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This is a response to the link. If you disagree with this article, instead of leaving pointless hate-spam, which is just a waste of time, please explain why you don’t like it, or any points I got wrong.

“The story is written compellingly enough that a wide body of readers is able to fit into the persona of Bella and love Edward.”
I hate to break it to you, but that isn’t a result of good writing. It’s quite the opposite, actually. Bella is a very one-dimensional character. She has no real hobbies, defining character traits, or even any specific physical appearance, and because of the series being written in first person, it requires essentially no brainpower to imagine you are her. Simply put, she’s a Mary-Sue, and that’s a sign of bad writing.

“Edward himself is written as the most desirable guy on the face of the Earth. He has vampirically enhanced features that are model-perfect, even more so. It’s not just his handsome face that is described in worshipful detail, but the sound of his voice, the feel of his cold and marble-hard skin, and even the smell of his breath. Adding in the fact that he possesses super speed, super strength, immortality, and the ability to read the minds of almost everyone but Bella herself and he seems like a godly personification.”
How could I forget? Meyer reminds us almost every paragraph Edward is present. Yet again, a sign of bad writing.

He is a vampire, which means he constantly feels the desire to eat people, Bella in particular.
This is not a flaw until something bad comes of it. There is a rule in literature known as “show, don’t tell.” Now, Meyer has obviously never heard of this because we usually get either get “tell (x), show nothing,” or “tell (x), show (y).” While Edward constantly says he’s dangerous, wants to eat Bella, and could kill her any second, he never acts on it. If he accidentally hurt her or tried to drink her blood, I would count this as a flaw, however, he doesn’t. He always shows perfect self control.
I do not count (1) his thoughts at the beginning of Midnight Sun because that is, once again, telling, not showing, (2) him trying to drink Bella’s blood at the end of Twilight because he was trying to save her life and was able to stop very quickly, or (3) the bruises he gave Bella during their honeymoon because he destroyed furniture instead of her, and bruises are not a serious/long-term injury.

“Bella, however, continues to pursue him and he changes his mind, deciding to indulge his obsessive inclinations by sneaking into her room at night to watch her sleep and covertly following her around, eventually seeking out a proper relationship.”
Unfortunately, the fact that Edward stalks Bella is somehow considered “romantic.” Words that come to my mind are “creepy,” “disgusting,” “sick,” “paedophilic” (he’s over 100 and she’s 17 = he’s a paedophile), etc. Take your pick.
This is an ENORMOUS flaw, and yet I feel I cannot count it. The author does not consider this a flaw; therefore, it was not addressed as such. Characters need to work on their flaws throughout the book/series/movie/*insert form of storytelling here* in order for them to develop and grow. Edward doesn’t ever progress from this, as far as we know, and because this flaw doesn’t impede his character in any way (except for receiving a lot of hate from antis and members of Team Jacob), I will not count this as a flaw.

“What is attractive about Edward as a predatory vampire is, I believe, the dangerous power associated with the character and its potential to be used maliciously. There’s something enthralling about imagining myself in the position of Bella, infatuated with this dark, beautiful, and powerful man and knowing he could kill her should he lose willpower for just an instant.”
If Edward actually drank human blood I would accept this as a flaw, but since he has perfect control, this does not count.
Also, Bella is a masochist, and apparently you are too... I’m not entirely sure if that’s a good thing.

“Edward: And the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Bella: What a stupid lamb.
Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion!”

Now, you may have noticed my use of the word “masochistic” in the previous statement. It is a prime example of Stephenie Meyer’s poor writing skills under the category us antis like to call ‘Thesaurus Rape.’
mas•och•ism [mássə kìzzəm]
1. sexual pleasure through humiliation: sexual gratification achieved through humiliation and physical and verbal abuse
2. psychological disorder: the psychological disorder in which somebody needs to be emotionally or physically abused in order to be sexually satisfied
3. search for abusive sexual partners: the active seeking out of sexual partners who will dominate, humiliate, and physically and verbally abuse
4. enjoyment of hardship: the tendency to invite and enjoy misery of any kind, especially in order to be pitied by others or admired for forbearance
Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

If this word was used to describe Bella, I wouldn’t even notice, however, Edward uses the word “masochistic” to describe himself. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think this is the proper description of Edward, and Meyer needs to stop using big words that even she doesn’t understand.

