Penguins of Madagascar Club
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posted by EppofangirlXD
"This is the monkey habitat," Danny announced, waving around. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Actually, we're chimpanzees, not monkeys," a chimp with a British-like accent said. He was picking up a banana peel that the other chimp had thrown on the ground. "You see, we don't have tails."

"Whateva," Julien rolled his big yellow eyes. "A monkey's a monkey, tail or no tail!" Then he doubled over laughing with Mort, who had a REALLY high-pitched squeal.

The other chimp scowled and signed something in what I assumed was sign language. He caught my interest.

"What did he just sign? Why doesn't he just talk?" I asked the British-sounding chimp.

"Phil, here, doesn't talk. And, uh, you don't want to know what he just signed." Mason said.

I looked over at Julien, who was still laughing, and decided that Mason was right.

The sky was still gray.

In the next habitat was this ginormous creature. I just gawked and gawked. "This is Burt. Burt, this is Marlene." Dad said.

"Hi!" Burt greeted.

I kept on staring. I have never seen an animal so big! Well, actually, I had seen some bigger whales back at the aquarium, but still, Burt looked so different!

To avoid looking like a jerk, I shook paws with his trunk. After Julien stole some peanuts from him without him noticing (leaving Danny to tell him to give them back), we went on to the next habitat.

Next was the kangaroo habitat, where I had a speedy greeting with Joey, the inhabitant, and then we got out of there quickly before he could kick us out.

The sky was still gray. It looked like not a sad cloud was moving.

Then we traveled from there to the rhino habitat, and then the polar bar one, then the spider monkeys, then alligator, then ostrich, then a habitat FULL of all these flamingos who all completely freaked me out when they flocked over to say hi.

All this may sound like a lot, but really, the zoo was quite small. The habitats didn't have much space. After we went through the reptile house and childrens' zoo, I was all tired out. Yes, the zoo was small, but the tour was LONG. Especially when Roger, the alligator, had to go and tell us his looooooooong story about the dream of being a singer and actor he had and wanted to follow.

"Is that all?" I asked in a voice that I hoped did not sound snobby or anything.

"Nope! Two more habitats!" Robert said. "Next is the koala one!"

"Ooh! Koalas!" I said. Actually, I did not know much about them aside from the fact that they were fuzzy and cute!

"His name is Leonard." Danny said as we hopped into the habitat. "Koalas sleep in the day and wake at night, so he's not awake right now."

"Oh rilly?" Shouted Julien. "Maybe he's just pretending with us and is actually awake with his eyes closed all the while thinking how stupid you guys are to think that he is sleeping!" He hopped on the tree brunch Leonard was on. "Come on, Leo! You can stop faking now!"

Then he kicked Leonard's behind. Well, apparently he kicked too hard because the next thing everybody knew, Leonard was tumbling down to the hard ground.

"No!" Everybody but Julian cried out.

It was too late. Leonard slammed into the ground and jolted awake. "WHA–?"

Everyone ran over to help him up. "Don't touch me!" He exclaimed. "I can't believe you woke me up! At least you're not the penguins…"

"Penguins?" I asked. Was that the next habitat?

"Yes, penguins," Leonard said mysteriously, brushing himself off. "They are bad. And weird. You do not want to meet them. Not ever!"

"Oh, come on–" Danny started.

But Julien interrupted him. "Oh yes! You don't want to know them! They must be banned! Especially that flat-headed one!"

These two animals were crazy. They didn't honestly mean that, right? No animal could have been worse than Joey. "Are you sure?" I asked the koala.

"Ye–" He suddenly fell to the floor again. This time, sleep had struck him.

"Let's go there now," Robert suggested.

"Oh, no no no no no!" said Julien.

"Great, where is it?" I asked, ignoring Julien.

"It's at the very center of the zoo," said Danny.

Very center? Wow. How had I not noticed it before?

We walked to the habitat in the middle of the zoo and jumped across the fence and water inside the habitat to land on this white platform-like thingy.

"So. Where are the penguins?"

I think that that was the millionth question I had all day. But I really did not see any penguins.

