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So Melee was a good Smash game. Hell, it was amazing. It could’ve just been because it was the first I played and had more free time on my hands, but I put so much time into Melee, that no other future Smash Bros. game compared. Smash 4 was something I got tired of quick, and while I enjoyed Brawl and it’s story mode, I already felt like I had saw it all. And then, there comes the new one. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
When this game was announced with the tagline “Everyone is Here”, the world got together and fucking lost their shit. Understandably of course. And when they said everyone, they meant everyone. You got Snake from Metal Gear back, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ryu from Street Fighter, Cloud from Final Fantasy, Bayonetta, Simon from Castlevania, Mega-Man, Pac Man and now Joker from Persona 5 has now been announced. Persona 5 wasn’t even on a Nintendo console, neither were any main series Persona games. So fuck it, anyone can be at Smash at this point. The sky’s the limit people (Except Waluigi. He’ll never be in Smash). But of course, even with all the insane hype, we gotta calm ourselves down and think about the rest of the game. How else does this game hold up. Well there is a ton of content and a lot of stuff to do in this game. Aside from the classic Smash mode, you have over 70+ to unlock, with not even ten to start out with. Then there are the other types of modes, from Tournament Mode, to Random Mode, and then the Spirit Runway, the games story mode where you play as characters you have unlocked so far and try to make your way to the boss of the level. Instead of trophies, the game has Spirits, which you can use to change your stats to help you in battle. Other such events include the Classic Mode, the Training Mode, the Online Mode, and so, so much more. Even as I type out this article, I still haven’t seen all Smash has to offer yet. I still have to see all the modes, but I am seriously loving this game so much. I love the addition of these new characters, both new and old. I love the extensive music tracks they have and am REALLY anticipating Life Will Change from Persona 5 to appear in the game. And I love all the new characters play styles. Everyone feels fun and fresh to play as and I love laying as every character. No one feels terrible to play as in this game… Well, except Fire Emblem, because Fire Emblem was a bad game (Woops! Did I just say that out loud)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate truly is feels like the ultimate package. You got so much content, so much characters, and apparently, more is coming on the way. Sakurai, we among the Smash community (Ignore that sub community known as the Melee fans, they’re not important) appreciate all the work and time you’ve put into this game. But seriously, do take a rest man. Seriously, you don’t need to keep risking your health for every game.
David Cage, the creator of many famous games of the recent era. A man who is said to be one of the most creative minds in gaming right now. And yet, no matter who you ask, there is only two opinions on this guy. There’s the people who like David Cage and then there are the people who don’t. And I’m one of the people who don’t. Welcome to an episode of Content Cuck. And this is the David Cage and Quantic Dream rant article. I’m here to discuss all the flaws of every Quantic Dream game, yes, all five of them, and talk about the flaws of David Cage, from the self centered behavior to...
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(This article contains disturbing content, disturbing violence, blood and gore, and inappropriate sexual themes, You have been warned.)

There are a lot of very disturbing things out there in the world. Though many people have different opinions on what disturbs them and makes them uncomfortable, there are always things that leave people uneasy and completely shocked. So, I want to share with you five more things that I have found that I find to be the most disturbing. Now, you may not find these as disturbing as I do, so if you wish to show me things that you yourself are disturbed by, then...
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We all know how overused zombies are. They are in movies, tv shows, videogames, books, but rarely do we see them in anime. It’s weird. But, in the year 2010, we got an anime known as Highschool of the Dead, which showed the classic zombies that was seen in movies like Night of the Living Dead. The zombies were slow and lumbered, but were huge in numbers. This anime had a lot of scenes like this.

Like this.

And even this.

