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This one is a bit short....

Chapter Ten

    “IVAN!” I yelled and reached for his hand. Missed.

    Arthur and Francis held on tightly to Ivan, as did the others and I, but the Creep was too strong. Ivan was pulled down into the brush, and we heard a terrible scream. Ripping. Wet noises. More screaming. And soft moaning.

    “N-n-no...!” I stuttered. Ivan was a strong man. He couldn't have been taken down that easily. No...

    Alfred went running toward to bush. “No! Maybe we can save him!” He pulled out his gun and shot the Creep who took Ivan. No mercy. He reached down and dragged Ivan out of the bush. Ivan was bleeding pretty bad, and half of his right hand was missing.

    “Two hours....” Kiku muttered sadly.

    “Three, if you count symptoms.” I responded.

    Ivan was clutching his had, groaning softly. I knelt down and started carefully wrapping his hand in bandages, trying not to cause him any more pain. Three of his fingers were gone, and I noticed that he was missing a hunk of his leg too. The smell of the blood was getting to me. I felt a bit woozy. But I continued wrapping his wounds, and found a good stick for him told hold onto with his good hand and use as a cane. We pushed on until dusk, and that was when Ivan started coughing. Soon the coughing turned to hacking a wheezing, and he lost his balance. He clung to a tree to keep from falling, but he slumped to the ground. The others sat beside him, but I knew there was no hope. We had no cure yet. There was noting we could do but watch.

    As the sky grew a bit darker, his symptoms got worse. He could barely move.

    “How much time does he have?” I asked to no one in particular.

    “About ten minutes.” Gilbert said.

    How could this have happened to him? He was one of the strongest men I knew. Ah, what about his sisters? What about T? What will happen...

    “Zana...” I heard Ivan choke.

    I turned around. “Yeah, Ivan?”

    “Shoot me...” He moaned.


    “....Shoot...me....” He struggled. “Before I turn in to one of.. them...”

    “But why me?!” I cried.

    He smiled weakly. “You're a good aim....”

    I choked back a sob. I couldn't shoot him. I couldn't....

    “Please...” He begged.

    Gilbert placed a gun in my hands. My legs trembled as I raised it.

    “Thank you.”

    A tear rolled down my cheek as I pulled the trigger.
added by kaboomgirl
Source: A test. On a site.
added by kaboomgirl
Source: Me
added by kaboomgirl
Source: A test. On a site.

    Raining. Again. I guess I'm used to it, though. Sighing loudly, I turned to my brother.
    "Arthur, when is he getting here?" I asked.
    "He should be here by now. Don't worry, Scottie, I'm sure you'll like him"
    It was a dreary afternoon at my bro's house, which was technically my house too, but I don't really stay there often. Arthur had invited his girlfriend, Tallulah, to a romantic candle-lit dinner at the house. Well, I threw a fit. No one was going to be at the main house, so...
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Chapter Fourteen

    Another dead. That made, what, four? I no longer felt grief; I felt anger. Why did this have to happen? Why? I kicked the tree. Then started pounding my fists against it, wanting it to go away. Just go away! It was then that I realized I was screaming. There needs to be someone to blame. Someone to blame for all of this! But I know there isn't. It''s no one's fault. No one single person caused this. The scientists were trying to kind a cure, they weren't doing anything wrong. It wasn't their fault. It wasn't Ludwig's fault he was dead. It was mine....
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posted by kaboomgirl
This is just a little article I decided to write in order to explain my characters and their minds a bit better...

Dennis - Dennis, Dennis... where do I start? He's a bit.... eh.... strange, in a way. He's usually calm, cool, and collected, but sometimes.... he snaps. A little. Just don't mess with him, okay? There's about a 50/50 chance he'll laugh it off or rip your throat out.

Daisy - Let's just say she doesn't think much. She acts on impulse like you wold not believe. She's always trying to stick her nose in other people's business and help them, but she doesn't really. On a heavier note,...
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posted by MarineHolocaust
As always, if you're not on the Random rp, don't read this.
I can't wait until we get to the exciting parts. Wow anyways from where we left off, yes? Same scene? Oh also, Sav, don't know if you realize it but in the title "Captivated" is used entirely wrong mind if I change that it bothers me, it's misleading. The updates will probably take long blah blah blah....

Ah, did the kid seem to be taken aback at the abrupt response to the innocent questioning~. Upon hearing my reply Finland did seem.... befuddled, da. Truly his confusion slightly confused me as well. How dare he act like we're such...
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YURI TIME //shot

    “Scottie? Open up. I need to talk.” I knocked on her door, standing outside her house, dripping wet. It was about a two-hour drive from my house to hers, but I had walked the entire way, braving the huge thunderstorm raging overhead. Brooding about it all night, I decided to ask dear Ascot about what I should do. I shivered at the thought out yesterday.

