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posted by KataraLover
It's no secret that I absolutely DESPISE the movie The Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Beginning. It's absolutely insulting, has terrible continuity, the original characters (except for Ariel) are completely different characters, Triton is a one-dimensional and exaggerated version of his former self, the story about music being banned is stupid, the villain is lame with an equally lame song, it's full of plot holes, the new characters are unnecessary and unmemorable, Athena died in a dumb way (Leave the music box you idiot), and it puts more effort into gorgeous animation and good songs (Except for the villain song) instead of a good story and being faithful to The Little Mermaid. However, one thing a lot of people liked about it was that Ariel's sisters were given more personality and more attractive appearances. This is true, although the terrible plot makes their scenes very limited and they're not as fleshed out as they could be. They ranged from one-dimensional to two-dimensional but none of them have a three-dimensional personality.

Anyway, since I disregard pretty much everything from this terrible prequel, I thought I'd make an article of my own fan-made personalities of Ariel's very over-looked sisters. Some of them may have their personalities from Ariel's Beginning but just expanded upon and some might not. Keep in mind, this is just my own fan-made article of what I gave them for personalities. If you don't like it, just ignore it or explain why. Hell, maybe even make your own article about this subject. I have also given most of them some redesigns because I wanted to even out the odds for them compared to Ariel. Let's face it, almost all of them had very weird hair and that was done just so they wouldn't outshine Ariel's beauty. The order I'll be going in is from oldest to youngest. I'm even going to include who I'd have them be voiced by just for the hell of it. I hope you guys like this and comment letting me know what you think. Enjoy!


The oldest daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena, the heir to the throne of Atlantica. She takes her role as the future queen very seriously and tries to do her best to prove she'll be a good leader whenever she can. She often doubts herself and wonders what her mother would think of her if she was still alive, since she was the oldest sibling in her family and was such a beloved queen. However, she's also very athletic and will participate in sporting events, to which she is the champion in almost all of them. She even doubts her own wins sometimes because she thinks others might not have given their best just because her father is the king. She is very protective of her younger sisters but tries not to be bossy or overbearing to them. She's a lot like Marina from Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, Frankie Foster from Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She's very athletic and capable but is also very smart and dutiful. She'll always try to put the needs of her family and her people before her own. She can be quite aggressive and competitive in sports and when it comes to proving both her capability as an athlete and as good leader. Sometimes her aggression can go too far but she's still a good person and will later admit when she was wrong and went too far. She's very caring and compassionate to others but also firm and fair. She even has a bit of a maternal nature to her. It is said by many in Atlantica that out of all of Triton's daughters, Aquata's personality is the most like her mother's.
Voiced by Grey DeLisle


Much like the version of her from Ariel's Beginning, she is very sassy, witty, snarky, and sarcastic. She can also be quite the prankster and whenever she needs help with a prank will always go to Ariel and/or Adella because they have the most sense of humor of her sisters. However, sometimes her pranks can go too far and end up hurting someone and not being funny to anyone else. She'll think it was just supposed to be a joke and didn't mean for it to turn out so badly. After a while, she will apologize when a prank of hers has gone bad. She's someone who tells it like it is and doesn't care what others think but is still a loving and caring person. She doesn't even care that she's the only one of her sisters that has short hair because she actually likes it because it helps her stand out and she doesn't have to do much in the morning to get ready. Whenever someone is being dumb, she'll almost always point it out with a sassy comment. She can be too blunt a lot of the time but sometimes it's that bluntness that people seem to need. She usually doesn't even see how she comes off to people with her comments. She's a lot like Meg from Hercules.
Speaking Voiced by Nicole Sullivan
Singing Voiced by Susan Egan


