Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by peacebaby7
Author’s Note: This is the third installment of my skits. First was the regular POM skits, then a set of Skilene skits, and now I present to my readers, Villain skits. If you want to read the first twenty skits, click link for the first set of regular POM skits and link for the Skilene skits. As the title says, these skits will showcase our favorite villains in some sort of funny antic, or at least that’s my goal. Any skit with a Roman numeral in brackets next to it has a skit note associated with it at the end. I hope you enjoy them.

21) Figure of Speech [XII]

    “So, after we steal Skipper’s memory and listen to his most personal thoughts and secrets—including the locations of his network of hidden tunnels—we’ll start our attack,” Blowhole explained as he and Hans walked through a corridor.

    “And what do we do when we get to the penguins?” Hans asked.

    “I’m going to set my Diaboligizer on them, which will turn them evil,” Blowhole answered before throwing his head back with an evil dolphin cackle.

    “All right, you told me your plan. That still doesn’t explain what I’m doing here,” Hans told him.

    “You’re going to be the one to lure Skipper here. I’m going to have a mysterious package sent to Shanghai that will rise Skipper’s suspicions. He’ll come here on a solo mission to check it out, in which I’ll zap him with my Mind-Jacker,” Blowhole explained.

    “And I …?” Hans urged.

    “Will be the one in the crate. You’ll quarrel with him, backing him to the coastline, where I will be waiting,” Blowhole answered.

    “How do you know he’ll be alone?” Hans asked.

    “He will be,” Blowhole assured him. He turned off into a room and Hans followed. In the middle of the room, a large crate sat, open and ready to contain Hans the puffin. Some lobsters working at controls on the far sides of the room.

    “Is that supposed to be what I’m going to be waiting for Skipper in?” Hans asked pointing to the crate. Blowhole grinned.

    “That’s the one. Go ahead and get in. We’re setting the plan in motion as we speak,” Blowhole ordered.

    Hans sighed and obeyed, getting inside the crate as a couple of lobsters secured it shut.

    “I hope he comes soon so we can give him what’s coming to him!” Hans’ muffled voice said from inside. “Because otherwise, jumping through all of these hoops just isn’t worth it!”

    Blowhole’s face fell flat and he turned to a lobster that was standing next to him.

    “Did he seriously just say that?”

22) Recruit [XIII]

    As Dr. Blowhole examined his charts for his latest scheme, a lobster minion approached from behind.

    “Dr. Blowhole, we found someone. Should I send her in?” he asked.

    Blowhole turned.

    “Excellent, Red One. Yes, send her in immediately,” he ordered. The lobster nodded and left him. A few moments later he returned with a walrus pulling herself along by her large flippers. Blowhole cocked his brow.

    “This is who you recruited for me? There better be an explanation for this,” he warned with a hard glare.

    The lobster shifted uncomfortably.

    “Well, I—”

    “Do you want me or not, Dr. Fish-Man?” the walrus interrupted impatiently. Blowhole’s blood pressure rose.

    “I am not a fish! I am a mammal!” he protested angrily. He turned to the lobster. “What made you think that we could use her to our advantage?!”

    “Who would suspect a walrus as a spy?” Red One said in his defense. Blowhole scoffed.

    “Skipper would suspect anyone as a spy, but a rude walrus would be one of the first,” Blowhole argued.

    “Exactly! If he suspects her as a spy so quickly, he would never believe you’d be so obvious!” the lobster pointed out. Blowhole considered.

    “Possibly, I suppose,” he said under his breath. He looked the walrus up and down, who looked ten times more impatient than she did five minutes ago. “State your name.”

    “What’s it to you, Blubber-Brain? Do I get the job or not?” the walrus snapped. Blowhole tensed and passed her on his Segway.

    “That is it! I can not work with this!”

    Red One followed him out.

    “Dr. Blowhole! Wait!” he called.

    “What?!” Blowhole snapped as he turned to face him.

    “Think about this! I really think she’ll be useful!” he told him.

    “And what makes you think that?! She hasn’t made much of a first impression!” Blowhole argued. “Where did you even find her?! Hoboken?!”

    “Dr. Blowhole, she has hands-on—well, flippers-on—experience! She’s got recommendations from some of the highest-ranking criminals on the other side of the nation! Apparently, her attitude actually makes her look less conspicuous,” the lobster explained. Blowhole breathed deeply and glanced back into the room.

