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posted by Windwakerguy430
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Now that we’ve uncovered that this game Dark Soul is the reason for the Craigslist killing, what else has this game done to our society?

Steve Doocy: It’s a good question because for so many years, we never knew this game existed. Now that we do, it seems like the perfect answer as to why video games are ruining America.

Brian Kilmeade: Well, look closely at the title. It has dark right in the name. Clearly this game has some racial overtones that probably has inspired a lot of video game playing racists. It really speaks to how out of touch gamers truly are.

Doocy: Video games like this one is exactly why racism is alive today in America.

Hasselbeck: Again, it’s another Japanese-made video game trying to pollute the minds of young Americans. It just shows how everyone wants to undermine America in any way possible.

Kilmeade: That is a very good point.

Hasselbeck: Thank you. I know.

Doocy: To reiterate, I have not heard of this game until a few minutes ago, but this looks like Grand Theft Auto times a million from what I can tell. We have to give some credit to Grand Theft Auto because despite it promoting violence, it never promoted cult violence.

Hasselbeck: Cult racism, cult violence, it never ends with these video games. We all thought Mario was fun and games until Mario became a dark soul and started killing people.

Kilmeade: Now look here.

[Kilmeade gestures to footage from the game]

Kilmeade: Apparently, you are able to invade other people’s games and kill them. You essentially kill people in a place that is supposed to be safe. This sounds a lot like a school shooting, does it not?

Doocy: I know children love these video games, but they’re too young to understand what’s going on so I don’t blame them. Then all of a sudden, some gamer comes in with a weapon and kills them. Yes, it sounds exactly like a school shooting and it has probably inspired all of these shootings that we hear about.

Hasselbeck: They get that first virtual taste and then they go after the real thing. It’s so sad how many lives were taken because of this Dark game. Shame on the creators.

Kilmeade: It’s unfortunate that these sick people are all in Japan. There’s no international law that will get them, right?

Doocy: I think we need to do some more research.

Hasselbeck: So tell us your thoughts on Dark Soul. Should the creators face the death penalty for making this game?

Now, I was always a gamer. Even when I was 7. However, I wasn’t as brave while playing games as I am now when I was 7. So, you can imagine that their were a lot of terrifying things. So, I am going to tell you all the things in games that scared me as a kid. Now, these are all going to be games I played when I was only 7. So, I am not going to put any of the horror games on this list. Also, no Giygas, or Mimi, because those would be too obvious. Sorry. And with all that said, lets start the list


#10: Boulders from Crash Bandicoot - Yes, that’s right, I was such a wuss back...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Chuck: (Sitting in room, with TV on)
Anchorman: And, in a turn of events, some serious shit went down in Fortune City. And I mean SHIT! Like "Holy crap, dozens of people are dying and no one is doing a damn thing" kind of shit. We will go to our field reporter, Rebecca Chan, who has more on this crazy shit.
Rebecca: It is revealed that the zombies were released by someone, as an act of terrorism. The following video shows a man who we can not see his face at all, but, for story reasons, we will just assume its Chuck Greene.
Chuck: Oh, they said my name again. Man, I am real popular today.
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Now, I have played lots of horror games on the internet. There was Slender: The Arrival with its jump scares and Corpse Party with its psychological horror. But there is a game that mixes both of these together. That game is Five Nights at Freddy's.
Now, this game, is horrifying. And for once, in a good way. It has a lot of good backstory, and the plot is neat, and the actual gameplay is well done. But what really amazed me was the horror of the game. It has both jump scares and psychological horror. I won't talk about the jump scares much, but more of the psychological horror, as the animatronics...
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Okay... This fanfic is so bad and so poorly written... That its just funny. The fanfic I am talking about, is Half Life: Full Life Consequences.
Believe of or not.... Okay, no one, not even myself, believes this, but Gordon Freeman actually has relatives. He has a dad named Henry and a brother named John. This fan fiction is all about how Henry saved a city with his son. Sounds promising, so how could they fuck it up... Well, how about some of the worst spelling and grammar in the entire world. I swear, its as if this fanfiction was written by a first grader. In fact, I should just show you...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

