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posted by Robin_Love
Just something I wrote for no reason at all. Hope you enjoy.

Becca sat huddled in her room as another roar of thunder sounded. She cowered, lightning flashing. It wasn't long before the thunder sounded, and Becca screeched, covering her ears. She regretted her choice to stay home. She should've gone with the others. But she hadn't felt brave enough to go to Happy Harbor in the rain. Now she wished she had gone. At least Robin would've been there to comfort her. As another roll of thunder sounded, Becca screeched and ran from her room.
“He's a lot braver than I am,” she said.
Becca ran and hid in the most comforting place she could. Which happened to be Robin's room. She jumped on the bed, curling into a ball. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. The smell of her boyfriend was soothing and Becca looked around the room. It was the same as always, the small trinkets expressing the owner more than the larger items. Becca shivered and went under the covers, poking her head out. She noticed a picture on the nightstand and took it. In the dim lighting, she could just barely make out the photo. It was her and Robin sitting on the beach at sunset. The reds and oranges were very light, indicating it was summer. She took it out, wondering who had taken the picture. She saw words scribbled on the back and looked at them.
“I was going to keep this for no reason at all, but thought you might enjoy it more. Keep hold of her.
Becca smiled, her eyes feeling heavy. She placed the picture back on the nightstand, curling up in a comfortable position. A smile was on her face as she fell asleep, not hearing the thunder.

Robin entered his room to see someone in his bed. He smiled as he closed the door, taking his wet jacket off. He moved over to the bed, climbing on. He stared at Becca as she slept. He'd had no idea how she was doing and had come to the mountain early. Now he was glad. He put a hand on her cheek, kissing her awake. Becca opened her eyes slowly. She smiled when she saw him.
“Hey,” she said, her voice a little husky.
“Hey yourself. Want some company?”
“I wouldn't mind it. How was Happy Harbor?”
“Same as always in the rain. Wet.”
Becca smiled, placing her head in the crook of his neck. Robin laughed.
“Don't fall asleep on me.”
“I'm tired,” Becca muttered.
“C'mon. Let's get some sugar in you.”
“No. I want to sleep.”
Robin smiled, kissing her again. Becca peeked her eyes open then closed them with a smirk.
“If that's the sugar you're giving me, you'll have to give more.”
Robin rolled his eyes, removing his sunglasses. He put his head down, kissing Becca's neck. She opened her eyes, sitting up.
“You jerk! That was a dirty trick!” Becca exclaimed.
“But it woke you up.”
Becca stuck her tongue out and turned her back to him. Robin simply moved closer, kissing the back and sides of her neck. Becca moaned.
“You dick,” she hissed.
“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Robin teased.
Becca growled in the back of her throat, turning to him.
“What do you hope to accomplish?” she asked.
“Just kissing you.”
“But I wanted to sleep,” Becca complained.
Robin smiled, grabbing her head in his hands. He brought his lips to hers and, despite her resolve, felt Becca melt into him. She kissed back, her hands attaching to his hips. Robin moved a hand down her back and to her hip, causing Becca to shiver. She scooted closer, moving her hands to the back of his neck. Robin smiled, kissing her several times.
“Help me,” he muttered against her lips. “Help me make a better memory of the rain.”
“Okay,” Becca agreed.

An hour later, they lay in the bed, Becca looking up at Robin with sparkling eyes. She was feeling tired, but had wanted to stay awake with Robin, who was smiling at her.
“Is this a better memory?” she asked.
“It's a perfect memory.”
“Sorry I called you names.”
“It's okay love. You were tired. But you were too cute to leave alone.”
Becca smiled as a blush heated her cheeks. Robin brought her closer and Becca reached over him. She picked the picture up, bringing it close.
“You never told me you had this.”
“I didn't? Hmm. Willow gave it to me a few days ago.”
“I know. I saw the note. What happened to the other one that was in here?”
Robin smiled and reached between the mattress and the headboard. He pulled out a black photo album and handed it to Becca. She took it and opened it. She was surprised by the amount of photos in there. The first two pages were filled with ones of Robin as a little boy, when he was in the circus. The next few were of Wally, Roy, and him. The first sidekicks ever. Now heroes. She smiled as she flipped through them, laughing at a few. She finally got to the last ones filled. There were six pages filled of her. Ones where she was alone, with Willow, or with Robin. But they were all of her.