As you can probably tell from her design being similar to the one she had from the TV series (A FAR superior and faithful prequel), I based her personality off the one she had in the TV series instead of just being a one-dimensional dumb blonde. Out of all the Triton's daughters, she's the most spoiled and selfish but there is more to her than that. At first, she seems like a typical snob and a mean girl but it's to hide her own insecurities. She is jealous of Ariel because she always goes on such fun adventures and always wanted to go on one of Ariel's adventures with her but is afraid to ask (Just like in the episode Beached, which is the undersea equivalent to being grounded). She has a harsh and even kind of grumpy personality, but she cares about her family and her people. She often fights with Ariel but the two of them do love each other and can come together as a powerful and clever duo. Arista is very creative and smart when she's given the opportunity to show she's more than just a pretty face and is far from a dumb blonde. She has a hard time expressing her feelings and tries to cover up her insecurities and fears with a facade but she's not a bully and has a lot more layers to her than she appears. She's very much like Rairity from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in how superficial and overly-dramatic she can be, as well as her tendency to come off as a snob, but still has a good heart and is compassionate. Although, Arista is more afraid to show that side of her and sometimes will do good and selfless acts of kindness (Without expecting anything in return) in secret because she's too embarrassed to have everyone think she's secretly soft. She is often jealous of Adella because of how she's not afraid of what anyone else things, aside from making people happy, but she still loves her.
Voiced by Elizabeth Gillies


She is very much the bookworm of Triton's daughters and her idea of a fun night is curling up with a good book. She reads fiction, history, and all sorts of things. But she doesn't just limit herself to books, she also likes to invent things and tries experiments. She still stays away from human things that fall from above because she knows her father wouldn't approve and she wants to make sure her inventions will be allowed to be used, which they wouldn't be if she used human things to help make them. She's usually tempted by Ariel to use human things she thinks might help the creation of her inventions and experiments faster and more effective. She will often blow up at Ariel for constantly doing so, but will later apologize because she knows her baby sister was just trying to help. She's very intelligent but she isn't the stereotypical smart person that says a lot of fancy words that very few people understand. She'll usually think very rationally, as opposed to Ariel (Especially her, due to her experience with dangerous adventures), Adella, Andrina, and Aquata who allow themselves to think outside the box and take risks in dangerous situations with resourcefulness and street smart (or whatever the undersea version of that is). She's very introverted and usually keeps to herself but is still a loving person that cares about her family and her people. What appears to be a crown on her hair isn't really a crown at all. It's actually one of the tools she uses when working on one of her inventions. She uses it most than any other tool, she always keeps her hair in a bun to keep it from getting in the way when she's working or reading (In case her hair should move in front of her since she is underwater), and on one side it looked like it could be a crown, so she thought she'd wear it as a headpiece so she'd always have it when she'd need it and would never lose it. She is very stubborn in her way of thinking and thinks her way is the best way since she doesn't spend much time with others because of her introverted personality and keeping to herself. This also makes it hard for others to consider her ideas because of how she thinks her way is the right way a lot of the time, even though she's never a snob about it or ever really mean-spirited. Sometimes her ideas work out for the best and sometimes they don't and she has to listen to someone else's ideas. She hopes to become more well-known for being a famous inventor instead of just one of the princesses of Atlantica.
Voiced by Bella Thorne


As you can tell, Adella isn't skinny like her sisters but she's not exactly fat either, more just overweight and stocky. I based this off her design from the animated series. Plus, even in the original movie, she looked heavier than her sisters. She's not the stereotypical loves to eat all the time overweight character and she doesn't have any insecurities about her body at all. She knows she's just built differently from her sisters and doesn't let it bother her at all because she knows she's beautiful in her own way. She's very energetic, positive, loves music, always wants to dance whenever she can, is a party kind of girl but not reckless, is confident, outgoing, and would love nothing more than to make someone smile. She's a lot like Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Tracy Turnblad from Hairspray. Much like Pinkie Pie, people will think because of her silly and party-loving personality that she isn't very bright when both are actually very smart and notice things others don't but are too unfocused and hyper to show it in a conventional way. Because of how unfocused she is, is also the most observant of all of Triton's daughters and thinks outside the box even more than that of Ariel. She's impulsive, but not in the same way Ariel is since Adella doesn't go on dangerous adventures. Her impulsive behavior is more in trying different experiences in social situations, due to her energetic and optimistic personality. She is an attention seeker at times and wants to be considered the life of the party, which can sometimes blow up in her face. She's definitely eccentric and silly but is still smart and not an airhead. If anyone were to harm her family or her people, she will become serious, protective, and even a little aggressive. She's very creative in both fun and games but also in intelligence, despite not being focused enough to channel it. She will not stand for injustice and next to Ariel (of course), is the most upset about the prejudice against humans but isn't vocal about it because she doesn't want to make her father anything but happy. She even tries to make the grumpy Arista and Sebastian happy. Unlike Arista, who keeps all her soft and sweet qualities hidden while her harsher qualities show as a facade to cover her insecurities, Adella is very much the opposite of that. However, she still does all she can to make Arista happy and help her bring out her softer side. She is still far from a pushover usually doesn't let things get to her but when they do, you better watch out.
Voice by Mae Whitman


