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In this series of guides, I'll be showing you the best techniques for writing your story. These are tried-and-true techniques, and they work.
First up: characters. Every story has characters. We all know that. But what you may not realize is that some portions of a character need not be mentioned. Why spend three pages on your character's dimples if they have nothing to do with the plot? In order to keep your readers hooked, you have to limit yourself to things that are involved with the plot.
Before you decide on a plot, you should get to know each of your characters. After all, you're telling their story. Sit down with each character. Let them tell you everything about themselves. Once you have that, you'll be able to choose what makes it into the story.
Ok, now for the fun. You have your characters all mapped out. Paper and pencil are at the ready. Start writing the idea. Follow it. Get lost in it. Don't stop writing until either the idea, your pencil, or supply of paper runs out. If you think about it too much, you'll get yourself stuck. Don't fret too much over grammer and spelling. You can always go back. You shouldn't need to revise if you wrote the idea exactly as it was in your mind. A few tweaks are usually needed for most stories, as ideas are not usually fully coherent.
Congratulations! Pat yourself on the back! You wrote your story. The next guide will be about finding stories in everyday life. Keep writing!
posted by wolfclan121
I loved to write songs. These beautiful poems of love, heartbreak, life and misery. I still do. Shame they'll never reach the world as I hoped.
But, life is life and death is well, death. I wish I could still play with Eyes Of The Wolf, my old band. I remember the lullaby I wrote for Jannet when she had nightmares.

'Prr, Prr
Of the Cat on the mat so peaceful
Cheep, Cheep
Of the Bird in the garden so alive
Neigh, Neigh
Of the Horse on the racecourse so swift
Woof, Woof
Of the Pup in the tulips so playful
But now please my dear Jannet rest
So tomorrow you take life's next test'

I still sing it to her every night. But she can't hear me now. Maybe i'm just not singing loud enough. Sometimes she hears me sing a few lines. I know because sometimes when I sing she'll start crying. I don't know why. Maybe she misses me. Or maybe I scare her. I don't know. The world is a very strange place
posted by Twilight-girl-x
Heyy there, I know in my last entry I said I would write on Friday- but I didn't. Theres actually loads of things that have happened to me in the last few days/week. Im not gonna tell you though! I had no comments on the last entry but as soon as I get some feedback im gonna start writing to you again- Im a very busy person. I go to school, I play football (soccer-(Im english)-) along with my writing I also sing alot so I have many things to do/practice. Go look for my last entry and you will understand partly why im jabbering on :) Love to the people of the earth~ Cait xxx- 20th September 2011
posted by noahnstar1616
-7 and a half hours later-
As I walked out of the school, I saw Cameron signaling me over to his car. I walked up to him and he told me to get in, which I did. As he started up the car, I couldn't help but feel like Cameron was upset with me. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere we can talk."


"I'll let you know when we get there." I nodded and kept quiet for the whole ride.

Half an hour later, Cameron parked in the beach parking lot. He took the key out of the ignition and put them in a cup holder. He then looked at me with a very disappointed look.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to...
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The car crash changed my life. It changed so much, that i'm not even living anymore. I walk the earth as a kinderd-spirit. Dead, forever. I follow my family sometimes. At one stage they actually thought they had a mouse infestation. For the one hundredth time i'm sorry I broke your vase,Jannet. My daughter, she loves collecting china and other lovely trinkets and stuff like that. For a sixteen year old she does have a lot. But Mike on the other hand, he loves cars,wants to become a famous race car driver. I worry for him, making his dreams so young, I did too. And look where it got me! Dead in my husband's car right in front of my kids! Of course, that was many years ago. On the road to becoming a famous song writer.
posted by Me_Iz_Here
A/N: I've gotten a few title suggestions, but for now I'm just gonna keep it to Stay and Run. And this chapter has a lot of unnecessary details and unrelated dialogue, the first few chapters will, I just wanted to get the general idea of the girls' life.
Prologue: link

1: An Average Day in Spencer’s Life

Spencer sat at her desk. Tomorrow was her twenty-second birthday. The first of the girls’ birthdays with Star missing. Spencer had been sad ever since she disappeared. Star was one of her best friends. And after losing three when they were recruits, she couldn’t take it.

