My Wall

ducky8abug4u said about Adam & Chelsea
Adam and Chelsea are 'Young & The Restless' best kept secret. They are chemistry-filled, dynamic nuclear reaction. Posted over a year ago
Shannon1982 commented…
I agree! over a year ago
ducky8abug4u said about Bonnie & Kol
Even after she'd turned towards the corridor and disappeared from sight, the smile on Kol's face still lingered. I loved it! That's the LOOK Bonnie fans have been waiting for and the only man who did with the full force of one appreciating an exceptionally beautiful woman, was KOL MIKAELSON. That. Is. Awesome! Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 said …
HHR08 gave me props for my images
Thanks for the add back! Posted over a year ago
ThePrincesTale gave me props for my comments
I just saw your post on my wall, and it was really nice :) Thanks for giving the time to say those things, it was great. Posted over a year ago
ThePrincesTale gave me props for my comments
Thanks for the add! :D Happy New Year, too. Posted over a year ago
I HEART Samcedes! They ROCK my socks off! Posted over a year ago
Kurenai24 commented…
YES, they are great. over a year ago
hinata26 gave me props for my images
I just wanted to say you have nothing to blame yourself for. I don't blame you for what happened in the wall. You could have PM her but her behaviour shows that she wouldn't have listen nor will her little girlfriends. There is a quote which say:

“He who does not have the courage to speak up for his rights cannot earn the respect of others.”
 Rene G. Torres quotes Posted over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
Rationnal people would have listen to you take notes of what you have said because your statement was true and it was your right to do so. More so bz it's not the first Time her and her little girlfriend behave that way unfortunatly it won't change anytime soon. Anyway even if by speaking your mind and telling the truth you didn't earn their respect for what is worth you earn mine. ;-)!!!!! over a year ago
hinata26 commented…
(even if I respected your views and opinion before LOL) over a year ago
ducky8abug4u commented…
Awe, thank you so much! That was nice of you to say! I truly appreciate it. over a year ago
ducky8abug4u said about Barack Obama
Obama is pro- a two state solution when it comes to Israel and Palestine. His policies on the Afganistan & Iraq war is nearly flawless. His policies on single-care insurance would've been beneficial for someone in my circumstances and I fully supported his urgency and passion behind the job's bill, as well as many other services and financial aid he provided to American citizens and businesses. Hopefully, people will appreciate what he has worked so hard to accomplish; & I hope that day is soon. Posted over a year ago
You know, its funny! Republicans seem to prefer less gov't regulations, yet they've heavily lobbied for extensive regulatory measures in planned-parent-hood agencies. They unanonymously supported GWB's invasion of Iraq, yet are ill-prepared to congratulate Barack Obama's success with Afghanistan & Iraq. This party is a mess!

I will say this though, I feel within the bottom of my soul that President Barack Obama is the perfect man for the job he now holds. No other candidate measures up!
Posted over a year ago
Persephone713 commented…
I agree, the Republican party seems to be hanging themselves without any help from us. BUT - that is partially because they are very greedy, hypocritical people, who think we have forgotten that they all supported Bush and his 8 yrs of War and disastor. He left a big mess to clean up. Obama is doing what he can. over a year ago
ppgcowgirl commented…
Oh, wouldnt it be nice if the Republicans were destroying themselves. Alas, it's quite the opposite. Americans are corrupt. It's a sad fact. Even those with nothing think they have it all and vote Republican. over a year ago
ppgcowgirl commented…
The Republicans are taking over. This nation will be like any democracy if there isn't a darastic change, fallen apart by greedy politicians. over a year ago