"They are probably in their stupid HQ." Julien rolled his eyes, pushed aside a fishbowl I had failed to notice, and hopped in the hole it had covered before anybody could do anything.


Millionth and first question.

My dad smiled. "Just come on in." Then he and the rest of the lemurs hopped into the hole.

Puzzled, I jumped in after them. Inside, I could here an argument occurring. Julien's voice and a different one. Extremely curious now, I climbed down a metal ladder into a gray room that looked nothing like a penguin's living environment, or even a different habitat for that matter. It looked impressive.

And then I saw them.

All four penguins.

Everybody turned to look at me when they heard my jaw drop to the ground. I stared at the birds more than I stared at the elephant because, dang, these animals were, well... gorgeous!

"Speak up, doll face," ordered one penguin who obviously had pure authority. He even had a flat head, just like Julien had described. "What, do I have a coffee stain or something?" he asked.

I could not speak. His voice was awesome. My mind was lost in the gray clouds outside.

All the guys were looking at me. I suddenly wondered how it was weird that I was practically the only girl in the zoo. But then that thought also vanished into the clouds.

"You guys, this is Marlene. Marlene, this is–" Danny said.

"I can introduce myself," The flat-headed penguin interrupted. He held out his flipper. "My name is Skipper. And this is my team, Kowalski, Rico and Private."

I only had enough of a mind to shake his cold (cold?) flipper and stammer "T-team?"

"We keep the zoo nice and orderly," a cuter penguin chirped.

Wow. His British accent was even more amazing!

Julien and the Koala were both wrong. These birds were awesome. Although the first penguin's handshake had left a chill in my paw. Hmm. His flipper had felt as cold and as hard as ice. It creeped me out, but I guessed that all penguins' body's were like that.

They were extremely beautiful. Maybe it was their eyes that showed it all. Their eyes were super bright blue.

We all talked a bit more before I left with my dad and lemurs except for Julien. He had stayed behind to argue a little bit more with the penguins. That guy was a jerk.

When we reached the otter habitat again, I flumped down onto my bed, dazed, and thought about my day and so much that I had learned.

The penguins' habitat was the best. Perhaps I was crazy but... I wanted to go back there again.
added by Sw33tPoMFan
penguins of madagascar
added by Cowtails
Julien sat there on the ground screaming and crying....staring at Maurice's lifeless corpse...he was all alone...he didn't know what to do...the loud cracks is all he heard besides his screaming...why he thought...why did Maurice kill himself!!

Suddenly...a fox with glasses came in the bathroom...she was wearing glasses as it seemed...and she had these fish eyes that startled julien when he saw her...

Julien:w-what do u want?!

???: your friend is dead it seems...

Julien:a-are u trapped in this school like me...?

???: yes...but I'm already dead...I died a while ago...


???:my names naho...and...
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Skipper and the other survivors were all determined to get out of here, with thier courage left making them go on, they continued along the huge building searching for any means of sachiko. Soon, after a while of walking around, a huge earthquake had begun.

Rico: whoa! This ones huge, unlike the other ones!

Everyone fell to the ground, struggling to not get separated again, they all held hands, the earthquake was ongoing until all of them fell unconscious.

Skipper and the others woke up, who were startled to find that the earthquake had changed the school completely! Instead if it Bieng dark,...
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posted by Metallica1147
Author’s Note: Sorry for the long wait. School’s been a pain for me as of late since I’m a Senior in high school and I need to do all these Senior things and get ready for the big day and all. And writers block really didn’t help either. XD But I want to say thank you to stlouisfan who helped me in the writing of this chapter. Thanks dude!