At last, we come to Alana, the second youngest daughter of Triton. Much like how she was in Ariel's Beginning, she cares a lot about health and beauty, especially her own. Out of all of Triton's daughters, she's the one who takes the longest to get ready in the morning. She and Andrina will have arguments very often, due to their personalities being polar opposites. She also cares about fashion, well as much fashion as there is for a mermaid. She wears a crown because she likes to think of herself as the queen of fashion. However, while she can come off as self-centered and vail, she is still a good and generous person. Whenever there is an event coming up, she always volunteers to help her sisters decide what they're going to wear and help them fix their hair. She loves to look at her own reflection and is pretty superficial, but she never looks down upon anyone like a snob, despite being a little cocky and vain. She is a lot like Rairity from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic because of how she focus' on very little details and can end up wasting time because she's a perfectionist. She is also a lot like Rosetta from the Tinkerbell movies and Blanche from The Golden Girls. She can be a drama queen in a very comedic way. She cares a lot about style and presentation. While she is a bit spoiled and selfish, in the end she'll put the needs of others first. She also has her own form of intelligence and can come across as dainty and helpless but she can be a force to be reconned with that can hold her own, especially if her family and people are threatened. She hates things like dirt and anything slimy and is the girliest out of all of Triton's daughters. She also is very flirtatious with mermen and has broken quite a few hearts. She even makes her own beauty products that make one not only look good but gives them healthier skin. She makes sure her products are 100% organic. She's very knowledgeable about science, which makes her come in handy when Attina needs her help in a certain area that she is actually more knowledgeable about than Attina herself, which Attina hates to admit.
Voiced by Kristin Chenoweth
posted by maryksand
Hey everyone.

Since I've been a member of this club for a year I guess it's time for me to introduce myself. That's why, first and foremost... hi:) My name is Mary (Maria is my full name actually, but I've been Mary everywhere online) and "Ksand" is the first half of my actual last name which is rather long, boring and hard to pronounce even for me. I live in Russia, so English is not my first language - don't judge hard. I'm 23 and yes, I am obsessed with Disney in every way possible.

Cliche to say, but I've been a Disney lover since forever. In my childhood years it used to give me inspiration,...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Dear Diary,
   Well, the honeymoon is over. The fun lasted for about a week and it was so nice. I really felt myself falling for him and growing closer to him. But now he is acting cold and distant, and won't talk to me. He has started spending a lot of time at the mens club. He goes just about every day and comes home late and drunk. The other night when he came to bed I curled up next to him and he pushed me off of him so hard it rolled me off of the bed. He gasped, and then stormed out of the room. He acted as if he felt bad for hurting me, but he didn't apologize. This morning at breakfast...
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posted by Swanpride
Yeah, we nearly there - only one song-category after this one, then a quick look at the scores and then I can wrap this thing up. No pics this time around - I wasn't in the mood to search for something fitting for each song, and those searches sometimes take more time than writing the article.

10. Aladdin: Nope, I don’t deny the “A whole new world” is a great tune. As part of “Happy end in Agrabah” it makes sense, because Aladdin and Jasmine are now flying into a whole new world together. This in mind, I would even be able to excuse that it doesn’t tie in very well with the beginning...
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Oh yes, villain songs – though they are a fairly new Disney tradition, they tend to be one of the high points of every Disney movie. But I didn’t want to ignore the older ones, so I decided to include “villain themes” too. The only one I didn’t list is “Cinderella” – there is some sort of music playing when Lady Tremaine locks her into the tower, but I wouldn’t call it her theme. Her menacing presence works more over the visuals, over the play with light and shadow, than over the sound. That’s not a bad thing, but let’s have a look how the right music can enhance a villain....
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Here's the third article for the Best Disney Princess outfit countdown. It covers the places from 21 to 30. Enjoy!

