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-MILEY- gave me props for my images
Hi, nice icon Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
thanks. you too! over a year ago
ncismpm gave me props for my comments
Thanks for adding me back Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
no problem over a year ago
sawfan13 said …
Hey, a couple of days ago, i uploaded the episode to the Luke Blade episode on his club. There are three parts of it and I found it on Youtube and put it on the club. Wanna check it out? Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
yeah imma look at it:) over a year ago
big smile
HouseMindFreak gave me props for my comments
thanks for the comment on my story :D if you wanna read more its on the writing spot, the creative writing doesn't have alot of activity on it :-|
oh you like Godsmack? (looked at your fave musicans :3) Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
no problem, and yes! i love Godsmack. They're amazing. over a year ago
HouseMindFreak commented…
they're my fave :3 I saw Sully in concert a few weeks ago :D over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
seriously?!?! i'm feeling a bit jealous! haha over a year ago
Summer_Leanne gave me props for my comments
Thanks for the add! :-) Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
no problem over a year ago
big smile
HouseMindFreak gave me props for my images
hi! :D thanks for adding me. nice Criss pic :) Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
Yep, and I know(: he;s pretty sexy! hahaha over a year ago
sawfan13 said …
Hey, I posted a vid on Criss' club!! wanna see it? Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
YES! I shall look. over a year ago
sawfan13 commented…
Have you seen them and commented on them yet? over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
is it the simpsons in vegas thing? over a year ago
gabatron3000 said about Criss Angel
Criss Angel = complete and total awesomeness, sexiness, and amazingness. Hottest guy in like forever. <3 Criss hahahahah Posted over a year ago
sawfan13 commented…
I know, right? Reminds me of the song Close to You by The Carpenters. "On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true. So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes are blue" I know he has amber eyes and dark hair, but still, reminds me of that song sometimes!!! :D! over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
I can second that! haha over a year ago
sawfan13 said …
Hey, I made ch5 of I know I'm Crazy but I'm only Crazy for you! Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
I saw it! i got super excited, then read it, then was sad when i finished it. ): over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
but i was only sad when i finished it, because i was over. Thought i should clarify haah. over a year ago
sawfan13 commented…
No, I got more chapters to go!!! :D!! over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
good! haah(: over a year ago
sawfan13 said …
Thank you so much! Hey, you're not a creeper, I stalk Criss on Twitter, so yeah! lol!! Love your icon!! Very sexy yet dark picture of Criss. I love his long hair now!! He looks like had a season 1 come back! Very nice! I'm still writing fanfictions, and I wish more people on his club would write more fanfics. I'm the only one, and I don't like to go on Quizilla that much because I never write on there anymore, the fanfics are just so either really good or just plain yuck! But welcome to fanpop! Posted over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
Dude!! i love his long hair too! I'm a bit of a writer too, but can never come up with the inspiration for a story about him. Yeah I've noticed the things about the fanfics. But yours are just amazing. Also, it's nice to know another Criss Angel stalker (: over a year ago
sawfan13 commented…
Wow in one night!! Brilliant!! I thought you would like Criss Angel's Stalker!!! better than I know I'm Crazy, But I'm Only Crazy For You. That's really interesting, and in a good way interesting, not the "you're a creep, but I'll deal with it" interesting. Hmm, wow. Yet, a lot of people like I know I'm crazy but I'm only crazy for! over a year ago
gabatron3000 commented…
Well i love both of them, but I can relate to the crazy one haha. over a year ago