Chapter 4: The Final Clue

After a day and a half of waddling, Private could make out something in the distance along the rocky landscape. It was large and gray, but at this distance he couldn't tell what it was. But as he got closer, he could make...
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posted by legendary7
"There's something else you should probably see." Celeste sighed. Great, there's more! Just when Private thought it was hard, it had a chance of being worse. Truly, Private didn't want to ask his next question. Once again he would have to.
"What is it?" Private asked in a whisper. "Is it about your powers?"
She nodded. "It has something to do with them. In order to show you it, I need to use them." Private buried his face into her feathers, as he fluffed them with his fins gently. "Also, you need to remember that none of this I'm going to show you is real." She breathed.
"But then how are you-"...
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Skipper and Katherine hid Private behind themselves and stepped back.
"Ok, Blowhole, we give up, but let Private go" Skipper said.
"No!" Private protested.
"Why?" Blowhole asked ignoring Private.
"If you let him go, he'll promise he won't disturb you anymore" Katherine said.
"Ok, run away from here, Private" Blowhole said.
"No, I don't want to leave you" Private said with tears in eyes.
"We have got a plan, don't worry, I love you son" Skipper said.
"We love you" said Katherine and they hugged for the last time.
"Have we got a plan?" Katherine asked when Private went out of lab to Kowalski and Rico....
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posted by sowem
The group left destruction everywhere they searched, but Joey just kicked all of them out of his habitat. Skipper enjoyed destroying Julien's habitat.

Skipper: Lets look in the Park.

Private: Wait a minute! That's him!
Private pointed to Kowalski trying to swim to their island with Maurice's body.

Everyone went into the penguins habitat. Kowalski jumped through the hole into the HQ and activated lockdown.

Kowalski: That should keep them out for about 2 hours, maybe?

He quickly rushed into the lab and went here and there to finish the ray in time.
He thought for a minute.

Kowalski: How am I going to...
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“Ok, nice to meet you, we must came back to zoo, so, bye” said Skipper.
“Wait a minute, leader”
“Do you know who is leader?”
“You can’t go” said Prince and laughed.
“Because I have him” said Prince and caught Private.
“Help!” screamed Private.
“Hey! Let him go!”
Dark Prince laughed.
“Ok, what are you want?”
“You must gave me a magical Black Rose” said Prince.
“We haven’t got any black roses, Rico?”
Rico checked his stomach.
“Sorry” he said.
“See? Now give us Private”
Prince only laugh and he hurt him by a rose thorn.
“What are you doing!?”...
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    Skipper and Eve continued walking through New York. It was almost sundown again, and snow was still drifting gently from the dark cloudy sky. They hadn’t gotten far within the last few hours. It was difficult to walk through such harsh weather. To try to keep as warm as possible, Skipper and Eve were walking with their flippers around each other, pulling each other close.

    “Hey Eve…”

    “Yeah Skipper?”

    “I think I found a way we can get out of this cold without stopping.”

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Chapter 2: Priva's Dream about Private
"Wow!That was a nasty surprise."Private exclaimed. "Tell me about it."Priva said "Listen,all of you! Do you think you could defeat us? Thanks to the Ice King and Queen, we now have lots of powers to freeze you all."Girlhole said. They laughed evilly and the television turned off. When they explained the whole story, Kowalska had a second thought. "We have to disguise you as penguins so Albert won't recognize you. Probably, Rica will make the bunks."Kowalska said. Kowalska got one of her inventions...
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posted by legendary7
A beautiful penguin rested in her deep, shady domain. Lullabied by the steady rythmn of the waves, she remained still. Her acute senses picked them up right away. They were coming for her, once again, and she knew it.
This time, it would be different, though: she would be free, or so she thought. It was what she had trained for, her whole hardshipped life.
In the deep ocean, she could see nothing. She relied on scent, instinct, strength, speed, stealth, and hearing alone. The boat was coming toward her.
The usual bait they threw her, now seemed like only crumbs compared to her new diet. Her...
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posted by peacebaby7

"Do you, Amanda Claythorne, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Asked the preacher. "I do." Amanda said happily. The preacher smiled. "And do you, Hans Gruber, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Hans looked at his wife to be. "I do." He said in his Danish accent. "Then by the powers invested in me...I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride." The preacher announced. Amanda and Hans shared a kiss, and their friends stood and clapped lightly.

3 Years Later...

Hans came running into the apartment, he was still wearing his military uniform, but it...
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posted by werockz
Everyone went crazy including Skipper and Rico. the lemurs cannot stop. Just then, Private saw his CD that he downloaded from the internet. "Kowalski, I got an idea."Private briefly explained and Kowalski found it interesting.

Meanwhile, everyone went to the HQ. Suddenly, Private and Kowalski started the music.