But, the zombies aren’t what make Highschool of the Dead so recognizable. No, if you’ve seen this anime, you’ll mostly recognize it for scenes like this....
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Holy shit, this one is a bit of a nostalgia trip. I remember watching Mucha Lucha when I was a kid and loved it so much. It was probably where my interest in masked wrestlers came from, that and WWE of course. Now is the show good? Eh, debatable. You’d have to have a nostalgic love for it to appreciate it, but hey, I watched all episodes of The Nutshack. I have zero shame. So yeah, here’s the Mucha Lucha game on Gameboy, Mascaritas of the Lost Code. Another published game by Ubisoft, but developed by Digital Eclipse Software, who worked on all sorts of ports of old arcade games. You’ve...
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Deal or No Deal? Yeah, I choose no deal. Okay, we got the obvious joke out of the way, now let’s get on with the introduction. Deal or No Deal, a game show that I have no knowledge of. Despite living with my grandma who watches game shows all the time, I never really caught her watching any Deal or No Deal. Now The Prices is Right, that is a video game I would play. I have no knowledge of the show, what it’s about, or what made it so popular to get a video game. It’s not uncommon for game shows to get a video game based on them. I mean Jeporedy and Family Feud get video games all the...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Let’s talk about third-party Wii games… Everyone’s favorites. Okay, so I’ve already mentioned a few Wii games like Mushroom Men and the No More Heroes series, and Madworld. While those are indeed good underrated Wii games, I am aware that there are a multitude of bad third party Wii games. But you know what isn’t bad? A good old fashioned JRPG for the Wii. And no, it’s not Xenoblade Chronicles, so if you were expecting that, then prepare to be disappointed. No, today, we are talking about the other Wii JRPG: The Last Story.

The Last Story is a game for the Wii that was made...
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Trevor: (learning Carly is pregnant) Huh, this is a new feeling: pride in someone else... Unfortunately, it's overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!


Michael: Dave.. I think Trevor knows about Brad.

Dave: Really?.. How did he feel.

Michael: Hard too tell.. He literary screams everything.


Trevor: (losing it in his trailer, after learning about Brad) They called me crazy! They ALL called me crazy!.. But I'll show them! I'll show ALL of them! Right Carly!?.. (talking to the volley ball from Cast away, but with Carly's face on it), (the ball falls over,...
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Art by Deathding
Art by Deathding
I remember a time when horror movies didn’t use found footage to describe they’re movies, and how Paranormal Activity brought it back and it was everywhere, forever making horror fans motion sick. Okay, I don’t hate found footage films. I love Cloverfield, and it was a found footage movie. However, found footage movies, at least to me, tend to be pretty bland. It’s why I wasn’t really a fan of Paranormal Activity. But I think the movie that started it all would have to be Blair Witch Project.

Okay, so maybe Blair Witch Project wasn’t the first to do the whole found footage...
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If you ever wanted to see how stupid me and my brother are, look no further than the time when we bought two fucking BB guns, and started acting like badasses because of it. We were twelve at the time, so what do you expect. We did everything we could with these things. We shot soda cans, we swung them in our hands, we even held them sideways, thinking we’d look more awesome, or at the very least, less idiotic. So, what we decided to do was try and put on vests and shoot each other. Yes, we were THAT fucking stupid. We actually thought it would be a fun idea to shoot each other. I have no...
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Hello, and today, we will be talking about the meme known as Doge. So, let us take a look at the history of the Doge
Now, unlike most memes, we can't just look for the picture of Doge. We also need to find out where the word, Doge, came from. Now, the word Doge came from the show Biz Cas Fri 1, when one of the characters misspelled dog by saying D-O-G-E. So, now that we know where the word came from, lets find the picture. A Japanese kindergarden teacher posted pictures of there dog on there blog page. However, one picture ended up showing the dog making an odd face. Now, we know about the word,...
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Hello, everyone. Todays list is about the games that got my hopes up just to piss me off. Now, these are games that I have to had loved the first games or the trailer and box art had to look super cool only to just piss me off while playing it. So, here we go