    “But she’s so …”

    Inside the room, the walrus stopped a lobster that was passing her.

    “Hey, you! What kind of fish can’t swim?” she asked. The lobster shrugged. “A dead one!” the walrus said before bursting out in obnoxious laughter. Blowhole grimaced.

    “That,” he finished.

    “I know. But I think she’s worth the trouble,” the lobster reasoned. Blowhole sighed.

    “Fine. As long as communication between us minimal,” he gave in.

    “Hey Fish-Face!” the walrus called. “Did you make a decision or what?! I mean, I know you can only use half your brain at a time, but come on!”

    Blowhole tensely gripped the handles of his Segway, tightened his jaw, and turned away, starting down the corridor.

    “Correction: As long as communication between us is through you.”

23) Hired [XIV]

    Alice—who had previously been sleeping at her desk, propping herself up by her hand—woke abruptly upon the phone ringing and she answered it.

    “Congratulations! You’re our third caller! That means you’ve won a free weekend cruise!” said the man on the other end.

    “Huh?! What?! A free weekend cruise?! Yeah! Okay! I can do that!” she replied excitedly. Alice rushed out of her office and started collecting her things, dialing a number on her cell phone and holding it between her ear and shoulder as she packed.

    “Hello?” answered a deep voice.

    “Yes, I’m Zookeeper Alice at the Central Park Zoo. I received your application in the mail about you’re looking for work and I have a temporary position for you while I’m on vacation if you’re interested,” Alice told him.

    “Really? Doing what?” asked the man.

    “Just watching over the animals, keeping them fed. Especially watch over those penguins—they’re a tricky bunch,” Alice warned him.

    “Penguins?” the man repeated. You could hear the grimace in his voice. “I would be more than happy to take over your position while you’re on vacation,” he continued, his grimace replaced with what seemed to be a smile. Alice cocked an eyebrow, but shrugged indifferently at his tone.

    “Great. I’ll leave my number on my desk in case you need to reach me,” Alice told him, though she was going to “forget” to so she wouldn’t be bothered. “How soon can you be here?”

    “I’ll be there in an hour,” the man said. “And I won’t at all torment the penguins into regurgitating a flamethrower to catch them in the act,” he said under his breath, intending, but failing, for Alice not to hear him. Alice remained silent for a moment.

    “Whatever, weird-o,” she said before ending the call.

24) Trial and Error … And Error … And Error ... [XV]

    “Officer, it wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean to hit your vehicle! It was those penguins! Please!” X pleaded as his head was pushed into the back of the police car.

    “Yeah, and a pretty butterfly made John Wilkes Booth assassinate Abraham Lincoln,” the officer replied. He and his partner cracked up and X grimaced.

    “One day I’ll show you! One day those penguins will be exposed!” X protested before the door was slammed in his face. The policemen were still laughing when they climbed into the driver and passenger seats.

    “And a mockingbird made Brutus kill Julius Caesar,” said one the one in the passenger seat. They both laughed harder.

    “And a fluffy bunny made Bonnie and Clyde rob banks,” said the officer in the driver seat as he fumbled to start the car as he laughed uncontrollably.

    “All right! I get it! You can stop now!” X protested from the back seat. The policemen ceased laughing and looked back at him, then to each other, then started laughing harder than they had been, slapping their foreheads and burying their faces into the dashboard.

    X simmered in the back seat with his expression twisted in unamusement. There just wasn’t a soul on earth that believed him.

    The officer in the passenger side seat regained his composure first.

    “Whew!” he said wiping a tear. “Come on, Duthm. We need to get him to the station.”

    Duthm wiped his own tears and shifted the car in gear while the other officer made notes on X’s offense.

    “So, you said penguins were the reason you crashed into our car, Mr. X?” the officer asked with a grin.

    X didn’t answer.

    “Are you sure you just didn’t imagine the penguins?” the officer questioned.

    X still didn’t answer.

    “Upholding your right to remain silent. That’s a shame. I could have used another good laugh,” the officer said glancing back at X, whose face was warped with anger and agitation.

    “This isn’t fair,” X finally said. “I’m not crazy! Those penguins are out to get me! And you so-called policemen are too stupid to realize it!” He said it before he realized what he was saying.

