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This is a response to the link. If you disagree with this article, instead of leaving pointless hate-spam, which is just a waste of time, please explain why you don’t like it, or any points I got wrong.

“The story is written compellingly enough that a wide body of readers is able to fit into the persona of Bella and love Edward.”
I hate to break it to you, but that isn’t a result of good writing. It’s quite the opposite, actually. Bella is a very one-dimensional character. She has no real hobbies, defining character traits, or even any specific physical appearance, and because of the series being written in first person, it requires essentially no brainpower to imagine you are her. Simply put, she’s a Mary-Sue, and that’s a sign of bad writing.

“Edward himself is written as the most desirable guy on the face of the Earth. He has vampirically enhanced features that are model-perfect, even more so. It’s not just his handsome face that is described in worshipful detail, but the sound of his voice, the feel of his cold and marble-hard skin, and even the smell of his breath. Adding in the fact that he possesses super speed, super strength, immortality, and the ability to read the minds of almost everyone but Bella herself and he seems like a godly personification.”
How could I forget? Meyer reminds us almost every paragraph Edward is present. Yet again, a sign of bad writing.

He is a vampire, which means he constantly feels the desire to eat people, Bella in particular.
This is not a flaw until something bad comes of it. There is a rule in literature known as “show, don’t tell.” Now, Meyer has obviously never heard of this because we usually get either get “tell (x), show nothing,” or “tell (x), show (y).” While Edward constantly says he’s dangerous, wants to eat Bella, and could kill her any second, he never acts on it. If he accidentally hurt her or tried to drink her blood, I would count this as a flaw, however, he doesn’t. He always shows perfect self control.
I do not count (1) his thoughts at the beginning of Midnight Sun because that is, once again, telling, not showing, (2) him trying to drink Bella’s blood at the end of Twilight because he was trying to save her life and was able to stop very quickly, or (3) the bruises he gave Bella during their honeymoon because he destroyed furniture instead of her, and bruises are not a serious/long-term injury.

“Bella, however, continues to pursue him and he changes his mind, deciding to indulge his obsessive inclinations by sneaking into her room at night to watch her sleep and covertly following her around, eventually seeking out a proper relationship.”
Unfortunately, the fact that Edward stalks Bella is somehow considered “romantic.” Words that come to my mind are “creepy,” “disgusting,” “sick,” “paedophilic” (he’s over 100 and she’s 17 = he’s a paedophile), etc. Take your pick.
This is an ENORMOUS flaw, and yet I feel I cannot count it. The author does not consider this a flaw; therefore, it was not addressed as such. Characters need to work on their flaws throughout the book/series/movie/*insert form of storytelling here* in order for them to develop and grow. Edward doesn’t ever progress from this, as far as we know, and because this flaw doesn’t impede his character in any way (except for receiving a lot of hate from antis and members of Team Jacob), I will not count this as a flaw.

“What is attractive about Edward as a predatory vampire is, I believe, the dangerous power associated with the character and its potential to be used maliciously. There’s something enthralling about imagining myself in the position of Bella, infatuated with this dark, beautiful, and powerful man and knowing he could kill her should he lose willpower for just an instant.”
If Edward actually drank human blood I would accept this as a flaw, but since he has perfect control, this does not count.
Also, Bella is a masochist, and apparently you are too... I’m not entirely sure if that’s a good thing.

“Edward: And the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Bella: What a stupid lamb.
Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion!”

Now, you may have noticed my use of the word “masochistic” in the previous statement. It is a prime example of Stephenie Meyer’s poor writing skills under the category us antis like to call ‘Thesaurus Rape.’
mas•och•ism [mássə kìzzəm]
1. sexual pleasure through humiliation: sexual gratification achieved through humiliation and physical and verbal abuse
2. psychological disorder: the psychological disorder in which somebody needs to be emotionally or physically abused in order to be sexually satisfied
3. search for abusive sexual partners: the active seeking out of sexual partners who will dominate, humiliate, and physically and verbally abuse
4. enjoyment of hardship: the tendency to invite and enjoy misery of any kind, especially in order to be pitied by others or admired for forbearance
Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

If this word was used to describe Bella, I wouldn’t even notice, however, Edward uses the word “masochistic” to describe himself. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think this is the proper description of Edward, and Meyer needs to stop using big words that even she doesn’t understand.

