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So Melee was a good Smash game. Hell, it was amazing. It could’ve just been because it was the first I played and had more free time on my hands, but I put so much time into Melee, that no other future Smash Bros. game compared. Smash 4 was something I got tired of quick, and while I enjoyed Brawl and it’s story mode, I already felt like I had saw it all. And then, there comes the new one. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
When this game was announced with the tagline “Everyone is Here”, the world got together and fucking lost their shit. Understandably of course. And when they said everyone, they meant everyone. You got Snake from Metal Gear back, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ryu from Street Fighter, Cloud from Final Fantasy, Bayonetta, Simon from Castlevania, Mega-Man, Pac Man and now Joker from Persona 5 has now been announced. Persona 5 wasn’t even on a Nintendo console, neither were any main series Persona games. So fuck it, anyone can be at Smash at this point. The sky’s the limit people (Except Waluigi. He’ll never be in Smash). But of course, even with all the insane hype, we gotta calm ourselves down and think about the rest of the game. How else does this game hold up. Well there is a ton of content and a lot of stuff to do in this game. Aside from the classic Smash mode, you have over 70+ to unlock, with not even ten to start out with. Then there are the other types of modes, from Tournament Mode, to Random Mode, and then the Spirit Runway, the games story mode where you play as characters you have unlocked so far and try to make your way to the boss of the level. Instead of trophies, the game has Spirits, which you can use to change your stats to help you in battle. Other such events include the Classic Mode, the Training Mode, the Online Mode, and so, so much more. Even as I type out this article, I still haven’t seen all Smash has to offer yet. I still have to see all the modes, but I am seriously loving this game so much. I love the addition of these new characters, both new and old. I love the extensive music tracks they have and am REALLY anticipating Life Will Change from Persona 5 to appear in the game. And I love all the new characters play styles. Everyone feels fun and fresh to play as and I love laying as every character. No one feels terrible to play as in this game… Well, except Fire Emblem, because Fire Emblem was a bad game (Woops! Did I just say that out loud)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate truly is feels like the ultimate package. You got so much content, so much characters, and apparently, more is coming on the way. Sakurai, we among the Smash community (Ignore that sub community known as the Melee fans, they’re not important) appreciate all the work and time you’ve put into this game. But seriously, do take a rest man. Seriously, you don’t need to keep risking your health for every game.
Alright, everyone, after getting a feel for the game and after being able to experience it at my own friends home, and after hundreds of Youtubers have played it, and after many old fans are still angry over it despite them wanting the franchise to go back to their horror roots, I will be talking about Capcom’s new horror game. It may have taken a long time to get to it, and it may have made people saltier than the Pacific Ocean, but it’s finally time I talk about this game. Let us all take a look at the return to horror game, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

So as you can see, this game...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

So I played the original NieR some time ago. I liked what I did play, but never got to experience it enough to form a definitive opinion, but man, was that combat not the best. If it was just a little refined, I could like it more… And then Platinum Games came along. And that’s the transition to start talking about NieR: Automata.
So, when it came to the top ten, I thought it would be hard for any game to just break the top ten so easily. Most of my top ten favorite games are games I have cherished memories with. But NieR: Automata, I have no nostalgia for, and yet it managed to break...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

Another Tim Schaffer game on the list and only so long after I just talked about Brutal Legend. I am aware that Schaffer games have a really weird style of creativity and humor to them and are always meant for a more niche demographic. And I am in that demographic. That said, this is Psychonauts, a game to kinda break the mold of the niche… maybe. Probably. Not really.
Psychonauts follows the character Rasputin, or Raz for short, who is a Psychonaut in training, special agents who use the power of their mind to do incredible powers. With these powers, Raz has to stop a conspiracy in...
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So a friend of mine got me thinking the other day, who would win in a battle? An immortal demon who can stop the fabric of time itself, or a blue little bitch who's got some burners on him?

...Needless to say, the victor wasn't Sonic. But then I started thinking to myself. I came up with an idea. An awful idea. An awful, awful, awful idea!

*Insert Obligatory Grinch Image Here*

But in all seriousness, I'm here to end the debate once and for all. To see who would TRULY win in a DEATH BA-

BE QUIET! You wanna get sued, kid?

Uhhh. in a....BATTLE OF DEATH! Yeah, that's it. Thanks man!

