opinions about it.. I'm not the first, there are many analyze videos on YouTube, it's been studied to death like The Shining.. So mine is a lot more simplified..

So I'll admit I wasn't always a huge Pink Floyd fan before this album. Obviously I do love them now.. The Wall really made a Pink Floyd...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Hello everypony, and-
Master Sword: *Coughs*
Tom: Goddammit!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: You interrupted me!
Master Sword: Not on purpose!!
Tom: Yes it was on purpose. You know what I'm going to do?
Master Sword: *Terrified* What?
Tom: I'm gonna forget this whole thing happened, and move right along to Brony Of The Month.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Who is Brony of the month this time?
Tom: WWEChampion16....
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Master Sword: Today is the first day of Summer, and-
Tom: Hold it!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Today is not the first day of Summer. That will happen this Sunday.
Master Sword: Oh. Right.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Today's crossover parody, Mean Equestria Girls.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: Twilight gets called a slut, even though Rarity is the slut.
Audience: *Laughing, and clapping*

Mean Equestria Girls...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: We have some good news!
Master Sword: Me, and Tom have just gotten back from starring in a movie.
Audience: Cool.
Tom: Damn right it's cool. We starred as two bad guys in a film called CHiPs. The main villain was Gordon Suite-
Master Sword: And we also got to meet Larry Wilcox, and Erik Estrada. It was awesome!
Tom: Hey Master Sword, next time you interrupt me, let me know first.
Audience: *Laughing*
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Hello everypony.
Master Sword: It's such a beautiful day, and nothing can ruin it.

Then, it started raining.

Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: I wish I brought my umbrella with me.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: I can't believe this is actually happening.
Master Sword: Well, it could be worse. Oh wait, it is.
Tom: Why?
Master Sword: There is no crossover parody today. Instead, we will be having a musical performance...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house* HAPPY NEW YEAR ASSHOLES!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Let's get some fireworks! *Sets up a firework*
Master Sword: Let's shoot some guns into the air! *Grabs a Glock 18, and shoots twelve bullets* I love Austrian guns!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: *Sees firework go off in the sky*
Master Sword: That was great, but seriously people, it's just the beginning of a new year.
Tom: There's no need to get excited about it....
continue reading...
posted by peterparkerrbu
Every link game has two essential components: a list of words and a letter grid that appears random. The players must search the grid for the listed words and drag their mouse over them to highlight them. The list is automatically rubbed out for each word that is highlighted.

The words can be shown backwards, diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. The words are divided into categories or topics in order to assist players with their requests.
Game rules
The player who is the youngest at the start of the game goes first. Before revealing the first word, rotate the playing board in a clockwise...
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posted by elsafan1010
I was born in autumn (November 19th) so I am used to rains and storms. It rained heavily in Istanbul this year, and on top of that, there was a lot of lightning. In fact, my school was closed due to the extremely strong wind. As I write this right now, I have mixed feelings about the rain.

Although the rain makes most people sad, I always like to feel a little sad. That peaceful sound of rain, drop by drop and its beauty. Moreover, I love water, and rain is made of water. I love icy weather, and you can't imagine how wonderful it is to snuggle up in your warm duvet at home watching the rain....
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
Here's an article I've been putting off for a long ass time, and I should finally get too..
Won't have photos, feels like extra work, and already have a lot to remember..

I'll only do 5 now.. So at least I have it out there..

Let's start with the easiest pick. The one most people actually like, about the man child hockey player who turned to golf, you know, the most cliche'd thing probably ever.. I haven't seen this movie sense, well, forever. But I still remember some of the lines..

Here's another one I actually really enjoyed. It actually does show that Adam can...
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Halloween night 1963
In haddenfield illinois there would be
A gruesome case of sibling rivalry
Beetween kids in the myers family
Micheal a six year old lesurely
walked into his sisters room silently
And butchered her body so violently
he left for a mental facility
and when the state hospital deputy
relaxed the maximum security
and micheal would stop waiting patiantly
for another chance at a murder spree
his doctor sam loomis tried legally
to put him away for eternity
said "my patient has no humanity"
but others did not exactly agree
they said "micheal was the epitome of the ideal patients activity
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
I hear there’s a Patrick Star spinoff now. Man, let the show die already.. I know it’s weird, a 27 year old still talking about Spongebob. But I feel no shame in saying.. It’s still something I throw on occasionally. Anything from the first 3 seasons. I kinda pretend the others don’t exist, I hear it gotten better for a while, but I still don’t like Tom Kenny’s higher voice. The reason I like the old ones is Spongey is far more likeable. He feels like an actual adult, or least a teen. He’s just kinda immature, but he still has moments that prove he’s smarter than he looks.....
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As the title suggests, these are what work for me.. So you know...

Never ever watch the news, all they do is tell sad stories and make you feel worse about this than you already do..

I live at a lake place, and know a path that's my usual for walks. I go alone though, I like the alone time.. Just getting outside, it really helps..

To me, continuing to play video games, watch youtube and watch tv, just as I did before all this.. It really helps..

This my biggest one. Always stay optimistic.. Enjoy the little things.. Like seeing something on netflix. Whatever it is..

Episode 1;

Roman: (meets Niko at the boat stop).

Niko: (stressed) What took you so long!

Roman: Sorry.. I was at a party.. But anyway.. (singing) Welcome, home, Cousin. You know that, I missed ye-

Niko: [Off-Screen] NO! [On-Screen] NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOU SING!


Roman is driving them too the apartment, though he's driving very slowly, much to Niko's anger.

Roman: Do you think Mallorie's mad at me?

Niko: Because you're in the right lane behind a bus and you won't go around it? (sarcastically) No, I'm sure she finds it charming.

Roman: No,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. You can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 21: Take Out

Kevin is driving his truck with Liam riding shotgun. They are going to The Nut House to pick up an order they made on the phone.

Liam: Did you hear that parks are being reopened?
Kevin: That's good. We're making some progress.
Liam: A lot of people think we...
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Set of hands, who here remembers Road Rash? It was a fun little arcade game where the goal was to race as a motorbike racer against other motorcycle racers to win races and get prize money. You also beat the shit out of your opponents with chains and bats while running over pedestrians and taking out cops. It was insane. Some games have tried to bring that style back, and one of those games was Road Rage. Developed by Team 6 Studios, this little indie game from 2017 was regarded as one of the worst games out there, as recently as 2017. We’re still getting broken trash games that can contend...
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Vroom in the Night Sky is considered by many to be the worst game on the Nintendo Switch, let alone one of the worst games ever. Developed by Poisoft, a studio that clearly doesn’t speak English, Vroom in the Night Sky was once a Wii U exclusive, but was able to crawl it’s way out of the bargain bin console and onto your Nintendo Switch. I want you to let that sink in. Trash like Vroom in the Night Sky was able to survive the Wii U and yet Wonderful 101 remains trapped on there. This was the game that was considered better than Vroom in the Night Sky. May god forgive us all.

So from...
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