    The officer in the passenger side seat turned around with wide eyes.

    “Reckless driving and insulting a police officer! You are not helping yourself here, dirtbag,” he said making another note.

    “No! That’s not what I meant! What I mean is that you’re just too blind to see the truth—I mean—”

    “More insults toward a police officer! You are in big trouble, Mr. X!” Duthm spat from the driver seat, turning around another block.

    “What I’m trying to say is that no one even cares to listen to me! I’m not crazy!” X told them. They both scoffed.

    “Sure. And I’m not a police officer,” Duthm replied.

    “Not a good one!” X blurted without thinking. “Wait—!”

    “All right! You’d best shut your mouth right now!” Duthm warned.

    X slumped back into the seat.

    “I hate penguins.”

25) Good Kitty

    It was an early morning in Hoboken, New Jersey. Though, not especially quiet.

    “No, that was in my habitat! You’re just a little thief! Now, give it back!” Rhonda snapped, trying to make a grab for the handful of fish Hans was holding.

    “Nah-uh! Gracious threw these fish in my habitat! So there!” he shot back, holding the fish defensively.

    “Her name’s Gladys, you undergrown duck!” Rhonda snapped.

    Clemson rolled his eyes as the argument continued between Rhonda and Hans in the neighboring habitat and he watched as Gladys make her way over to his habitat.

    “Yes! Finally! I wonder what she brought me—fruit? Mosquito?” He wondered aloud, rubbing his hands together as Gladys stopped short of his habitat.

    “And now for you, my little cutie!” she said as she popped open a can of Purina ® cat food and dumped it out in front of him. “Enjoy! Oh, such an adorable kitty cat!” Gladys added before leaving him.

    Clemson bewilderedly stared down at the pile of cat chow at his feet, then to his reflection in a nearby puddle.

    “Are you kidding me?”

26) Fast Friends [XVI]

    Francis Alberta stared down at her smoothie and stirred the straw around in it. Her had her head propped up on her fist.

    “Rough day?” the waiter said as he slid a small napkin in front of her and put a small bowl of cherries on top of it.

    “You could say that,” Francis replied irritably. She picked up a cherry by its stem and plucked the fruit off with her teeth. Finally, she glanced up and a wave of recognition smacked her in the face. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

    The waiter shifted uncomfortably before he felt the same way about the woman at the counter.

    “I could say the same about you,” he said.

    “Well, I’m sort of well-known, so to speak. I … I have a record,” she said without meeting his eye. “What about you? Where do I know you from?”

    The waiter sighed.

    “I go by X. I also have a record,” the waiter admitted quietly.

    “X?” Francis repeated looking down in concentration. “Oh, I know who you are. You’re that guy with a thing for penguins.”

    X grimaced.

    “Somethin’ like that,” he said before scrubbing angrily at the counter, though it was spotless already.

    “Well, I don’t think you’re crazy. My life was going just fine until a quadrant of penguins came along,” Francis said before taking a sip of her smoothie.

    X stopped scrubbing abruptly and shot her a look.

    “Really?” he said disbelievingly.

    Francis nodded.

    “Yeah. I mean, I can’t blame you for hating penguins if I hate my share as well. Who knows, maybe we hate the same penguins,” Francis replied. X smiled slightly.

    “I guess that could be a possibility. What exactly did they do to you?” he asked her.

    “Cost me my job,” Francis muttered with a roll of her eyes. X’s brow lowered curiously.

    “Mine, too,” he told her. “Actually, several of them,” he corrected himself.

    Francis cocked a brow.

    “Hm. Must be their thing.”

    “Probably,” X replied before returning to scrubbing the counter, though not as violently. When he glanced back at Francis, she had her eyes fixed on his biceps with a one-sided smile and he shifted his balance to his other foot.

    “C-Can I get you anything else?” he asked nervously. Francis shifted her gaze to his eyes and smiled brightly.

    “No,” she answered with a shake of her head. “I’ll take my bill now.”

    X nodded and left to a cash register, then returned with her bill. After Francis pulled her balance from her wallet and signed the bill, she slid them across the counter.

    “Thank you. Have a nice day,” she said before turning to leave. X awkwardly cleared his throat and nodded.

    “You, too,” he replied picking the bill up from the counter. He noticed some writing under her signature.

