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Hello, everyone. My name is Robert C. Ockstain, and I have a something to tell all of you. Today, a group of people were shot up in the subway with an assault rifle. I mean, sure, the rifle was a watergun, and sure, everyone was enjoying themselves until the police came and shot the man. And sure, the man did throw down his gun and the police waited twenty seconds before opening fire onto the man, but this is all because the man in the subway was a psychotic asshole who deserved every bullet he had gotten. And what caused this man to go onto his killing spree that the police heroically prevented? A video game. As it turns out, the man had looked over at a Gamestop window and saw a trailer for Grand Theft Auto V and claimed, and I quote “Huh. That’s pretty cool”. Do you know what this means? This means that this man was a gamer. A synonym for “Psychotic Killer”. If this proves anything, its that video games are the biggest problem in the world. They cause things like murder, rape, child abuse, assault, terrorist attacks, Hitler, World War II, and every genocide in history. It even caused Jesus to be crucified. Video games killed Jesus. And yet these gamers- These filthy sadists- They praise these abominations by spending the “money” they “make” at their “jobs”. Or if you ask me, gamers are fat slobs with no jobs, who probably killed a poor old women to get that money. And if you too are a gamer (Or black AHEM) you too are part of the problem. Thankfully, with the help of my rich companion, Edward B. Jobs, we have created a way to please everyone who isn’t a gamer (Or female AHEM) The American Institution for Satanic Gamers (Which is All of Them). Here, you can send a gamer here, where we will give them many activities like Bonding with the fellow prisoners. Just look at Bubu, a 32 African Body-Builder arrested for several accounts of first degree rape. I’m sure he and the gamers will get along in a solitary room with no guards to stop it. And then there is the time they can spend helping officers, like being offered as target practice to help with the lack of cardboard cutouts. And my personal favorite, Shock Therapy. They can’t harm a soul if they can’t even stop drooling. It’s brilliant. And if you give your children a game, you are part of the problem. We will have you executed for crimes against humanity as your child is burned at the stake for even mentioning the Mario fucktard. So, if you are a gamer (Or you just don’t have enough Benjamins in your pocket AHEM) Then we have the place for you. Americas Institution for the Satanic Gamers Which is All of Them. The best way to stop gaming violence is with American violence. I’m Robert C. Ockstain, Hypo-Crite News.
Back when we were living at my grandma’s house, my brother was quite the troublemaker. He was always going out late, he was always arguing with our mother, and he was always breaking all the rules. So much in fact, that he did something worth a spot on Wind’s Story Time, so I hope you all won’t mind that we will be talking about what happened to my brother rather than what happened to me… But I witnessed it, so that’s something. Anyway, my brother had just walked in from school, and, on the bus, he told me how he was going to hang out at his friend's house for the night. When we got...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

In the medieval year of 1043 A.D., there was a terrible curse on the Kingdom of Brador. The evil demon lord, Irons, has placed a deadly curse on the kingdom, that would soon kill everyone in the kingdom, allowing him to take over the kingdom for centuries. However, the hero, Sidus, and his companion, Rays, travelled to Irons’s fortress in order to defeat him. Once they had arrived, Irons was there waiting to challenge Sidus to a duel. They both fought, ending with Irons being defeated. In an attempt to trick Sidus, he offered to give Sidus a place at his side, so that he would not...
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It was a beauitful day in Bikini Bottom, and everyone's favorite dimwitted Starfish was doing what he always dose.. Sleeping almost ALL hours of the day.

Inside his rock house, laying on a bed 'liturary' made of sand, Patrick was cuddled up with a teddy bear, and for whatever reason, sucking his thumb.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door, carzing him to wake up.

Patrick opened up his rock to see a mailman.

"Hello" Patrick greeted, as friendly as could sound.

"letter for mister Starfish" the mailman said, holding a mailcard.

"What Starfish?" Patrick asked, looking around as if looking for someone....
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A car is violently flipped over.

"Yo! What the fuck!?" The passengers cried angrily.

"OPEN FIRE!" Officer Shane cried, and all the officers started killing the suspects, though they were no threat at all.