“Jacob and Quil are not creepy pedophiles, but rather boys who feel the kind of love of an older family member feels toward their young imprintees. They’re like the model babysitters and preschool teachers who seriously love their kids and want to see them happy, albeit with their love situated on specific people. When the kids age to the point that the average adult would find them attractive, it can be assumed that the shapeshifters will want to pursue a romantic relationship, but at that point the playing field is pretty much level and age is no longer an issue.”
This is called child grooming, and it’s a form of paedophilia.
I’d also like to point out here that Jacob would (most probably) begin having sex with Renesmee when she reaches the age of 7. Now, while you may argue that she looks 17, firstly, that’s a stupid argument because she’s still underage, and secondly, it’s not about how old you look, it’s about how many years have passed since your birth. It is still paedophilia!

“In response to the common complaint that Twilight is written poorly, I would have to say that the concept of good literature is highly subjective.”
You’re confusing “quality of writing” with “entertainment value.” Twilight is full of grammatical errors, misuse of words, dry dialogue, repetitive and long-winded descriptions, etc. This is poor writing. Now, you may still find entertainment in a piece which is written poorly, just as you can find a well written book to be completely boring; that’s how it works. Enjoying something does not mean it’s automatically good. For example, I’m addicted to the TV show ‘The Secret Life of the American Teenager.’ It’s my guilty pleasure. However, as I watch, I recognise that some of the actors are substandard, the plot is full of clichés, there are many cheesy lines, and whoever is editing this together is absolutely shocking, but that doesn’t mean I can’t like it, I still find it entertaining.
There are some pieces of classic literature which bore me to tears too, because everyone enjoys different things, but the quality of the writing is not completely dependent on the enjoyment someone gets from reading it; it’s based on the technical aspects of the writing. Stephenie Meyer is not a good writer, that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.

“Finally, I have read numerous blog articles criticizing author Stephenie Meyer’s decision to incorporate religious themes and messages into the book series.”
I don’t have a problem with religious themes and messages in a book, but once male supremacy becomes one of those values promoted, I have to draw the line.

In conclusion, I find most of the hate against Twilight running rampant on the Internet to be overblown. Surely, Twilight is not the kind of epic, involved, and progressive story like Harry Potter or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. However, for what it is, which is an intimate fantastical romance story that can be appreciated by a large quantity of people, it is of high enough quality to achieve high popularity. This should be respected even if the story doesn’t appeal to everyone.
If everyone knows Twilight is nowhere near the standard of Harry Potter, why does Breaking Dawn have “Move over Harry Potter” printed on the back? Twilight is what it is: a cheesy paranormal romance for teens. It’s not a saga, it’s not the best love story since Romeo and Juliet, it’s not well written. Now, you may see this “hate” as being overblown, but that’s what it looks like when lots of people all feel the same way about it, and I doubt it will stop until the Twilight fad dies down.

We're not on Team Tyler's Van for no reason.
posted by kiwi12
part 10

"Ok sorry about that" Jacob said to me "Can you phase back?" I found I could. I heard Jasper mutter "I wonder..." then he spoke louder with purpose "You phase when you're angry right?" Jacob nodded "She doesn't. I think she phases when one of you are upset. She does have to be relaxed to phase back but so do all the werewolves in the room." They all found this interesting.

"Did phasing hurt this time?" Embry asked me "Not as much" I lied "Is Quil alright?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to sound heartless nor did I want to be nosy. They hesitated too "Yeah... a friend of his fell...
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posted by kiwi12
I know they've been pretty short if that bugs you leave a comment letting me know and I'll combine a few parts to make them longer. Also if you don't think I'm being true to the characters let me know and I'll try harder. Pretty much anything that isn't right I'd love to know so I can make it better. Thanks.

part 8

"Absolutely not!" the mind reader said harshly "Why not?" the huge one countered. His mate asked what was going on. He whispered his thought in her ear. She looked mad "We can't do that!" He turned sulky "She's durable we won't hurt her." The mind reader growled under his breath "She's...
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posted by kiwi12
part 7

The huge vampire spoke for the first time. Utterly terrifying. "Are you human?" he demanded, eyes wide. "Yes" I answered, too defensively. The huge one's mate, the one who had kidnapped me, started making a list out loud:

1. Her eyes change to gold when she's around us and they turn red when Bella is the closest to her (I hadn't known that.)