Anytime, mate.
Anytime, mate....
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Hidden Gems. Now, how many of you know Sega? Okay, now how many of you know Sega for anything besides Sonic the Hedgehog? A few of you? Alright, now how many of you actually owned a Dreamcast? Probably very few. Well, that’s understandable. Coming at the worst possible time, the Dreamcast was such a commercial failure. So naturally, being a poor child, I had one of them, along with a Gamecube, and wouldn’t get the Xbox and PS2 until much later. I loved all these consoles, but the thing that I loved about the Dreamcast the most was the game Jet Set Radio....
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Now that we’ve uncovered that this game Dark Soul is the reason for the Craigslist killing, what else has this game done to our society?

Steve Doocy: It’s a good question because for so many years, we never knew this game existed. Now that we do, it seems like the perfect answer as to why video games are ruining America.

Brian Kilmeade: Well, look closely at the title. It has dark right in the name. Clearly this game has some racial overtones that probably has inspired a lot of video game playing racists. It really speaks to how out of touch gamers truly are.

Doocy: Video...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
“Can you lose your virginity if you fall”
I don’t know. Jump off a cliff and then tell me what you learn.

“Does looking at a picture of the sun hurt your eyes”
You have to look pretty damn hard for that to happen. But by that point, your eyes will be dangling from your skull…. So technically, yes

“My girl swallowed after oral and now I am worried that she’s pregnant”
Well, you’d better be awaiting the baby to be coming out of the mouth than

“8===D Is this a shovel or a crying smiley face”
Oh you innocent minded, stupid boy.

“Can you actually lose weight by rubbing your stomach”...
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Now, I love horror movies. Their easily my favorite genre of film. Sadly, it is also the genre of film that has some awful movies. Then there are the movies that aren’t even close to being scary. In other words, these are the worst horror movies I have ever seen. Now, some rules. First off, only movies that I have seen, so no Blair Witch Project 2, Manos: The Hands of Fate, or Monster a Go-Go. Also, only one movie per franchise, so, with that said, lets start the list

#10: Nightmare on Elm Street - Now, before you all say that this movie was scary, yes, I agree. Nightmare on Elm Street was...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Trail 1
The Warehouse Incident


Cole Phelps- I should have known it was you

???- I knew you'd find out eventually... Well, Detective Phelps. I'm afraid this is where it ends

Cole Phelps- No... Get Back... AAAHHHHHHH (Whack) (Whack) (Whack) (Whack) (Whack)

???- He he he he he. Now all I got to do is put the blame on that stupid guy

January 19, 11: 53 a.m.
Wind Waker Guy's Room

Wind Waker Guy- Hmm, What should I do today. All I've done yesterday was play Mario 64. Guess I could play Mario 64 DS
Phone- Rrriiiiiiiinnnggggg
Wind Waker Guy- This is Wind Waker Guy
Kebora Gebora- Hoot. Hoot. Wind Waker...
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So let’s just get this out of the way. Tekken is my favorite fighting game franchise ever. I love playing 3 in the arcades, I had a real fun time looking at the tournaments for Tekken 7, and I can safely say that my favorite so far, the one that really got me invested in the franchise, was Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (That’s some good alliteration)
Tekken follows a simple plot in pretty much every game. The Iron First tournament, or the Tekken tournament, hosted by the president of the Zaibatsu Mishima Organization, Heihachi Mishima, in order to gather the best fighters so Heihachi can...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
*Hannah was still in disbelief at what her father had said. Yet, no matter what, even though he had lied to her for so long, even though he had done something unthinkable and unforgivable, she couldn’t bring herself to hate him. She just couldn’t do that. She looked at Drew, silently, before walking over and hugging him, for the first time in a long time. She remained close to him, not wanting to pull away, trying her best to hold back tears.*
Hannah: I-It’s okay dad. I understand
*Drew wanted to tell Hannah that it was not okay. What he did could never be taken back, and he knew that....
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Before I say anything, I want to start this off by saying that there is nothing, and I mean nothing, funny about a school shooting. School shootings are some of the worst things that can happen in our society, and bearing witness to such a travesty makes me worry for the safety of others and makes me feel terrible about the victims and their families and friends. So, tell me why in the name of god my principal wanted to turn a school shooting in my school into a goddamn Three Stooges act. Now, I am sure he didn’t intend to make it sound incredibly stupid, and he does in fact care about student...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Chuck: Ready to go, Katey
Katey: Yep
Stacey: The military's coming
Chuck: Good. Nothing can possibly go wrong
(Meanwhile, with the military)
Soldier: Well, nothing can go wrong (Gas comes)
Soldier 2: Egh. Who fucking farted?
(Zombies change into gas zombies)
Soldier 2: Well.............. Shit (Gets killed by zombies, as well as the other soldiers)
Boykin: (Talking to dying soldier) Don't you die on me, you little bitch. Get up. I said get up
Soldier: (Dies)
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David Cage, the creator of many famous games of the recent era. A man who is said to be one of the most creative minds in gaming right now. And yet, no matter who you ask, there is only two opinions on this guy. There’s the people who like David Cage and then there are the people who don’t. And I’m one of the people who don’t. Welcome to an episode of Content Cuck. And this is the David Cage and Quantic Dream rant article. I’m here to discuss all the flaws of every Quantic Dream game, yes, all five of them, and talk about the flaws of David Cage, from the self centered behavior to...
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(This article contains disturbing content, disturbing violence, blood and gore, and inappropriate sexual themes, You have been warned.)

