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This one is a bit short....

Chapter Ten

    “IVAN!” I yelled and reached for his hand. Missed.

    Arthur and Francis held on tightly to Ivan, as did the others and I, but the Creep was too strong. Ivan was pulled down into the brush, and we heard a terrible scream. Ripping. Wet noises. More screaming. And soft moaning.

    “N-n-no...!” I stuttered. Ivan was a strong man. He couldn't have been taken down that easily. No...

    Alfred went running toward to bush. “No! Maybe we can save him!” He pulled out his gun and shot the Creep who took Ivan. No mercy. He reached down and dragged Ivan out of the bush. Ivan was bleeding pretty bad, and half of his right hand was missing.

    “Two hours....” Kiku muttered sadly.

    “Three, if you count symptoms.” I responded.

    Ivan was clutching his had, groaning softly. I knelt down and started carefully wrapping his hand in bandages, trying not to cause him any more pain. Three of his fingers were gone, and I noticed that he was missing a hunk of his leg too. The smell of the blood was getting to me. I felt a bit woozy. But I continued wrapping his wounds, and found a good stick for him told hold onto with his good hand and use as a cane. We pushed on until dusk, and that was when Ivan started coughing. Soon the coughing turned to hacking a wheezing, and he lost his balance. He clung to a tree to keep from falling, but he slumped to the ground. The others sat beside him, but I knew there was no hope. We had no cure yet. There was noting we could do but watch.

    As the sky grew a bit darker, his symptoms got worse. He could barely move.

    “How much time does he have?” I asked to no one in particular.

    “About ten minutes.” Gilbert said.

    How could this have happened to him? He was one of the strongest men I knew. Ah, what about his sisters? What about T? What will happen...

    “Zana...” I heard Ivan choke.

    I turned around. “Yeah, Ivan?”

    “Shoot me...” He moaned.


    “....Shoot...me....” He struggled. “Before I turn in to one of.. them...”

    “But why me?!” I cried.

    He smiled weakly. “You're a good aim....”

    I choked back a sob. I couldn't shoot him. I couldn't....

    “Please...” He begged.

    Gilbert placed a gun in my hands. My legs trembled as I raised it.

    “Thank you.”

    A tear rolled down my cheek as I pulled the trigger.
>_> .....

Chapter Sixteen

    I woke up and found myself on the ground. Alfred's arm was still around me, and he was slumped against a tree. My hand was still loosely in Gilbert's, who was splayed out on the ground, his mouth hanging open. I stifled a giggle. I looked at the sky and realized that I had been asleep for a while. It was afternoon. Despite it all, I've kept track of the days. Today was the 8th of November. This day seemed familiar to me, but I was too tired to remember what it was. I rolled over and stood up on my knees. I shuffled over to Gilbert and...
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Urgh. Am I stretching this out...? ;-; I'm so sorryyyyyy... I don't even know what's going on in this one. I.... *sigh* xD Just read it. As for Chapter Seventeen, I have no clue when I'll write it. xD

Chapter Fifteen

    “Scottie?! Scottie, are you alright?!” I gripped the phone.

    “Zana, help me! Daze – She's gone crazy! S-she's got a knife!” Scottie screamed again and I heard the phone drop the ground. I heard shouts, thumps, and a final loud crash. Then the phone sounded like it got picked up.

    “Zana, is that you?”...
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MY GOD PEOPLE THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE ONE OF THOSE "ParaRoms"! Jesus.... my friends keep asking me, "Oh! This is going to be a paranormal romance, isn't it?" and I'm like "NO!"..... then I slam my Laptop and walk out.

My temper is awful at times....

By the way, there's a little bit of Gilbert POV in here. Just sayin'....

Chapter Eight

    When I woke the next morning, for a minute, I forgot where I was. I was wearing my favorite jammies, and I was so comfortable. It was cool, because it was Fall. But a little too cool. Sure, I usually leave my window open even though the heater...
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Chapter Seven

    “Zana, can you hear me? Zana? Come on. Wake up. Wake up!”

    My eyes fluttered open. Dennis was standing over me, looking very beaten up. His glasses were askew, and his hair was tangled. Dirt was smeared on his face, as well as something else. Something red...

    “She's awake.” I heard a stressed Gilbert state, sounding a bit relieved.

    “Yeah, she's awake. She took the fall pretty hard, though. Zan, do you remember what's happening?” Dennis asked.

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Yaaaayyyy. It's a bit short this time, but it makes up for the fact. Wink wink. Okay, I should shut up and let you read. xD

Chapter Four

    The street looked completely normal. The sky bright as ever, the trees just as green.

    But something wasn't right.

    There were no wildlife noises. No squirrels scampering up trees, no dogs barking behind fences. No birds chirping. There was no sign of life anywhere. No lights on in houses, no stereos blaring from cars. Nothing. The world had come to a complete stop.

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Just a thing. You don't have to read it. It's only the last part that plays some part in the actual story xD

    “So, you're going to do it?” Asked Gilbert.

    Zana stood on top of the roof, arms spread out to her sides, facing the sky with her eyes closed. I'm going to do it, she thought, I really am. As she spoke those words aloud, she heard running behind her, and a familiar voice.

    “Stop! Zana, what are you doing?! You could hurt yourself!”

    An almost child-like face, in an expression of horror,...
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Somewhere, there was a tiny dream.
A small, thin girl stood in the pitch dark, looking very sad and lonely. She was a dream, and was close to being forgotten. Her chestnut hair fell in her face, her honey-colored eyes searching for a light.
Such a tiny dream it was. No one knew who had dreamt it.
The girl have up on finding light and sat on the floor of the dark, empty space. She was dying.
The tiny dream thought:
I don't want to disappear this way. How do I get people to dream of me?
The little dream thought and thought, and then it came up with an idea.

The dream sat up straight, smirking in awful...
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posted by Me_Iz_Here


Washiogntong waz wikn don de stret wen sudnly a grl canm up wit a gnu. Da grl hld da gniu up ta Wasnkngtons hed nd tld her to giv her de munez. But den Wasndfoitn recoized hur an sed “Belafus iz dat u” nd belarufd sed “YEZ ID MEH I DINT REKINIZ U” n den Washiohnrfgortn kizd hur n dey wivd haply evr aftr cuz dey luv ech uder 5evar

(Dat men dey luv ech uder moar denb 4evr)




Shit, my typing's all fucked up from typing this xD
posted by Me_Iz_Here
Just some random crack I wrote. xD Yeah, I dunno...

    Talullah slowly opened her eyes and groaned at the sunlight streaming in the room. For some reason she was beyond tired. Not the normal tired, EXTREMELY tired. She just wanted to get back to sleep. Wait no, she always wants to sleep. But that’s beside the point. Anyway, she sat up in the bed, looking around. Now that she thought about it, something seemed a little…off. She felt like she was about to throw up and had the worst headache ever. Was she hungover or something? That would explain why she didn’t remember...
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posted by tokidoki123
Real name: Chloe DeMain
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Personality: Happy,Random.
Clothes: White short shorts, Light blue Loose Tee.And socks
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grayish
Infomation: Her Real name is chloe,But call her by her initials,CD (xD) Very hyper,But clumsy
Random,And loves to sing. When she gets mad,She'll Kick Ass-She loves to fight- Tends to curse Alot. Crazy-In a good way~ And is an expert glomper >w<
Favourite food: Burgers,Which Means she steals america's burgers.
Interests: Her phone,anime,And Manga