However, Shane ended up accidentally shooting chief Rick Grims, nearly killing him.

"Oh nooo... He's been shot because by the criminals" Shane called out nervously.

Shane and the officers ran over to the fading away Rick.

"By the way. If you die or fall into a coma.. I'm gonna sleep with your wife" Shane's voice said as it was fading away.


The doctor violent punches Rick while he was still unconscience.

"What you do doing!?" Shane cried.

"My job..Sometimes people FAKE being in a coma. This man's not.. Unless.. The first punch knocked him out.. Either way, we won't know for sometime" the doctor replied.

Stay tuned for more..
(Notice: All Jojo-nuary articles will be released on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I made an article everyday throughout January, I’d just be exhausted)

Well, I already did the Stands for Vento Aureo last week, so I guess now is a better time than any to get started on the next part of Jojo, Stone Ocean. Now, Stone Ocean was a part that as very… mixed for Jojo fans. Many enjoyed the main Jojo, Jolyne, the main villain of this part, Enrico Pucci, and the story it had for it, but it seemed to have lacked in creative Stands. It’s like a reverse Vento Aureo, a part with amazing Stands, but weak...
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When the year of scares comes around, everyone is always looking for something that can give them a good old fashioned scare. From reading books of vampires and the undead, to watching movies of aliens and serial killers. And then there are those that play video games around this time, experiencing the horror from a different perspective. Games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Fatal Frame… But anyone can tell you that Halloween is all about fear. It’s an important part of Halloween, yes, but there is more to it than that. It’s the feeling of using this to your advantage, the changing...
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Video game characters. There are THOUSANDS of them. Some are funny, some are annoying, some are great, and others… not so much (Makarov) But, then comes along those video game characters. The ones that are so well written, and so perfectly executed, that you want to see more of these characters. And so, today, I am going to list my top ten- no- Top Fifteen of my favorite video game characters. Now, a few rules before we begin. Only one game per franchise, and only from games that I have played. Lastly, I will be spoiling all of these games (Persona 4, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Trauma Team,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

Well, been a while since we talked about this fat Italian plumber. What was it, back in the 90s of this list we talked about 3D Land, and only now, we’re discussing another game? Well, whatever, it’s still a beloved game regardless.
In this installment of the franchise, Mario goes from the Mushroom Kingdom to space itself, and must collect stars in order to unlock new levels all with the help of Rosalina and her group of Lumas, small star creatures that treat her like a mother. While this isn’t my favorite of the Mario games and Super Mario Galaxy 2 was just an overall conundrum...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: I don't know
(This article contains disturbing visuals, disturbing themes, extreme and graphic violence, blood and gore, and mature subjects. You have been warned)

There are many disturbing things out there in the world, with each one being something haunting for their own reasons. Some people see things as being disturbing for different reasons than others, but we can all agree that there are some haunting things out there, that scare us more than anything that a game or a movie could do, due to how psychologically damaging they are to those who watch them. So, today, I am going to share with you another...
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Art by SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
When I saw the trailer for this movie back in the summer, I gotta say, I was excited. But I was also expecting disappointment, since Hollywood has a habit of disappointing me. But, surprisingly enough, this movie was awesome. Now, originally, I was going to review Halloween 3 instead of this movie, but I just had to talk about. So for all of you who badly wanted that Halloween 3 review, here is is in short. It has witchcraft and no Myers. It’s different, so it sucks (Seriously though, it is not a good movie). Now, with that out of the way, let’s talk about the clearly better movie, Don’t...
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Art by AquaMarine
Art by AquaMarine
Another Rob Zombie movie I have watched, and another one that people are mixed about. I’ve said before that I known Zombie more for his movies rather than his music, and this is one of the movies I remember my brother telling me he loved. I didn’t know what I’d think of it. I do remember some people finding it too disgusting for them. Then again, I did have a soft spot for some of Zombie’s other movies, like El Superbeasto, so maybe this could be one of his shining gems… Or it could turn out like his Halloween movie, and we all know that’s not good. Anyway, today, we are going to...
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Art by SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
Well, let’s start off the first movie to review for the Halloween season. I’m just gonna pick up one at random and see what I get first. It can range from being a really good movie, to a really… REALLY horrible one. I just hope that I can do this all without burning out by the end of the month. So, let us take a look at our first movie. That being the very classic slasher film by horror movie legend, Wes Craven. That movie is none other than Scream… Nah, just kidding. It’s Nightmare on Elm Street.

