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posted by Robin_Love
Just something I wrote for no reason at all. Hope you enjoy.

Becca sat huddled in her room as another roar of thunder sounded. She cowered, lightning flashing. It wasn't long before the thunder sounded, and Becca screeched, covering her ears. She regretted her choice to stay home. She should've gone with the others. But she hadn't felt brave enough to go to Happy Harbor in the rain. Now she wished she had gone. At least Robin would've been there to comfort her. As another roll of thunder sounded, Becca screeched and ran from her room.
“He's a lot braver than I am,” she said.
Becca ran and hid in the most comforting place she could. Which happened to be Robin's room. She jumped on the bed, curling into a ball. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. The smell of her boyfriend was soothing and Becca looked around the room. It was the same as always, the small trinkets expressing the owner more than the larger items. Becca shivered and went under the covers, poking her head out. She noticed a picture on the nightstand and took it. In the dim lighting, she could just barely make out the photo. It was her and Robin sitting on the beach at sunset. The reds and oranges were very light, indicating it was summer. She took it out, wondering who had taken the picture. She saw words scribbled on the back and looked at them.
“I was going to keep this for no reason at all, but thought you might enjoy it more. Keep hold of her.
Becca smiled, her eyes feeling heavy. She placed the picture back on the nightstand, curling up in a comfortable position. A smile was on her face as she fell asleep, not hearing the thunder.

Robin entered his room to see someone in his bed. He smiled as he closed the door, taking his wet jacket off. He moved over to the bed, climbing on. He stared at Becca as she slept. He'd had no idea how she was doing and had come to the mountain early. Now he was glad. He put a hand on her cheek, kissing her awake. Becca opened her eyes slowly. She smiled when she saw him.
“Hey,” she said, her voice a little husky.
“Hey yourself. Want some company?”
“I wouldn't mind it. How was Happy Harbor?”
“Same as always in the rain. Wet.”
Becca smiled, placing her head in the crook of his neck. Robin laughed.
“Don't fall asleep on me.”
“I'm tired,” Becca muttered.
“C'mon. Let's get some sugar in you.”
“No. I want to sleep.”
Robin smiled, kissing her again. Becca peeked her eyes open then closed them with a smirk.
“If that's the sugar you're giving me, you'll have to give more.”
Robin rolled his eyes, removing his sunglasses. He put his head down, kissing Becca's neck. She opened her eyes, sitting up.
“You jerk! That was a dirty trick!” Becca exclaimed.
“But it woke you up.”
Becca stuck her tongue out and turned her back to him. Robin simply moved closer, kissing the back and sides of her neck. Becca moaned.
“You dick,” she hissed.
“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Robin teased.
Becca growled in the back of her throat, turning to him.
“What do you hope to accomplish?” she asked.
“Just kissing you.”
“But I wanted to sleep,” Becca complained.
Robin smiled, grabbing her head in his hands. He brought his lips to hers and, despite her resolve, felt Becca melt into him. She kissed back, her hands attaching to his hips. Robin moved a hand down her back and to her hip, causing Becca to shiver. She scooted closer, moving her hands to the back of his neck. Robin smiled, kissing her several times.
“Help me,” he muttered against her lips. “Help me make a better memory of the rain.”
“Okay,” Becca agreed.

An hour later, they lay in the bed, Becca looking up at Robin with sparkling eyes. She was feeling tired, but had wanted to stay awake with Robin, who was smiling at her.
“Is this a better memory?” she asked.
“It's a perfect memory.”
“Sorry I called you names.”
“It's okay love. You were tired. But you were too cute to leave alone.”
Becca smiled as a blush heated her cheeks. Robin brought her closer and Becca reached over him. She picked the picture up, bringing it close.
“You never told me you had this.”
“I didn't? Hmm. Willow gave it to me a few days ago.”
“I know. I saw the note. What happened to the other one that was in here?”
Robin smiled and reached between the mattress and the headboard. He pulled out a black photo album and handed it to Becca. She took it and opened it. She was surprised by the amount of photos in there. The first two pages were filled with ones of Robin as a little boy, when he was in the circus. The next few were of Wally, Roy, and him. The first sidekicks ever. Now heroes. She smiled as she flipped through them, laughing at a few. She finally got to the last ones filled. There were six pages filled of her. Ones where she was alone, with Willow, or with Robin. But they were all of her.