It doesn’t take a lot to get my interest in some games. One of the most likely things that can sell me on a game is how good the art is. And it’s real damn good to see a game that has been carefully drawn, picture by picture, all to get down the perfect animation. And no game has ever gotten that style of hand drawn animation for each character like the classic Skullgirls.
Skullgirls is one of my favorite fighting games out there simply for hte style, but I like it for other reasons too, of course. Skullgirls takes place in a sort of 1930s esque city, where a fabled McGuffin known...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
~Part 1: Blue Moon~

(A silent night, snow falling from the sky, as a man walked down an alleyway. There was no sound. Nothing but the noises of someone running and panting, almost screaming. The running stopped, but the screaming was only more frequent, as the mysterious man at the end of the alley walked into the frame, blocking path. In his hand, a tommy gun, with a drum at the side, held in his right hand, before lifting it into both hands. The figure screamed and panicked, trying to find an escape, but to no avail. It was only when the gun was fired did any light shine on the figure. A dirty,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Narrator: Are you looking for a dark, edgy, and serious anime. Well than get the hell out of here, because Death Note: The Re-Bridged is not for you. This time, we got more suspense.
L: Should I add one sugar cube, or two…. oh, fuck it. I’ll use all of it
Narrator: We’ve got more action
Security Guard: Hey, a bus… The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round-
(Bus crashes into a building)
Narrator: And we got a motherfucking AFRO
Aizawa: ……. I don’t even know how to respond to that?
Narrator: Watch as Light eats all your fucking potato chips! Don’t miss it, or you’re ass is going down in the Death Note. Watch Light eat your fucking mother
Narrator: Oh, shit. Wrong show… Uh… Here’s Matsuda
Matsuda: Hey, I’m Ma-
Narrator: FUCK OFF, MATSUDA! Death Note: The Re-Bridged! Watch it! Or don’t! Fuck you! Rated PG.
Best of SATEN TWIST: (Heroic Hothead/Reformed drunk/AppleJack's husband)

AJ: (shortly after kissing him on the lips) There's somethin' ah've been meaning ta tell ya.
Saten: *gasps* Oh god. Your breaking up with me.
AJ: What?
Saten: W Why would you kiss me, and then break up with me.. That is so crue-
AJ: *puts her hooves on him softly* Honey. Relax. Ah'm not breaking up with ya,
Saten: (nervously) Oh.. Right, I I knew that.. (takes a large sip from the beer still on the lamp table next to we're their sitting)

AJ: (nuzzling Saten lovingly)
Saten: Huh.. That's so adorable, your like a cat. Only cuter....
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Nate: (In car with Chris)
Chris: Are you sure its a zombie outbreak
Nate: Chris, take a look outside (Points at person getting eaten by zombie) How do you explain that
Chris: Well, this is New York. Lots of crazy crap happens. Maybe he's a drug pusher
Chris: Okay, okay, so it is a zombie outbreak. But, how am I supposed to deal with that. Zombie's are not normal
Nate: Oh, they are now
Chris: Where are we going anyway
Nate: Well, first, we need to get Emma
Chris: You mean that annoying bitch with her breasts being the only thing good about her
Nate: Chris, just shut up before I kick you out...
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When I said I was going to review No More Heroes 2, I meant it. When I discussed the previous game, I did mention that I may or may not review it. I said that because, wow, I have to pay double the price of the original game for NMH2. But, in the end, I did it anyway. Because I’m a sad person. But, regardless, here it is. This is a game no one expected would be made. No More Heroes seemed like such a niche game that was fun, but nothing to warrant a sequel. But, low and behold, here it is: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle.