Read the Best Disney Princess outfit countdown: places 41-55 article link
Read the Best Disney Princess outfit countdown: places 31-40 article link

30. Cinderella - first childhood dress

This dress is somewhat cute, but is definitely not Cinderella's best outfit. The color is nice, but the skirt is too puffy and big. Also the sleeves are a bit weird.

It's so...I dunno. I don't really like it. I know it is for a little girl, but still. - ppgbelle4

It's really childish and the skirt...
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posted by faya27
Normally every morning, Melody would always say good morning to her father.

"Good morning, Melody," said Eric. But she did not on one Saturday morning.

"Melody, I said good morning," Eric was feeling a bit hurt. Melody narrowed her eyes at him. She did not utter a single word. Before Eric could reprimand her manners, Ariel announced that pancakes are ready. Breakfast was also filled uncomfortable silence. Melody poked at her pancakes. Eric only took a few bites of his, feeling awkward.

"Well…," said Eric, sheepishly as he put his coat on. "…I got to go. I'll see you later Miss Benson and...
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Ok here are the results of the Best looking Disney Prince in Sequel as voten by the fanpoppers!

10 Beast in Belle's Magical World

Well i expect that he will leave first! I mean what you wait from him, he were a Beast for the whole movie and even as a Beast he look awful!

What Fans Said:
PrueFever - Urgh..!
CuteDiana - LOL he looks like a teddy bear xD next would be Eric.
ppgbelle4 - Ew. lol
loveandbeauty18 - Sorry beast
alexon31 - He looks kind of silly...
VGfan30 - This is just horrible.
NightFrog - Beast darling.. WHAT have they done to you?
PociandSmith - why? why? did the beast have...
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Charming choked out dirty water as he struggled to stay afloat. He could hear his wife screaming his name somewhere, but the pain in his stomach wouldn't leave his mind alone.
Le Fou was slapping the water with his arms and shouting out nonsense. Among them, Charming heard, "I can't swim!"
Great, Char. Now you're gonna have to do the right thing. He started paddling toward Le Fou but drew back after the pain stung him again. He looked into the black water and saw red coming.
"Le Fou, hold onto Princey!" Gaston yelled.
Le Fou scrambled toward the prince and climbed onto him.
Charming groaned....
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Jasmine and Mulan ran as fast as they could to the ballroom where they found the other princesses.
"Snow White is gone!" They both said at the same time.
Tiana gasped. "What happened?"
"She got sucked into some magic portal," Jasmine replied out of breath. "And it disappeared right after she was gone!"
Cinderella smoothed back her hair. "This is terrible! Now we have to find Snow White, too!"
Aurora thought a minute. "Do you think her disappearance has something to do with Gaston?"
"Maybe," said Belle. "But how did he summon a magic portal?"
"He must have one of our fairies' magic." Cinderella...
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For our magical leader that treats us so well and kind and will to anything to keep us from expressing our opinions. I LOVE YOU FANCYSPARKLE. YOU ARE THE SECOND COMING.

Now, this is the story all about how
This spot got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how a magical nazi
got all up in our hair

In west fanpop, born and raised
On the DP spot was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all havin opinions after school
When a magical gal
Who was up to no good
Startin making trouble in our neighborhood
she started stalking...
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Hey guys I know I'm going to regret this but me and Aurora speaked threw the woods to the forbidden mountain. I know Aurora's not just gonna be a pain threw this she's gonna be a royal pain. Anyway we were outside Maleficents palace and we needed to find a way to sneak past the guards.

"Okay we need to find a way to get in there without getting caught" I said

"Maybe we should go to the castle and get help from the guards" said Aurora

"There's no time" I said

"I'm just trying to be helpful and realistic" said Aurora

"No, your trying to be a weakling and a coward. Now we're just going to have to hide...
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A/N: Chapter 7? Haha I have the cover for this story...or the
temporary cover. I will probably make another.