10: Spongebob Squarepants and the Legend of the Lost Spatula - Now, I had played other Spongebob games before like Battle for Bikini Bottom, The spongbob Movie game, and Lights, Camera, Pants. They were all wonderful games, so when I saw this game, I was excited... But when I played it, it was beyond awful. This game has a dumb story that...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Nick's Revolvers
Nick's Revolvers
(Cody parks car in front of bank)
Cody: Okay, can we not screw this up this time
Nick: Well, duh. Why else do you think I brought this home made pipe bomb. I'm not going to pistol whip the SWAT Team this time
Cody: (Sigh) You better not fuck this up (Puts on mask)
Nick: You worry to much, Cody (Puts on mask)
Cody: Okay, lets go (Gets out of car)
Nick: (Follows) Trust me, just follow my lead and this will go fine (Walks into bank) Alright. (Fire gun at ceiling) This is a goddamn robbery
Cody: (Runs in) Surprise, motherfu- (Slips and falls on floor) Ow
Nick: What the fuck, Cody
Cody: I thought I would...
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Guys, I’m about to give a hot take for you all…. I do not care for PaRappa the Rapper on Playstation 1. Now I am fully aware that is a crime against humanity, but I do like aspects of it. I love the style of it for a PS1 game, I enjoy the character designs, and I think the music is pretty funky. But a lot of my problems with the game are from the gameplay feeling pretty rough and unfair at times. There are many times where I am pretty sure I hit the button at the right time, and not only does it sound awkward coming out of PaRappa as delayed as it sounds, but the game still counts it as...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
*Hannah’s eyes were on the dark figure. She couldn’t see who or what they were. Her curiosity was all over her mind. She wanted to rush over to the person, but there was not a single monster near them. They stood perfectly still, almost calm. Hannah couldn’t look at them another minute. Instead, she continued to follow the butterfly. She hoped that, in due time, she would find out who that mysterious figure was. She hoped that they would meet soon. But, she had to stay focused on helping the person in danger, the one the butterfly was leading her to. She ran down the street, following...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Damas: (Being carried by the crow) Put me down, goddamn it (Crow drops him and he hits his head on the ground) Oh god, where am I
Crestfallen Warrior: Oh, welcome to Firelink Shrine. Have you come to become Hollow, like me
Damas: Uh…. not really
Crestfallen Warrior: Oh… Well, no worries. I suppose you’re here then on a quest
Damas: How did you know?
Crestfallen Warrior: Why else would you come to a messed up place like this
Damas: Good point
Crestfallen Warrior: Well, in order to progress through your quest is to ring the two Bells of Awakening, one in Undead Parish and the other in Blighttown....
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Back when we were living at my grandma’s house, my brother was quite the troublemaker. He was always going out late, he was always arguing with our mother, and he was always breaking all the rules. So much in fact, that he did something worth a spot on Wind’s Story Time, so I hope you all won’t mind that we will be talking about what happened to my brother rather than what happened to me… But I witnessed it, so that’s something. Anyway, my brother had just walked in from school, and, on the bus, he told me how he was going to hang out at his friend's house for the night. When we got...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

In the medieval year of 1043 A.D., there was a terrible curse on the Kingdom of Brador. The evil demon lord, Irons, has placed a deadly curse on the kingdom, that would soon kill everyone in the kingdom, allowing him to take over the kingdom for centuries. However, the hero, Sidus, and his companion, Rays, travelled to Irons’s fortress in order to defeat him. Once they had arrived, Irons was there waiting to challenge Sidus to a duel. They both fought, ending with Irons being defeated. In an attempt to trick Sidus, he offered to give Sidus a place at his side, so that he would not...
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It was a beauitful day in Bikini Bottom, and everyone's favorite dimwitted Starfish was doing what he always dose.. Sleeping almost ALL hours of the day.

Inside his rock house, laying on a bed 'liturary' made of sand, Patrick was cuddled up with a teddy bear, and for whatever reason, sucking his thumb.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door, carzing him to wake up.

Patrick opened up his rock to see a mailman.

"Hello" Patrick greeted, as friendly as could sound.

"letter for mister Starfish" the mailman said, holding a mailcard.

"What Starfish?" Patrick asked, looking around as if looking for someone....
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A car is violently flipped over.

"Yo! What the fuck!?" The passengers cried angrily.

"OPEN FIRE!" Officer Shane cried, and all the officers started killing the suspects, though they were no threat at all.

However, Shane ended up accidentally shooting chief Rick Grims, nearly killing him.

"Oh nooo... He's been shot because by the criminals" Shane called out nervously.

Shane and the officers ran over to the fading away Rick.

"By the way. If you die or fall into a coma.. I'm gonna sleep with your wife" Shane's voice said as it was fading away.


The doctor violent punches Rick while he was still unconscience.

"What you do doing!?" Shane cried.

"My job..Sometimes people FAKE being in a coma. This man's not.. Unless.. The first punch knocked him out.. Either way, we won't know for sometime" the doctor replied.

Stay tuned for more..
(Notice: All Jojo-nuary articles will be released on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I made an article everyday throughout January, I’d just be exhausted)

Well, I already did the Stands for Vento Aureo last week, so I guess now is a better time than any to get started on the next part of Jojo, Stone Ocean. Now, Stone Ocean was a part that as very… mixed for Jojo fans. Many enjoyed the main Jojo, Jolyne, the main villain of this part, Enrico Pucci, and the story it had for it, but it seemed to have lacked in creative Stands. It’s like a reverse Vento Aureo, a part with amazing Stands, but weak...
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