2. She picks up a small bit of the gifts around her.

3. Her skin becomes a few shades paler when she's near us.

4. She's a bit too strong and fast for a human (I added that these were also only around vampires.)

At this point Emmett came near me and sat...
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posted by New_Moon_Master
Her heartbeat fast by the second. I watched her from the chair that I sat in next to the bed. It had been three days. She had not moved a muscle. My family stood at the wall behind me, saying nothing, not even breathing. I had not spoken to them. I hated them. They had gone behind my back, and turned Bella into...what? I did not know. A monster without a soul? I could not picture Bella as that, but the thought was excrusiating. It was almost over, almost all her human scent gone. She smelled amazing, the same yet differant. Sweeter, and I did not want to kill her, which was very odd for me....
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"Carlisle!" I felt so relieved to see him again. I realized I had missed him a great deal. I couldn't help myself, I ran up and hugged him. He seemed quite shocked, but he rubbed his hand against my back soothingly.
"'s good to see you..." I pulled away and he was starring at Alice, who was standing several feet behind me. We had just arrived, after what was supposed to be a twenty four hour drive but was only eleven. Alice had gone over twice the posted speed limit the entire way. Rosalie and Emmett-thank goodness-weren't there at the moment. Esme, and Jasper stood in the room behind...
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I jumped at the sound of her voice. She was back already? But I couldn't focus on that for long. What had Jacob just said? Had I really heard right?
"Over my dead body!" he rowred at her.
He took a step forward and tried to pull me over to him by my waist. Alice's hand grabbed mine, and I started to get scared that a tug-o-war would begin. That would be painful. Jake growled. I looked back at Alice. She was glaring at him in such a terrifying way...she honestly scared me a little. She yanked on my arm, and I came flying towards her, out of Jacob's grasp. She flung me behind her body. My mind...
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posted by She_wolf
Chapter Seven (what will embry do?)

I gulped and nodded. She knew what she was doing. Didn’t she? She smiled then jerked forward on the bike, leaving me behind. I followed her quickly.
“Crap!” She yelled just before we got half way down the dust road. She screamed to a stop. I stopped just behind her.
“What is it?” I asked scanning her face.
“It’s those bloody ‘protectors’.” Her face was stony. “I was riding down here last week, and they told me to ‘pack it in or they’d stop me’.” She imitated Sam Uley’s voice. “They’re so weird. Sam Uley I think it was....
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Here is chapter 3 of My True Love. Please go to my profile to rate and leave comments THANKS!!!

I was shocked at the sight I saw when I woke up. Everybody was rushing around carrying heavy bags and fancy looking equipment to the cars outside.
“Jasper?” I called, I was anxious to know what was going on and I knew that he was the only one who would give me a straight answer. He was at my side before I could blink.
“What is it that you want Nessie?” he asked with a warm but not quite genuine smile.
“What is happening?” I whispered “I just woke up and I can’t see mum or dad...
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it hurts to live. life to me is a second death, only like being left to bleed on a pavement instead of a quick stab, then to be left in peace. death and life are much the same thing now. only death seems more peaceful, i already know, as i watch other people living there lives, there is nothing left for me. fun was like a greek word to me now. i didnt know what i ment. i thought about making the most of life before the pain killed me for sure. i couldnt remember HOW to have fun. what was the point of going to the beach? it wasn't going to bring my future back. it wouldnt make me feel any better....
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posted by PePs95
I haven't read any of the books yet, but i did watch all of the movies released until now. I want to say that the story of the Twilight series is simply great! The intense love, the romantic atmosphere...everything in it is very involving! while watching both movies, my mouth was dripping and my body completely still. It was as if my mind was the only part of my body that was active. I was totally into it! I will watch both movies again and i'll get totally inspired again. My feelings were totally mixed! I was engulfed by the magic of love!
posted by SuperFunFan1001
Yahoooo! So my story is really coming along. So you think you know what's gunna happen do you? Well I think I might surprise you!Ok so here! I really hope that I did good on the last chapter. Sorry if on this chapter some facts are wrong. I am not exactly an expert on the Volturi. Thanks for all of your comments!