“Jacob and Quil are not creepy pedophiles, but rather boys who feel the kind of love of an older family member feels toward their young imprintees. They’re like the model babysitters and preschool teachers who seriously love their kids and want to see them happy, albeit with their love situated on specific people. When the kids age to the point that the average adult would find them attractive, it can be assumed that the shapeshifters will want to pursue a romantic relationship, but at that point the playing field is pretty much level and age is no longer an issue.”
This is called child grooming, and it’s a form of paedophilia.
I’d also like to point out here that Jacob would (most probably) begin having sex with Renesmee when she reaches the age of 7. Now, while you may argue that she looks 17, firstly, that’s a stupid argument because she’s still underage, and secondly, it’s not about how old you look, it’s about how many years have passed since your birth. It is still paedophilia!

“In response to the common complaint that Twilight is written poorly, I would have to say that the concept of good literature is highly subjective.”
You’re confusing “quality of writing” with “entertainment value.” Twilight is full of grammatical errors, misuse of words, dry dialogue, repetitive and long-winded descriptions, etc. This is poor writing. Now, you may still find entertainment in a piece which is written poorly, just as you can find a well written book to be completely boring; that’s how it works. Enjoying something does not mean it’s automatically good. For example, I’m addicted to the TV show ‘The Secret Life of the American Teenager.’ It’s my guilty pleasure. However, as I watch, I recognise that some of the actors are substandard, the plot is full of clichés, there are many cheesy lines, and whoever is editing this together is absolutely shocking, but that doesn’t mean I can’t like it, I still find it entertaining.
There are some pieces of classic literature which bore me to tears too, because everyone enjoys different things, but the quality of the writing is not completely dependent on the enjoyment someone gets from reading it; it’s based on the technical aspects of the writing. Stephenie Meyer is not a good writer, that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

“Finally, I have read numerous blog articles criticizing author Stephenie Meyer’s decision to incorporate religious themes and messages into the book series.”
I don’t have a problem with religious themes and messages in a book, but once male supremacy becomes one of those values promoted, I have to draw the line.

In conclusion, I find most of the hate against Twilight running rampant on the Internet to be overblown. Surely, Twilight is not the kind of epic, involved, and progressive story like Harry Potter or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, for what it is, which is an intimate fantastical romance story that can be appreciated by a large quantity of people, it is of high enough quality to achieve high popularity. This should be respected even if the story doesn’t appeal to everyone.
If everyone knows Twilight is nowhere near the standard of Harry Potter, why does Breaking Dawn have “Move over Harry Potter” printed on the back? Twilight is what it is: a cheesy paranormal romance for teens. It’s not a saga, it’s not the best love story since Romeo and Juliet, it’s not well written. Now, you may see this “hate” as being overblown, but that’s what it looks like when lots of people all feel the same way about it, and I doubt it will stop until the Twilight fad dies down.

We're not on Team Tyler's Van for no reason.
This is coninuing from the last article, i try and keep u all happy by doing a little bit off chapter one, this is the third part of chapter one out of 6.
thx for the support, i just started an hour ago and now, i cant seem to stop typing! heeheehee. i was planing to use this rough draft as a base line for my real book, but i cant get my book published until i am older so i thought may aswell let them see the rough copy. its not as good as my real copy, soo sorry. enjoy x

I woke up in a room, not my room, but someone else’s. I groaned, my body was stiff and very sore.
“She‘s finally waking.”...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
i was just bored and i thought thats the same way edward feels towards bella so i just uploaded it! hope u like it!
i was just bored and i thought thats the same way edward feels towards bella so i just uploaded it! hope u like it!
hey guys!
first of all i wanted to thank you all for the support over the 21 chaps.
second of all some of you asked me if edward and bella got back together? thats a yes too.
and i wanted to tell you that im gonna start a new story!(yay im so happy! im really getting addicted to fanpop)
so im gonna give you some names you should pick one!(each name has a different story there not the same)
and im going to write my new story (the name most of u picked)
so dont forget to tell me this really is important to me
so here are the names:

1.broken heart...
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posted by ParamoreFreak
2.) Can You Save Us!?
Later that night, after Rick and Phil ate, Rick let Phil be alone by himself in his room. Phil didn't know what to do, I mean he knows all this demonic stuff now so...what was he suppossed to do? How will his life change-if it changes it all? What will happen next? Only time would tell for Rick and Phil both. Rick was in the living room, watching TV, wondering what Phil was doing, while Phil was sitting on the guest bed, wondering what to do. Phil had no idea how he was gonna explain to his parents, and maybe even his sister,...
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ok so i know that carrie ann said that she wasnt going to write this story any time soon but i got her notes and im improvising so most of this article will be my work but carrie anns ideas.
but enjoy anyway this is part 13 and its short, and _madz_ this is the part i told you about jake...