    555-9418 Call me. ♥

    X’s eyes widened and he glanced up. Francis was waiting at the door looking back at him and she winked before leaving.

    X blinked twice before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell unconscious.

27) Brainwashing Expert [XVII]

    “Ha-ha! Buck Rockgut! You have fallen into my trap like the fool you are!” the Red Squirrel taunted as he watched Buck struggle against his restraints.

    “Now what, Red? You gonna throw tomatoes at me or something? You call this a trap!” Buck taunted.

    “Don’t tempt me. And you’re restricted, aren’t you!” Red shot back.

    “Yeah, yeah. Not for long, Red!” Buck assured him. Red laughed.

    “I’d like to see you try. Now, onto my diabolical plan to rid of America’s greatest penguin commandos!” he said triumphantly.

    “And how do you plan to do that, Red?” Buck asked unconvincingly.

    “I’m not. You are,” Red said smiling maleficently.

    “Beg your pardon?” Buck replied with his brow lowering in confusion.

    “Hypnosis!” Red answered. He threw his head back in victorious laughter. Buck joined in guffaw, causing Red to cease laughing in bewilderment.

    “What?! What are you laughing about! You’re supposed to be scared out of your itsy bitsy feathers!” Red asked angrily. Buck took a few deep breaths.

    “Wow, hypnosis? This I gotta see,” he replied relaxing back against the wall, hanging by the restraints.

    “I will have you know that I am a hypnosis expert!” Red insisted. He turned to his side and added under his breath, “I saw it on the television.”

    Buck snickered.

    “I’ll show you! Wait here! I mean, not that you have a choice,” Red said as he walked into the next room. He returned with a golden pocket watch.

    “Now, we’ll see who will be having the last laugh!”

    Red held the watch in front of Rockgut’s face and swung it from side to side.

    “Eyes on the watch,” he commanded. “You are now getting very sleepy. Your eyes are getting heavy and you feel very relaxed. Very relaxed …” Red started. His voice started to soften. “And when I count to three, you will be in a very—” Red yawned— “deep sleep. One …” Red’s eyes slowly opened and closed. “Two …” He yawned. “Three.”

    Red’s eyes fell closed and he toppled to the floor. Buck looked at him for a minute with his brow cocked.

    “Did he just …?”

    Buck burst out laughing uncontrollably.

    “Hypnosis expert! That’s one way to look at it!”

28) Brains Vs. Befuddled

    The Blue Hen paced through the park, muttering irritably to herself as she thought over how she was going to go about getting revenge on those blasted penguins once and for all. Finally, she stopped by a tree to sit down.

    She’d gone over several ideas through her head, but it was a lot harder to come up with a good scheme now that they had kicked her out of the zoo. When she lived in the zoo, it was easier to spy on them to know what to expect. She knew everything from before they kicked her out of the zoo and prior. It was impossible to know what kinds of things they had now.


    Blue turned at the sound of the voice and found herself staring at a squirrel.

    “What do you want?”

    “I was just wondering what you were doing at my tree,” the squirrel replied in a slow monotone.

    “Nothing for you to be concerned with, Fred,” Blue replied. She’d seen the penguins encounter Fred before and knew exactly what to expect in engaging a conversation with him.

    “How do you know my name? Are you psychotic?” Fred asked stepping closer.

    “It’s psychic. And I guess I am, in a way,” Blue replied smugly. “Now, leave me alone.”

    “How does one become psychotic?” Fred asked, ignoring Blue’s request.

    Blue sighed impatiently.

    “I don’t have time for this,” she muttered.

    “For what?” Fred inquired.

    “This,” Blue replied sternly, getting to her feet.

    “You don’t have time for standing? Then why don’t you sit back down?” Fred asked curiously. Blue’s expression went flat.

    “You really are incompetent, aren’t you,” Blue stated rather than inquired. Fred smiled.

    “Hey, that’s what my Granny tells me! You really are psychotic!”

    Blue looked Fred up and down with her eyes.

    “Yes, Fred. I’m psychic. And I predict that you’re going to go back into your tree in the next thirty seconds,” she told him.

    “Wow, I wasn’t even thinking about going back to my tree, but I guess I’m supposed to since you predicted it,” Fred replied.

    “Make that ten seconds,” Blue said impatiently.