Disclamer: Sigh....... I do not own Twilight or any of its characters. No matter how much I wish or beg I never will. :( Stephanie Meyer does...

bella POV

"Ok I'm ready." I said and started running in the direction that Alec and Jane had ran. I caught their scent and ran up to them. They...
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posted by methoslover12
once there was a girl and a guy. well the girl is like "if you think that then i'll go". well the guy kept saying things that weren't mean but nice.well she thinks that they aren't for her. so she trys to leave and he grabs her by the arm and pulls her in and they kiss a slow and sweet kiss. one that might make you heart race. but suddnly she runs for she thinks her heart is brokin. but he is right behind her and is ganing on her.then she stops and starts to cry. he asks whats wrong and she says "well I think I was just a girl who is a big fool that no one can love". then he says "you may think that your really smart and beautiful and well i love you". and thats all it toke to make her feel better because she knew she was loved and that they were to be together forever.
the end
posted by alybops
chapter three

"Now heavenly i don't know how nessie is gonna react to seeing you on my side." he warned me, i didn't care.
"is that what you call her?.... nessie? well maybe we could be friends."
"i doubt it. anyways, this house is filled with vamps. there is: bella, you've seen her. her husband, edward. there is alice, edward's sister and Jasper who is edward's brother. alice and Jasper are married too."
"eww! didn't you just say they were both edward's siblings?"
"uh.... no they are adopted."
"oh, ok sorry. keep goin'."
"ok umm.... Edward will be the prettiest of them all. Alice will be the...
continue reading...
posted by JandMsMommy
Those Girls That Drink...While They Write is a new blog that was just created today designed to receive and give Fic recommendations. Teasers, pics, and outtakes will be shown from the Administrators stories as well. Anyone can send us a recommendation and we will be glad to post it. We invite any authors to come by and interact and meet new people to exchange reviews with.

Disclaimer: We do not actually drink excessively while we write. But if the title gets your attention, then our work is done.:-)

We'd love for you to join!

LINK---> link
I was just wondering what the official name for people who crave vamps and werewolfs etc.
i ve heard of twihards and fanpires but are there at least any original classifications. If Im going to be a mega fan shouldnt i have a beter way of calling my self a super fan
I ve sort of came up with a few that i think have potential . .
1.twissessed(twilight, obssessed)
8.Edlover(Edward lover)
Which classificaton do you think makes at least the most sense?????!!!!!!
posted by w33bs99
The Cullen family
The Cullen family
It all started two nights ago. I just got done wathcing New Moon for the 2nd time. My dream started with Edward and Bella. They were in the forest and Edward turned Bella into a vampire. but not the way you think she he would. He did it but kissing her.

So her name was now(first)Bella (middle)Swan(last)Cullen. Rosalie was way nicer that in the real movie. She wanted to help Bella and Edward raise their baby, Rennesme(nickname)Nessie. Alice could also read minds. Jasper was the same. Emmet was out of town hunting for food.

The whole Cullen family moved to a bigger house to have more room....
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There was edwards familiy waiting for me at the dining table; probably of alice doing so. I looked at each of them absorbing there fetures, and everytime they smilied. Even rosalie which i though would hate me, so a nice surprise. It was alice who spoke first " I know that you know all of us already and our talents, and who we really are, I've seen your vision in my head. You are going to be changed,soon." Everyone looked like this was all done and practiced. Then Carlisle spoke " Sydney this is a life you want, isn' it?" I looked down and smilied " yes, i have always wanted this ever since...
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posted by IsabellaMCullen
Chapter four of Painful Memories.Longest chapter so far.Let me know how I did.
Luv ya so much for reading

xoxo bree xoxo


Jasper POV

I was sitting at the dining room table.Alice is dicussing details on thins from the vision she had of Rosalie that she just told us about.Carsile is calming down Esme, while discussing with Alice, Esme is now dry sobbing into his chest.I try to calm her with a few waves of calm I send her way.This was really taking effect on Esme.

I can now hear edward.His quiet footsteps are getting closer to the stairs.Bella is...
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When we first met
And I first looked in your eyes
I couldn't help myself
I was hypnotized

And then I found out
Your one big secret
I was in danger
But I wasn't scared a bit

So then you took me
To your special hideaway
So you could show me what you're like
In the light of day

My heart was racing
I was falling for you
My only question was
Do you feel this way too

Then one day
My blood was wanted
It hurt so bad
I thought I was dead

Then he saved me
And I got my answer
I does feel the same way
So now it's forever <3
[b]alright, this chapter is late, I know that! And thanks, AGAIN, to all the patient readers! This goes out to all ya'll! lolzb]

The doors burst open, and my eyes flinched as the sound of it made me jump a little. But I didn't lose my focus. I still held onto the shield on the inside, and I forced it onto the others. I could feel the thin film like screen push out and protect us all. There was more then one person here. We all could tell. And one of them had...
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