“You have all of these?” she whispered.
“Yeah. As you can see, I could make you the biggest collage ever.”
“No. I like them here.”
Becca put the album away, turning to Robin. She saw his smile and knew he was wearing THAT look. She smiled at him and snuggled closer. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too.”
posted by Skittles98
“Now stir until the batter is nice and gooey”
“Now stir until the batter is nice and gooey”
“Remind me why we’re learning how to bake?” I asked Megan as we all put flour into our bowls.
“Because you said if you taught me how to play Call of Duty, you would let me teach you something. So, here we are!” Megan finished with a sunny smile. “Now stir until the batter is nice and gooey”
“I never thought I’d see the day when Robin was in a flower apron!” Alex teased me. Artemis and Megan laughed while the guys smiled. I started to stir. I wasn’t paying attention, so when I looked down, my batter was too watery. Alex saw and looked at me with pity.
“Hey Megan! I think...
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posted by Skittles98
“Robin. You may want to sit” Batman suggested. Robin sat on the end of my bed.
“Robin, before you, there has been two other Robin’s. The first one turned into Night Wing, and the second, Jason Todd, was killed, brought back to life, then turned into Red Hood” Batman explained. Robin looked pale. I wasn’t sure of the proper protocol. Do I comfort him, do I stay away? What would Shayera do? She would comfort him. I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder to offer comfort. And he turned on me and hugged me. My eyes widened in surprise. I hugged him back, un sure why he was hugging...
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posted by Candy77019
"What's wrong, Erica?"
"What's wrong, Erica?"
I slammed my fist on the desk. "It just doesn't make sense!"
Megan looked at me serenly. "What's wrong, Erica?"
I tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ears. "The fact that for one entire year, I haven't been able to find the next Avatar."
Suddenly, the mission bell rang. Megan floated in the air. "Wanna come?"
I sighed. "Sure." I followed her to the Mission room, ignoring the fact that I couldn't fly anymore.
Batman was tapping on the computer, as usual. "Erica, there's been readings of rainstorms and tornadoes over Berlin."
"So?" I pressed.
"So," he continued, "we have a theory that a...
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posted by Skittles98
I watched as Alex flew out. I turned back to the team to find them lined up, glaring at me.
“What?!” I demanded
“Robin, go apologize right now” Kalder ordered
“Why? Because I was truthful?” I asked, exasperated
“Go” Kalder said again
“But she burnt Megan!” I exclaimed
“No, she didn’t” Megan said quietly
“Then how did you get those burns?” I demanded
“We were in her mind and I got to close to her memories, which are represented by an ever lasting fire” she explained. Kalder looked at me.
“All right, all right. I’ll go apologize! It’ll be pretty hard considering...
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"In a ghost town?"
"In a ghost town?"
I paced around the room, ignoring the team's confused looks and Batman's tapping on the computer.
Lian was on my mind the whole time. I couldn't bear to think that something bad had happened to her.
I looked at Batman, who was staring at a map on the computer screen. He kept zooming in and out, not able to find anything.
I groaned and started pacing again, impatient.
Finally, beeping noises came from the computer. On the map, was a glowing yellow dot.
"What's that?" I demanded, pointing at it.
"I just tracked Jeannette's signal, when Kid Flash contacted her. Hopefully, Lian is with her."
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posted by Skittles98
“Recognized Hawk Girl B07” the computer said as I flew in with my clothes for the week, pajama’s, pillows, toiletries and money. All in a single bag. I flew over to Megan, who was waiting in the middle of the mission room.
“Hey Megan! My mom said it was okay if I use a spare room here” I smiled
“Yay! OMG! We’re going to have so much fun!!” Megan exclaimed. She dragged me to my room. “This one is perfect for you! And it’s right across from mine!” I laughed as she ran in. I walked in looking around. Megan was right. This room was perfect for me. It was a large room that looked...
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"Blow out the candles!"
"Blow out the candles!"
