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posted by laylastepford
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all."
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all."
So while there are a lot of great things that are pointed out about the movie Mulan, there are also things that I haven't seen pointed out yet so I wanted to share.

1. Realistic Representation of Culture: I love that it is not over-Americanized and mostly stays true to Chinese and Asian culture. The most American part of the film is the fact that she thinks she can take a man's place in the army. That and Grandmother Fa's comments in general. Other than that, the movie is pretty accurate to her culture. I find this important because I don't understand the point of showing a different culture without showing the cultural differences. To me, that seems more offensive then not attempting to show that culture at all. Basically, I'd rather not be represented than misrepresented.

2. Words of Wisdom and Value of the Self/Independent along with the Collective Community: "One single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat." What a great message. I know many people who feel like their one voice isn't enough but this was a great way to conceptualize why we need to keep communicating with each other and standing for what we believe in.
"One single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."
"One single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat."

3. Mulan's Femininity: Despite Mulan's flaws (clumsiness, forgetfulness, laziness and tardiness), she is still a very feminine and nurturing character. A great example is the beginning of the film when she reminds her father "the doctor said 3 cups of tea in the morning and 3 cups of tea in the evening". She really values her family and is very loyal. She genuinely wants to make her father proud. This is something that I would hope that most children would get to relate to, wanting to make their good and loving parents proud. She only leaves because she sees that her father is so elderly and weak (he is a veteran) that if he went, he would surely die in battle. It is her feminine nurturing that initially pushes her to take her father's place. I also love her father's masculinity and sense of honor, duty and respect. One of my favorite lines is when he tells her "I know my place. It is time that you've learned yours." Also by the end of the film, she seems more feminine than she did at the beginning. More graceful, polite and respectful. She even does bring honor to her family as a woman when Li Shang shows up at her house at the end. (Clearly to start courting her.)

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all."
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all."

4. Tough Love Songs with Words of Wisdom that teach about Men and Life:
A) Bring Honor To Us All -
Another culture point: The women in Asia are just as honest and realistic about what men want as the men. I love that the women are the ones giving Mulan the advice which shows that in their culture, the mothers would tell the daughters what the best men care about. I also love the bluntness: Mulan says "It's so cold" about the bathwater to which her mother responds, "It would have been warm if you were here on time." I have full respect for the accountability and responsibility in this culture and find it to be very inspiring. I love that the mother doesn't allow for excuses. The only thing that stands out to me in a bad way is that realistically, the mother would have scolded Mulan for cheating and made her wash the notes off her arm. I also love the foreshadowing of A Girl Worth Fighting For with "Boys will gladly go to war for you." proving that the women were accurate and honest the whole time, genuinely trying to help Mulan. I also love that Disney showed respect to the culture by including the reason for this emphasis in gender roles: "We all must serve our Emperor who guards us from the Huns. The men by bearing arms, a girl by bearing sons." Times were hard back then and yes, women were expected to get married and reproduce but at the same time the men were expected to give their lives and go to war. This leads almost to like a part 2 or male version:

B) A Girl Worth Fighting For - These men are walking into a battle knowing that they are up against a ruthless enemy that is viscous and merciless. This is a very scary thing to face as all wars are. They are basically walking into a situation where they only have a 50% chance of living. As a woman, I find it incredibly complimenting that those men think of "good women" as worth giving their lives for. This is also why it is so important that the females reciprocate for the men by trying to make home life as peaceful as possible since war is the opposite. Hence they give their own personal descriptions of "a girl worth fighting for". This is of course a far more average view and it is clear that Mulan is not average. When she says "How about a girl who's got a brain and always speaks her mind?" and all of the men in unison respond "Nah!" represents that Mulan isn't just an average woman so she's not going to be what an average man wants. She is smarter and more outspoken than most girls which is why she gets the General's attention and not just one of the soldiers. Of course, even he wants and deserves for her to balance these qualities with respect and peace for their relationship, as any man would. It's just that he can handle a smarter and more outspoken woman better than the average man could since he is better than the average man.
link" alt="Credit to: link" width="559" height="343" />
Credit to: http://picspammy.livejournal.com/1649235.html?page=2&mode=reply&cut_expand=1

C) I'll Make A Man Out Of You - This might be my absolute favorite song in the film. The focuses Li Shang gives the men are: Discipline and Strength. Rarely do men get the credit for the positives of masculinity anymore nor does masculinity get celebrated in any way but here, it does. Not only do we see the hard work and intense training that these men are put through but we see it's effect on character. Where we see this the most, is in fact Mulan's character. When she decides to really dig down deep and really put herself in there with the guys, is when she truly finds herself. She's not as clumsy and she's far more confident. This is one of my favorite Disney character arcs of all time. Mulan didn't cheat, she didn't make excuses, she pushed herself and challenged herself to overcome the obstacles that faced her. In the beginning of the film she would not have won Li Shang's attention if the matchmaker had introduced them but after this segment is where he started to respect her. She earned the respect of her superior and her peers and that is the most admirable and encouraging part of the film for me. (When Mulan first arrived, she said "I don't think I can do this." Clearly she proved herself wrong.) Also I like how it starts with Yao talking back to Li Shang by saying "Ooh... Tough guy." and Li Shang singles Yao out as a "volunteer" showing the lack of tolerance in the military. (And of course Yao's "I'll get the arrow, pretty boy. And I'll do it with my shirt on!" showing the male competitiveness.)
link" alt="Credit to: link" width="325" height="559" />
Credit to: http://picspammy.livejournal.com/1649235.html?page=2&mode=reply&cut_expand=1

5. Mulan is Intelligent: During the "Honor To Us All" song, she helps a man out in what looks to be a checkers/chess type game. Another great foreshadowing showing her strategy skills that come into play later in the battle scenes.

6. Mulan is Modest: The scene where Mushu says "My eyes can see straight through your armor." and Mulan slaps him is a great comical way of showing this.

7. Mulan does show the reality of gender differences despite the misleading of Mulan's character pulling off this great stunt: The scenes where Mulan is practicing with her male voice and trying to think of how to fit in as a guy are priceless! Also when Mulan arrives at the camp, she refers to the men as "disgusting" to which Mushu responds "No, they're men..." I don't think men are disgusting but again, this was a comical way to show the differences between men and women. (Especially in 1998 when feminists were claiming that there were no differences between the genders other than body parts. We now know thanks to science there are countless differences in the brain, chemical make up, outlook/perception, etc.) Also showing the discipline of the military which, at that time, only men dealt with. (i.e. When Mulan makes a scene, the entire group of soldiers gets punished.)

8. Beautiful Teamwork Lessons: With the decrease in sports and outdoor play going on currently in America, it is always refreshing to see such positive scenes of teamwork. In the military, there is no room for prejudices or other internal conflicts because they are facing a greater external enemy. I love the emphasis of teamwork and how it teaches that our actions and choices do effect other people so we need to be smart about the choices we make. This is shown so greatly in all of the training and battle scenes. My favorite example of this is when Mulan is sent packing because she failed in the army but instead of giving up, she climbed the pole and her victory became the team's victory. She earned the respect of all of her peers and they were genuinely proud of her for accomplishing this goal. This is my favorite scene of the film. Another great line is when they come face to face with the Huns for the first time and Li Shang says "Prepare to fight. If we die, we die with honor." Talk about teamwork, you can't run from that.

9. How Different a Female Competitor and a Female Interest Are: I like that they showed at the end when Li Shang wasn't really sure how to be around Mulan after she had just been pretending to be a man for so long. This is shown with his line "You fight good." though he clearly wanted to say something else. I love that the Emperor, as an older and wiser man, sees this and points out to Li Shang to go after the one-of-a-kind girl he found and reminds him that he is a man and should pursue this unique catch.
"You fight good."
"You fight good."
A few days ago I made a pick about what the name of Snow White's and Prince's daughter would be and the majority chose Rose Red so I hope you'll enjoy this fan fiction!

If you ever met Rose Red in real life you would be charmed by her beauty because she had the beauty of her mother, but with her father's eyes. Her hair was long and curly and she was loved by everyone just like her mother, but she had never heard her mother's horrible background story so she thought that no one could be jealous of her beauty. Her mother loved her very much and Rose Red thought that she would never have a better...
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Even though it isn't the same big change as my prettiest DP list (which just changed again) it still has made a change so I decided to make this new list for you!

10. Jasmine (9)

I can't stand this girl especially with that attitude that she has. Sure, she has some moments where she's happy, but most of the time she's so angry and I don't like that. What I still like about her though is her strong self confidence and that she only wants to marry for love and that she's very relatable! Another thing that I don't like about her is that she decides to leave the palace even though she's a princess!...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I didn’t think I would get to go to the ball.
My stepsisters ripped up my dress after all.
Then out of nowhere my Fairy Godmother appeared.
And she told me not to fear.
She said she would take care of everything.
Then she took out her magic wand, and started to swing.
She made me a beautiful carriage out of a pumpkin!
She looked at me and began to grin.
She transformed my rags into the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen.
It was so pretty I could’ve passed as a Queen!
I even had shoes made out of glass.
I was ready to go, at last!
She told me it would only last until midnight,
And I told...
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DreamyGal Productions
DreamyGal Productions
In honor of it being Disney Princess Songs Month, I wanted to write a list of my favorite songs. This was incredibly difficult for me, because I really love so many of the songs. To make it a little easier, I divided the songs up into different categories.  I don't have a whole lot of time on my hands right now because I'm moving, so I decided to do this one first. I didn't include EVERY reprise; just the ones that I personally love...  

7. Once Upon A Dream (Third-prise)
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream

I had some debate with this one...wikipedia lists this as...
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I saw starlight77's article and I wanted to do one too. Mine is going to be in parts, but this will give you a guide to some great videos. Some of them has some Disney girls that aren't princesses, but as long as there is at least one official princess in them I count it as a DP video.

Disney Princesses - Let your Heart Sing

I love this video it's so sweet and has a beautiful song. It has 8 of the princesses in there.

Disney Princess- Goodbye

This is a great video, I love the song and it suits the lyrics perfectly. This one has 5 of the princesses + Meg in it!


I love this...
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Here's the third article for the Best Disney Princess sidekick countdown. It covers the places from 21 to 30. Enjoy!

Places 41 to 50 link
Places 31 to 40 link

30. Sneezy
I was very surprised that Sneezy made to the TOP 30, and made it past Dopey. I like him, but it annoys me a little that the movie has to stop when he sneezes. Some people find him gross and not memorable at all.

"I don't like sneezes... ew." - heathersvan

"gross" - CockerSpaniels

"He's ridiculous" - BraBrief

29. Kahn
I was expecting that Kahn woudn't go very far after Samson left so early. Though Kahn is an awesome horse...
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Here is my personal ranking of the ten princesses, with explanations as to why I feel each way regarding said princess and how her ranking is justified by my beliefs. It is an opinion article so please respect mine.

♥ dweeb

10. Aurora

Pros: Aurora seems playful and aware of her aunts’ birthday surprise. She plays along and but is clearly not a gullible person. She is sweet and kind and seems to really cherish her family, as she is excited to introduce her boyfriend to them and share that part of her life with them. She continues to be playful with the animals, she’s a good sport and...
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posted by Harmony97

14. Cinderella

To me, Cinderella isn’t the best princess. I’m not sure what it is, but something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I’m not sure if it’s her voice, her personality, or her naivety, but I just can’t stand her. She doesn’t try very hard to get Prince Charming, she does try just not very hard, she doesn’t even tell him her name! How wrong is that? She dances with the dude all night and doesn’t even tell him anything about herself, to me, that’s just wrong!

13. Megara

Again, this whole truth...
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I like the "romantic" song, I love the "I want" song, I love the beginning and I love the funny scenes, but for me, the most enjoyable scene of a movie is its climax. A good movie has to chill me in its action scenes even if it's the 30th time I'm watching it. So here I wrote an article explaining what are my 10 favorite final action scenes from DP movies. I might make a countdown about that (with the public's opinion) in the future, but at the moment, I'd like to share my opinion with you.

10. The Princess and the Frog
This action scene has an interesting setting - New Orlean's cemetery...
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*cuing annoyed Charlie Brown scream*

I have been so frickin' busy this time of year and I put off practically everything I should be doing. But I still have 4 articles to go counting this one.

In said article, this one will be my favorite Disney Princess movie and why it's there.

Now for the record; I want to say none of these are my favorite Disney movie, but a few of these are top 10. I'm going over favorite Disney PRINCESS movie. I myself prefer the underrated Disney movies, but that's just me.

Moving on...

Favorite Disney Princess Movie

These are my opinions, I'm also doing this article solo,...
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posted by hisblueeyes
This article was inspired by Dreamygal's link, because I thought it was a great idea & wanted to try it out.

Snow White
Snow White

♥Snow White♥
Before I read Fairest of All by Serena Valentino I didn't like Snow White. I thought she was stupid, vain, and much too naive. Then I read her back story, and my view changed completely. I love Snow White, because she's so optimistic and happy. I adore her sweetness, and the way she can just bright up anyone's day by just being around them.

Favorite Outfit: Her flower-picking dress.
Favorite Physical Feature: Her lips.
Favorite Song: "I'm Wishing/One Song"...
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Yeah, wasn't sure how to title this one. Basically, I'm gonna go over the voices of the princesses and why they're top. You can expect some information too including voice actresses.

And yes, if you know/tolerate me, you can expect another thing from me that I'm sure ticks people off, but this is my opinion so...

...I don't think I have to explain myself with that one.

Favorite Princess Voice

10. Snow White

God her voice annoys me. I give serious credit to Adriana Caselotti for being an operatic singer by 17 years old (the same age she was when casted) but for today's standards, it's annoying. It's...
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posted by Swanpride
So, finally the last songs. Filler Songs are songs which serve no real purpose at all – they don’t really add something to the story, they normally turn up in filler or Comic-Relief scenes. And they are mostly something typical for the older Disney movies, so there are not that many overall.

5. The Little Mermaid: I only added “Daughters of Triton” here because I felt I had to mention it somewhere, but the piece is so short, I hesitate to take it into account at all. It's not bad, not at all, it serves it's purpose by introducing Ariel's family, but that's more or less all what...
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posted by magicfairydust
I haven't seen Tangled yet, so Rapunzel's not in this. (these are in no particular order)
Aladdin and Jasmine
Romantic Chemistry: scale of 1-10 (10)
These two are just so in love you can just feel it. They've had this indescribable bond right from the start. Sure, they've had their fair share of arguments, but in the end, it's just two kids in love. <3
eh ma god what is she doing......
eh ma god what is she doing......

Belle and the Beast
Romantic Chemistry: 8.5
Here's a couple that had to learn to love each other from hating each other from the beginning. It shows that they really trust each other and were able to see beyond...
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HELOOOO. I am at it again, but with our very own Aurora! sorry I could not do this sooner, but my computer is a total wreck. doing this out of boredom. As usual. I hope you enjoy this article. =)

The Brothers Grimm: Starring Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, and Monica Bellucci! See, the story is sort of a mix of different fairytales you found on your shelf when you were six... But a few Characters in PARTICULAR sort of fit our little Beauty. Actually, there are twelve of them. Thats right, TWELVE.
an evil queen experimented with black magic to keep...
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posted by faya27
Melody looked at him hard to see if he's really going to say yes. Ariel waited too, to see what his response would be.

"I-I...can't," Eric winced at his answer. Melody looked like as if her birthday got canceled. No, this couldn't be! Her dad said, 'I can't!' Melody moved a little back from him.

"What? Why?" She half-whispered half-yelled.

"I-I have work and my boss needs me," said Eric. Melody tensed up. Her fists clenched and her teeth gnashed.

"Work? Work! Daddy! That's all I have heard! Work this! Work that! Boss that! What about me! You never have time for me!"

"Melody please listen-"...
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One day King Triton had to go away for the night. “I am leaving you my trident for protection,” he told Ariel and sisters. “This will keep you safe, but make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands!” “Let’s have a sleepover,” said Ariel. “We can take it in turns to stay awake and watch over the trident, and have some fun while Daddy’s away!” They did not realize that Ursula, the sea witch, was planning some fun of her own. Later that day, an old peddler arrived at the palace. “Like to buy some pretty things, my dear?” she crocked. A music box in the basket caught...
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posted by faya27
Chapter 11

Despite Ariel's assurance, Melody still hated the idea of not having a mother. Why doesn't she have a mother? How come other kids have two parents while she has one? Mind you, not that she doesn't like her dad-no she loves him! Melody still yearns for someone who will read stories to her and kiss daddy when he comes home.

"You don't know what happened to your mother?" Ariel asked.

Melody shook her head. "No, I don't know what happened to her."

Ariel didn't press anymore to the subject. Melody must have a been a baby when a tragedy struck her mother. Silence filled the whole room, only...
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Which One will be my Prettiest?
Which One will be my Prettiest?
Ok so as you can see i also try to make a list about my Prettiest Disney Princesses and it was so hard, why Disney have to make all of their Princesses so gorgeous? Anyway i warned you that if you go to read it you will find a lot grammatic errors because english is not my native language so feel free to correct me!

10 Rapunzel

Ok don't get me wrong I think that she is pretty but she has some really akward features like Huge bug eyes, big head and wierd teeth! I also really like her hair Oh her hair it's so pretty, her best feature imo too bad Flynn cut all of her hair and turned them into...
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posted by faya27
Chapter 1

"Melody, wake up," said Eric as he patted his five-year-old daughter on the arm.

"Five more minutes, Daddy," Melody yawned.

"But Melody today is your first day at your new school. If you don't get up, you'll be late," Eric responded.

"I don't want to go to school today!" said Melody.

"Melody, get out of bed right now or I'll spank you," Eric firmly stated.

Melody's eyes went wide and quickly got out of bed. Eric left while she got dressed. She took her pink pajamas off and tossed them on her bed. Then, Melody slowly put her on her outfit on. She dressed slowly since she did not want to...
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