part 12
“Where is she?” Tara demanded glaring at hem.
“Gone for a walk ... Or that’s what she said anyway. Went hunting or something she muttered it so quietly I wasn’t quite sure what she said, sorry.” Kris muttered
“Where exactly did she go ... I want a word with her. She comes to our land...
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posted by twilight_james
Sorry I know I havent written for a while my internets been down so just bear with me!
Chapter 4
(Edwards POV)
Our meetings continued, we met, kissed, talked and ate. It was annoying about how she had to go and leave as soon as we had finished, and I didn’t even know who those crazy vampires were. This pattern continued for a very long time before I got sick of it. Even then, I just thought that maybe I was missing Carlisle. It never really ticked in my head that I had to know who those vampires were.

So we went to visit Carlisle. We travelled round the world before we finally found him. He...
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1.You see a silver Volvo flying down the street and yell, "Edward come back!"

2.You ask your boyfriend to rub ice on your lips before he kisses you.

3.You walk around thinking,'I know what you
are' encase Edward is nearby.

4.You approach a wolf without taking precaution.

5.You put the name on your Myspace as, Mrs.Cullen.


6.When you are reading this article!

lol! I hope you all enjoyed! Please comment and rate. TEAM EDWARD!!!
posted by twilight_james
(End of chapter 2)
In fact, everything was better after that. There was no more running, and we hunted together, night after night. But when we were not hunting, she was back with those vampires. I wished i knew what they were. But I was happy with my Jane, was I not?

(chapter 3)
(Jane's POV)
I had just listened to one of Aro's lectues, about how we are not allowed to go with other vampires unless they want to join the Volturi. I tuned out, and wondered where I would be hunting btonight. I thought I might try the prisons, apparently there were some really good ones out of Volterra (Aro won't allow...
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posted by lollipopszx3
Edward slow down!" I screamed as his needle pointed a little over 100. "Why Bella? I thought you loved the speed and the indredredaline." "That's you..."

"Oh yeah... well first tell me you love me then I'll slow down." "I love you my Edward... NOW SLOW DOWN!" A motocycle wasn't safe... expecially one that was going 100 miles per hour!

"Yeah... can you take my helmet off... it's really blocking my view." I did what I was told. Well if I wanted him to slow down I had to do it. I put his helmet on my head but he still didn't slow down. "EDWARD MASEN CULLEN! YOU BETTER SLOW DOWN RIG...." I said before...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
We all claim to love mysterious men but when we are handed one we are baffled and trip over ourselves trying to figure them out. Case in point, The Twilight Saga: New Moon actor Charlie Bewley. has an article up about the mysterious, ageless, storyless star who opens up about traveling to Italy and his views on Rob's Twilight fame.

On Italy: "Italy was a dream. Very surreal. I think everyone there, no matter who it was, Rob Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, [director] Chris Weitz or anyone else would say that it was an experience that they may never go through again. The hospitality of the whole thing, the way they treated us, the whole setting was so magnificent."

On Rob: "Rob, I feel sorry for him a little bit. I feel for him, because he’s like a paparazzi fugitive right now. He can’t leave his house. He’s the most photographed person in the world."
posted by newmoon_lover

When the transformation begins,
the heat flows through your body.
The wind around you,
turns to mist.

Suddenly your on all fours,
racing through the forest.
Your russet brown fur,
swirls in the wind.

Your like a blur,
like a brown line has been sketched into the forest.
Then you hear the voices of your pack,
calling you to hunt.

Listen while the wind screams past you,
and your packs mind turns into one.
you stalk your prey together,
till they see you and you act as one,
and they have no chance of escape.

You feast on your meal,
cleaning your bloody claws.
Then the call of the human world,
reminds you to go home.

While the change ends,
but same as the beginning.
The werewolf you were,
is now inside of you
posted by teamalice_0
I am SHOCKED by your respones(in a good way). I never thought anyone but me would like these. Thanks for reading!

Seth's POV!

I followed her out on to the porch.

"Mary, When you get back I nedd to talk to you about something."I was nervous as it is. How do you tell someone you imprintd on them, Alice will probably try and kill me...

"Sure." She headed off into the woods. I started pacing too keep my self occupied.