"Blow out the candles!" Victoria squealed.
I smiled and blew out the 17 candles Annaliese had put on my birthday cake.
"Hooray!" Everybody clapped and cheered, while some others did the "cha cha cha haya!" thing.
"Happy birthday, Jenny!" Wally exclaimed.
I laughed. "Thanks for coming, everybody, I really appreciate it." I winked at Chris, who lectured me about manners just two days ago.
"Open your presents!" Anna pulled me off my chair and led me to the livingroom, where everybody put their presents.
I sat on the couch with Roy while Vicky pulled a present from the pile.
"Open this one!" she...
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posted by Skittles98
I flapped my wings a couple times to dry them. Hey, damp is better then goopy, that’s for sure! My laptop bleeped. I looked on the screen. It was my MSN. It said I had four new messages. I looked at them. They were all friend requests. I could tell by their names it was the team. The first one was Green Girl, the second was Speeding bullet, next was Master->Archer, and finally, only Bird Brain was left. Green Girl and Bird Brain were on. I click on Green Girl.
Alex :) says:
Hey Megan! What’s up?
Green Girl says:
Hey Alex! Nm u?
Alex :) says:
Nm. How you feeling?
Green Girl says:
Good. A bit...
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posted by Skittles98
I looked at Kalder. He nodded. I didn’t even need to say anything to know he wanted me to stop the beast from screaming. I flew out of the bio ship, my mace in my hands. I screamed a battle cry and smashed the beast with my mace. I made my mace crackle with electricity. I smashed it again. I flew over to the park, grabbed the biggest rock I could manage and threw it into the creature’s mouth. It shot it’s paralyzing acid at me. I dodged. At one point, the acid was coming straight at my face, so I swung my mace and shot it back. Finally, I was out of breath. What was taking the team so...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked to the hall where all the rooms were and decided to check one out. They were medium in size, had basic things like a bed, bathroom, drawer and a closet. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my white pants I brought in case of emergency. I slipped them on then walked back out.
“I miss the skirt” complained a voice beside me. I whipped around and saw Wally standing there, grinning. I grabbed my mace.
“Is it training time yet?” I asked. He shook his head and ran off, a look of fear on his face. I laughed.
“Nice job Alex” A voice said from behind me. I spun around to find...
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I walked into the lounge and looked for something to drink. Usually, there would be a mini fridge, but these people went all out and have a full kitchen. I found a cup and filled it with ice cold tap water. I pulled out my Tylenol from my skirt pocket and dropped one in my mouth, then swallowed it whole with a sip of water. I did the same with the second one, then slipped the Tylenol back into my pocket. Wow, they really do mean fast acting. My headache was all ready gone. I flexed and realized my muscles didn’t hurt either.
“So, what were those?” A voice asked from behind me. It was the...
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"Even if I did, you'd be able to fly anyway."
"Even if I did, you'd be able to fly anyway."
"Are we there yet?" I asked for the millionth time.
I heard Roy laugh beside me. "Nope, just a few more steps..."
I glowered through my lead-covered blindfold. "You know, I'm starting to think that you're leading me off a cliff."
"Even if I did, you'd be able to fly away. Okay, you could take off your blindfold."
I happily unwrapped the cloth, my eyes set on the beautiful spring meadow in front of us.
"Roy, this is beautiful!" I took his hand and walked out into the blooming flowers.
His green eyes shimmered in the sunlight. "This is where I come to relax, all by myself. And now you get to...
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posted by Candy77019
"A bluish dragon emerged out of the water, its nostrils flaring in the mist."
"A bluish dragon emerged out of the water, its nostrils flaring in the mist."
I could feel so much as just one burn. It singed my back, where my Airbending tattoos were located. Everything around me was white; like I was glued to a blank piece of paper.
Am I in Heaven? I took a step forward. Like a combination, a waterfall appeared, its roaring waters calming all the panic in my mind.
I flew downward, landing on nice green grass.
Yep. This is definitely Heaven. I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes. I cleared my mind of everything; Roy, my family... It hurt too much to think of them.
"The Avatar..." said a rough voice.
I jumped up. "I know I've done some bad things...
