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LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
"And that made them look at each other. And then Elena smiled and he had to smile back, at first just a quirk of the lip, and then a full smile.

She was… damn it, she was everything. Witty, enchanting, brave, smart… and beautiful. And he knew that his eyes were saying all that and that she wasn’t turning away.

“We might—take a little walk,” he said, and bells rang and trumpets played fanfares, and confetti came raining down and there was a release of doves…."

Posted over a year ago
LotusWhispers commented…
"In other words, she said, “All right.” - QUOTE FROM NIGHTFALL <3 over a year ago
LotusWhispers commented…
LOL at people who say that Damon and Elena "happened" all of a sudden in Shadow Souls because of the show. LOL NO. Reread the books! over a year ago
_VivalaVida_ commented…
<333 wow! over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
Think of the SE hugs where Elena was looking at Damon or how she totally jumps in shock when Stefan walks in on them together. Like she was caught red-handed stealing from a cookie jar. Delena is not something that will "happen" because Stefan is gone. They've been there all along. Posted over a year ago
DelenaTVD commented…
I completely agree. Delena is inevitable <3! over a year ago
jendelena commented…
So true, Delena is inevitable. Lalala everything is Delena and nothing hurts over a year ago
loveofpete commented…
Yeah DE will eventually happen when SE is there or not. It has been happening since they first met and Stefan has been there all along. Now that Stefan is not there it may be more OBVIOUS but DE "bond, attraction, caring and then love" have been developing since they first met over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
Elena cuddled with and kissed Damon before she knew Stefan was going to leave with Klaus. This makes me happy because she chose to take that step without Stefan having been "gone". She had that moment with Damon knowing Stefan could have walked in at any moment, knowing that it was risking their relationship. Just like their hug in 1x14, where we did get a sense that Stefan noticed something between them. link Damon Posted over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
I'm hearing about some confusion going around in regards to Damon's humanity in the books and I would just like to urge people to read an article I wrote a few months ago to clear it up. Quotes FROM THE BOOKS that spell it out plainly that Elena is Damon's humanity.

link Posted over a year ago
LotusWhispers commented…
"You should keep using it, Stefan said voicelessly. Your influence over him is strongest." - Stefan to Elena, about Damon. Midnight. over a year ago
LotusWhispers commented…
"There was no slightest motion she had made, no briefest word that she had said that he hadn’t noticed and locked in his heart as a treasure” - Narration about Damon's feelings for Elena. Midnight. over a year ago
LotusWhispers commented…
"Time stopped. Elena found that she was instinctively groping for the mind of the one who was kissing her so sweetly. When two auras mingled as deeply as this, two souls were laid bare to each other." - Narration about Damon and Elena. Shadow Souls. "But none of them, Damon thought, flashing a diamond-bright smile around the circle that was closing in on him, had the motivation of knowing that the lives of three young human girls depended on him—and that one of them was the jewel in the crown of humanity, Elena Gilbert" - Shadow Souls "If you die again, I’ll be wrapped in chains all over. The child showed her a pitiable picture of himself covered by coil after coil of heavy chains." – Damon's inner soul, thinking about the possibility of Elena dying again. Shadow Souls. over a year ago
deluv commented…
I love your articles. I've missed the sooo much. I never read the books but the quotes and the way you explain DE is soo beutiful..leaves me speechless. over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
Damon to Elena (Katherine): "Somewhere along the way, you decided I was worth saving. I wanted to thank you for that." <3 Posted over a year ago
Kat Graham reveals that Beremy's relationship is getting stronger:

"You'll see the relationship she has with Jeremy really solidify and you start to see them growing as partners."

"They'll also go through issues, but you really see their growth."

Read more: link
Posted over a year ago

"As for the blossoming Bonnie-Jeremy romance, she says "you'll see the relationship she has with Jeremy really solidify and you start to see them growing as partners."

"They'll also go through issues, but you really see their growth."

-Kat Graham

Read more: link

BEREMY GOING STRONG! HECK YEAH! <3 Posted over a year ago
hell yeah! over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
"The ONLY time you ever see Damon acting remotely human is around Elena." -Ian Somerhalder <3

link Posted over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
This is a really cute Nian post from fanforum ^__^ link Dating or not, they sure smile a lot around one another <3 Posted over a year ago
LotusWhispers said about Damon & Elena
I bet Damon will step his game up in the last few episodes because his love for Elena. It really motivates him to do amazing things. I bet Ian is going to shine. I am so excited! Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
IKR! I think after that dance his love for her will be out of control and he'll just say *screw it* hehe can't wait. And I love how Ian give it all he can, i can't wait to watch that scene when Elena is crying. grh. Thursday hurry up!!!!! over a year ago
EllaEnchanted commented…
he knows aswell that his love for her cant be denied for much longer its getting stronger than even Damon knows how to handle which is why he broke down in eps 12 &13, hes getting pushed to breaking point hes struggling to deal with it all & then i have a feeling that Stefan is going to really piss him off! over a year ago