Now, you all know that I love the first No More Heroes...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone. And welcome to Hidden Gems, where we take a look at games that have fallen into obscurity that no one has heard of, and see if those games deserved to be forgotten of it they should be more well known. And for the first episode of Hidden Gems, I want to talk about one of the best and most beloved obscure games out there. We all known Ubisoft for making games such as Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and a bunch of very buggy and untested games. But when less popular games, they seem to be less buggy and more fun, such as games like No More Heroes, Red Steel, and today’s game,...
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Art by Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
When I was taking Topical Literature classes back in my junior year of high school, we had this assignment where we had to watch a neo noir film and write down what we can find about the characters and the settings that give it that feeling. There was one movie I chose out of all of the. Mainly due to the fact that I have had a long history of enjoying this movie very much, for it’s dark setting, and it’s disturbingly creative villain… Not sure why I brought up my school assignments into this, but anyway, let’s talk about Silence of the Lambs… Oh, that’s why I talked about it. Because...
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I like to think of myself as a pioneer when it comes to gaming, going beyond the boundaries to try and discover what lies behind them. It could be something amazing, or could be something completely strange. Lost games are something that fascinates me. Lost games are games that are completely gone within just a few days. They come into our lives, stay for a bit, and disappear without a trace. I like to imagine lost games as being different from cancelled games, because then I’d be thinking of Silent Hills and how bastardized of a company Konami is. But, anyway, this list is all about games...
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Now, there are a lot of enemies in video games. And I means a LOT! However, there are also the ones that are… terrifying. Now, before I start, some rules. These are only games that I played and only one per franchise. Also, I AM including enemies from horror games, as long as they are scary. Also, they need to have originated from video games, so that means that Slender Man, SCPs, and the Aliens from the Alien games are all out. Now, lets start the list.

Big Sister
Big Sister

#20: Big Sisters from Bioshock 2 - Now, these enemies aren’t all that scary themselves. Its more of the backstory of them...
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So the Shin Megami Tensei franchise is a pretty well known series of games. And I’m not just saying that because it’s really Persona that people care about and Shin Megami Tensei has flown under the radar completely, no I’m not bitter, you’re bitter. Shut up. But this is not about me gushing over how great SMT Nocturne is. There are some people who don’t know about it, or absolute heathens, some of them known as sundaes that are of the plastic variety, that say it’s just bad, which is fine, one is entitled to their opinion no matter how wrong they are. Regardless, Nocturne was a...
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-Chapter 1: An Unforgettable Luncheon

Ring ring.
The doorbell rang. Superintendent Chalmers stood outside, champagne in hand, as he waited patiently. Seymour opened the door, greeted by his employer, who greeted him with a monotone voice
“Well, Seymour, I made it”, Superintendent Chalmers said, “Despite your directions”
“Ah, Superintendent Chalmers! Welcome!” Seymour exclaimed with a smile. “I hope you’re prepared for an unforgettable luncheon”
“Eh”, Chalmers exclaimed in a rather bored tone. He invited himself in, taking a seat at the table, placing the champagne into the...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

So, Final Fantasy VI was a good RPG on the SNES. I hear a lot of people say that it is the best. But that can’t be true. Undertale was based on Earthbound, not Final Fantasy VI, so how can it possibly be the best when the best game ever wasn’t inspired by it. Okay, but seriously, this joke is terrible. Here’s Chrono Trigger.
Chrono Trigger takes place in the modern day… of 1999, following Crono, a bright eyed little Akira Toriyama drawn boy who, along with his friends, are send through an adventure across time to stop a space parasite known as Lavos from destroying the world in...
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So I was never too big into sports, and in short, I was never too big into sports games. I have minor understanding of basketball, but only cause my brothers are fans, I never understood the appeal of football, and I think I won’t offend anyone when I say soccer is boring. But I was really interested in the art of skateboarding… until it died and no one cared anymore… The game is Tony Hawk’s Underground.
Tony Hawk’s Underground starts in good ol’ Shithole, New Jersey, where you play as a skater with huge ambitions to be a pro skater, not for money, not for fame, but for the...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

I like Bayonetta better than Devil May Cry… Fuck you, fight me. Let’s not waste another second and let’s talk about it.
Bayonetta follows, well, Bayonetta, an Umbra Witch who was sealed in a coffin five hundred years ago before she resurfaced, with no memory of her passed and a legion of Heaven’s angels hunting her down. So, with the help of bar tender and badass Rodin, scumbag Enzo, and totally not Yuri Lowenthal, Luca, she travels to a far off city in hopes of getting answers, while also killing as many angels as she can. So like I said before, Bayonetta is fucking awesome. You...
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So when it comes to talking about the best Zelda game out there, two of them usually come to mind. The majority think of Ocarina of Time, and while that is a usual pick, some would say that Link to the Past is the best. And while I like both games, but also like other Zelda games more, it’s clear which one I prefer over the two
Link to the Past follows, who else, Link, as he is called upon by Zelda to go on a quest to save Hyrule from being turned into the Dark World where Ganon rules, and must gain the help of the Seven Sages to do so. Being one of the few SNES games that I have played,...
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