    “Oh, then I’d better get going,” Fred said climbing back up into his tree.

    “And you’re also going to be absolutely silent when you get there!” Blue called up.

    Fred climbed into the hole in the tree that he called home and poked his head out and nodded down at Blue before disappearing into the hole again. Blue smiled.

    “Too easy.”

29) Tangled

    “Take that back, you little rat!”

    “No! It’s true and you know it, garden snake!”

    Savio continued to chase Hans through the Hoboken Zoo as the other inhabitants watched the show with amusement.

    “I told you a million times! I am not a garden snake! I am a boa constrictor you overgrown parakeet!” Savio shot back slithering after him with great speed.

    Hans took a sharp turn to the left and darted into the zoo’s gift shop. Savio pursued.

    Once inside, Hans pulled a plan off the top of his head and threw himself under a table turning sharply around one of its legs as Savio chased him underneath. Hans then jumped up onto a clothing rack and threw himself over and under back to the other side, grabbing a tape measure that was draped over a hanger on his way down. Savio followed. Hans sprinted back for the table and threw himself around another leg and doubled back, looping the measuring tape around Savio’s tail end and double-knotted it securely to his midsection. Savio could almost reach him, but no matter how hard he tried, his body was too tangled to stretch any further.

    “Ha!” Hans taunted in triumph. Savio grunted in frustration.

    “This isn’t over! I’m going to get out of this, and when I do, you’ll have hell to pay, mi enemigo!” he threatened.

    “Ooh! I’m so scared!” Hans shot back, ignoring his intimidation. “Who’s the fool, now?! Ha-ha!”

    Hans turned with a laugh and tripped over Savio’s midsection, tumbling into a rack full of yo-yo’s. When he pulled himself to his feet, he was covered in string. He pushed and pulled them to the side, but that only made matters worse as the string tightened around him. When he was finally nothing but a tangled mess, he fell to his side, struggling. With an aggravated sigh, he stopped, knowing that it was no use. That’s when he realized that Savio was snickering uncontrollably.

    “Apparently, it’s still you, mi amigo,” he taunted.

30) Clear and Concise [XVIII]

    “All right, we all got the plan, now?” the Amarillo Kid asked Gomer and Bo, the gophers.

    “Sure do, Kid,” Gomer answered. “You go’n trick Private into thinkin’ we threatenin’ to steal yer shell and then we go’n trick all them penguins to come steal the Westchester Putter while Private helps you grab it.”

    “No, I’m goin’ to trick Private into thinkin’ yer goin’ to steal my shell if we don’t steal the Westchester Putter that I’m supposedly goin’ to use to beat you two at a game. Then yer goin’ to trick them other penguins to come here so we’s can trap ‘em by tellin’ them that I tricked Private into helping me steal the Westchester Putter in the first place, and trick them into comin’ to us so’s we can trap ‘em all so’s they don’ come after us,” Kid explained.

    “Right,” Bo replied. “So, you go’n trick Private into stealin’ the Putter and we go’n trick the penguins into chasin’ after you and then we go’n trap ‘em and make ‘em watch you play golf with us.”

    “No,” Gomer disagreed. “We’re go’n trick the penguins into followin’ Kid to the Putter so’s they can steal it and give it to us!”

    “Yer both wrong! Listen, I’m trickin’ Private into stealing the Putter with me ‘cause he’s goin’ to think yer threatenin’ to take my shell. Then yer gonna trick the other penguins into thinkin’ that I hornswoggled you two out of all yer belongin’s and yer gonna lead them to me and Private. We’re gonna trap ‘em and steal the putter ourselves,” Kid explained again.

    “Right. You trick Private into stealing the Putter, then we trick the other penguins into comin’ so we can take your shell and personal belongin’s,” Bo answered.

    “What?! No! That’s not what I said! Look, all you need to know is that you need to trick the penguins into comin’ after Private by tellin’ them that I hornswoggled you. When they get there, we’ll trap the penguins and take off with the Putter. Is that clear, now?”

    Bo and Gomer nodded.

    “Oh, wait, so when do we take yer shell?” Bo asked.

    “You don’t! We just need Private to think y’are!” Kid answered angrily.

    “Then we make the penguins think we stole the Putter so’s they come after Private?” Gomer asked.

    Kid gripped his head in and threw it back in frustration.