Private: My hot dog's dead..

My pizza's dead.

My cupcake is dead.

Kowalski: Oh, uh, my doughnut's dead. My burger's dead.

My milkshake is dead.

Finn: All of our favorite foods

are totally dead.

They can not procreate in little food beds.

We'll eat them up

and turn them into stuff.

Kowalski: And we'll cry over their graves,

but ya can't cry enough...

Private and Kowalski: When you miss someone you love you can't cry enough.

Everyone stopped. The curse broke and everyone cheered for them even Skipper and Rico. Soon, they never forgot the day ever again.
posted by legendary7
When they finally reached the yard, four penguins stood with their backs to them. Just that instant, all the penguins turned facing them. Their Expression were like female clones of their own. Skipper was stunned as the majestic leader glared at him. "Ramona, ..... um it's nice to see you, again." Skipper gulped hard. "I wish I could say the same. Well, I see you're late, as always." She rolled her eyes. "You know, I wasn't usually late." Skipper corrected. "For us, you are." She shot back. "If it's an apology you want, ... I have nothing to say." He concluded stalking off. "We're not done...
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posted by sweetyKneul
Private was in a forest. It was night. The full moon gave the trees an eerie glow. In addition, it was cold. Private looked around.
In the 2nd Level he had to fight alone. It seemed logical to look for the flag. His opponent would be evident. So he went into the dark forest.
Actually, he should be scared. All alone in a dark forest. But he felt oddly safe, the forest seemed to calm him down. He went deeper and deeper into the forest.
No sign of life. It was such as only he were here in the woods.
But he knew he wasn’t!
Somewhere behind the dark trees his enemy was waiting for him...he just knew...
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Any More Advice?: Take 1

Skipper: "If all goes well, we'll see you alive at dawn. With the previously mentioned souvenir in hand."

Kowalski: "And if not...*sniffles*...You'll'll be fine."

Private: "But wait! I-I'm not ready! *whine* Any more advice, survival guide audio book?"

Tape Recorder: "This recording will self destruct...Right now..."

Rico: "AAAAAAAAAAAA!" *hits Private in the head with the baseball bat*

Private: "Owwww!" *pass out*

Any More Advice?: Take 2

Private: "But wait! I-I'm not ready! *whine* Any more advice, survival guide audio book?"

Tape Recorder: "This recording will self...
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Sugar High: Take 1

Private: "Too much sugar? What does Skipper know about sugar? I love sugar & I'm the blestrecker, bleh! Sorry, mouth got dry."

Sugar High: Take 2

Private: "Too much sugar? What does Skipper know about sugar? I love sugar & I'm the best reckon man ever! I see a fire truck!...Or is it engine? Script!"

Sugar High: Take 3

Private: "Too much sugar? What does Skipper know about sugar? I love sugar & I'm the best reckon man ever! I see a fire engine! WEEWOOWEEWOO! Arrg, I'm a pirate! Wow! A caterpillar! My name backwards is...Wait, what is my name backwards?"

Sugar High:...
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Knock knock
Who's there?
Rico's bomb
Rico's b-
(this joke takes place on Private's first day at the zoo)
Private: Wow! This place is huge!
Kowalski: It really isn't that big.
Private: Who else lives here besides you and Skipper?
Kowalski: Rico, Johnson, and Manfridi.
Private: I like the name Rico. Tell me more about him.
Kowalski: Well, he loves things that explode, he likes to make things explode, you can just say that he is an exploding machine!
Private: Is there a problem with that?
Kowalski: Yeah, no off button.
What is black, white and red all over?
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posted by legendary7
Note: Hey, peeps! I hope you are enjoying this story. I have really enjoyed writing this story. It gets really sad, and I even teared up typing this. Thanks so much for reading. You guys rock! ;) I'd appreciate some comments this time. Thanks so much!

A man stepped in the room, a whip and two muzzles in his hands. Cracking the whip, he sent all the penguins running, expect for Rico who just gain consciussness. The man lashed Rico's back and Rico turned to growl, but the man lashed at him more. Rico pounced up trying to attack the foe. Instead of reaching his objective, Rico was seized and hushed...
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