“You have all of these?” she whispered.
“Yeah. As you can see, I could make you the biggest collage ever.”
“No. I like them here.”
Becca put the album away, turning to Robin. She saw his smile and knew he was wearing THAT look. She smiled at him and snuggled closer. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too.”
posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Lily quietly exporled the Moutain that night. She was wearing an old hocket tee-shirt pajama pants and purple fuzzy slippers. She skipped through the twisting hallways, learning her way around when she came across a door labeled "AUTHORIZED PERSONAL ONLY."
'Am I authorized?' Lily asked herself
'Yup!' She deiced. The door was locked. She thought for a moment and then shifted to a small bug and crawled under the door. She smiled as she transformed back to normal. Lily flipped the light switch illuminating the room. It was rather large. It has filing cabinates lining two sides and the back wall...
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posted by Skittles98
“Okay, Artemis, you come with me. Megan, you guard the front and Red, you guard the back” I instructed
“Wait, how come you’re in charge” Red asked
“It was my idea to get a snitch, my interrogation and I sensed Cheshire was here” I pointed out “But if it means that much to you, you can lead”
“No, just wondering” he responded
“Okay. Let’s go” Artemis stepped onto a flat black disc I made and we flew down. We entered, Red on our tail. I knocked on the back door. A large guy answered. I winked then punched him in the face, knocking him out. I walked in, Artemis beside me....
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posted by Skittles98
“Thalia? Thalia!” a voice woke me from my nap. I glared at Red Arrow.
“What?! I was having a nice nap!” I complained
“We’re here” I noticed he was in a suit. Artemis and Megan were both in long dresses.
“I’ll be ready in a minute” I walked to the bathroom and changed into the dress Megan made for me. She made it by finding some organic material and just thinking at it. I slipped it on and took off my dark makeup. I pulled my hair out of a pony and slipped on my red heels. I walked out and Red Arrow looked impressed. My black hair fell neatly onto my shoulders.
“Now remember,...
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posted by Skittles98
“Okay team. We’ll split up and search the city” Kalder instructed
“I know I don’t have a lot of experience in this, but I have a bad feeling about splitting up” I warned
“Thalia, I’m sure it’ll be fine. And if you get into trouble, all you have to do is think or call on the comm. unit“ Kalder soothed
“Okay. I might just be over reacting” I looked at my feet. We all headed out and split up. I flew low to the ground. Every so often, I would stop close my eyes, allowing my dark aura flow through the buildings to see if the bomb was there. I turned down an alley and right into...
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posted by Skittles98
I listened in silence as I heard what they were doing. They are now known to me as the Shadows. The Shadows were creating a weapon more powerful then five nuclear bombs. They planned to shoot the Watch Tower and the Metro tower with it to get rid of the justice league and ultimately destroy the world.
“Team, your mission is to locate the bomb. Do not try to destroy it and do not engage the enemy. Once you have found the bomb, contact the league” Batman instructed
“Wow, your first mission is a hide and seek one. Lucky” Robin whispered in my ear. I ignored him. They all started walking...
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I was starting to dislike these people. They were always so… happy. Except for that one. The one with the beautiful blue eyes and the gorgeous black hair. He didn’t talk that much. He rarely smiled. And he was wearing my favorite color, black. He was perfect for me. I wish I could talk to him. But I couldn’t. My sister would know I liked him because I never talk to anyone. Then, I got an idea. I pulled my sister away from the bulk of the group.
“Cat, I want to be more social. I want to get to know the team better” I said
“Wait, you’re asking me to help you talk?” she asked
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posted by Skittles98
I stood in our guest room and waited for Thalia to finish in the washroom. She always had to put on her heavy black make up. I had changed into some jean shorts and an orange tube top with tiger print on it. Finally, Thalia walked out, all darkened up. Her red streaks were impossible to miss in her jet black hair. They curled around like tiny red snakes. She was wearing her favorite black jacket, her brown hiking boots, her favorite black jeans and a dark brown shirt. I went into the bath room and brushed my teeth, polished my claws, brushed my fur and scraped the mud off my feet. I walked...