Chapter 7:

A month went by and things only got worse, small distubances
between the colonist and the natives were becoming more commom.
People had been hurt, but no one had been killed.
I hadn't ventured out into the woods since my first day here, I was
secretly terrified of running into the Natives again. That night really
had shaken me up.
I have a scar on my forehead where the branch had cut me on the
way to their village, the doctor told me that it was highly likely that
I would have it...
continue reading...
A/N#2: This is Chapter 2.

We had been on the sea for a week already, the crew was nice enough, so was the captain. No one had
really been talking, to busy with each individual's dream of what was in Jamestown; Freedom? Riches?
Edward was even more arrogant then I had thought originally, he walks around everyday with his brother
who I found out was the black haired boy who had been standing next to him. He was ok, but Edward
just got under my skin with his rude comments about my father and how he has a high repuatation.
"Cecily?" I called searching for my sister up on the deck in the warm sunlight....
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Scene 21- A random cave :P

Narrator: Meanwhile thousands of miles away-
*Anabel, Denaji, and Rebecca stop running and start panting*
Narrator: No.
Anabella: Grrr...
Narrator: As I was saying, meanwhile these poor defenseless losers R tired from running away from some ugly looking monsters who ARE NOT THAT FREE KIN STRONG AND COULD EASILY B DEFEATED IF ONLY SOME1 HAD-
Denaji: Damn it, Y cant we get anything good in our lives? Other than torturing Hella which was hilarweous!
Rebecca: U talk lik a 2 year old.
Denaji: No I...
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Meanwhile thousands of miles away(Scene 20)......

Bobby: Where do ya think we R now?
Peggy: Beats me, but I'd rather die than go 2 somewhere lik this.
Rodney: Ur already in a place lik this.
Peggy: Really? There's another location that is rotten and icky lik where we R rite now?
Rodney: Um, the royal castle?
Hella and Fairy Godmother: Agreed.
Hella: U have been there B4?
Fairy Godmother: Oh yes, when I was little B4 I took this job as a fairy godmother-
Rodney: So U werent born as a fat fairy?
Fairy Godmother(Deep voice): What was that honey?
*Rodney screams and hides Bhind Hella* Uh, I didnt say anything...
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DreamyGal Productions
DreamyGal Productions
As the tradition goes, the winner from the previous month gets the interview the new winner! I sat down with our newest Fan of the Month, AllegroGiocoso, and asked her a few questions!

1. Who is your favorite Princess and why?

My favorite princess has always been Snow White. I love her for a variety of reasons, including her adorableness, her sweetness, her perkiness, and her optimism. Every time she smiles, it’s so cute! I also love her voice (I think it fits her perfectly as a character), her primary color dress (One reason why I loved her so much when I was little), and her looks (A look...
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[article from link]

Rapunzel lets down her hair in this teaser for the new Disney film Tangled, but she's not the only one. Remember how in March Disney changed the title of the movie Rapunzel to Tangled? As Erik Davis wrote, it was to attract more boys to the film than, say, The Princess and the Frog, which has made a mere $267M worldwide at the time of this writing and has the nasty word "princess" in the title.

Well, this teaser definitely ups the ante when it comes to ditching Rapunzel's long-haired legacy. Flynn Rider (Zachary Levi) is Rapunzel's accidental savior -- this smooth operator...
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posted by KataraLover
One day in december Cinderella was happy danceing around humming and singing to herself. They thought she was acting odd.

"Goodmorning Cinderelly" said Jaq

"Oh hello Jaq. Do you know what today is?" said Cinderella

"Um monday. No wait thusday! No Sunday that's my final answer!" said Jaq

"No Jaq today is december 24" said Cinderella

"Oh..... what's that" asked Jaq

"Christmas eve the day before christmas" said Cinderella

"What's christmas" asked Jaq

"It's a day where everyone shows love and gives people preasents" said Cinderella

"REALLY! So what are you going to get Chrisy" said Jaq

"I'm not sure I'm...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    “Do you four need help?” the fairy godmother asked with a sorrow expression.
    “Yes, we do,” Cinderella told her. “Lucifer and Lilith guard the door, and with us tied up, we probably won’t get out.”
    “Hmm…maybe we need to get them out with some help…” the fairies whispered and then giggled.
    Belle whispered, “But how?”
    “We are going to teleport some help…now you should all wait for everyone else, we want to create chaos for Gaston and Lady Tremaine.”...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney