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Amanda tapping is one of the luckiest people in the world! She has so many intimate scenes with robbin dunne and jonathon young, (not to the mention the fact that she gets to kiss him!) and she gets to spen most of her time with Ryan Robbins too! I envy her so much but she is amazing so I forgive her. She is one of my fav actresses and I really want to meet her. Posted over a year ago
What colour are Tesla's eyes?! I alwas thought they were a pale green but there's a vid on YouTube and they look a nice baby blue??? Posted over a year ago
sanctuarynerd17 said about Sanctuary
Is John druitt dead coz he wasnt in any episodes in season 4 and I can't remember what happened in season 3? Posted over a year ago
sanctuarynerd17 said about Sanctuary
What can we do to get them to make a season 5?! Surely they could make a lot of money with Helen/Tesla stories, not to mention the HAP baby that's due! Why would they make erica pregnant if we don't actually get to see the baby being born and growing up? It just doesn't seem righ Posted over a year ago