There are a lot of very disturbing things out there in the world. Though many people have different opinions on what disturbs them and makes them uncomfortable, there are always things that leave people uneasy and completely shocked. So, I want to share with you five more things that I have found that I find to be the most disturbing. Now, you may not find these as disturbing as I do, so if you wish to show me things that you yourself are disturbed by, then...
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We all know how overused zombies are. They are in movies, tv shows, videogames, books, but rarely do we see them in anime. It’s weird. But, in the year 2010, we got an anime known as Highschool of the Dead, which showed the classic zombies that was seen in movies like Night of the Living Dead. The zombies were slow and lumbered, but were huge in numbers. This anime had a lot of scenes like this.

Like this.

And even this.

But, the zombies aren’t what make Highschool of the Dead so recognizable. No, if you’ve seen this anime, you’ll mostly recognize it for scenes like this....
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Holy shit, this one is a bit of a nostalgia trip. I remember watching Mucha Lucha when I was a kid and loved it so much. It was probably where my interest in masked wrestlers came from, that and WWE of course. Now is the show good? Eh, debatable. You’d have to have a nostalgic love for it to appreciate it, but hey, I watched all episodes of The Nutshack. I have zero shame. So yeah, here’s the Mucha Lucha game on Gameboy, Mascaritas of the Lost Code. Another published game by Ubisoft, but developed by Digital Eclipse Software, who worked on all sorts of ports of old arcade games. You’ve...
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Deal or No Deal? Yeah, I choose no deal. Okay, we got the obvious joke out of the way, now let’s get on with the introduction. Deal or No Deal, a game show that I have no knowledge of. Despite living with my grandma who watches game shows all the time, I never really caught her watching any Deal or No Deal. Now The Prices is Right, that is a video game I would play. I have no knowledge of the show, what it’s about, or what made it so popular to get a video game. It’s not uncommon for game shows to get a video game based on them. I mean Jeporedy and Family Feud get video games all the...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Let’s talk about third-party Wii games… Everyone’s favorites. Okay, so I’ve already mentioned a few Wii games like Mushroom Men and the No More Heroes series, and Madworld. While those are indeed good underrated Wii games, I am aware that there are a multitude of bad third party Wii games. But you know what isn’t bad? A good old fashioned JRPG for the Wii. And no, it’s not Xenoblade Chronicles, so if you were expecting that, then prepare to be disappointed. No, today, we are talking about the other Wii JRPG: The Last Story.

The Last Story is a game for the Wii that was made...
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Trevor: (learning Carly is pregnant) Huh, this is a new feeling: pride in someone else... Unfortunately, it's overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!


Michael: Dave.. I think Trevor knows about Brad.

Dave: Really?.. How did he feel.

Michael: Hard too tell.. He literary screams everything.


Trevor: (losing it in his trailer, after learning about Brad) They called me crazy! They ALL called me crazy!.. But I'll show them! I'll show ALL of them! Right Carly!?.. (talking to the volley ball from Cast away, but with Carly's face on it), (the ball falls over,...
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