There was a lot...
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posted by nick_cross
The Exiled
Story setting:
Era: future
Character setting: witch and wizards, vampires, werewolves, phoenix man, humans
Setting: earth, United States
World setting: future, world war??, nations combine to make 3 empires: wizard empire, empire of man, world empire.
For centuries we lived harmoniously; we had two different worlds. Two very different worlds. Their world was lived freely and without secrecy. In our world, that’s what it was all about, secrecy. Don’t make too much noise, don’t seem so noticeable, and most important, under no circumstances, don’t ever get caught. For a while...
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posted by Me_Iz_Here
(Stay and Run is just the working title)

It’s not until you’re missing that people really notice who you are. They think about how much they miss you, they want you to come back. They remember their moments with you, the books you read, the shows you liked. Even at age thirteen, the girls were loved. They were popular. Gorgeous seventh graders who everyone loved. And they weren’t bitchy. They were possibly some of the nicest people you would ever meet. That changed oh so easily.

Thirteen. That’s how old they were when they were taken. One…at…a…time. As each one was taken, they...
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posted by Albina21
John walked through the park looking for someone to play with. Being seven stinks, the older kids don't think that he's adorable anymore, and the little kids would rather be with his big sister. And then, all of the kids his age started bullying each other, and he was the current scapegoat. Now he knew how Will felt when everyone laughed at him because John told them that Will had dyslexia. None of the kids even knew what dyslexia was, but it sounded embarrassing.

John asked a few kids to play, but they laughed and walked away. His mom told him not to go back to the cooler until 2 p.m., but...
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posted by Seastar4374
I don't know what to think of waking up practicially every hour except for this: 'Why the hell does this happen?!' I was seariously exhausted and I hardly slept. Apperiently the twins are hourly alarm clocks or something because thats what it feels like. Once they fell asleep once again I got my chance. I layed down on the couch and yawned. I only had 12 hours of sleep,oh an hourly basis one hour per every two. I finally fell asleep yet again. They were quiet for two hours this time up until the boy started crying. I groaned and stood up exuhausted. I walk to him. "Whtas wrong baby? Huh?"...
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posted by tigerseye43
I got up to the sound of glass crashing to the floor. I ran to my little kitchen to see a man in a black ski mask and overalls standing in my kitchen. I ran at him to throw a punch or two but when I extended my arm to hit him, he grabbed my arm and stabbed my with a knife.As the knife cut through my skin I screamed in pain, with a few cuss words to go along with it. Then as I fell to the floor in pain, the thief ran out my door and fled from my house. What was going on, I thought. Why was that man in my house. Then I looked around to see what he had broken. When I saw what he had broken, I...
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Mica and Amanda walked out of Maya's house, followed by Maya herself. The air was crisp, not a cloud in the sky, and the sun beat down on their heads. Day birds sang their songs. Male and female Cardinals caring for their young. Their bikes were stationed at the end of the culdasack. They all jumped on their Seastar bikes and rode down to the Castle where Hannah and Jett live. Amanda ran up to the door, followed by Mica and Maya. She knocked the door 3 times and Hannah and Jett's butler walked up to the door and answered it.

"Yes?" He asked looking firm and tall. "State your buisness Miss Amanda,...
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posted by r260897
Memories and grief of my heart
Are still buried somewhere
I can’t cry neither I can freely laugh
What if they don’t know my past
I have not forget it yet
I still remember the same Zean with the same Zeal
But not in flashes neither in cars
In backstage of life with trembling hunger
Hunger in eyes and lips dry
No money in pocket but Zeal on shoulder
With memories of ‘Love’ and burning heart
Now my clothes are branded
And my shoes are best, pocket heavy with dollars
But with this all my heart is all heavy
With secrets of past
Pleasures can bury them but cannot vanish
I still look forward to death
When all my secrets will disappear, my pain will end
Also with my life..end will come to my BAD MEMORIES. 
Max awoke the next the morning with a slight wet feeling... Simba had wet the bed! "Simba!!" I yelled as I jumped out of

bed quickly, he sat up and looked at me then felt the wet sheet's himself "Not again!" Simba said as he to jumped out of

bed soaking wet, "Didn't I train you not to do that?" I asked as I walked over to the dresser to find some new cloth's