Oh man, has it been such a long time. Nightmare on Elm Street follows the small...
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100: Repo! The Genetic Opera

99: The Room
98: Monsters, Inc.
97: Cloverfield
96: Adventures of Tintin
95: Hobo with a Shotgun
94: Watchmen
93: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
92: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
91: Caroline
90: Army of Darkness

89: Kick-Ass
88: Despicable Me
87: Zombieland
86: Land of the Dead
85: Goldeneye
84: District 9
83: Monster House
82: Tropic Thunder
81: King Kong
80: American Psycho

79: Dawn of the Dead
78: The Thing
77: Beauty and the Beast
76: The Road to El Dorado
75: Inglorious Bastards
74: Cast Away
73: The Incredibles
72: The Corpse Bride
71: Lemony Snicket’s Series of...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

The story follows Benedict, a young aged man who is sent to Purgatory, which looks like a simple 1960’s town, but with dead souls who resemble the deaths they faced. Benedict is soon met with Death, a simple entrepreneur who is unable to find out anything about Benedict, and can not find out if he is meant to go to Heaven or Hell. However, Death asks Benedict to try and do some good in Purgatory. However, the downside is, unlike earth, Purgatory is not at all safe, as people could be plucked out of it immediately by either an angel or a demon, and that it is also home to the Seven...
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Now, I was always a gamer. Even when I was 7. However, I wasn’t as brave while playing games as I am now when I was 7. So, you can imagine that their were a lot of terrifying things. So, I am going to tell you all the things in games that scared me as a kid. Now, these are all going to be games I played when I was only 7. So, I am not going to put any of the horror games on this list. Also, no Giygas, or Mimi, because those would be too obvious. Sorry. And with all that said, lets start the list


#10: Boulders from Crash Bandicoot - Yes, that’s right, I was such a wuss back...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Chuck: (Sitting in room, with TV on)
Anchorman: And, in a turn of events, some serious shit went down in Fortune City. And I mean SHIT! Like "Holy crap, dozens of people are dying and no one is doing a damn thing" kind of shit. We will go to our field reporter, Rebecca Chan, who has more on this crazy shit.
Rebecca: It is revealed that the zombies were released by someone, as an act of terrorism. The following video shows a man who we can not see his face at all, but, for story reasons, we will just assume its Chuck Greene.
Chuck: Oh, they said my name again. Man, I am real popular today.
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Now, I have played lots of horror games on the internet. There was Slender: The Arrival with its jump scares and Corpse Party with its psychological horror. But there is a game that mixes both of these together. That game is Five Nights at Freddy's.
Now, this game, is horrifying. And for once, in a good way. It has a lot of good backstory, and the plot is neat, and the actual gameplay is well done. But what really amazed me was the horror of the game. It has both jump scares and psychological horror. I won't talk about the jump scares much, but more of the psychological horror, as the animatronics...
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Okay... This fanfic is so bad and so poorly written... That its just funny. The fanfic I am talking about, is Half Life: Full Life Consequences.
Believe of or not.... Okay, no one, not even myself, believes this, but Gordon Freeman actually has relatives. He has a dad named Henry and a brother named John. This fan fiction is all about how Henry saved a city with his son. Sounds promising, so how could they fuck it up... Well, how about some of the worst spelling and grammar in the entire world. I swear, its as if this fanfiction was written by a first grader. In fact, I should just show you...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

It doesn’t take a lot to get my interest in some games. One of the most likely things that can sell me on a game is how good the art is. And it’s real damn good to see a game that has been carefully drawn, picture by picture, all to get down the perfect animation. And no game has ever gotten that style of hand drawn animation for each character like the classic Skullgirls.
Skullgirls is one of my favorite fighting games out there simply for hte style, but I like it for other reasons too, of course. Skullgirls takes place in a sort of 1930s esque city, where a fabled McGuffin known...
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