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posted by Candy77019
"Erica!" called a voice from my head.
I groaned. "What?"
"Wake up!" Megan shouted even louder.
My eyes fluttered open, finding myself tied to a wooden stake, along with the team. We were in a white room, filled with whirring machines.
"Where are we?" I asked, struggling with the ropes.
"We're in Darkseid's spaceship," Megan answered. "The ropes are blocked from my telepathy, so we have no way of getting out of here."
"Shut up!" I heard Artemis hiss.
Suddenly, a door opened from the wall, and Darkseid came in. His face was expressionless as he walked over...
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posted by Skittles98
“I’m on Themyscira. I am un-harmed and doing well. I’m being trained to be an Amazon. Don’t come. We are preparing in case of battle. There is something on the horizon coming towards us that might pose a threat” I informed them. I saw my hawks flying towards me. I held out my arm and they landed. They made a bunch of caws and squawks that I understood. There was a boat with six people coming towards here. No weapons, but four men.
“Okay. We’ll send Megan and Artemis to pick you up” Robin informed me
“No. Not yet. I’m not finished here. I must help my sisters against the men.”...
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posted by Skittles98
I opened my eyes to find myself looking at the face of a beautiful woman.
“Are you an angel?” I asked. She laughed.
“No sweet child. I am Hypolita, Queen of the Amazons” she smiled
“Are you sure I’m not dead?” I asked
“No. We found you out in the water, alone. You were unconscious and sopping wet” she explained
“Where am I?” I asked, sitting up
“You are on Themyscira, home of the Amazons” Hypolita said. She was wearing a simple white dress with some simple Greek style sandals. Her blonde hair was up in a high pony. I got up and spread my wings. They were soaking wet. I flicked...
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posted by Skittles98
^Ice from Justice League
^Ice from Justice League
I looked around making sure no one was there. I grabbed my failed signs and posted them up, pointing to the beach. All night I had worked on my plan with the help of Ice, the justice league member. I grabbed my parka and waited outside with my skates on. I skated down the path and to the now ice covered clearing. The display I set up was still there. I skated around the rink. Finally, I heard them coming. I stopped and waited in the middle. They all skated in and gasped. My display was a picture carved into a block of ice of everyone on the team Black Canary, Red Tornado and Batman.
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posted by Skittles98
changed into a nice red dress with a green shawl, belt and earrings. I put on some mascara and red eye liner and strawberry lip gloss. I brushed my hair and flew out of my room, down the hall.
changed into a nice red dress with a green shawl, belt and earrings. I put on some mascara and red eye liner and strawberry lip gloss. I brushed my hair and flew out of my room, down the hall.
I rubbed my eyes and looked at my watch. 7:01 in the morning. Watch me the first one up. I changed into a nice red dress with a green shawl, belt and earrings. I put on some mascara and red eye liner and strawberry lip gloss. I brushed my hair and flew out of my room, down the hall. I went to the lounge and looked around. Wally was up and talking with Robin. Wally’s eyes widened when he saw me enter and Robin turned around. I smiled, ignoring their shocked looks.
“Merry Christmas!” I exclaimed. They still didn’t say anything. I walked over to them.
“What’s wrong? Are you injured?”...
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Now does`nt Night look pretty?
Now does`nt Night look pretty?
NightFire,don`t lift the bed.Just sit down and look around in your closet and pick an outfit remember grandpa is having a party tonight and you need to look good.
"Okay,mommy im sowwy."
Its not your fault,now the pink or purple dress?
Robin came in:Now are my beautyfull girls ready?
"Daddy flatewy will get you nowhere."
I laughed when she said that while she also threw her shoes at him.
"Im guessing your spending to much time with Wally and Mommy."
you guessed correctly.Did you finish her room?
"Yeah come on look at your room Night."
"Daddy I wuv it!Its pink evewywhere!Thank you daddy."
Okay now...