    “No! That doesn’t even make sense! Listen, just get the penguins to come after Private! All right?!”

    “But I thought you were trickin’ the penguins,” Bo inquired scratching his head.

    “We’re all trickin’ the penguins!” Kid said through clenched teeth.

    “And we’re trickin’ Private,” Gomer said with an understanding nod.

    “No, I’m trickin’ Private! Yer trickin’ the other penguins!” Kid said pointing angrily at them.

    “So, yer trickin’ Private, we’re trickin’ the other penguins, and Private’s goin’ to steal the Putter, and we’re gonna trap the penguins?” Bo asked.

    “Yes,” Kid said with relief.

    “Then we take your belongin’s?” Gomer added.

    Kid took a deep breath of frustration and turned to the side, repeatedly banging his forehead into the wall.

    Gomer and Bo exchanged a glance. Bo scratched his head and looked back to the Amarillo Kid.

    “You all right, Mr. ‘Marillo Kid?”

— § —

[XII]        This takes place preceding The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole.

[XIII]        This takes place preceding Roomies.

[XIV]    This takes place during the beginning of The Officer X Factor.

[XV]        This takes place following A Kipper For Skipper. For anyone who doesn’t know, Abraham Lincoln was The United States of America’s sixteenth president and was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865 at Ford’s Theatre. Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor who was killed by his best friend, Brutus and company, by stabbing him several times in ancient Rome. And lastly, Bonnie and Clyde were two famous criminals during The United States’ Great Depression in the early- to mid-1900s.

[XVI]    I’m seriously worried about myself now. I have a feeling you are, too.

[XVII]    This takes place preceding Our Man In Grrfurjiclestan.

[XVIII]    This takes place preceding Showdown On Fairway 18.

Extra Side Note: I realize that it’s really easy to do skits in relation to an episode. LOL
posted by Bluepenguin
The penguins are working on a new secret operation on protecting the HQ if Dr. Blowhole ever ambushes them. Skipper stands beside an ancient looking projector that shows the defenses that Kowalski will have to create today, and the barriers that Rico and Private will have to set up as Skipper plans the whole process.
Skipper: Ok, so on the left side, we'll add in a electrification fence. 10,000 bolts of sheer mortal danger will definitely stop that bottlenose freak!
Private: But Skippa, shouldn't we put some fence over around the right side of the HQ too?
*Skipper slaps Private*
Skipper: Private!...
continue reading...
posted by Amberpet
We see the penguins doing whatever they usually do in their room when Julien comes in)
Julien: Hi silly penguins. Why is there a big present in my kingdom, but you have 3 presents up there?
Private: What?
Skipper: Let's take a look.
(They go up and look)
Skipper: Kowalski, analysis.
Kowalski: We have 3 transfers from the Hoboken zoo and I will bet my left flipper thats the one in the lemur habitat is too.
Private: I wonder if they are girls.
Skipper: That is highly unlikely.
(The penguins inside break down a side of their crates)
Tiggie: Girls! We're here!
Princess: Neat. I wonder if there willl be unicorns...
continue reading...
posted by CoolNala
Part 3 - Love and Imprisonment

005 (Leah) is about to talk to her boss again, courtesy of a web cam on her computer while at the palace.
Blowhole: "Glad to hear from you again, Agent 005."
005: "Yes. And I have new intel on that jewel you were looking into."
Blowhole: "Do tell me." 005: "Well, it's known as the Ocean Jewel. The King didn't specifically say what it did, but, he did say if it went into the wrong hands, the results would be catastrophic." Blowhole: (laughing in a dolphin voice) "Then it must do some pretty powerful things. I must have it. I will assemble a great team of agents to...
continue reading...
Note: The following is the first of three samples I will be posting here of my writing project “A Skilene-Filled September.” In the project, I will write and publish one short story daily in the month of September 2010 which will explain one possible way that Skipper and Marlene could get together for the first time. My personal writing style has always been to portray Skipper and Marlene as just really good friends and to only “hint” at something more, but I have decided to exempt this project -- and only this project -- from that standard.

On, a much longer...
continue reading...
CHAPTER ONE: Long time no see, bro!