    “Zana! Come on in, you're soaked!” A small voice popped out from the door, and a hand reached to pull me in. “What do you need to talk about? The whole Prussia thing?”...
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Now it's starting.

    When I woke, I was in the exact same place. Covered in leaves, I brushed myself off and sat up. Briefly wondering why I wasn't dead, I quickly remembered the fact that I was a state, and that states can't die by the means that I thought I would've. I rubbed my neck and stood up, rummaging through the newly wet leaves for my necklace. Wet? Come to think of it, my clothes felt a bit heavy. I ran my fingers through my hair to check. Yup. It rained. That bastard. Leaving me out in the rain like that. Oh well, I need a shower anyway. I thought of all the...
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Here it is, guys. I was slightly inspired by Derp to do this, because.... yeah I dunno. Just some random thing I wrote. I have no idea how long it will last. I apologize to the people who hate me for this now. I'm sorry to everyone *cough*Me-Iz*cough*. DON'T YELL AT ME Dx In the part, it's a bit shorter than the others, because I was just kind of... getting the feel of it, so to speak. Enjoy the drama. Deep down, I know you people like this sort of thing. You do, don't you? Yes. Yes you do.

    Prussia and I were in one of our usual fights again. Cursing, bleeding, breaking,...
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posted by DementedKitty
finally writing a fanfic again...i'm like so nervous that it's gonna suck so bad. i'm tryin' my hardest here though. so Russia's POV for the whole thing i think. btw these chapters are gonna be a LOT shorter than derp's so dont expect much

Have you ever felt the heartwarming love for a blanket or stuffed animal you once had as a child? A prized possession you never lot leave your sight? Have you brought it with you wherever you went with a tight grip; not wanting anyone to lay a finger on it? I felt that way once, I held that feeling every day from the time I awoke to dawn to the time I lay...
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posted by Skitty_Love
"Yo!" Tally greets with a playful nudge as she comes up from behind me. I was sitting outside of my house, enjoying the afternoon breeze. "Privet." I say with a weak smile. "Wassup? You don't look too well." Tally states. "Yeah.. Well I ran into a couple people today at the market.. And the whole time they were trying to avoid me and gave me stares.. Even the clerk stuttered and evading eye contact. I was just wondering.. If I am really that scary?"
Tally gives me a sweet smile. "Nah, your a big cuddly teddy bear to me. I don't see a single thing scary 'bout you." That made me feel a little...
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posted by Skitty_Love
She has always been there for me. I help her, she helps me. To this day I cannot believe how she accepts me for who I am. That is why whenever I see her I can't help but have a big grin on my face.

"Russia~!" Tally cries and pounces on me from behind. I laugh. This is her usual routine.
"Privet," I reply. But today wasn't any ordinary day. It was Valentines Day. "Happy St. Valentines day!"
"Thanks." She responds. Then, I take out a dozen red and white roses.
Tally gasps. "I-is this for me? You shouldn't have! But thank you, so much." She shines a smile at me then hugs me tightly. "Ooh, I can't...
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added by kaboomgirl
Source: A test. On a site.
added by kaboomgirl
Source: Me
Chapter Nineteen

    “ALFRED!” I screamed.

    His face froze. His whole body did. “Zana.....”

    “Alfred?!” I ran over to him.

    “You should be way more careful.....” He choked. An arrow stuck straight out of his chest, rising and falling with his breathing as it slowed.

    I killed him. My own brother. Just out of my stupidity. God, why was I such an idiot?! No, how could this happen? HOW?! NO! I dropped down beside him as he fell to the ground. “Alfred? Alfred stay with me!”...
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I apologize for your OCs' bloody demise.

Chapter Eighteen

    No, not again. The falling. Always with the falling. Why not float? Why not fly? Because someone said so. But who? Who said so? That's no one's business. But it's my nightmare. Who? Someone beyond your capabilities. But who? No one. Arguments, back and forth, constantly babbling. Shut up. Just shut up already! Shoot me. Straight through the skull. No mercy. NO MERCY! Ludwig. Ivan. Tallulah. Arthur. No. No more. NO MORE! I cried out into the darkness.

    I landed. I landed hard....
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>_> .....

Chapter Sixteen

    I woke up and found myself on the ground. Alfred's arm was still around me, and he was slumped against a tree. My hand was still loosely in Gilbert's, who was splayed out on the ground, his mouth hanging open. I stifled a giggle. I looked at the sky and realized that I had been asleep for a while. It was afternoon. Despite it all, I've kept track of the days. Today was the 8th of November. This day seemed familiar to me, but I was too tired to remember what it was. I rolled over and stood up on my knees. I shuffled over to Gilbert and...
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