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I didn`t know were I was going. I just kept walking then Bat Man came on the loud specker. "Please come to the misson room...NOW!!" Thank God I wispered to my self and ran into the misstion room. Everyone was already there. Wow they move quick I thought."Now that everones here..." Bat Man beggings. "We need you to investagate a lab in central city. Its rummord they are makeing a drug that can give you superpowers and make you high. But it only last five minest and has a terribel and perment effect on the body. Turing them into monsters...strong ones. If the rummors are true we need this team to down lod a file onto this USB. Then get a sample of that drug. It should be like your never there. Don`t try to take any one down thats the leage. Am I clear?!" Yes everyone answerd. This misstion sonded crazy. But I`ve bin on crazyer with my old team back at home.
posted by Skittles98
“Your tough chica, but Bane is tougher! I was sent to face the justice league. I was trained to face Super Man!” Bane gloated
“I’ll just have to get creative then” I said, flying high. I spiraled down at some what astonishing speeds and bashed Bane. I could hear the team struggling with the bombs. It was already 11:45. I kept attacking Bane, trying to get all my anger and sorrow out. This was the Bane that took my mother from me!. I kept smashing until he pulled me to the ground and kept me down, punching me. 11:58.
”Wait! I’ll make a deal!” I said as he raised his arm to strike...
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We got in the bio ship and went to my old house. I went inside and grabbed the list of important phone numbers off the fridge. I ran back to the bio ship. I brought out my cell phone and dialed the number.
“Hello this is the operator. Who would you like to connect to?” asked the operator
“I’d like to speak to Hera my old babysitter. My name is Alex.” I said
“Okay. I’m putting her through” said the voice
“Alex? Is that you?” said a woman voice
“Hera? Is that you?” I asked at the same time
“Yes, of course it is!” she said
“Hera, my mother just died. I need an old friend....
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NightMaster walked away holding Alex`s hand I was left alone with a bunch of people I didn`t know. Except for one person. "Xhadow long time no see!Hun?" "Wa-I mean Kid Flash hi."He hugged me realy tight."What luck."I said rolling my eyes. "You can`t still be mad At me for that little stuiped joke."He asked. "Thanks to you I can`t even look at a body of water... ofcouse I`m still mad." I wanted to walk away but had no were to go. Weather I liked it or not he was the only one who could help me get though this."You can go back to whatever you were doing" Bat Man said. Everyone walked off.I folowed.We...
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posted by Skittles98
“Now stir until the batter is nice and gooey”
“Now stir until the batter is nice and gooey”
“Remind me why we’re learning how to bake?” I asked Megan as we all put flour into our bowls.
“Because you said if you taught me how to play Call of Duty, you would let me teach you something. So, here we are!” Megan finished with a sunny smile. “Now stir until the batter is nice and gooey”
“I never thought I’d see the day when Robin was in a flower apron!” Alex teased me. Artemis and Megan laughed while the guys smiled. I started to stir. I wasn’t paying attention, so when I looked down, my batter was too watery. Alex saw and looked at me with pity.
“Hey Megan! I think...
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posted by Skittles98
“Robin. You may want to sit” Batman suggested. Robin sat on the end of my bed.
“Robin, before you, there has been two other Robin’s. The first one turned into Night Wing, and the second, Jason Todd, was killed, brought back to life, then turned into Red Hood” Batman explained. Robin looked pale. I wasn’t sure of the proper protocol. Do I comfort him, do I stay away? What would Shayera do? She would comfort him. I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder to offer comfort. And he turned on me and hugged me. My eyes widened in surprise. I hugged him back, un sure why he was hugging...
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posted by Candy77019
"What's wrong, Erica?"
"What's wrong, Erica?"
I slammed my fist on the desk. "It just doesn't make sense!"
Megan looked at me serenly. "What's wrong, Erica?"
I tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ears. "The fact that for one entire year, I haven't been able to find the next Avatar."
Suddenly, the mission bell rang. Megan floated in the air. "Wanna come?"
I sighed. "Sure." I followed her to the Mission room, ignoring the fact that I couldn't fly anymore.
Batman was tapping on the computer, as usual. "Erica, there's been readings of rainstorms and tornadoes over Berlin."
"So?" I pressed.
"So," he continued, "we have a theory that a...
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