It was around 10:00 pm in the New York City. Alice the Zookeeper was standing in front of the kitchen desk, her ears full of classic rock music, shaking her hips in dancing moves and humming her favourite song. She was in quite a good frame of mind right now. The visitors were gone, the animals were fast asleep, the whole zoo area was dead calm and still and nobody would interrupt her. Since she had the whole kitchen to her own disposition she decided to take the advantage of it and prepare herself her favourite meal, Perfetto Deluxe, she hadn't been eating...
continue reading...
posted by Lzk94pzpom
heres my facts about me and its all true and yes im more crazier then Rico xD (don't tell him that i said that) anyway this is my facts about me and i love my bazooka&my bloody swords!!! im the awesomeness penguin girl ever! take that Giselle! BOOM-SHAKA-NA! im more stronger then you! xD (the shot thing doesn't count so don't point it out)to the others,this is my info but don't copy my info! if you do i will bring my bazooka! and my bloody swords xD Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

favorite sport:

heres mines
posted by Penguin11
My first ever Kico fic! :D
I sit silently watching Kowalski from afar.
Watching the penguin create is my only redemption from the empty void I call life.
And I sit here, taking in Kowalski with all of my senses.
Sound? His voice melts my soul and sends tingles down my spine every time he addresses my name.
Touch? He was softer than the tiniest down feather of a newly hatched goose.
The touch of Kowalski sends me wild.
Sight? Eyes like the vast ocean, and a black and white body like that of the homeland Antarctica.
Smell? A touch of salmon, some phosphoric acid, salt...
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~ it needs 2 to love ~

This is a story about friendship and love.
How would emotions change the penguin's life? Can the heart be stronger than the psyche?

This here's the story.

Surprise, Surprise.

Marlene was enjoying herself in her bright pool, singing loudly and swimming a few rounds, as suddenly an animal landed with a big splash in the water.
Marlene got frightened, she quickly turned to the animal who couldn't swim.
''Hold on!'', she shouted and swam as fast as an arrow to save the poor animal. It was a rendeer.

She carried it in her habitat and as she looked at the rendeer's face, she smiled...
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posted by Penguin11
My hands clung to the blood like Velcro. Had this really happened? I asked myself repeatedly. I would always get the same answer.

Now I walk down the street, with fear on my face that another innocent soul has been murdered. I walk, and I walk. I watch all of the suspicious characters. I pull my hood closer, hoping to seek comfort in the world I now know. I know it is cruel. I keep on walking.

Now I am almost to my apartment. I pray to god to keep me safe. He replies. I walk home unscathed, even though knowing I must walk into the cruel world again. I sit on the couch, to eat a snack, and thank...
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~ A Far, Far Better Thing ~

At precisely 0345 in the morning, Skipper dove out of his bunk to shut off the alarm clock he had set for himself before its noise woke up the others. He had only 45 minutes to prepare before he met with Marlene to take her down into the sewer to hideout from the humans, namely the zoo staff that were tasked with preparing her to be transported to St. Louis.

“I’m gonna need the energy today,” Skipper said to himself as he waddled over to a cabinet and removed four coffee mugs, holding two by the handles in each flipper. “I...
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posted by Camillebas
It was night, all animals in the zoo were sleeping. Kowalski lay twitching in his sleep, he was dreaming. He was running throgh a jungle that some-what resembled the reptile house. A large creature was chasing him.He was running on a small dirt path that cut through the trees,there was many bushes and dense plants bordering it. Kowalski could't tell what the creature was because it was following him while staying in the bushes. There was s growl and it lept from the bushes, just before the creature landed on Kowalski, it turned into a female penguin. She pinned him to the ground and smiled...
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posted by EmoCupCake
Hello! I'm back with another oneshot, 'bout private this time! Disclaimer: I don't own POM, but I do own my OC's Chuck,
Melony, and their mom and dad. :P Warning: There is no warning.


