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This one is a bit short....

Chapter Ten

    “IVAN!” I yelled and reached for his hand. Missed.

    Arthur and Francis held on tightly to Ivan, as did the others and I, but the Creep was too strong. Ivan was pulled down into the brush, and we heard a terrible scream. Ripping. Wet noises. More screaming. And soft moaning.

    “N-n-no...!” I stuttered. Ivan was a strong man. He couldn't have been taken down that easily. No...

    Alfred went running toward to bush. “No! Maybe we can save him!” He pulled out his gun and shot the Creep who took Ivan. No mercy. He reached down and dragged Ivan out of the bush. Ivan was bleeding pretty bad, and half of his right hand was missing.

    “Two hours....” Kiku muttered sadly.

    “Three, if you count symptoms.” I responded.

    Ivan was clutching his had, groaning softly. I knelt down and started carefully wrapping his hand in bandages, trying not to cause him any more pain. Three of his fingers were gone, and I noticed that he was missing a hunk of his leg too. The smell of the blood was getting to me. I felt a bit woozy. But I continued wrapping his wounds, and found a good stick for him told hold onto with his good hand and use as a cane. We pushed on until dusk, and that was when Ivan started coughing. Soon the coughing turned to hacking a wheezing, and he lost his balance. He clung to a tree to keep from falling, but he slumped to the ground. The others sat beside him, but I knew there was no hope. We had no cure yet. There was noting we could do but watch.

    As the sky grew a bit darker, his symptoms got worse. He could barely move.

    “How much time does he have?” I asked to no one in particular.

    “About ten minutes.” Gilbert said.

    How could this have happened to him? He was one of the strongest men I knew. Ah, what about his sisters? What about T? What will happen...

    “Zana...” I heard Ivan choke.

    I turned around. “Yeah, Ivan?”

    “Shoot me...” He moaned.


    “....Shoot...me....” He struggled. “Before I turn in to one of.. them...”

    “But why me?!” I cried.

    He smiled weakly. “You're a good aim....”

    I choked back a sob. I couldn't shoot him. I couldn't....

    “Please...” He begged.

    Gilbert placed a gun in my hands. My legs trembled as I raised it.

    “Thank you.”

    A tear rolled down my cheek as I pulled the trigger.