"Well ya you did but I had a.... wet dream heh.. and I drank a lot before I went to bed so I couldn't hold it." Simba said

as he pulled the sheet's off the bed "Well we're gonna have to clean them now." Simba said as he sighed balling up...
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posted by noahnstar1616
I was running towards the beach because it was a full moon tonight. Great. On the day of all days, tonight had to a full moon. Today was my boyfriend's birthday and I promised him last week that I would spend the his entire birthday with him. That was before I got scratched by that, that...I don't even know what it was. But now I know I should listen to my Grandma more often. Here's how it began.
I was just a normal, average 16 year old teenager with an awesome boyfriend and two amazing best friends. I lived with my grandma...
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Sun shining like a holy light. After getting out of the tent, I was welcomed by such greenery and wildlife. Such green lush beauty in the glowing morning light made everything just pop and colorful. So many different shades of green and nature all around. I definitely didn't get this New York! The lush vegetation, the scenery, the little cute monkeys climbing around, it was like being in a zoo almost. I heard rustling in the bushes, and prepared myself for an animal attack. As soon as I saw my sister's pink tennis shoe pop out of the bushes, I was slightly relieved. The girls walked out of...
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posted by Poppygirl9904
Ok so this is my first Song Fiction so please not so many hate comments, but critscism is respected. This is a story of how i felt after my guy friend got mad at me and said that that he hated he. I am making a lot of post about to get my feelings out. So please enjoy! The song is Cold As You by Taylor Swift.

Sydney's P.O.V
Hey Sydney...wait up, Alecia yelled while running toward Sydney. When Alecia caught up she asked
"Are you excited for the performance"
"Yeah", I said "We've been working on it and were definitely ready."
Are you inviting anyone, Alecia asked.
"Um, well i invited Jalyn, Aliyah,...
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Just tell me what you think, :)     

Aria Glass sat on top of her house with an unopened beer in her hand and her eyes on the sky. It was a beautiful night and Toby and Jared where at it again. Jared had become more quick-tempered than usual, barking at almost everything. Neither boy’s where good at their temper control and over the years Aria had learned to let boys be boys and fight it out themselves. But Aria could take them both, Aria smirked at this thought, true or not they would never hurt her.
    But she did hate it when they fought, although...
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posted by para-scence
A week later, Blair had gotten us all settled in. I had the one spare bedroom, Kirsten and Sage slept on air mattresses in the other spare bedroom, Paige had a bedroom in the basement, and Mom slept on the pullout couch. Blair and her husband were so nice for taking us in, I'd never be able to thank them enough.

Mom still hadn't found a job. This pleased me, despite our previous conversation. I liked it when she was around. She was fun to talk to, and she understood me sometimes. Even if she didn't, she listened to me.

She seemed nicer too, and more caring.

Back at home, when she was actually...
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posted by para-scence
My breaths were trapped in the back of my throat. I was afraid to breathe, because they'd probably come out as screams. The barrel of the gun pressed harder into my head, probably leaving a mark.

"Give me your money," the voice said. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. A couple moments later he took his hand away from my mouth so I could speak.

"I-- I-- I-- don't ha-- a-- ave an-- n-- n--y," I said, my voice shaking so much it took him a while to tell what I was saying. Then he laughed darkly.

"Well, that sucks for you." I felt the gun move a little, as he put his finger on the trigger. I took a...
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posted by para-scence
"Thank you, miss. We'll look over your application as soon as we can," the nice receptionist smiled. I nodded thankfully. She eyed me curiously, and glanced at my application. "Um, how old are you?" she asked.

"Twenty two," I said, without breaking a sweat. I'd been prepared for that. I'm actually fifteen, but maybe I could pass for a very short, very young looking adult. She nodded, but since she had no proof I was lying, she let me go. I walked down the streets, the sun beating down on me. I could tell by the brightness in the sky, I was late. I picked up the pace, and started running. Dogs...
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