Private had always been afraid of badgers. He never quite knew why. Perhaps it was their vicious looking teeth. Or maybe it was simply because they were bigger than him. But, when Private was assigned to spy on the new niehbors, he had no idea what was waiting for him inside that habitat. He skipped all the way there, excited. He jumped right over the fence into...
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posted by KowalskiGirl345
S: Ok we need to spit up, Marlene zoo, Rico city, Kowalski park, and I will surch the sewers, now go!
(all of them splitted up for the surch)


S: Find him yet?
M: No.
R: Nada!
S: Kowalski find him yet?
M: What the heck is up with him?!
S: Nobody knows, he probly went home, lets go!
( they went to the penguin habitat)
S: Kowalski? Kowalski? Were are you?
P: Hi Skipper!
M: Private, where were you?
S: And weres Kowalski!
P: Oh he said he seen a spider again and ran to his lab, and he was screaming!
S: Rico, stop with the laughing!
R: Sorry.
K: Hey guys!
R: Whats up!
S: well it night time so we need to go to bed.
M: Wait!... Why did you sream Kowalski?
K: I seen a spider that keped on chasing me, so I ran off.
S: Um... ok? Lets go to bed, yaw need to too.
posted by skipperluvs
Chapter 9

Rico opened his eye a little and peeked. He then saw a pair of red eyes glaring down into his blue eyes. They turned round and round until it couldn’t find Rico, and then the red blurred out. Rico turned back to see Dru, who was looking at the files delivered by Richard.

“Huh…The North California Zoo.” She chuckled suspiciously. She then turned to Rico and spread the files on the table. It was one perfectly sealed letter coming from the North California Zoo. She ripped the edges slowly and out she popped a letter. Dru read it out loud. “You are invited to my wedding.”...
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posted by Marlenelover101
Private woke-up feeling foggy. Where was he? Oh yeah. The hospital. Recovering from surgury to get rid of his disease. Private shuddered. But where was Skipper? Then he come in focase. He remembered everything. He started to cty. "A good soldier never shows weakness to the enemy" he said to his self. He never thought he would say this, but, for now, the enemy was the humans.
"Oh, my head, Kowalski! What are you doing here? And ring tail too? How many..." Skipper was cut off in mid sentence. "As many as I could. Skipper,
Private is missing. We...
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posted by Marlenelover101
The day started out like all others. The only excepction was that Private was missing "Kowalski,
options." said Skipper. "Eather Private was kidnapped by Dr.Blowhole or the humans took him." said Kowalski. "I say it was Blowhole." said Skipper. "Maby." repled Kowalski. __________________________________________________

Private woke up in the hosbital. He overheard the doctor say he was sick with a new desise. "He'll be staying here for a while. I think the others are O.K. but you had better bring them in for a check-up." The other penguins were brought in and were found desie free. All but Skipper....
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I tried my very best not to give away spoilers. But i failed. :(

I am watching Blowhole's Revenge right now, this very moment. :3 Being the first-ever Blowhole fangirl to actually CONFESS her fangirl-ness, I figure I'll give a by-the-minute review. It'll be a casual, somewhat geeky review.




Well, we got the original title screen. The old-school BOMB one. Nostalgic. :P

The title screen is VERY cinematic. Western style. Artsy. And already hilarious....
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Editers note: hi. okay, so here is part five. ... i actually don't know what i should say. um, enjoy.

Skipper could barely keep his eyes open. He wanted the confort of his bunk, but he knew he was up this early for a reason.

Rico was also up, but was dozing off again. Johnson was woken up by Skipper, but when he realized how early it was, he swore, threatened Skipper not to wake him up again for another hour, and fell back asleep. Skipper didn't bother to wake up Manfredi after that. Kowalski was sleeping like a baby in his bunk. Skipper didn't want to wake him up because of how peaceful he...
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posted by Tripenguinman
So, what're the chances of our favorite pairings? No matter which is most loved, the possiblity is always important but a crusher. For the sake of the fans, I have put together the likliness of these three pairings: Skilene (Skipper/Marlene), Marski (Kowalski/Marlene), and the new Mico (Rico/Marlene).

Skilene- Though the relationship is shown budding on the TV show, the two are hard to get together. If you look, Skipper shows the most attention and affection to Marlene but comparing their personalities, they just aren't that compatiable. Marlene: Strong-willed, playful, selfless, and independent....
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posted by KowalskiTheLich
And so King Julien attempted to organize a late night party. He did manage to throw one on Thursday night, but the party was such a bust (the room was very cramped, there was nothing to eat and King Julien insisted that everyone form a conga line even after several animals made it clear they did not want to). The next night, Julien announced that he was going to be throwing a second party and the second he did so nearly all of the animals that were listening walked away, mumbling about how they would write notes to themselves reminding them not to go. Julien, frantically trying to think of...
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