I praticed what I was going to say to her.
So... Mary.. Have you ever heard...
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this idea has been bugging for a while now. I couldn't think of a better title it you can plz post it as a comment belowthxs

Sami's pov

"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH" I all but yelled at my friends."Team Edward of Team Jacob " I was always asked "neither" I would answer "Team Jasper",then the would go on arguing about who's cuter Edward or Jacob.I ran home and into my room I tore down my twilight poster and ripped it to shredders.I thew out the remains and laid down on my bed "I wish they would just drop it and move on"I whispered to myself,but that's not going to happen with the movies coming out soon....
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posted by anna0789
seth's pov

my head hurt so much i was so dizzy i felt so sick i think im going to throw up what is happening ???

we will answer all your questions just try to be calm someone said no no no one said anything because my ears didn't heard anything that voice was in my mind ...what??

i know you are confuse but you have to try to be calm that's the key the same voice said

"im not going to be calm until you show yourself" i yelled but instead of my voice i heard i growl
i froze i tried to stand up but i couldn't what was happening i was so scare ...

then i remember emma ..some guy over her i started...
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this is Kevin yumm
this is Kevin yumm
9. Dates

I should have known. Who was I to think Leah really just wanted to go out for drink? We got to the club and that’s when I saw her do it. She looked at these two guys and winked. That’s when they started buying me drinks. Todd and Eric. Really, I thought she had better taste for me.

Todd was a math teacher at Forks high, 28, and loved Sci-Fi movie. He was lanky and awkward. He had dark brown eyes and a strange pointed nose not to mention he was blond. I turned him down nicely after listening to him for 20 minutes. I sighed with relief and Leah laughed at me.

Just as I started to...
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I woke up with a stir, the strangest dream ever. It wasn’t me Bella Cullen was there. I was at their house, lived in it and I had a little baby girl. She looked remarkably like Edward but she had my eyes, she was seven or eight much older then Aly and she was laughing with Jacob. There were other People in the dream Yard aside from the family, there were three more girls and another man. One girl was talking to Edward she had curly strawberry blond hair and a dazzling smile. I watched all of this like it was a scary movie, I turned and watched how everything was two perfect. Seth...
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MTV was able to interview Welsh actor Michael Sheen, where he talked about his New Moon character Aro. He also expressed his excitement in seeing the film as he hasnt seen the finished product yet. Here is an excerpt of his interview:

MTV: Michael, at MTV News, we’re obsessed with all things “Twilight,” and we recently premiered the new trailer. Have you seen it?

Michael Sheen: Yes, I did see it. I was amazed to see I was in there.

MTV: Have they shown you a cut of the film?

Sheen: No, nothing yet. I’m very excited about seeing it, as most people are — especially with my daughter, who...
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posted by mommy6197
* As soon as Remeo and Juliet was over the phone was ringing in Edwards pocket. He picked it up saying "HI Alice." I was wondering why Alice was calling but I am sure he will tell me as soon as he gets off the phone with her. I hope nonthing is wrong! When he hung up the phone I did not even get a chance to ask what was going on.

*He said "We have to go back to the house now it was imporant."

*Is Nessi & Jake ok? I asked Edward.

*They are fine. Alice seen somthing that everyone needs to know about. That is why we need to go back now.

*Ok lets go then so if ti is not to bad we can get back...
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posted by anna0789
bella/lilly pov

i arrived to bella's house and run to my room and grab a notebook ,walked to the garden ,
and started to write down everything that had happened well since i somehow enter this strange world....i needed to do this to manage to clear my tangle thoughts

after a while i finished i left the notebook in the floor and started to walk into the woods. i love nature and to explore it and here in forks it was everything so green so full of life.
i love it

i walk deeper and deeper into the forest singing to myself it was a song i had written a few months ago...

edward's pov

after a few hours...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1

Chapter Ten: You Will Never Fade Away


The night was bright from the moon's light. We were all wrapped up in our blankets cause the sun roof let in chilly night air. Everyone sat in front of the fire, talking, laughing, joking around. Like they didn't have a care at all in the world....
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 3)
And I ran to the street and walked back to home when I got home I went and took a shower and cooked fried fish fore Charlie and called him at work to see what took him so long
-hi dad where are you
-hey Bella, there was an animal attack and some hikers are missing were trying to find out some clues I will be home in one hour okay?
- sure be careful
-always am bye
Then I hung up the phone and went to my room I was thinking about today when an idea popped in my mind it wasn’t a very good idea but still it might work I took my phone out of my pocket and called edward I was hoping...
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