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posted by Skittles98
I really hate being a child of the gods sometimes. Especially when it mean’s the most powerful being on the earth comes and ruins your party. That’s what happened to me. Right after I named my new gryphon Scatty, the sand started to shift between our feet. Luckily, my instincts kicked in so I got everyone on to Scatty and the pegasi before a mini sandstorm erupted from the sand. A sleeping woman emerged. I brought out a needle from my shadow purse, knowing a way to defeat her.
“Finally. You’re coming to do the job that Melinoe failed” I mused
“Never get an amateur to do a masters...
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posted by Skittles98
“Robin, don’t!” I screamed as he charged Atlas with a sword. Atlas snapped his fingers and was instantly in armor and holding a spear. Robin held his own for about a minute, then he got pushed back to the edge. Atlas raised his spear to deliver the final blow.
“Atlas, DON’T!” I screamed. Robin took the chance to grab his spear, but Atlas’s instincts kicked in and he pushed Robin off the cliff.
“Robin!” I screamed. Atlas ran over to me. I was crying, my grip loosening. He took up position just as I cut myself free of my chains and ran to the cliff. Robin’s body lay unmoving...
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posted by Skittles98
When I got to the mission room, nobody was there. I looked around. Nothing.
“Hello? Anyone there?” I called. Suddenly, arms of steel grabbed me around the waist and around my mouth so I couldn’t speak. I fought the grip, but it wouldn’t budge. A gag was placed over my mouth and hand cuffs were placed on my wrists. I was dropped onto the floor, and then a yellow gas filled my face. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim. I saw looking Robin looking down on me. The rage that followed was enough to clear the air around me of the yellow smoke. I fought my hand cuffs with all my might....
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posted by Denelys
Here we have Robin The Boy Wonder.

Robin:Hey,Whats your name?
Me:Clasified but you can call me Blossom.
Robin:Okay Blossom.
Me:Do you havea Girlfriend?
Robin:No but im looking for one.
Me:Blushes okay here read this after the question.
Me:Do you want to be my Boyfriend?
Robin:I wont read the card but sure.
Me:Okay.Now what do you think of these couples?
Artemis/Wally First place
Artemis/Conner last place
M`gann/Wally third place
M`gann/Conner second place
Robin:good good but what about me?
Me:You`re not going to be pared up with anybody sorry.
Robin:Kay better sped this up got to met the team for...
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posted by Candy77019
"It's me."
"It's me."
Loud knocks woke me up from my sleep. I figured I would just ignore them.
"Jenny?" called a male voice from behind the door.
"Go away, Chris," I moaned. I pressed my back against the door so he wouldn't try to open it.
"It's me." It was the voice I would recognize anywhere, even in the grave.
I was wondering how it would sound like down there. "What do you want?"
"Can you move away from the door?" Damn, he knew everything.
I sighed and crawled away from the door and leaned against the frame of Anna's bed.
Red Arrow came inside and closed the door behind him. "Jen, I can't bear to see you like...
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posted by Skittles98
After Melinoe poofed away in a poofy cloud of poof, I turned around to leave, only to find the team still there. If I had a penny for each time I cursed in my mind in Greek right then, I’d be rich.
“Sarah, would you like to explain what just happened and why you used mind control on Wally?” Kalder asked
“No. Anyways, it wasn’t mind control, it was a truth spell!” I said, then poofed away in a cloud of water vapor hinting where I was going. I appeared out on the water, fifty meters away from shore. I made a water dome then hardened it. I then reinforced it with a black wall and white...
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posted by Skittles98
“This is impossible. I must be dreaming.” I said
“No, you’re fully awake” Green Arrow checked
“Technically, it’s not impossible” Batman stated
“But, I left them in the dojo on my last assignment” I said
“What are they?” Robin demanded
“It-it’s my pet’s” I said
“What type of pets do you have? Are they cute?” Wally demanded. I
ignored him and ran to my room. I opened my door and screamed.
Everyone came running. When they got to me, Tiny was already on me.
Tiny is my pet Komodo Dragon. Everybody freaked out and Megan used
her telekinesis to pick Tiny off of me.
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